University of South Carolina Libraries
W" BRYAN IS RIGHT " ' r I lit Waj Defeated ia Nebraska Dtmocratic State Cavptifi. WANTED LOCAL OPTION But tlu? Contention Voted It Uotm and Stood 1'nnin the IJquni Que., tlon Tliejr Feared Hryan's Speech and Attempted to (ia/ Him Hut Failed. The Democratic State Convention of 'Nebraska met at Grand Island on Tuesday. Amid a tumult of cheers < from the former followers of W. Jen- 1 twigs Dry a ii, permanent Chairman Smyth of the Democratic platform 1 committer, read the result of a test volO of the gathering, which practi- ' rally took from Mr. Kryan the Democratic leadership of Nebraska, which he has austuined for fourteen ' A ; . r y . The vote came on a motion made by Congressman 0. M. Hitch cook, a candidate for the Senatorial nouiinu- ' Hon, Whlcli in effect was to elinn?i?te the introduction of platform (danUs with a ceo in pa ni o? speeches^ unless submitted as a section ot the majority or minority report of the committee on resolutions. Mr. tlryan, sealed as a member ot the l.aur.H&ter County delegation. was ou his feet immediately with a protest., and nffererl uh ameoUineut that e would modify that intent of the or- s igfnal motion The Bryan adherents denounced the ffitchrook motion as "Bag rule,' and their opponents lie- ' Clared that "individual rule" uiuhi not prevail. Chairman Smyth ordered a roll call on the amendment. When two-thirds had been called opponents of Mr. Bryan reali/.ed ;1 thai he was defeated and'a wave of cheers that drowned the roll call began. As Chairman Smyth read (ho result, 4:! ti against Mr. Itryau's amendment to :t04 in favor of it, the delegales sounded a fresh volume o.' cheers that seemed to indicate their relief from the uncertainty tliat Jiad '' eristed as to the strength which Mr. 1 Bryan might develop in the Convention. ;i The original motion of Mr. Hitchcock was then adopted. ^ The action of the Convention prac- ,v tlcally prohibits any speech from Mr. 1 ltrynn unless, as a member of (he . resolutions committee, he Hbouid !' speak on one of Uu> planks offered " 4?y the commit ten- U? the Convention. l" Tho plank in dispute was. 1 "Wa heartily approve of the dtty- ' light salons law and we commend the cournKt'uui actio* of Governor * (Hiancuber^cr iu approving it." Vbe plank was adopted by a vote of 710 to 1671. It whs then announced that two '' . (V minority reports would In' submitted, 0110 Itv W.J. Itryuti and the other h|r H. It. 1*1 eh arty. 1 That of Mr. 9tryan rend: ^ "We favor county option as tin' best method of dealing wiUi the Jiquov question." That of Mr. ft eh arty was: "We favor local option as now |* provided for by taw, tint are opposed to county option." * The majority plank on the liquor question, fnvored by five of the se\en members then was read as lotloon: * "We are opposed to making county option or any other plan for the regulation of the liquor tmllir a question of party creed. We stand for ami insist upon strict endorse- j menl of our present laws ami hebey p that any further changes in Our liquor legislation should he decided by a direct ?ute of the people, And that the cause- of good govern- cr incut and public morals sill be l?et- ,n ter Served in that way than by Ji- |* viding the people into hostile fac- 111 ttous on purely moral Issues." Speeches were made by the apoo?-?cs of the planks, and the Coaveu- '? tion then settled down to the linul :l tattle. M iMr. Itryan. spesking from the {'* pialforio in ttehalf of the minority *'u plank presented by him, was greeted hy shoots of applause and was listened to in silence, lie said hi AA*I? * "If T h?ve advocated that which is "not good for the State, lot oie feet. ' < aot for the good of the Iteiuocruiic If party. I <lo not ask your mercy. Who 'C teas ?han 1, . on 1 it desire to disrupt tc tho Democratic purty. A in I n-t l?? aware what a resolution at your '? hands will mean to me? "It lias he oil said that 1 am niakInjg this tight lieenune I am not a candidate. Nothing could lie nio?