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NEW FLINT HILL CHURCH TO BE DEDICATED SUNDAY (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1.) every good cause. Rev. J. M. Croxton then served as supply for a short while and was followed bv Rev. W. C. Owens, who served the church in 1864-1865. It was in I860 that Rev. A. L. Stough came to the church for his first pastorate, which lasted until 1876. It was during the time just succeeding the war. when everything was confusion, K.,f M.. C< /mi/vU 'n ..1. ? uut ivii. v. i?i i\ \\ nm- | structive and laid the foundation for much of the later prosperity of the church. Rev. .J. M. Croxton again supplied the church for several months in 187(1 and* was in OctoI ; v ' Si ' > * Hrv. P. O. S. Curtis. her of that year succeeded by Rev. B. G. Covington, who remained \\ ith the church until 1882. It was during his pastorate that the church enjoyed the most fruitful revival it has had in all its history, 1(K) being received into the church by baptism. Under the impetus of this revival the church required the full time of the pastor and paid for a while the largest sal ary which it has over paid, $1,000 per annum. Rev. Milton Garrison again came to the supply and served the church 1882-1883, when Rev. L. C. llinton came to the pastorate and served 1881-1885.; This pastorate seems to have I been one of spiritual activity' and material progress. Several i prayer meetings were organized and maintained for the young 1 people. Rev. .J. K.. Fant came to the church as pastor in 1885 and remained until 1888. He was a most faithful pastor and lovable man and served the church with great acceptability. In July 1889, he was succeeded by Rev. F. O. S. Curtis, who remained with the church until August, 1894. It was during Mr. Curtis' pastorate that the church celebrated with suitable exercises its 100th anniversary, in 1892. This pastorate of four years was a time of financial and spiritual development. Seventy one were added to the church by baptism and a home for the pastor was purchased in Pineville. Of the pastors so far named, Mr. Curtis is the only one who survives. He is pastor at Walterboro and enjoys the honor of being chaplain general of the South Carolina division of the United Confederate Veterans. Rev. C. T. Scaife came to the the church in July. 1894, only to remain with it until January following. In his short pastorate he won the confidence and esteem of the people in a marked way and it was with much regret that they accepted his I resignation. Rev. S. M. Hughes served the church for a few months during the latter part of 1894. but was forced to resign because of feeble health. He died soon after, loved and cherished by the people whom he had served. In 1895, the church again sought the services of Rev. A. L. Stough. He served with great acceptability and efficiency until 1902, enjoying the unstinted love and the confidence of the people. During his pastorate the church sent out another arm which has developed into Oak Grove church. Rev. Mr. Stough, because of the infirmities of age, retired from the pastorate, having served the church faithfully for 18 years, carrying with him the love and the veneration of all the people. When the end came last December, his body was laid to rest in the cemetery of the church, along with the bodies of Rooker and Nicholson. A movement is on foot on the part of the congregation, as a mark of esteem, to erect a suitable monument over his yut f gK grave, which will tell e coming * generations of his noble life and 1 faithful service. July. 1903, Rev. M. W. Gordon came to the field, and served the church with great efficiency until March, 1905. The church made spiritual and material progress. A most excellent financial system was introduced which has enabled the church to contribute more largely and systematically. It was during Mr. Gordon's pastorate that the movement was started which developed into the new building. To him is due in large measure the | undertaking of the task to erect the splendid new house of worship. The first committee to secure plans was appointed in November, 1903. In February, 1904, plans were adopted which j on further investigation were frv ooll -Pr\%* lnw/v/v ?