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The Fort Mill Times. DEMOCRATIC. Published Thursday Murnimrs. B. #. & W. H. BKAOFORD .. PVBLISHERS W. R. Bradford Editor B. W. Bradford .. 7.. .Manager ~ ^ ^ The Times invites contributions on live subjects, i Dot <loos not agree to publish more than 200 words on any subject. The right is reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. Subscription Hates: One Year SI.25 Six Months 66 FORT MILL. S. C.. AUGUST 4. 1910. Specify. This paper has no quarrel with the Chester Lantern for opposing the reelection of Congressman Finley. Needless to say, except for the saying, that our contemporary is as much within its rights in seeking to oust Mr. Finley as we are in urging the voters to stand by him: but while we cheerfully agree that The Lantern is exercising a prerogative not to be denied it, we think it only fair to Mr. Finley to suggest that if the Chester paper knows any good reason why he should not be reelected it should take the people into its confidence. Dealing in generalities only is not enough; the people wish to know specifically why he should not be reelected. Is there any better reason for changing the congressman from the Fifth district than that such change would accommodate one of the other two candidates? Wherein could either Mr. Henry or Mr. Butler improve upon the service Mr. Finley has rendered his constituents? Has Mr. Finley neglected at any time during the ten years he has been in Congress the interests of the district through inattention to the duties of the office? What subject has been up for consideration in Congress on which either Mr. Henry or Mr. Butler could have brought to bear a greater degree of intelligence or respect for the public need than has been displayed by Mr. Finley? Has he failed in a single instance to vote in accordance with the Democratic platform? Not one of these questions can be answered to the disadvantage of Mr. Finley. Comparison Discreditable to America. The arrest in Canada Sunday of Dr. H. H. Crippen and Ethel Leneve affords an opportunity for comparison of English and American criminal jurisprudence which is anything but creditable to this country. Crippen and the Leneve woman are accused of murdering Crippen's wife. They fled England on a Canadian liner and reached the little town of Father Point, Canada, Sunday. Before they could set foot on Canadian soil a Scotland Yard detective, who left London subsequent to their departure, boarded the liner and arrested the accused couple. It is stated that the couple will be placed on trial within four weeks. All of which seems to bear out t V? -? nt/mi 4- /-vv\ L aauJ - cue nuiiciiicill UllCII i 1 *_*itI t 1 III II1IS country that once the? English authorities undertake the capture of a person accused of a capital offense in that country the only means of escape is suicide. No sooner had the Scotland Yard detectives learned that Crippen and the Leneve woman were fugitives, than a world-wide search for them began. Detectives were sent to every country of the globe to apprehend the alleged murderers. Before many days have passed the prisoners will be in an English jail and in the course of a few weeks they will be placed on trial. Every scintilla of evidence that can be produced in behalf of the accused will be considered by a jury which will do its duty. If they are innocent, they will be acquitted; if they are guilty, no power on earth can save them from the gallows. Let us suppose that this crime had been committed in America and that the accused had fled the J country and gone to England. Does anyone imagine that American detectives would have been on hand to assist in the arrest of the fugitives as they were about to set foot on English soil? The American authorities, if they had cared anything about apprehending the accused, would have left the job to the English officers. And if the accused had been brought back to America, the verdict of the jury before whom they were tried would have depended much upon their wealth and social standing. Nobody in this section objects to the proposal of Gen. George W. Gordon, commander-in-chief of the United Confederate Veterans, that a monument be erected to the former slaves of the South. The idea is a pretty one, but there is nothing new in it. A monument the erection of which was prompted by the desire to evince to the world his appreciation of the faithfulness of the slaves of this section was put up in Confederate park, Fort Mill, ten years ago bv Capt. S. E. White. It is the first and only one of the kind in the world, but we anticipate the claim of primacy for Gen. Gordon's monument. TALES OF ORR'S RIFLES TOLD BY A SURVIVOR At least one citizen of Fort Mill feels more than passing interest in the reunion of Orr's Rifles which is to be held at Belton, in Anderson county, on August 10 and 11. This was one of the finest regiments which the old Palmetto State sent to the firing line in the strenuous days of the early '60s and it was with il A. Tit? tif A * pi me i ii<ii wir. vy. a. r isner re-1 lated to a party of his friends a day or two ago some of his experiences and recollections as a member of Company G, Orr's Rifles. The regiment was in the thick of the dying shot and shell at the seven days' tight around Richmond and emerged from that sanguinary battle decimated in strength and worn to exhaustion from the long hours of ceaseless vigilance and tight ing. When the Southern troops finally succeeded in driving back, shattered and in disorder, the Northern army, rest for Gen. Lee's soldiers was absolutely necessary. A youthful private, a more boy, j named Hartliss, of Company G was ordered to guard duty and. i overcome by the long strain to! which he, in common with his , comrades, had so recently been subjected, fell asleep. The seriousness of Hartliss' offense was generally recognized, but the ex- j tenuating circumstances in the