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4 The Fort Mill Times. DEMOCRATIC. Published Thursday Mom intra. B. A W. R. Bradford Publishers W. R. Bradford Editor B. W. Bradford Manager The Times invites contributions on live subject*, but doe* not ngrw to publish more than 200 word* on any subject. The right is reserved to edit ' every communication submitted for publication, i On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. Subscription Ratks: One Year SI.25 81* Month* 65 FORT MILL. S. C.. SEPTEMBER 29. 1910. j Welshing "The Times." . Editor Fort Mill Times: In many respects you get out a good paper; in other respects it is exceedingly distasteful to me. For instance, your attitude toward the health conditions of the town is not what the people who support your paper have a right to expect.- You have stated that the public well water is con tarn i- ' nated and unfit for use. The public wall water in Fort Mill has been used for years and I have never known any- ; one to "die from drinking it. What we need in this town is a paper that will pay 1p3b attention to such small matters. "Booster." ' Fort Mill/ Sept. 26. Sensible people who read the foregoing will wonder why, in the face of the State law to the contrary, the authorities allow "Booster" to run at large and, like Nebuchadnezzar, to browse without a brtdle. He could very conveniently and becomingly ac- I commodate a ring in his nose and should be tied to a stake in a shady place where the nibbling is Bhort. But, seriously, "Booster," "like the "Poor Relation" of whom Charles Lamb tells in "The Essays of Elia," "insults "s with a commendation" of The Times, after borrowing or begging it of his neighbors for years. He contributes nothing to the support of the paper and his compliment is, therefore, perverse. The attitude of The Times relative to the unsatisfatory health conditions in Fort Mill can be stated in a few words. Some weeks ago the paper directed attention to unsanitary outhouses and other filth, which should have been cleaned up. What is the duty of a newspaper toward the community in which it is published? Is it to gloss over the community's shortcomings by lying or evasion or to tell the truth in the hope of rousing public conscience to a realization of conditions which chould be improved? The answer depends upon the character and intelligence of the reader. The public well water! A sample of the water was sent to the State bacteriologist. He'arialyzed the water and his analysis showed the presence of human and animal excrement. The Times published the facts as a news item, without comment. Since then the water from the well has been drawn off and the town's embryo bacteriologists, anticipating the second report of the State bacteriologist, pronounced it pure. Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas. Governor Bleiie'i Floor Leader. I f vVt. ctnn, ?.,? f 1~??1 LI. ai biic oia/i j ocut UU t l I UIIl V^UIUIIIUIU. that George R. Rembert, Richland county member of the General Assembly, is to be the leader of the Blease administration forces on the floor of the house of representatives is true, the prohibitionists and others who may be expected to oppose most of the measures which Governor Blease will advocate probably are congratulating themselves over the prospect of smooth sailing. Mr. Rembert is a new member of the legislature, and is therefore handicapped by the lack of experience. If he is a strong debater or is otherwise endowed with any of the attributes of successful leadership, the fact is not generally known. An administration floor leader in the General Assembly is an innovation in South Carolina politics, but no reasonable objection can be urged against the governor who goes into office determined to do something for the people selecting a member of 1- iL ? _ ... in*- uouy to pusn tne measures in which the governor is interested, though it would seem that the member thus honored should be a legislator of experience and marked ability. The Drift Cityward. The drift to the city from the country, which so many deplore, is no new thing. It has always been so, for history shows that the great cities of old as well as those of modern days were not built 1 up by the natural increase of their own 1 population, but by constant accretion from the country. In fact the city is an immense maelstrom remorselessly sucking in the brain and brawn of the country. That, on the whole, it is a misfortune few will question. For every one person who goes from the country to the city and benefits by the change there are probably a dozen who do not benefit, for with most of them the change means a deterioration, physically, financially ? and morally. But this fact does not | check the migration, for it is not the i failure of the dozen that is considered but the success of the one. i ne man wno can solve tne proDiem of how to keep young: men and women on the farm and in the small town will prove one of the greatest benefactors of all time. Many plans have been proposed and country life has more advantages than in former