*-? * 1UUUU IU v.ail 1U1 IW laigc an . outlay of funds. In April, 1904, the plans of the present building were adopted, (, and in August of that year timber was cut and sawed on the church grounds and subscriptions ' aggregating about $5,000, to be ( paid in five annual installments, ( were taken. It was thought \ then to press the work to im- ] mediate completion, but obsta- ' cles were met with which made it impossible to do so. The ! pastor being offered an inviting 1 j field elsewhere resigned the charge, greatly to the regret of the church. During this pastorate, the parsonage in Pineville ( was sold and the funds invested (, in a home at Fort Mill. The pastor has since lived at this place. Mr. Gordon was followed in April, 1905, by Rev. J. D. 3 Huggins, who remained with the church only until the close of the year. During Mr. Huggins' pastorate little progress was made in securing the building, beyond the payment of ' pledges by a few of the more \ faithful members. A division ' of opinion had developed, some [ of the members greatly desiring * that the plans which had been , adopted should be carried out; but the many doubting the wis- \ dom of undertaking so great a task, notwithstanding the fact . that on different occasions at; majority of the church had voted for the more costly structure as ! opposed to a cheaper building, which some of the members ' actively advocated. This was the condition of : affairs when Rev. Edward S. ! Reaves came to the pastorate on .January 1, 1906. To his prudent ! leadership, the success of the enterprise is undoubtedly due. , The first brick were placed on the grounds in August, 1906, and a year later the church, after a full and frank investigation of all the conditions, finally and i fully committed itself to the 1 enterprise and decided to begin 1 work on the building in earnest, i September 25, 1907, ground was 1 broken and on November 7 the S cornerstone was laid with proper $ ceremonies. All through the panic, with a courage which . trembled at the thought of what the consequences might be, the work was pressed forward to J completion and the building was first occupied on May 24, 1908. In this connection the names of the building committee should , be given. James F. Boyd was the efficient and faithful chairman, to whom much credit is due, for without his services the j building could not have been erected. He was nobly sup- i ported by B. M. Faris, V. B. Blankenship and W. M. Gar- i rison. To have built such a house of worship with a member- ' ship of less than 200, most of whom are poor and none of * whom are rich, is a notnhlp . achievement. What was undertaken with difference of opinion i was finished with a united congregation. 2 The building, costing upwards of $7,000 of money paid out, but I worth perhaps not less than $12,- . 000 as buildings are usually put up by contract, is now complete and paid for in full. It is gothic { in architecture, with provision for seven class rooms, five of < which may be thrown open to the main auditorium. The auditori- 1 um is 45 by 40 feet and by the use ] of chairs will seat 600. The building is massive in structure, < of red brick, with a metal roof. ^ Standing as it does on an elevated site, with its two towers t rising heavenward, it presents an imposing appearance. The build- 1 ing would do credit to ary town , and is the expression of the love and reverence of a grateful peo- 1 pie, who believe that God is wor- , thy of their best. During the pastorate of Mr. ^ Reaves the Sunday school also ] took on new life and many ad1 vanced and up-to-date methods of j work were