boy's behalf did not prepare his comrades for the four-year prison sentence which the colonel of the regiment imposed upon him in lieu of a courtmartial. Capt. Mac Miller was the commanding officer of Company G and he let it be known that he! would not tolerate such severe punishment as the colonel had imposed upon Hartliss. The matter was finally adjusted, however, by swapping Hartliss to another regiment for the late Robert R. Hemphill, who died at his home in Abbeville two years ago, alter long and faithful service to the Commonwealth and a distinguished career as editor of the Abbeville Medium. Shortly after the figlu around Richmond Mr. Fisher was captured by the Yankees and with a batch of 100 other Confederate prisoners was taken to Elmira, N. V., where he was held several months. When he was finally liberated from the Elmira prison all but six of the 100 Confederates had died, thus proving that the alleged horrors of Andersonville, the Southern prison about which Nnrthtim ,i... ? - - - w? VliVt II V? I I l/tl O have had so much to say, never approached the sutFering and neglect to which the soldiers of the Confederacy were subjected at this infamous Northern death trap. Price of Brooms Goes Up. It may be true as someone has said that the broom is a plebian sort of household necessity, but plebian or otherwise the thing of most interest to the good housewife in connection with the broom is the increased cost of the article. A broom that a few months ago could be bought for 25 or 30 cents now costs (in cents and dealers say when they have i sold out what brooms they have < on hand and put in a new supply housekeepers will have to pay 1 80 cents for a broom. ; ? AN OPIUM-EATER'S DREAM OF THE AWFUL ORIENT. DeQuincey. I have often thought that if I were compelled to forego England, and to live in China, and among Chinese manners and modes of life and scenery, I should go mad. The causes of my horror lie deep, and some of them must be common to others. Southern Asia, in general, is the seat of awful images and associations. As the cradle of the human race, it would alone have a dim and reverential feeling connected with it. But there O / \f V-? O** XT~ hi v. vcjici i car>u11?>. i\u can pretend that the wild, barbarous, and capricious superstitions of Africa, or of savage tribes elsewhere, affect him in the way that he is affected by the ancient, monumental, cruel, and elaborate religions of Hindostan, etc. The mere antiquity of Asiatic things, of their institutions, histories, modes of faith, etc., is so impressive, that to me the vast age of the race and name overpowers the sense of youth in the individual. In China, over and above what it has in common with the rest of Southern Asia, 1 am terrified by the modes of life, by the manners, and the barrier of utter abhorrence, and want of sympathy, placed between us by feelings deeper than I can analyze. I could sooner live with lunatics, or brute animals, All this, and much more than I can say, or have time to say, the reader must enter into before he can comprehend the unimaginable horror which these dreams of Oriental imagery, and mythological tortures, impressed upon me. Under the connecting feeling of tropical heat and vertical sunlights, I brought together all creatures, birds, beasts, reptiles, all trees and plants, usages and appearances, that are found in all tropical regions, and assembled them together in China or Hindostan from kindred feelings, 1 soon brought Egypt and all her gods under the same law. I was stared at, hooted at. grinned at, chattered at, by monkeys, by paroquets, by cockatoos. I ran into pagodas, and was fixed, lor centuries, at the summit, or in secret rooms: I was the idol; 1 was the priest; I was worshiped; I was sacrificed. I was buried, for a thousand years, in stone coffins, with mummies and sphinxes, in narrow chambers at the heart of eternal pyramids. 1 was kissed, with cancerous kisses, by crocodiles; and laid, confounded with all unutterable slimy things, among reeds and Nilotic mud. Over every form, and threat, and punishment, and dim, sightless incarceration, brooded a sense of eternity and infinity that drove me into an oppression as of madness. Into these dreams only, it was, with one or two slight exceptions, that any circumstances of physical horror ?" L-i- l cnicicu. aii ueiore nail DG6n moral and spiritual terrors. But i here the main agents were ugly 1 birds, or snakes, or crocodiles, especially the last. The cursed crocodile became to me the object of more horror than almost all the rest. I was compelled to live with him; and (as was always the case, almost, in my dreams) for centuries. 1 escaped sometimes, and found myself in Chinese houses with cane tables, etc. All the feet of the tables, sofas, etc., soon became instinct with life: the abominable head j of the crocodile, and his leering eyes, looked out at me, multiplied into a thousand repetitions; and 1 stood loathing and fascinated. And so often did this hideous reptile haunt my dreams, that many times-the very same dream was broken up in the very same wav; 1 heard gentle voices speaking to me (1 hear cvcrv. thing when I am sleeping), and instantly I awoke; it was broad noon, and my children were standing, hand in hand, at my bedside, come to show me their colored shoes, or new frocks, or to let me see them dressed for going out. I protest that so awful was the transition from the damned crocodile, and the other unutterable monsters and abortions of my dreams, to the sight of innocent human natures, and of infancy, that, in the mighty and sudden revulsion of mind, 1 wept, and could not , forbear it, as 1 kissed their faces. . Much to the regret of his friends, Mr. B. Magill is ill >f fever. Miss Julia Boyd returned to her home in Fort Mill Tuesday, after a visit to Blowing Rock, N.C. | 1J. B. MILLS, J. T. YO Prest. V-PrE; MILLS & YOl CAPITAL $25,000 BUY AND SELL EVERYTI A