*e untrue." , si Mr. tlryan here referred to the j?o- tt* ittical battles he had waged and d? - e?l Clared that he had been fearless l?I when his own future seemed at ? take. Continuing, he said: < i M have been called a dictator for th expressing my opinion. Your can ill- St dates here today have expressed re their sentiments. I5y what taw am to I compelled to remain silent when I Jeel that the good name of niyjm ?taln is At stake? |th "It has been said that I am h?: grieved because I have t>e<*n sold ha Cut by ihe liquor iuteresta in try ui I SUCK R\SC\L CAUGHT hlAMKLAMMKD A Hl'MTKH MAX AM) SKirfKI). Kut Was Kai Dow* sod Anrsfrd Out in Ohio and %lrsoj;ht Back to Sumlrr. About three months ago "Pio(Joodwin. an -lleied pal in int., mie to Sumter and opened, up pallors 011 South Sumter street, and for several weeks did a phenomenal and rushing business. In the zenith of his glory he suddenly disappeared. rtno upon inquiry it whs learned taut be had relieved Ralph Hill, a local bicycle dealer, of $7 00 dollars by a eunnigly-lald scheme. Young Hill nlsims that he told him that he ;>osessed a secret process by which ?ie sd'uld make money multiply by nublectins It to a certain electrical p,-~:ess. In order to demonstrate that wonderful power, it is said, he inluced Hill to bring him one hunlred dollars in currency, which voll ie dipped into a bucket of water ami ;ave to 11111 to keep until the n?.a uorning. Hill agreeing not to open lie package until a specified hour. A'hen the package was o|>eiied on he follow ing morning, lo and be?old, there was tho two liundred lollars in currency of the real uotiey. and Hill fell into the wliaid trap. Tlia same afternoon after consultiir with the professor he sot togethr seven liundred dollars, and off nr. vent to have that amouut subjected o the same treatment and douol^u a the same mannci. The san.e .111nersioa in the bucket took place ml another package was handed to litn to be kept until the following !av. W.ben the last package w.hs peued. it contained only a piece ot a | km- ami (Joodwin had down the ooj?. Kvorjr etfort was made to appreend the professor bel'o?e he got beond the bordAs ?.f the state, but II to no avail. Then Hill had cirulsrs printed giving the size ana escription oi' tlie professor, and Tiering a reward of $100 for his apreheusion and arrest. About a wwk go word was n^crlved from Rellair, )hio, that tlie officers had I he man, ml to aeud some one ou lor identical ion Hill went and found tho suspect i-as tho man. aud he immediate * wired the authorities at Sumter. >epnty Sheriff Sokes lauded his man 11 Sumter, and he i.s ruw in jail ii default of a $3,000 bond roqul?*d toy Ma kim I rale llarbv. As soon jh is pats arrive. he says. he will he hie to come across with the coin. Mr. Sykes btid every difficulty hi eruring his prisoner. He fousb exradition, and (lovernor Ansel reiiHed the Sumter deputy sheriff's reneat by wire for permission to emloy counsel lo represent the state, lr. Sykes employed a lawyer, howver, on his own responsibility, and ad ho not he would never have eon able io h"iug the professor to outh Carolina. The people al Sumter are very inch interested in the outcome of ie case, and they want to see i ie rofessor get the limit of tJie law. ut some think as the deputy sheriff us advised by th-? otlicials th. ' he eloiiKS lo a set of the worst eriinials in the country, it is more tha i kely thai they will come across ilh the $3.01)0 that will put their an uu tlu* ground. iioostjuc km.i.s \ ?r"/.z\ki?. iltle t-nnie Cork Iteseiit.s Intrusion of the lUg Bird. If ever ? rooster had occasion to ow lustily it was the game cock rued by William Ko\, of Hunter's ark. I'a.. which snored ed in killg a turkey buzzard, a monster, re feet from Hp to tip ol wings, he biu/.ard impudently sweeped >wn Into the chivken yard where itho rooster ruled supreme, and hen :* member of the family ap ?sre<l a little later, 'he bn/.znrd was iin de mid the rooster with s gashing spurs was putting the lishiug touches to the job. Tried to Wreck. Strikers tried to derail an ??ast)U.nd passenger train at Oliver, id. The engineer of the train noted a tn-iH-d switch signal in ..