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SHORT iTEMS of INTEREST | to TIMES READERS. Weather forecast: Fair Thursday. The friends of Neil Bradford are U- pleased to again see him on the streets. I He has been ill of fever for about a ! month. J The highest price paid for cotton on . I the Fort Mill market yesterday was ' If 13.10 cents. Cotton seed, 45 cents per 11 ousnel. n Mr. John A. Kell, a well known farmer of the Harrison section of * r* Mecklenburg county, is seriously ill of I typhoid fever. Unexpected delays in the work on the new graded school building indicate that the building will not be ready for occupancy before October 15th. Holman Driggers and Miss Failie Veach, a youthful couple from Kanapolis, N. C., were married Friday evening by Magistrate J. W. McElhaney. Mrs. Hattie Jordan, of Wylie's Mill, Phester county, and Mrs. Mattie Black, of Rock Hill, were guests the past week at the homes of Messrs. Sam and Lee Armstrong in lower Fort Mill township. Mrs. C. H. Klueppelberg returned to Macon, Ga., Saturday, after a visit of several weeks to relatives in Fort Mill. Mrs. Klueppelberg was accompanied by Miss Nettie Bradford, who will spend game time in the Georgia city. I flHHHBfrgttii^^awell-to-do farmer I f ^H^BH8gKB^|gM^i^ii^ii at Foi Mill township Mr. Niven^WBbeen ill several month1 has gradually gTO^^m^HB|H^ his family and friends now fear^at he cannot survive much longer. Fort Mill lost a number of desirable residents last Wednesday in the rev moval of Mr. W. M. Summerville and family toShopton, Mecklenburg county, i where Mr. Summerville has farming A interests to which he will devote his p.- J. time in the future. For several years Mr. Summerville had been an officer of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church and the loss of his services to the church wui oe Keenly ieit. The third annual meeting of the Perpetual Building and Loan association was held in the office of the secretary, Dr. J. L. Spratt, a few days ago and the affairs of the association were shown to be in good condition. Twothirds of the stock was represented at the meeting and the old officers were reelected. About a score of homes are now being erected in Fort Mill by loans secured from the Perpetual and a number 0C.aVP|ifr(jM8C f?r ot'H*r loans are w*11'1' Rock Hill. \ was visitor to Fort Mill ' ^Tonda' 'afternoon. Senator Stewart is *ngag?- 'n work f?r the census departing it which will employ the greater part ( his time until the General Asserdfly meets in January. Senator Stewi^ does not think any radical changP W'H 1^ made in the York counhr??ul law at the next session of the l]gislature, though he is willing to co^rate with the York members of thij^ouse in passing any amendments whicr^'Hl promote the efficiency of the law. ? A Omber of Fort Mill people took advalafce of the cheap rates put on by the 5*ithern railway Tuesday morning to Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla., and are MW peuuuy a ween in rne "Liand of Ipwera." Among those who com()OKJ the party of excursionists were not! Mr. S. H. Eppe, Sr., and daughter, Mr^s- P Wilson; Edward Bailes and ^ijjjllosa Bailes, Mr. J. H. Sutton and hters, Misses Myrtle and Bessie: Ml Elizabeth Ormand, Wm. Griffin, \jrlB. M. Faris, Mrs. W. H. Jones, >jHnd Mrs. S. L. Meacham and Mr. , Well Water Uncontaminated. The water of the Fort Mill public > 11 has been pronounced free of conI nination by Dr. F. A. Coward, cteriologist of the State board of alth, and those who have been inconnienced by the closing of the well a anth ago are again at liberty to use e water. It will be recalled that a mple of water was sent to Dr. award for analysis several weeks ago. he report of Dr. Coward was that the Bter was contaminated with organisms t the colon group. The towp authori|es thereupon ordered that no more rater be used from the well. A second ample of the water was sent to Dr. toward Friday and after examining |t he sends the gratifying report that Ihp U/fltwr iu froo ~ ..?w? ia *? w v/i v-v/ii i-aiiiiuaiiuil. ^ J Fined for Stealing Potatoes. Mi W. D. Thrower