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' .. iyl'V.i ; * f ' I SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS ^ ^Miss Mary Epps is the guest c< Miss Bessie Patterson is seri- ^ ously ill at her home on Forest u street. Mrs. J. R. Haile is visiting F relatives at Caskey's, in Lan- k caster county. Miss Elizabeth Nims is spend- E ing a few days with relatives in rr Mt. Holly, N. C. b Mrs. Effie Thompson is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. T. McGregor, ] in Forest City, N. C. ! !* ti Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lee left o Fort Mill Monday afternoon for a week's visit to their son. j T. K. Lee, in Atlanta. a J Miss Mary Boyd has returned is to her home in Fort Mill, after a pleasant visit to relatives at Blackstock, Chester county. Misses Rosa Lindley and Lu- << cile and Lila Devlin, of Greensboro, N. C., are guests at the home of Mr. E. W. Russell. jj Curtis Sanders, of Union, and |( Miss Rubie O'Shields, of Jones- ,, ville, were recent visitors at the home of the Rev. Mr. Hair. E Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McElhaney (" and children are spending the * week with relatives at Me Bee, in S Chesterfield county. (' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I). W il- I' liams, of Charlotte, were guests ( at the home of Mrs. Williams' 1' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. M Williamson, Saturday and Sun- [j day. | ^ Mrs. Eliza Sutton, mother of TJ Messrs. J. H. and S. P. Sutton, i is critically ill at lier home two miles from Fort Mill. Mrs. Sutton is advanced in years and it is ~ feared that she will not recover. Y| One of the handsomest and smoothest running automobiles yet seen on the streets of Fort Mill is the new E. M. F. car of , ?? W. B. Ardrey, which arrived si< from St. Louis Monday morning. ^ Mr. S. N. Merritt. an aged citizen of Fort Mill, is critically of ill at his home and it is thought ( that he cannot survive many ot days. For years Mr. Merritt has ('j' been a great sutferer from cancer. ci Dr. J. B. Elliott spent Tuesday w at the bedside of his brother, w VV. P. Elliott, who is ill of typhoid Ul fever at the home of a kinsman ^ in the Sharon neighborhood in ; Mecklenburg county. Mr. El- ;i> liott's home is in Charlotte. , kl W. P. Yarborough, a Confederate veteran whose home is _ in Fort Mill, and Mrs. Lizzie Sutton were married some days u ago by Magistrate John W. 5 McElhaney. Mr. Yarborough 1 is about 7f> years of age and his I wife is about 1"?. JYliss .Jennie Yongue, of Pied- J mont, Greenville county, is the I guest of her sister, Mrs. \\\ D. ; I Wolfe. Miss Yongue is thc'l daughter of the Rev. R. A. | Yongue, a former pastor of the ? Fort Mill Methodist church. F. Everard Ardrey returned to I Fort Mill Friday morning after a | ten days' pleasure trip through I Georgia and Alabama. While in S Birmingham Mr. Ardrey visited I the commercial and railroad telegraph offices and upon stating I that he was a telegraph operator I was offered a number of key ' jobs. 1 J. C. Hunter has returned to Q his duties as prescription clerk I at the Ardrey drug store after | a ten days' vacation spent at l is ft old home at Gray Court, in I Laurens county. Mr. Hunter says that the growing cotton and I corn in Laurens county have not I suffered from lack of work, due : | to the excessive rainfall, as have ? the same crops in this section. Fort Mill has lust a good M citizen and the Millfort mill a, valued employe in the removal of J. H. Barnhill to Forest City, , N. C., whither he goes to accept the position of overseer of card- j jng at the Florence mill, of I which J. T. McGregor recently accepted the superintendency *r after several years' connection with the cotton mills in Fort Mill. 01 Among the visitors to Fort Mill last week to attend the sessions of the Methodist conference, si Rock Hill district, was Prof. A John G. Clinkscales of Wofford (1 college. Professor Clinkscales Si is not only a distinguished educator, but had the honor two years ago of being urged by numerous friends through the ? State to become a candidate for * the United States senate in the race which resulted in the n election of Senator E. D. Smith. * ttk.l . mMmSmk, ummer Necessities Hot Weather Luxuries You will find in our stock a jmplete assortment of the best oods that go to make for your ealth, comfort and beauty. Soaps, Toilet Waters, Creams, oot Powders, and ten different inds of Talcum Powders. The latest creation is Colgate's actvlis Powder. It not only lakes white as other powders, ut has the added value of mediine ingredients that promote ealth and cleanliness and its eep, delicate perfume bears an ir of refinement that is luxuriLis to contemplate. Mow about Fruit Powders and ar Rubbers? Store bought goods re high and fruit is pletiful. It ; well to consider. Ardrey's Drug Store. 