< i tiring his train to a stop thereby ixgbahly prevented injury, if not ss of life to the passengers. Killed With Knock*. Hob Howie a negro residing in the fhiinou section of Abbeville county, ruck another negro Saturday afrnoon with brass knacks and kill- 1 I hi in. The affair ocncrred nti the antation of Waller 1$. Wilson. nil stale. I have been sold out l?y : ese liquor Democrats in my awn ' ate. and saved by the votes of selfspecting Republicans who refused aid in it. "1 expe !o tie in politics for < any years yet. 1 expect to aid in | I e wofk of the I>emoeratlc party,,! it I will not remain silent when a j >nd of iK.'itical assassins attack i p." I 0 LOST HIS LIFE TRYING TO MAVK THK IJFK OF A L1TTLK CHILD. Tbfl Fatal Accidcwt Ocrurml by the Sinking of a IJttlr Steam GotptuuiPHt I,auBih Near SaTaniuh. A dispatch from Savanuah. iin.. says at leaat l?o persons were Sruwntid and six others had narrow 'escapes froui death when u covered launch, owned by the government and used by the soldiers at Fort Screven, sank Id lazaretto creek, near the fort, late Friday afterno<*u A hlle the outgoing; tide was rusbiiin* through the creek at race horse horse speed. The dei-d are: Sergeant Olivet, one of the best known non-commissioned officers In the coast artillery corps; a ?> year old son ot Sergf. Helke. It Is believed that Sergt. Oliver, who Is an old man. lest his life while trying to save that of the child. A wotrtan member of the pa?".y was caught by the tide and carried down the creek for several hundred yards, set taming for help until she lost consciousness. Fishermen further down the stream heard iter and put out In tKJUts. She was caught as she was sweeping by them, hurried to the bank and after a long time was revived. Other occupants of the launch. It Is believed now, escaped after a bat tie with the tide. The accident occurred whent the Tybee rwlron 1 i crosses the creek on a low bridge. The top of the launch struck the bridge, the craft careened and was swept under water in a moment. A passenger train crowded with pleasure seekers ?u the way to Tybee 'reach reached the bridge soou ul' < the accident. Passengers cared tor the survivors. , t Reports of t.he accident at Fort Screven sent a detail of soldiers to the creek in an effort to recover he bodies. Ii is feared the sea vv 'i j be very difficult as it is profitable the tide carried them out into the month of the Savannah and possibly to sea. The survivors, dripping and suffering from fright, were taken aboard the train and hurried to the fort. The launch probably is unhurt and can be raised. ItKPOItTS PltOM COINTIMS. Shot* That Cotton Will Yield Sixty Per Out. ('top. Reports uiailu by forty metnheis of the Slate Farmers' Union flout 20 couuties iudicate that the cotton crop is about Si per cent. For he | t II t V pniintiau I -.-r 1 * - ? ' . _ . , ???i- mviiuair il>r corn crop is 71 i>et cent, wheat Tl per cent, auii oats TO per cent. The report shown that the crops have' been damaged < a great extent by the recent ruin*. All reports indicate that is a spirit among all y f .irmers tor the product I >u of grains and that the condition of g.* i >i is much better than cotton. The Co! lowing 's the conditions of the cotton crop as estimated by the me libers of tbe union tor twenty couu- . tics: I Colleton 58; Spartan burg 6 7 ; A.?derson 66: Dorchester t?s; WllUa u.+burg 50: Dickens 50: Suniter61; itichland 51: Chester 75; Kdgelield 50: Dil leu 80; Hampton 4 0; Lancaster 50 60; Chesterfield 7.>. Florence 6.?; 00; Greenville fin. Levin,'on ; Otaiigibu - 00. Total 00 ? TI1K COTTON CICOI*. Kcpoi t?*ti to t>e in Very Poor Condi* tiou F.vrry where. II The report of the Natdonal Gin ncrs' assocoation. issued at Memphis A Friday, indicates a condition of 7 2.0 ' per cent for cotton up to July 25. This, ihe report sa\s, with aver- '' age of weather conditions. would seem to Indicate a yield of from 11.- ? 