lives in the upper jf mart of Fort Mill and near his home has m h sweet potato patch. The potatoes were put out for the use of Mr. Thrower's family, but Jim Johnson, negro, also likes sweet potatoes, so he visited Mr. Thrower's patch some nights ago and dug and dug until he had secured half a bushel. Then Jim ^ put the potatoes in a sack and carried them to his home. Mr. Thrower heard of Jim's actions and had a warrant sworn out for him before Magistrate \ McElhaney, charging the theft of the ^ potatoes. Jim pleaded guilty to the I chaige and paid $12.50 for his indiscrel | A Cori | We want to correct tt I merchandise IN THE STA a newer, more up-to-date, ^ what we say. This is our I season's stock to dress up 1 shelf-worn stuff. I | We will save you at lc I DAY and SATURDAY. Don't fail to be here and s coats, Underwear, Hats, C hurt your feet, bring them | Ladies and ] I Forty pieces of new Wool G Serge, Mohair, Panama, Che and all the new patterns. ] strong this season. We have in black, navy, garnet, green, herd plaids, etc. Prices are 5 I for these goods. Our prices a Another line in Danish Clotl Plaids, etc., at 25c the yard. (patterns. New lot Dress Ginghams fo Big line of Kimono Goods, Shirtings, Drapery, Table Lii and so on. Ladies' and children's Coat I Scarfs, Underwear, etc. Shoes to fit every foot. I ? | We are alwa I MILLS mammmKmmmmtmmmmm TAX NOTICE?1 91 O. Office of the County Treasurer ] of York County. Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 15, 1910. Notice is hereby given that the tax books for York county will be opened on Saturday, the 15th day of October, 1910, and remain open until the 31st day of December, 1910, for the collection of State, county, school and local taxes for the fiscal year 1910, without penalty, after which day one per cent, penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of January. 1911, and two per cent, penalty for all payments made in the month of February, ? 1911, and seven per cent, penalty will be added on all payments mad' from the 1st day of March to the 15th day of March, 1911, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid single polls will be turned over to the several magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers, 1 will QttonH Qt thai fnllnurinnr nloouo I the day9 named: At Yorkville, Saturday, October 15, , to Wednesday, October 19. 1 At Smyrna, Thursday, October 20. At Hickory Grove, Friday and Saturday, October 21 and 22. At Sharon, Monday, October 24. At McConnelisville, Tuesday, Octo- 1 ber 25. J At Tirzah, Wednesday, October 26. At Clover, Thursday and Friday, October 27 and 28. i At Yorkville from Saturday, October 29, to Tuesday. November 1. At Coates's Tavern, from 12 o'clock, Wednesday, November 2, until 12 m., 1 Thursday, November 3. J At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturday, November 4 and 5. At Rock Hill from Monday, November 7, to Saturday, November 12. ^ And at Yorkville from Monday. November 14, until the 31st dav of December, 1910, after which day the penalties will attach as stated above. . HARRY E. NEIL, 1 Treas. of York County. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS ! (The Old Reliable) YORKVILLE, S. C. < ELECTRIC POWER PNEUMATIC TOOLS ^ EXPERT WORKMEN REASONABLE PRICES < It will pay you to see us before buying. YORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS, JOHN E. CARROLL, Pres. and Treas. A - M M rection le statements of hundreds of c TE. There are larger stores i or higher class stock of mercl first fall season to sell Dry Gc and call new. Just think aboi Thre ;ast 10 per cent, on any day y These three days everything ee the new Dress Goods, Ladi aps, etc. If you buy your She here. We have shoe stretch* Misses. oods in Broadcloth, In the 1 viots. Voile, Solids, and high Diagonals are very can boas all the above goods newest si brown, gray, shep- by expert 0c to $1.00 per yard Anothe ire less. Boys' ? h, Poplin, Half-wool years, at All new colors and Youths at $3.50 t r school dresses, 10c. Three 1 Flannels, Outings, boys', 25< nen, Curtain Goods, Big lin< Sweaters Sweaters, Kimonos, Shoes f Our shoe; our shoe ys glad to see you. & YOUI Bring Your COTTOli For several weeks ing of the cotton sea public that we wou market price for C have made good this will continue to ma the entire season. 