'Haile's on the Corner" [EADQCAETEKS F()R 2h: CREAM AND ELICIOUS FOUNTAIN RINKS, IGARS, IGARETTES, MOKING AND HEWING TOBACCO. IPES, HEWING c;UM, ETC. INE LINE OF DRUGS AND [EDICINES. OOI) PLACE TO LOAF. WELCOME TO ALL. ort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Mgr. ORKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS (The <>M Reliable) YORKVILLE, S. C. Monument dealers the country over irry practically the same line of debits, and usually the customer must ke not what he wants, but the nearit i... r,? i ;? i:?. . ? ... v?... III..? IV u an nil.- ll^l ihmitted. Or in other words, he must take one ' the regular stock designs and conse- ! lently gets a duplicate of hundreds of i her monuments already erected and . tartly alike except possibly in the lality of the work and material. We make a specialty of giving our istomers exactly what they want; iking their ideas and combining them ith our experience we endeavor to ork out an original design, which in ic completed monument reflects the iste and individuality of the puriaser. If you want something above the forage, let us make it for you. It ill cost you no more than the ordinary nd. .!< iH X E. CARROLL, Pres. and Treas. Count the f Count the nev locaiity. Who b men? No. Whoi men who have sa small sums and d i? 4-? 1 uaiiiv uilill CHUU^I begin to build. \ paid for somethir the savings habit. Tha Pineville Loan GEO. W. BUNI PINEVILLE [arble and Granite Monuments. A larf?e stock at prices from >.00 up. Call and see the line at ir storornnm Rnnlpvnrrl aimer streets. Phone 1618. Write and let us call and low designs. lueen City Marble & Granite Works, Charlotte, IM. C. j Take Oil worth street cars to E?ach our plant. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. Supervisor* Will Fill Appointment* at Rock Hill. Fort Mill end Clover. Notice is hereby given that in obedience to the provisions of law so requiring, we will be at the places named below at the times mentioned for the purpose or issuing registration certificates to such citizens as mav apply for them, and who shall furnish satisfactory evidence of possessing the necessary qualifications to enable them to receive the same: Rock Hill. August 2 and 3. Fort Mill, August 4. Clover, August 8. The constitutional requirements as to eligibility for registration are: (1) Applicant must be 21 years of age. (2) Must have been a citizen of the State two years, of the county one year and of the polling precinct at I which he desires to vote four months, i I (31 He must be able to read and write, ' j or pay taxes on $300 worth of property, j I (4) He must furnish satisfactory evi- j dence of having paid all past due State ! and-county taxes. The receipt of the | county treasurer is sufficient evidence of having paid taxes. R. Si. WALLACE, Chairman, A. M. BLACK. J. E. BCRNS. j Supervisors of Registration for York county. 7-21-2t I t ; ' " \ Ts&r v How to Paint Your Buggy It's easy to re-paint your buggy, carriage, cart or vehicle of any kind. ACME QUALITY CARRIAGE PAINT (NEAL'S) makes It so simple that anyone can secure the finest results?a handsome, durable, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich colors. It's the ideal finish for vehicles and all surfaces, indoors or outdoors (row-boats, settees, porch furniture, etc.) that are subjected to extreme exposure or hard usage. It's all ready to brush on and the cost is a trifle No wofftT what the surface In be painted, enameled stained or varnished, there's an Acme Quality Kind to I " fit the purpose ~ PARKS DRUG COMPANY, ,: AGENTS. WANTED?To lease for a term of N three or five years, beginning January 0 1, 1910, a tract of land containing 10 to T .'50 acres within three miles of Fort Mill. T Address. "Lessee," care The Times. () () . g lew Houses : o C v houses in your V; uilt them? Rich * Men who work, | o ved. Some saved I j; eposited it in the J | ti accumulated to Vhen the home is c tg better is theirs: j< Begin now. T and Savings Bank, |s 3H, Cashier , - - - Itf. c. 7 B ? - ?j w - > I IF I JU N How often ha\ have you heard o opportunities hav I These things sY about it, and thin g dred dollars woul | soon you could hi g spare money, insi Come in and tc show you how hundred dollars, your name on oui Money deposi draws interest at months or longer, I ! The Peof ROCK 1 SAKE, : rV? in 11 w arecargE ALLONS PUT UP O O T UT T IN J U(JS. i i \ i t-J i EXPRESS PRE CORN WHISKEY. 