000,000 to 1 1.500.000 bales. The u report by States follows: Alabama 67: Arkansas 70: Flori- w 'la 72: Georgia 67: Louisiana 64; !l .VIissis-dppi 68; South Carolina 68; Tennessee 7 5; Texas 78; average ^ 72.H. - KhIiiI Auto Ride. At Staunton, Va., W. (i. Moffat is dying and J,. Bowman and Daniel a Porter was seriously injured as the ll result of an automobile accident. Th? v were returning; from Harrison- 1)1 burn in machines and speeding along 1,1 one of the roadways approaching the city when they crushed with territie ' force into a telegraph pole. Itemed llis < atll It. In the presence ot 800 people, Itrooks Foiey. a netro convicted of ? criminal assault upon a woman of 11 his own ace at Art her last spring, met death on the gallows at (iaines- v vllle, Fla Foley stoutly deuied nis guilt even after the rope was about K' liis neck. lf ? P1 Falls Nine Stories. While working on the ain'h floor if the new Korsvth building at Atlanta Saturday Arthur R. Peary, a " arjwMiter. suddenly slipped audio' ilunged to the sidewalk below, meet-I a' ng Instant death. Nearly every 4k >one in his body was broken. b( CLASbiHtD COLUMN Wutcd?To buy Hldea, Wool, Uee* wax. Tallow. etc. Write for price* 'Crawford * C0.. 508-510 Keyooid Street. Augusta. Ga. I want 54? principals for rural and village schools and 50 young ladies for grade and rural positions now opeo. Act immediately. \V. H. Jones. Columbia. S. C. For highest prices* and quickest returns send your produce. etc . fruit. vegetables, etgs. poultry, etc.. to Mohr. Son & Co., wholesale produce and commission merchants. Ill Water St.. Tampa. Fla. 20 assorted post cards, scenery, sentimental. comic and various other colored views; no two alike; only 10c. mailed postpaid. Address the Gem Novelty Company. Department C., Monson, Mass. Wanted To sell '"heap, scholarship for either single or corabiued course in the Cnrolinas' leading ment Agency. Winston-Salem. \ business college. Kor full Information write Southern HraployC., Box 509. WwMteti?Hardwoods, logs and lun b^r. We are cash buyers of po? lar, cedar and walnut loss. Alawant poplar, ash. cottonwood. cy press and oak lumber. Inspectlo at your point. Easy rutting. Writ us. .Savannah Valley I.umber Cc Augusta. Ga. . ... | h'or Male?Milch cows. Jerseys, an'i grades of good breeding, registered jersey nuvle calves. White Collie dogs. ( registered 1. Also service from a registered, beautiful white Collie Teu i$10> dollars guaranteed. Hrouzs turkeys, and Tammouth bogs. Address M. R Sauis. Jonesville. S. C. SUMMER RESORTS barge rooms, in moder n home, closets. hot baths, electric lights, shady grove. Exceptional cooking. Address C. A. Stovall. Brevard. N*. C. Vlthelwold Hotel?Sixty rooms. I'ri vat* baths. All conveniences. New management. All outside rooms Tho place to spend the suturner . Address Athelwold. llrevard. N. C iunairr Uoui-clers Wanted?Rates te fti.OO per week. No consumptives taken. Mrs. Wade liarlison, McAlprn House, Saluda. N C. Slue Heights Hotel Opened June 15: ho: and cold baths, :ua?i lighted with acetylene gas; rates reasonable; our location tine; also summer homes for sale. D. W Johnsou. Prop . Mountain City, Ga. duplet* 11 est. oa the Asbeville an. Lako Toxawav railroad. Thre. hundred Net from station. Mod era Conveniences No consurep lives takes A. L. I,. E. Daven port. Horse Shoe. N. C. l.\ccllr?t rouwfry hoard in the I.and of the Sky at Med ford Farm, one mile from Clyde. N. C. Good table, comfortable rooms, invigorating climate, Que spring water, good roads, conveyances furnished. $-; l>er moutb. n. C. Medford. Clyde, X. C (Vdai Grove hiirni. DU ROC-JERSEYS ioi-th Carolina'* (limjr Red Swine. Kntire lot of 50 pigs for July devery sold except a few boar pigs. Have IS sows to farrow July and ugust. We will book orders for 00 pigs. Sept. and Oct. dellbery and unrantee satisfaction or money back, rice, pay row. $X.50 each, or $25 >r three. If you wish the best type f 1 >urocs, buy pUs from these Wes?rn hred sows. Single Comb R. I. Ued Kggs slays on hand, from uniform fowls, incy strains of the breed. i'. A. THKil'KN, tOMrrOK. N. t. A Hoy l.ost. Philip Kinkiestine, a Russian Jew. isappeared from the home of his nut at Aiken a lew- days ago. and lough every effort has been made > locate him, (lie family have not ren able to do so. I inklestein is a t>y sixteen years 01 age. weighs nunds. has s;re\ eyes. and is ii\< et three inches high. Came Too laile. A rak picker named Joseph the ! Uier day confessed to the assassin..