good, strong i ; Everybody gets a i can do all >our t (firm and not have i and you will find it more convenient No concern will trade more than th ness. methods is ^ Ilf you are not al you should at on* way of dealing, well posted and c w us. Why I o Our prices are a est and our service 1 Mills & Y PHONES: Dry Goods, 37. F SOUND B PRINC I Every day singe the Pinevi opened its doors for business growth and development. | methods and painstaking at comprised of careful men wl correct rules of banking be c This conservative manag safety of every dollar deposi We respectfully solicit you The Pineville Loan GEO. W BUNI PINEVILLE i Marble and Granite Monuments. A large stock at prices from $5.00 up. Call and see the line at our storeroom, Boulevard and Palmer streets. Phone 1G18. Write and let us call and , show designs. Queen City Marble & Granite Works, Charlotte, IM. C. Take Dilworth street cars to reach our plant. Phone 112 for We Guarantee UN'G, W. I). WOLFE, st. Secy. u JNG CO., Inc. I 00. FULLY PAID ^ IING IN MERCHANDISE. il irm to deal with, i square deal. You >usiness with one t scattered around, : much easier and to keep up with. appreciate your is one. I^airbusiwhat built us up. I ready a customer ce investigate our People who are lose buyers trade t you? is low as the lowi will please you. oung Co. urniture, 144. Grocery, 12. KaBHHBMHHHJ .USINESS IPLES lie Loan and Savings Bank > it has enjoyed a substantial This is due to the careful tention of the management ao insist that the recognized >bserved at all times, ement insures the absolute ted here, ir account. and Savings Bank, CH, Cashier - - - i\r. c. * I Job Printing. Satisfaction.... I V Political Announcements. ELECTION. AUGUST 3<>. For Convreu 5th Diitrict. I am a candidate for Congress, ami will abide the result of the Democratic primary election. THOS. B. BUTLER. Gaflfney, S. C. For Houtr of Ri-prcscntntivc*. ' The Times is authorized to announce C. W. WALLACE as a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the choice of the Democratic party ^ in the approaching primary election. ~ The Times is authorized to announce S. A. EPPS, of Fort Mill township, a .. vouuiuaic tor ine tiouse of Represent utives. subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the primary election. I am a candidate for election to the House of Representatives, subject to i th" rules of the Democratic primary. THOS. F. McDOW. The Times is authorized to announce J. S. GLASSCOCK as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the primaries. The Times is authorized to announce 0. L. SANDERS, of McConnellsville. as a candidate for reelection to the House of Representatives, subject to the approval of the Democratic primary. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the House of Representatives from York county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. E. BEAMGUARD. For County Trc??urcr. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of York county, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic primaries. ROBT. L. GOFr. I hereby announce myself a sa candidate for nomination for appointment to I the office of County Teasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic voters I in the primary election. JOHN A. NEELY. The Times is authorized to announce HARRY E. NEIL as a candidate for I appointment as Treasurer for York county, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. For Supl. of Educntion. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for Superintendent of Education for York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. MINOR R. RIGGERS. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. JOHN WARREN QUINN, formerly of Broad River, now of York township, as a candidate for County Superintendent of Education, subject to the action, of the Democratic voters in the approaching primary election. For County Suorrvunr * The Times is authorized to announce THOS. W. BOYD as a candidate for ) Supervisor of York county, subject to 1 the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of Supervisor of York county, subject to the rules of the approaching Democrat, ic primary election. CLEM F. CORDON. The Fort Mill friends of JOHN F. I GORDON take pleasure in presenting ' his name to the voters of York county for the office of County Supervisor. Mr. Gordon tilled this office some years ago and his administration redowned to the interests of the county as well as reflecting credit upon himself. For County Auditor. I The Times is authorized to announce JOE M. TAYLOR, of Newport, as a candidate for Auditor of York county. 1 subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary I election. | The Times is authorized to announce Broadus M. Love, of Smyrna, as a candidate for the Democratic recommendation for appointment as Auditor of York county; subject to the choice of the voters in the primary election. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination for reappointment to the office of County Auditor, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the primary election. JOHN .1. HUNTER. We are authorized to announce T. K. McMACKIN us a candidate for appointment as Auditor of York county, subject to the recommendation of the Democjatic voters in the primary election. For MrtKiatrntr. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reappointment as Magistrate for Fort Mill township, subject to the recommendation of the I)emocratie primary election. .JOHN W. M< Kl.HANKY. Congressional Campaign Schedule. The candidates for ('ongres-- from this (I ifth) district have arranged their schedule for Yoi m< J fl Fort Mill Wednt lay, Au ist 17. Hock Hill Thursday, August IS. Yorkville Friday, August 19. fll Hickory (?rov< Mo ig SOl 'T 11 l-UN k \ I I.WAY nokthi:oi:ni). NT??. 30 10:H8 p. m. No. 30 8:50 a. m. No. 2.s 5:15 p. m. SOUTHHOrND. No. 29. .. .. 1:00 a. m. No. 35 0:47 a. m. No. 27. ... . . 5:15 p. m