days, yet the drift continues. PerhapB nothing but the force of economic circumstances will cause a turn in the tide. The story going the rounds that a new morning daily newspaper is about to be established in Columbia can be taken with a grain of allowance. It takes money, and a great deal of it, to put a morning paper on its feet in a ! field already occupied by a good paper, and unless the promoters of the new daily for Columbia are fortified with thousands which they may reasonably expect to lose in the venture they are apt to learn too late that the day is past when daily newspapers can be put I upon a self-sustaining basis at a nominal cost. In the extreme South there is only one city which supports two morning papers, though there are scores of cities which are the burying ground of morning newspaper undertakings which gave greater promise of success than can be hoped for in Columbia. The Fort Mill Times seems to think that the race for supervisor hincred on the "contract system." ?Yorkville I Enquirer. The opinions of The Times are to be found in its editorial columns. The article which was printed in this paper last week relative to the race for county supervisor appeared in the news columns. WINTHROP COLLEGE. Charlotte Otiaerver. Possibly no community in our neigh- j boring State is just now the focus of the thoughts of so large a number of South Carolinians as is Hock Hill. From hundreds of homes boys have gone to Clemson and the Citadel, to the university and the other colleges, but we have no hesitation in saying that i the 700 young Jadies who gathered in Winthrop college Wednesday morning for the opening exercises of the new i session will be more deeply missed by their home foiks than the combined student bodies of the male institutions. For the next nine months Hock Hill and Winthrop will be the object and centre of most cherished hopes and most fervent prayers. Not to the lot of every educator ; does such opportunity for useful service fall as has come to Presid?*nt F> B. Johnson. No less than 1,320 applications for admission during the ! session of 1910-1911 were received ! during the last summer, and from j ! this it is evident that considerations of effective work and physical limitations of room are the weightiest i reasons for the student body's not ; | being double its present size. An im! pressive illustration of how the administration of the institution affects , the students may be seen from the fact that out of a possible 550 old 1 students who might have returned 523 applied for readmission. Winthrop college is not as old as years ' are counted, but it has already made I its influence felt. Its prosperity is a 1 matter of intense satisfaction, not to South Carolina alone but to the peoI pie of the contiguous States as well, for such an influence spreads far beyond State lines. Tog Tax Due. Notice is hereby given that the dog tax for the year 1910 is now due and ! payable to the town treasurer. Owners of dogs are expected to settle this tax I immediately and without further notice. L. SPKATT, l own Treasurer Fort Mill, S. C., Sept. 27. Dr. Moore, PAIKLESS TOOTH EXTRACTOR, Will be in town for a short stay, extracting teeth by his PAINLESS method. No gas, ether, chloroform or cocaine used. Have those old snags and roots taken out, and save your health. Teeth examined free. Give me a call. Fort Mill Ottice, Bank Building. When Your Newspaper, or Magazine Subscription Expires We can give you just as good rates as you can get anywhere. We will duplicate any bona fide offer and save you the trouble and danger of transmitting the money. All this business must be cash. Cosmopolitan with Success, Harper's Bazaar or Delineator. $1.40. Cosmopolitan with Woman's Home Companion, McCiure's, Everybody's, Hampton's, Metropolitan or World Today, $1.70. Cosmopolitan with Good Housekeeping or American, $1.75. The above sample offers are especially good and expire Ocber 25th. ARDREY'S DRUG STORE. OUR FALL WILL TAK Thursday, You are cordially invited Miss Prank will certain newest things from Ne\ She eopied French pattei for a Baltimore house, s know the season's styles. Meacharr "Haile's on the Corner" Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, i Cigars, Candies, Garden Seeds, Drugs and Medicines. "Make our store Your store." Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Mgr. STATEMENT Of the condition of the Saving* Bank of Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at the clo*e of business Sept. 22, 1910. RESOURCES. Ixjuns and Discounts .... .... $6X,til4.96 Overdrafts Btt.00 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Rank 7,<KK1.00 Furniture and Fixtures 1.216.50 Due from banks and bankers 3.788.12 Currency 3,6(10.00 Silver and other minor coin 863.41 Total .. ... $85,378.99 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock t>aid in t20.000.IX) Surplus Fund . 8,000.00 Undivided Profits. less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 888.92 Individual Deposits subject to check .10,373.90 Cashier's Checks ... 