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SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. 1 Sunday morning Mr. T. P. J Morrow was taken from his home in Pineville to a Charlotte hos- ; pital, where he is ill of malarial fever. Mr. Eli Parks and family, of Greensboro, N. C., have been on . a visit to friends and relatives in this section for the last ten , ? t days. % Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Bar- 1 ber returned to their home in i Lancaster county Saturday morning, after a visit of two weeks j in Chase City, Va. Cotton-picking was begun on many farms in Fort Mill township Monday morning and it is thought that a number of bales will be marketed here the latter part of the week. Mr. Elmore Crook left his home in Fort Mill township a few days ago for Little Rock, Dillon county, where he is to have charge of the school during the fall and winter session. Miss Louise Dye has resigned the principalship of Riverside school, in Fort Mill township, and left Saturday afternoon for Bascomville, Chester county, where she assumed the duties of a like position Monday morning. Prof. J. A. Boyd left Monday morning for Liberty Hill, where he will be engaged during the 1910-'ll session of the public school as principal. Liberty Hill is the home of John J. Richards, recent candidate for governor, and is a prosperous little town in the best section of Kershaw county. Among those who attended the North Carolina Confederate veterans' reunion in Norfolk, Va., last week were Messrs. Z. T. Bailes and W. H. Windle, of Fort Mill township. The reunion was a decided success in every respect and both of these well known citizens greatly enjoyed the pleasures of the occasion. On the Carolina league grounds in Charlotte Thursday afternoon, the Fort Mill ball team was beaten by Seversville by the score of 7 to 6. Until the ninth inning the Fort Mill boys apparDnflir Iim/1 fli n rromo \tro1 1 111 vutij i1cava tiiv ^aiuv vn ?>* but a wild throw of the thirdbaseman let in three runs for the North Carolinians which spelled defeat for Fort Mill. The same teams are playing in Charlotte again today and Fort Mill is confident of winning. Fort Miil will be represented in the various State and* denominational colleges of this section by a score or more boys and girls during the sessions which are about to open. Clemson college seems to be the favorite male institution with the parents of the bo>s who are sent away from Fort Mill to secure an | education, while Winthrop col- J lege draws a larger number of | girl students from this section | than any other female college. The Fort Mill township road force, under the direction of Supervisor C. P. Blankenship, has done considerable work during the last fortnight on the Lancaster road between Fort Mill and Dobey's bridge and the road is said to be in better condition than for years. But in deference to the wishes of a number of citizens living in the lower part of the township who think that the road could be more advantageously maintained by contract than by the township force, Supervisor Blanken ship is inviting bids for the work during the year 1911. Fort Mill's First Bale. The first bale of the 1910 cotton crop sold on the Fort Mill market was brought to town Saturday morning by J. W. Kerr from his farm in the Harrison neighborhood, a short distance across the line in Mecklenburg county. The cotton was bought by Kimbrell & Co. at 131-4 cents and the bale weighed 585 pounds. THF IN JEWE STO! . Vacancies at Soldiers' Home. Editor Fort Mill Times: The State of South Carolina has provided a most comfortable home for Confederate veterans who have no home of their own. It is beautifully located, it is well kept, its rules are easy, and the inmates have perfect freedom to :ome and go as they please. They forfeit no rights as citizens and no pensions as soldiers. Food, clothes and shelter are given; medical attention and nursing for the sick of the very best. If you have a man who needs this home, let the chairman know, and he will send you a blank form to fill up which is very simple. Write soon before the vacancies are filled. David Cardwell, Chairman. Columbia, Sept. 14. ? BEACH-IHRIE'S 0 8 . fi 9 Attention, Ladies! g ^ We want to call your attention ^ 9 to our swell now line of the latest Q j ft in design of JK 9 Long Hal Pins 9 W .lust what you want for that ft v large hat. We have them in solid w Q gold for up; highest grade 3 fi gold filled, beauties, at 05c, 75c, ft g $1.00, $1.25 up to $1.