1 Mill and contiguou; entitled to the limit their seed. They wi are brought to McElhaney 1 JUST ACROSS 1 I of Fa!s? >ur customers and friends whc Bind as good goods in some citi landise than we have. Remei ods, Clothing and Furnishings, it it, we are offering the new < WT> M :e Dig U ou come, but we are going to 1 in the store will be cut, or we ies' Furnishings, Coat Sweateri >es here they will fit and feel f ;rs and will relieve your troubl Men and Boys. Harris Silverman & Son line of n priced Clothing we have someth t of being the best in town. , hades?gray, brown, blue and bla< s. Every suit guaranteed. $13 tc r line of good values, $5 to $12. luits, all new and snappy, sizes < $1.35 to $6.50 the suit. ' Suits, great values, sizes 15 to 2C o $10. lundred pairs Odd Pants, men's, $ : to $1.50. 2 of Shirts, Neckwear, Underwea , etc. or every man and boy in this j 3 give perfect satisfaction, and thai tradp is pvpr inprpacinw W ...W Make our store you: >IG COIV wmmmmmmmmmmmam ] I SEED Here. 5 m .1 pnor to tne openLson we advised the Id pay the highest Cotton Seed. We > promise so far and < Lke it good during The farmers of Fort s communities are of the market for i I ill get it if the seed 3c Company THE STREET. i J ram^mnm T7 e Statements. I say that we have the BIGGEST and BEST stock of S es of the State, but there is not to be found anywhere nber that when we say NEW GOODS we mean just I , proper, and therefore we have no carried-over, last ? c? 1? ? meg iui less man some merchants ask for the old, I ays. J take off another 10 per cent, for THURSDAY, FR1- | will give a dime back for every dollar you spend. A i, Ribbons, Hosiery, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Overjood. But if you do get them elsewhere and they le gratis. For Everybody. I nedium Notions and special offerings. We have a full A ling we line of the little things included in an up-to-date I A.11 the Notion Department. || ck, cut One pound can Air Float Talcum Powder 21c I i $25. Ten cent 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8c I Five cent 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4c Q I to 17 Good Toilet Soap __ 4c A Yard Wide Sheeting i 5c years, Canton Flannel 5c Ginghams 5c A II to $5; Good 10c Outing __ 8c I Ten cent Flannelette 8c I r, Sox, Big assortment of Towels 5c to 50c I Absorbknit Wash Rags 5c I section. And many other things to show you. Q t's why You are cordially invited to visit our store and A see the new goods we have just opened up. r headquarters when "up town." IP ANY, FORZ c,,LL: | tH5a5aSH55H5HH5H5H5a5H5ESeE5H5H5g5H5g5H5a5B5H5H5H5lE] ? ??? ?i i ?? i ^ 8 COME AND SEE ME 1 a S jjl Before you buy your Furniture or Sewing Machines. I g [} will sell you for either CASH or CREDIT. Q U I have also put in a fine line of Cutlery which I will [ B sell very cheap. j re The very best 5-string Broom for 45c. j) [n A lot of light Underwear for ladies and gents at 18c. C jj Swecl-Orr Overalls at 90c. B Q Have a lot of Odd Pants at prices the cheapest ever jj 0 known here. n B I wish to discontinue my Dry Goods department and of- JJ S fer the public some rich bargains in this line. [} n Come in nnd lt?t m^? fit W?v?r _ ?_ -ww ...v ?iv juui uuj in (i nice ouu. win in nj sell it so cheap that you will buy two suits for him. uj I G. B. MAGILL. 1 lS5H5E5a55HgB5B5H5H5H5H5HSiL5B5H5BS5E5HH5gSa5EgEga5lB | mmmmmmm o mmmmmmmmmm mmmammmmmmo THE WISE MAN j LOOKS FORWARD He sees at a glance by commencing now and 1 each week depositing a part of his earnings m A SAVINGS BAMH I 1 that it will be but a lew years when he will j reap his reward by having at -i r command a pile of money. This bank wants your account and the years before you will verify the tale. Start an account if with only one dollar. The Pineville Loan and Savings Bank, QEO. W. BUNCH, Cashier PINEVILLE, - - - Itf. C. I