introduced, including i course in teacher training:. Mr. Reaves' pastorate was also a time )f numerical grrowth, 91 being: idded to the church by baptism luring the four years. The church ilso advanced in its gifts to all benevolent purposes. To the regret of the congregation, Mr. Reaves' pastorate came to a close n October, lad accept?d the pas- ! ;f orate of Unnpn PntV-i ? n t pastor jjjffl h o ; Jn to the j n ; [Jnder his I idministra- . :ion three ly;f . * lew dea- 1 ions have ? _, 0 ? ieen elect- Rev Edw- s" Reave' ?d for a term of four years each, ind the Sunday school training :ourse for teachers is being vigorously pushed, six having already taken their diploma in the ivork. Mr. Hair is an earnest and progressive worker and has :he love and confidence of the oeople. The church has preachng every Sunday and the outook is bright for a long and fruitful pastorate. The present membership of the ihurch is about 200 and the officers of the church are as follows: Deacons, S. P. Blanken>hip, B. M. Faris and D. V. Epps, who have been serving for some time, and J. F. Boyd, S. Q. Harrison and R. F. Boyd, who lave been but recently elected. For 25 years or more W. F. Boyd las served most faithfully as treasurer. J. F. Boyd is the efficient clerk, Jackson Hamilton s superintendent of the Sunday school and R. F. Boyd is secretly, assisted by John Blankenship. Other churches which have toeen organized out of the old ihurch are Union, Fort Mill and Pineville. During the 118 years the church has had more than 2,000 members. Many of them have gone elsewhere, to join ither churches, East, West, North and South, and have proved themselves active workers. But the great majority have passed on to join the choir invisible, and to worship before the throne in that abiding city where they have no need of louses built by hands, but where the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple thereof. Fined $5 Each. Sallie Davis and Victoria Vt /"? O 1/^ ? * .'ivL/ui>aiu, ucgiu women who ive in O'Connell row, were ialed before Magistrate McElhaley Tuesday morning charged with fighting. Each was fined ?5, besides being placed under a ?50 bond to keep the peace. Furniture Bargains We are offering many attractive hot-weather bargains n our splendid stock of Furliture. Lots of folks are taking advantage of our bargains. We are sure that you too could find something here irou would like to have. Can't fou come down here where the goods arc to be seen"? HAMMOCKS ifford relief from hot weather. Anyone can enjoy the nlftaanro and nnmfnrt nf o i Hammock for a very small mtlay; not only for this summer, but for years. Our handsome pillow Hammocks, with [ieat fringe, have several special features over other makes that we will be glad to have you examine carefully before you buy. W. G. REID & SON ROCK HILL, S. C. BMHHBlBnHBHnBHBI i if i ju; m How often have have you heard ot opportunities have These things she about it, and thin! dred dollars woulc soon you could ha spare money, inste Come in and tal show you how y hundred dollars, < your name on our Money deposit* draws interest at t months or longer. I The Peop ROCK HI I SAFE, S in'JU<;.s.* PKIUbi L EX TRESS TRET; CORN WHISKEY. 1 Gal 2 Gi Now Corn $2 10 $3 6< One-Yoar-Old Corn . 2 25 4 1 Two-Year-Old Corn .2 00 5 t)? Three-Year-Old Corn. 2 25 5 2 Old Mountain Corn 2 75 4 '.b Old Private Stock Corn Pocahontas Corn . . Old Process Corn Primrose Corn, old and mellow RYE WHISKEY. Gibson 4 50 HO Old Times. 8 75 7 II Old Prentice (ease goods) Cascade Old Taylor 4 00 7 0 Mellwood (bottled in bond) 2 75 7 b Overholt Jefferson Club.. 8 75 7 ll Old Henry - 2 50 6 0 Savage Mountain Rye 8 50 6 6 Old Grand Dad 3 50 6 5" I. W. Harper ... Paul Jones Rye Rose Valley Rye Sherweed Rye Excelsior 2 25 42 Hoover's Private Stock Rye Mellwood 4 50 Wilson Rye . Green River 4's Calvert MALT WHISKIES. Hoover's Old Malt . 3 25 5 91 Rooney's Malt 3 50 6 0 Duffy's Malt P-TMO Booth's Old Tom Turkey Gin 3 50 6 6 Swan Gin . .. 