<K); sterling o, 3 silver at 25c. 35c, 50c, $1.00 to jjj' g $2.00. ft BMail orders attended the same w day received. Q ? Beach-lhrie Jewelry Co., f B Reliable Jeweler*, 0 jj Rock Hill, - - - S. C. g +tonononononononot4> "Haile's on the Corner" Ice Cream, finlri flrinUc uuiu uimrvof Cigars, Candies, Garden Seeds, Drugs and Medicines. "Make our store Your store." Fort Mill Drug Comp y J, R. HAILE, Mgr. BOX STATIONERY, POUND PAPER, TABLETS. Our sales justify us in buying large quantities and we give you the best values in quality and mmntitv r>r?mhinf>rt nnrl flrvn't quantity with "make believe" quality fool you. We have both kinds?the real and the "make believe," the good and "just as good"?and ours is the latesl styles and this goes a long way, and our prices we know to be the best, quality considered ir every case. Look at about 50 boxes of the 50 cent drummers' samples thai we are offering at 35 cents. ARDREY'S DRUG STORE, A "Special Notice" in The Time will bring results. Phone 112. JLW sto I sor L.RY RE |R 9 Clear th< Action, Bo] We must have ac fight to the finish. E this fall?'twill be a ba war between pri< prices are low enough the army of buyers of at the prices you usue that is "almost as gooc We are daily receiv new 1910 fall line c Clothing in all the mo: and styles, Hats, Sh Underwear, Shirts, Cc thing from head to foe to join the army wh We will appreciate ] sure that you will find ing with the class of g School opens soon clothes for the boys? _____ McElhaney i JUST ACROSS T Meacham Fall Styles in Of the celebrated No Name brar We have it in all the new shapes a Shoes, I In this department all things ar children. A complete line of scho our Menz-Ease and American boy wear a man or boy all winter. Oi seven times. Millir It is with pleasure we announce ' charge of this department. She ii our Fall Opening which will be an Baltimore and New York for the knowing what is what. Meacharr Marble and Granite i Monuments. A large stock at prices from ? $5.00 up. . Call and see the line at . our storeroom, Boulevard and Palmer streets. Phone 1618. Write and let us call and { show designs. . Queen City Marble & Granite Works, J Charlotte, NT. C. | s Take Dilworth street cars to reach our plant. we wish to announce 1 ck of Jewelry and hav< ne selection of Diamor We have one of the be >air work. uff Jewelry E. RUFF, President t M.: ,* 3 Deck? j C ps, Action! | T^ . G tion?this will be a E verything must sell [j ttle royal. | zes and stocks, and E l to make you join [ : good merchandise j illy pay for the kind [ r [ ing a spick and span [ >f Men s and Boys* Q 3t desirable weaves ? oes, Odd Trousers, 8 liars; in fact, every- * )t, and we want you jj iich trades with us. j! y^our trade and are j our prices in keep- { pods we sell. f ?what about some ? 1 i i Company j rHE STREET. j & Epps. I j Men's Hats 1 id, the best hat made for $3.00. nd colors. See our west window. i Shoes. e ready for men. women and ol shoes. You must see us about shoes, the only shoes that will ie boy customer had a pair soled lery. that Miss Frank will again have 3 hard at work getting ready for nounced later. She has been in i past two months and comes i & Epps. :o the people of Tort 11 1 . C 1 5 aaaed to it a tine lot ids. ;st watchmakers in th( r Company, " Our aim is to ] A. F. RUFF, Vice P 9 ][a5aSB5Z55B5HH5E5a5a5g5a5^E5a5i!i ENAMELED v? J 3 I have just received a nice | best make of Enameled Ware v ] at the following reduced prices: J 2-quart Coffee Pots 250 Tin I)is1 3-quart " " 30c 3-qUart : Wash Basins ... 10c p J 3-qt. covered Sauce Pans 20c 10-quart Pails 85c Dipper u | Some Other B J [J Monarch Lanterns 40c Mens' 1 | Good Leather Half-soles 10c Nice G l Shoe Nails, paper ... 3c . n Chair Bottoms 9c Bureau q Good Hammers 9c Sofa 1 U Boys' Suits $2.25 up Nice VN n Come to me for bargains in a 1 C. B. MA | There's No i ? f Flour on the market today ! We have handled this brand ol f ing our business and it has give ! Every sack guaranteed, t | Wesson Cooh i | We have advertised this ] }| weeks, but have you tried it? } and tasteless and far superi j| cheaper. Phone us for one of Premium F 3 _____ 3 3 Stewart & Culp, "Rock Hill" vi^xy ^ If you want the best bu buy a "Rock II ill" and v< %' % Farm Was One- two-horse in sizes and of t he l < >\ rral sucli as Studebaker, Oai Thornhill. See us if you Fort Mill Mul Mill that we have bouyr : of Jewelry and Cut Gla ? business pmrl wi II , , - - Rock H please." resident C. E. T WARE. I assortment of the Cj rhich I am offering }Q a a ?h Pans 10c and 15c g Pudding I'ans 15c jj n? 5c U] s 10c U s argains. p Odd Pants 98c up 3 entre Pieces ISc ru i Scarfs 18c n) 'Plows 48c jfl fhite Hed Quilts. 98c to $2 IJ n nything. jj GILL, i m 55S5H5HE5ZSE5HSa5Z51ID OOOOCXOlOiCXK Better \ than "MELROSE." j} r Flour since open- 0 n entire satisfaction. Q 5 :ing Oil. 9 1 1 C 1 ft prvuuci ror several ty It is absolutely pure ? or to lard, though ? fi lams. ; fl Telephone Number 15. jj { ?Z? (Ol CK Buggies. ilgy <m t ho market >u will have it. gons. all of the different Les manufactured,, r\er, Xisson and need a \va?oin e Comp'y ii !. Bhimberg's WW W* A ? ** 1 aUIIU" *lad to do your [ill, s. c. UCKER, Secretary m