116.17 Bills papable. including Certificates for money borrowed 6,000,(x) Total $85,378.99 STATE ok SOUTH CAROLINA. < County ok York. > 8s* Before me came W. B. Meacham, Cashier of the above named bank. who. being duly sworn, says that the alxiveand foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of KUIU INlflKi W. B. MEACHAM. Sworn to and nubwriM Iwfore me. thin 26th day of September. 1910. JOHN W. McELHANY. Notary Public. Correct?Attent J. L. 8PRATT. ) J. H McMllRRAY, > Directors. S. L. MEACHAM * Road Contract to Let. Under the road law for York county, the contract will be let to the lowest responsible bidder for keeping the Lancaster road from the incorporate limits of the town of Fort Mill to Dobey's bridge, about six miles, in repair during the year 1911. All bids should be submitted to C. P. BLANKF.NSHIP, Fort Mill Township Supervisor, Fort Mill, S. C. September 13. 1910. ARE YO I A i J A , OPENING E PLACE Sept. 29. to attend, ily show you the very v York and Baltimore, rn hats for two weeks o she certainly should i & Epps. +OSCK<OiOHO>C* ??+ ? BEACH-IHRIE'S 0 0 g 5 Attention, Ladies! g 0 0 * We want to call your attention ** g to our swell new line of the latest g 1 in design of M g Long Hat Pins g ft Just what you want for that ft 5 large hat. We have them in solid 2 B gold for $2.00 up; highest grade f ft gold filled, beauties, at 65c, 75c, ft | $1.00, $1.25 up to $4.00; sterling w B silver at 25c, 35c, 50c, $1.00 to B 5 $20?- 9 8 Mail orders attended the same w day received. X I Beach-lhrie Jewelry Co., ? B Reliable Jeweler*, f g Rock Hill, - - - S. C. g tOOOOOOOlOHUNBACK & ELAM, (rurULAK JtVVKLKKS) CHARLOTTE, N. C. West Trade St., Neat Z\ uare. "The Little Store with the Big Stock/' We are getting in tremendous stocks of the most select lines of Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Cut Glass and Holiday Goods. Our stock has the variety that you want when you select a Wedding or Holiday Gift. Come to see us and we will always give you the best goods for the least money. Teachers* Examination. Notice is hereby given that the regular Fall Examination for Teachers' Certificates to teach in the public schools of York county will be held in the court house at Yorkville on Friday, October 7. Examination will open at 9 a. m. and close at 4 p. m. T. E. McMACKIN, Supt. of Education. TVP^U/DlTlMf A * TL-. TV - * i i i liiT ivi i iiiii ah. intr i lint*s oifice typewrini? for the public is done accuiately and neatly at reasonable prices. ^^aJ0sStSrt)y AUTMOdlTV ITVLCS U AN INSUF Have you begun to rebel against She and irritate your feet because they do not THEN BUY RALSTO Ralstons are made on foot-moulded li tight, do not pinch or bind and they hold tl Every pair is guaranteed to give satisfacti vinced. IRVING DREW For ladies in lots of snappy styles?th dressers wear. Take a peep in our windo> CHILDREN'S SI Don't forget that we buy all our ladies as our children's shoes, direct from the ma what this means?? saving in price. E. W. Kimbrell | Have Yon 1 | Ponce De Le? 2 If not, we call your atte i 2 you wisely in tryinj ^ After its use, we feel safe in ^ always call for "Ponce Dc |R brand we carry a full line ol ^ of Syrups. Call in this week and le g our Syrup. Ijones, 1 ^ No Ice sold Sundays aft THE IM 0 M There are certain names in tl instantly recognized. Krupp s * for cars, Huyler's for candy, St Q same way, although of course t Q ritory, Stewart & Culp stands f | Good Thing 0 This is a connection that has W quality, the quality of our goo< Q service. This is a satisfying st< ft ards and fair prices, and, abov 9 clean goods and clean methods. If you are not a customer of < W one. Come in and see us; let's 0 Stewart & Cul 0 ! [j=][ II IEEEE3I II SMOKE i | If so, perhaps your old c "strong." Then let us su| one. We have them by t will experience no trouble the pipe you want. Or if your supply of Tol ning low, we invite you to consists of all the well = fresh. We are Fort N smokers' supplies. i PARKS D1 I EVERYTHING i [P=if===3i i r=i i = Phone 112 for . / IGENT? 1^1 >es which continually pinch I J properly fit? I III they're snup hut not ^ heir shape until worn out. yP on. Try them and be cone the J \ i0?S< III H *' and mi'n's shoes, as well ||| inufacturer, and you know j H Company. 1 | \ Used on Syrup? | jntion to the fact that & I one can of this syrup. ^ I i saying that you will ^ W > Leon." Besides this ? ^ f other popular brands jR t us sell you a can of W "he Grocer. ? 1 er 9 o'clock a. m. OlOiOHOIIOHOHOIO. IAME hm le business world that are v ff | ;tands for steel, Pullman * ;etson for hats, and in the * o a far more restricted ter- Q or ?1 ? H ;s to Eat. ? 0 been established solely by w j is and the quality of our ore, a store of high stand- Q e all, a clean store with ft ours we want to make fou I get acquainted. 1 Telephone Pj Number 15. * oioooooock! =}F=1t= )[^E=Jb=| \ PIPE? i >ne has become a bit i pply you with a new be barrelful and you ; in finding here just^ r >acco or Cigars is runinspect our stock. It known brands and is lill headquarters for it MJG CO., I IN DRUGS. Job Printing. .. > ' i? W Li -