- i on April "J I, I !M) 1, of Ave children! I" a farutcr i ainea llriere. in the leinity of Charlres. France. The J 11 her of the children was found ! uilty of the murder and sentenced > life imprisonment. lie died in rison. I lined Itehel*. Mrs. Mary Weaver, of Dover, Pa.. . ie wonnn who had the distinction ' having fed three Southern jreveis 4 7 years ?go. when part of the >uthern army tuvoucaced near her >uoe, is dead. She * as 715 years old. k YOUNG GIIIL SAVNS L1J K >f the Kx-Premier fioui ao Vvossin's Bullet. Antonio Maura, leader ot the Spanish Conservative party and whs as premier, put down the Barcelona riot*, aud hrouftht about the eitecutlon of Br. Francisco Ferrer a year ano, owed his escape from death per- j haps to the courase of his youthful! pirl cousin, who threw herself Upcn the assailant. It was shortly before last midnight Ihut t-h#former prime Francla station, where he arrived Burduco Lr The Great Sou =FQR LIVER TF Biliousness, Constipation, Dyspeprei Jaundice, Nervous and Sick Headac and all Stomach Diseases. Teaches the Li' Clears the ( Sold Everywhere 1 II.u !>;??? iw<u "Tv?.?-?i- i?? influences at the lowest possible cost * RESULT: It is to-day with its faculty its student body of 400, and its plant wo THE LEADiNG TRAINING SCHO $150 pays all charges for the year, inch] heat, laundry, medical attention, phytocj except music and elocution For catMl< BLACKSTONE FEMALE INST J AS. CANNON. Jr.. M. A THOS. R. REEVES, B. , ? <' HtMnant '4. ]|u? wa.lndMdua* "OX TIIK II. I ORANGEBURl OliAM.KIIl ltd, mm Kxpeases are Iff* here th.m at i services offered are equal to the very at actual coat Ia*t u? convince >o for you. W rite tcr catalogue and while you think of it! Address: PRESIDENT W. E 147 lllou^hlon St ?-oet World's Greatest 7 SQT0 Pain Remedy For AKrimahm, Sritliri, Lunr Bvk. Stiff Joint*and Sor* TKroal, Cold*. Strain*, Sprain*, Cut*. Brui***. Colic. Cramp*. Toothmchr. and all K'?vr. B*ni? and Mualf AcVir* arid Pain*. Thr ?cnuin? km.* Nnali'* Ark on 2*>r.. Mw and $1 .00 by all dealett in mrdir mr evrryo'Hrre. ..miifrm Nad l**il> C. , Rickaavd. Yl'?*1 B*****, Maa*. will force water to kit anywhere about the p! hard water, and have or attic tank to freere 1 Columbia Supply frou> Madrid en route to Pslina. At his side was his cousin. Suddenly fiom rbe crowd the man, Manuel Pona. fired three shots. T-be first bullet pierced Seuor Maura's arxu. and tbs second found lodgment in his leg. As Posa fired attain tha woman sprang upto him, Interrupting his aim aad the bullet went wild. Twenty-tire Persons Pe r i>h. T wMity-fivn persons perished in a flood following a cloud-burst at the town of Dees, Hungary. Damage fo oroperty and crops U heavy. .* yer Powder thern Remedy ALL ? DOUBLES a. L oss of Appetite, Indigestion, :he, Coated Tongue, Bad Breath, t'?r to Act and Complexion 25 cents *1 p? ?T \ , BB ^ m J I irTm WeTeW rt I ' 1 ? ] .1111 IB Jllittk I lil ! ttcrioa under positively Chrblto* v of 32, a boardtag patronage sf 328, rth I 140,000 OL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA iding table Ixwird, room .lighta, ataaaa il culture, and tuitioni n allnubj??t?i i>gue and application blank adsfiert, TRITE, Blackstone, Va. 1 ? ^ Associate Principals. HRnni Hypodermics Wm u.ud in w HEI 31 treatment J^2JUJ2 of Alcoholism. mm vhukcy m4 ' ggg DRUGS R*4uc* G COLLEGE in (Mi:oi.i\.\. my other school in th<* laod. Th?. ?H?Ht Ho.*rd on ?hn Ci.UH PWN >u tbal .jur school i-s th?* school I .til lUtWul .linn VV r(f~ rl.rt.1 " -*> HVII >. PETERSON OrMnitrburg, 8. C. NO CURE! NO PAYII n? prepared for an emertcenoy by havln# a N>t 11? of NOAH'S OOLIO RBMIDV oil hand. Mom niiiinala die from oollc than nII of her noTi-oonlHRioim di.?enaea combined, dine out of every ten case* would have been ,-t;re<l if NOAH'S COL'p RCMSDVhad tirentflven In time. II ' isn't i drench ordojie, h'.t hn reine'ly Riven /t Cpr on the f on Rue, no dmpie that n wnnnTM't money re(unde??. II your dealer ca n not supply send 50r ill ' i|I 1 ' KSH at?:i*p? and we wM I t IV / 1 Ilk J mail a bottle. Noal.l I > *' CaMaHflUBJJMHMMfl rhen, bath room, laundry, barn, and lace. You may have both soft and It hot as well as aold. No elevated or leak. ^ Co. ; - Columbia, St C. w