1 Gul 2 < few. Corn $2 10 $3 'ne-Year-OUl Corn . 2 35 -1 wo-Year-Old Corn . .'{ ik) 5 hroo-Yoar-Old Corn II 25 .j Id Mountain Corn 2 75 1 Id Private Stock Corn ocahontas Corn . Id Process Corn riinroso Corn, old and mellow RYE WHISKEY. ihson _ 4 50 S Id Times 3 75 7 Id Prentice (case goods) ascade Id Taylor 4 00 7 [ellwood (bottled in bond) .1 75 7 verholt fferson Club. 8 7.7 7 Id Henry 3 50 G avage Mountain Rye 3 50 fi Id Grand Dad r 3 50 G W. Harper aul Jones Rye osh Valley Rye ... Ijerweed kye xcelsior 2 25 i oover's Private Stock Rye ell wood _ 4 50 . Hlson Rye . . reen River 4's divert MALT WHISK IKS. oover's Old Malt 3 2"> 5 ooney's Malt 3 50 6 uffy's Malt .... . GINS. ooth's Old Tom _. urkey Gin 3 60 *? wan Gin 2 50 4 olland Gin 8 00 6 NO CHARGE FOR JU( W. H. HOOVER & CO., I You Can't D on H01 It requires cash and credi incubator that hatches both means and large integrity h promote his fortune. Use This Ba for deposits, loans and any with a bank. We will be pl< THE SAVINGS BANK ( W. B. Meachi ST HAD IONEY re you said this? i .1 _ o * triers say it.' And 1 e you missed by no! lould start you to th tk hard. Think of v d do for you right n ive it if vou would :ead of carelessly th ilk the matter over you can soon acci; and help you to d r list of depositors. ted in our Savini the rate of 4 per ce yles Nation iILL, - - SOUTH CARO SUCCESSFUL, T fiT -? ? a i iiM- ir-w ll??nc t :I*A 11). Gal 3 Gal 1 Gal 4 Qts 6<.^ts sQts 12Qt ' 60 $5 35 Si) 8"> SJ 35 S3 25 SI "2") ST <m 10 5 75 7 35 oo 7 oo 9 hi :: no .j .to 5 r.o 9 oo 25 7 25 y 25 90 0 90 s 2". 2 75 3 75 5 25 7 25 3 oo 4 25 5 00 9 oo 3 Oo | 25 5 50 9 oo 3 25 1 00 C> oo 9 25' 3 5o 4 90 6 25 9 5o | j() 12 75 10 oo 5 50 7 5 i 1;; 5o ' 10 lo 5o 13 Oo 4 OO 0 oo 12 oo 12 oo _ 5 50 7 50 13 00 j 5 oo 0 75 12 75 ' 1 <>o 11 25 11 ? m > 5 no )> 7", 12 _> '>' 10 lo 50 13 Oo I 75 0 75 13 25 , 1 50 0-5 12 50 * 10 10 13 00 4 oo 5 SO lo iiO ^ 60 9 50 12 00 4 oo 5 75 lo no 60 9 50 12 00 4" 00 5 75 lo 00 , 50 9 50 12 00 5 00 7 00 12 25 4 oo 5 75 7 50 lo oo * 4 oo 5' 75 7 5o in on 1 4 50 6 85 8 50 12 00 25 _. 2 25 3 25 4 50 6 50 4 (XI 5 75 7 50 10 Oo 5 00 7 50 12 75 j 5 5 Oo 6 75 13 25 j 4 50 6 85 12 50 I 90 8 50 11 oo 3 75 5 50 7 50 9 50 1 J 60 9 50 12 00 4 00 5 75 lo 00 ! 4 IM) 5 75 11 4M> : 1 5 o<> 7 10 13 00 1 60 o 50 rj i h t oo 5 Tr. 10 .",0 ' 00 6 75 8 60 I 00 8 25 10 00 :;s OR RACKING. np 522 E BROAD STREET. , uc>? R.CHVlOND. VA. o Business I t Air! I t. This bank is a sort of fli1 Manv a man of smnll las a bank as a vehicle to i, nk 1 business you may have eased to serve you. IF FORT MILL, S. C. ! im, Cashier J s-: _ ' 0 "'"1 =TI ? SOME \nd how often low many good t having money? inking. Think ^hat a few hunow; and of how only save your rowing it away, j with us. We ll imulate several o it by entering gs Department nt. if left three al Bank, I i UNA. 11 i SFrilRF ill ? ig Furniture Bargains We arc offering many atractive hot-weather bargains .11 oar splendid stock oi' Furliture. Lots of folks are taking advantage of our bargains. We are sure that you too could find something here /ou would like to have. Can't you come down here where the goods are to be seen? HAMMOCKS afford relief from hot weather. Anyone can enjoy the pleasure and comfort of a Hammock for a very small outlay; not only for this summer, but for years. Our handsome pillow Hammocks, with neat fringe, have several special features over other makes that we will be glad to have you examine carefully before you buy. W. G. REID & SON ROCK HILL, S. C. POOL ROOM ORDINANCE. Re it enacted by the Town Council of Fort Mill, S. C\, and by the authority of the same: I l? ..Loll lw. f .i r. - ... ?. ?V .mull ?M 1<III<IWII<I 1 or the manager or proprietor of any I'ool Koom to keep the same open later than eleven (11) o'clock at night. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any minor to enter a Pool Room either to play or for any other purpose; it sha'1 also be unlawful for the manager or proprietor of any Pool Room to allow a minor in the Pool Room. Sec. 3. Any person or persons vio- > lating either of the above sections shall upon conviction be liable to a fine of not less than five (5) dollars nor more than fifty (50) dollars, or imprisoned for a period of not less than five (5) days nor more than thirty (30) days at the discretion of the mayor or council. Done in open council this 5th day of Julv, 1910. L. A. HARRIS, Attest: Mayor. J. L. SPRATT, Clerk.