2 50 4 6 Holland Gin 3 00 6 6 NO CHARGE FOR JUGS W. H. HOOVER & CO., In HAVEN'T Y< BEEN EXPE I TO START A BANK A( to save an amount sufficient t TV,? 11 1 SX11C oiiiU.ll JJUIUIUlSf LCII1, to accumulate any certain sur your pocket or hiding it aroui that has been YOUR trouble. This bank accepts deposit not come in and open an acco the bank help you save?it is THE SAVINGS BANK 01 W. B. Meathar 5T HAD IONEY t you said this? J hers say it? And \ \ you missed by not >uld start you to th i hard. Think of v [ do for you right n ve it if you would iad of carelessly th k the matter over 1 ou can soon accu and help you to d list of depositors. ed in our Savini he rate of 4 per ce les Nation ILL, - - SOUTH CARO UCCESSFUL, [CT oi l: MOT in H l O i I'urr CiiNii linn : Pcu'r i MP. [ il } Hal I Ijts KQts 121.H t i $5 35 $ ; s5 .>2 35 $3 25 >! 25 *7 <H> * 0 5 75 7 35 I f 1 7 00 9 Oil 3 <hi 1 5o 5 50 00 V 5 7 25 il 25 Ii I) l> 110 S 25 2 75 3 75 5 25 7 25 ; Jj 3 (HI 4 25 5 (Ml 11 imi t 3 00 4 25 5 50 II imi L 3 25 4 00 0 (hi ; 25 & 3 50 4 00 0 25 9 50 if I? I) 12 75 16 00 5 50 7 50 12 50 * D 10 50 13 00 1 00 0 00 12 00 12 00 - 5 50 7 50 . 13 00 5 00 6 75 12 75 0 11 25 14 00 5 00 6 75 13 25 I) 10 50 13 00 4 75 6 75 13 25 4 50 6 85 12 50 I) 10 50 13 00 4 00 5 80 10 00 0 9 50 12 00 4 00 5 75 10 00 0 9 50 12 00 4 00 5 75 10 00 0 9 50 12 00 .... 5 00 7 00 12 25 ... 4 00 5 75 7 50 10 00 4 00 5 75 7 50 10 00 4 50 6 85 8 50 12 00 5 . 2 25 3 25 4 50 6 50 4 00 5 75 7 50 10 00 5 00 7 50 ! 12 75 5 00 6 75 . 13 25 4 50 6 85 12 50 } 8 50 11 00 3 75 5 50 7 50 9 50 "! 5 9 50 12 00 4 00 5 75 10 00 4 00 5 75 11 00 < IU) 7 1ft 10 An 0 9 50 12 00 -1 00 5 75 10 50 < 0 0 75 8 50 0 8 25 10 00 > OK PACKING. n 522 E. 8R0AD STREET. RiCHVlONO. VA. iCTING I 2C0UNT? Been trying I o "make a good start1?" ptation^ makes it hard a by keeping money in nd the house?probably I s of $1.00 and up?why unt with us NOW?let the only safe way. j i 7 FORT MILL, S. C. n, Cashier hhbbbhhbhhuhihhhhI v I . ^ SOME | _ \nd how often ** low many good : having money? inking. Think | diat a few hunow; and of how only save your rowing it away. with us. We'll imulate several o it by entering *s Department nt. if left three al Bank, LINA. SECURE. I Of O OCK OCX *3* *3* + BEACH-IHRIE'S fi 8 * Attention, Ladies! q 0 \\ c want to rail your attention ? to our swell new line of the latest jj in design of |6i Long Hat Pins jj Just what you want for that M large hat. We have them in solid ^ gold for $2.00 up; highest grade jj gold filled, beauties, at 65c, 75c, M $1.00, $1.25 up to $4.00; sterling J silver at 25c, 35c, 50c, $1.00 to j|| $2.00. ft Mail orders attended the same ? day received. j( Beach-lhrie Jewelry Co., ? Reliable Jewelers, 0 Rock Hill, - - - S. C. jj mkoi.iv \ a miii tii-w > 111. <-o?n> \ .\ 1 ?AND? u.ii1vki.i. a koiitiikio ii. ii. i <?. Scltrilulr Kffcrlhr Ne|?l. Slh, i . IT? 2** Z' r Northbound. ? " ? 5 I rr J' ~ a, ? \ 'ti v. s, i* tl j*&!= * i , I * Vhfs,,:r 75r,:' ; i.ib'p '.77~. ^orkville ... x.42a 2 40p Gastonla ... 9.30a . .Ar 4 30p' Gaston la I.v Hincolnton ..; 10.20a ' V;!4?;?\ Newton .... l].or>a .... 7 4opi Hickory . . . . 11.55a' X..75p' ' Junior l.lOp 10.05p 3.15p Mortimer ... 2.42p .. .. 5 36i> ir.KilKemont . 2 55p! !|c!00p n>onn?l. Nos. I o ( t; 1 O t" .v.EdKemont .!127o5pl ..1 .... 17 ib? Mortimer ..J12.13p . .. ..... ?!25a 'iMni?'r 1 I 2?p' i 7.00a 9.40a Hickory ....1 2.52p 1 s.40al New tot, ... 3,2 Op 9.30a . ..!! Hiiicolntoii . 3.57p . . Jo p., <Jastonla ...| 4.5a* ..Ar 11 40a Gastonia I,v York villa ... 5'.39p . 'I V 45, ' Ir.ChMttr .. .| 6.26p| .... 8S0p Arrive. Connections: Chester?Southern Ky., S. A. K and * Yorkvllle?Southern Railway. Cast on la?Southern Railway. I.lneolnton?S. A. I* Newton and Hickory?Southern Ity I/?n<?lr ItlowInK Rook Stage I.ine ind <" A N. K. F. Held. O. V AKt.. Chester. S. C A "Special Notice" in The Times trill bring results. Phone 112.