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f The Fort Mill Times. DEMOCRATIC. Published Thursday Morninirs. B. nV. & W. R. Hkaoford Publishers W. R. Brahford ...Editor | B. W. bradford On application to the publisher, advertigimc rates are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and Ionic distance. No. 112. Subscription Rates: One Year $1.25 Six Months _ 65 j -===^==5H=-=^ FORT MILL. S. O.. JULY 21. 1910. No Half-way Ground for Democrats. There is no half-way ground for Democrats when it comes to forcing prohibition, so-called, on an unwilling community. One of the cardinal principles of the Democratic party is local selfgovernment. Did any one hear of President Grover Cleveland importing from Oregon an individual to fill the office of postmaster in any Southern city? Hardly. Why? Because Grover Cleveland was a Democrat. Do the Republican national administrations force alien Federal officers upon Southern communities? They do. An instance? Florence. S. C. Whv do thev do it? Because they have no respect for the wishes of the people to be affected by such appointments. Is there more reason or justice in the people of York county , taking from the people of Aiken county the management of their own affairs? If the people of Aiken county wish to continue the legalized sale of liquor through the county dispensary, is it any part of the business of the people of York county to interfere with them? Democrats cannot afford to endorse such Republican principles by voting into the! executive office a man who would stifle local self-government. It is high time for some men who claim to be Democrats to learn a thing or two about the doctrines of their party? A Capital Suggestion. The suggestion which was made i publicly in Fort Mill some days ago that Mayor John T. Roddey, of Rock Hill, would make a valuable member of the General As Li., i * ? * semujy iuis met. wiui iruicn iuvui . in this section of the county. The Times would be pleased to learn that Mayor Roddey had decided to assent to the wishes of his Fort Mill friends. There is little doubt that he would receive a flattering vote in this section. Compulsory Education Progressing. The most important boost we have yet seen for the cause of compulsory education in the South was the recent unanimous j endorsement given the proposal by the Weekly Press Association of Georgia. Such an endorsement is worth more than all the resolutions that could be passed \>y the various teachers' associations of the South in a year. The weekly press of Georgia, as of the other States of the South, is a power and when its editors work concertedly for any undertaking results are sure to follow. Compulsory education for South Carolina has never appealed with much force to this paper. There are objections to the proposed law the operation of which we have feared would not be overcome by the benefits to be derived from the wholesome features. No sane man can deny, however, that every white child is entitled to an education and that the State should provide for his educational wants, regardless of the cost. One has but to frequent the places where the youth of both sexes are to be found and listen to their conversation to reach the conclusion that there is a screw loose in our educational system. In Fort Mill, for instance, such like remarks as "the hands are apt to starve to death if the mill losses much more time" is a comparatively mild reminder that something should be done to force si \ i The Times invites contributions on live subjects, but does not afrree to publish more than 200 words on any subject. The riirht is reserved to edit every communication submitted for mihlimtinn. a little learning into heads that are now devoid of anything approaching knowledge of the correct use of simple English words. Julius E. Boggs ha'j withdrawn from the race for the Democratic nomination for Congress against Wyatt Aiken in the Third district. One or two well meaning but misguided gentlemen who are opposing Mr. Fin ley in the Fifth district could with profit to themselves follow the example of Mr. Boggs. No town is worthy of a newspaper if the editor finds the success of his paper dependent upon the good will of the lawless, ignorant element of the community. What such a town needs is a stockade. Political Announcements. ELECTION, AUGUST 30. For Conicreti 5th District. I am a candidate for Congress, and will abide the result pf t le Democratic primary election. THOS. B. BUTLER, GafTney, S. C. For House of Representatives. To the Democratic Voters of York County: We beg to suggest the name of Hon. S. H. EI'PS as a candidate for the Legislature. In the past Mr. Epps has worthily represented the county in this body and if elected again he will render to the people the same acceptable service. FORT MILL FRIENDS. I am a candidate for election to the House of Representatives, subject to the rules of the Democratic primarv. THOS. F. McDONV. The Times is authorized to announce J. S. GLASSCOCK as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the primaries. The Times is authorized to announce O. L. SANDERS, of McConnellsville, as a candidate for reelection to the House of Representatives, subject to the approval of the Democratic primary. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the House of Representatives from York county, subject to the 1 action of the Democratic primary. J. E. BEAMGUARD. For County Trcamurrr. 1 hereby announce myself a sa candidate for nomination for appointment to the office of County Teasurer, subject' to the action of the Democratic voters in the primary election. JOHN A. NEEDY. The Times is authorized to announce HARRY E. NEIL as a candidate for aptKjintment as Treasurer for York county, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. For Supt. of Education. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Supeaintendent of Education for York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. MINOR R. BIGGERS. The Times is authorised to announce Mr. JOHN WARREN QUINN, formerly of Broad River, now of York township, as a candidate for County Superintendent of Education, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the approaching primary election. For County Supervisor. The. ie unthnri7oH t,. onnon,,.., THOS. W. BOYD as a candidate fur Supervisor of York county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters in the primary election. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of Supervisor of York county, subject to the rules of the approaching Democratic primary elec tion. CI.KM P. GORDON. The Fort Mill friends of JOHN F. GORDON take pleasure in presenting : his name to the voters of York county for the office of County Supervisor. . >lr. Gonjon ft) led this office some years ;\go and his administration redowned to the interests of the county as well as reflecting credit upon himself. For County Auditor. The Times is authorised to announce JOE M. TAVl.OR, of Newport, as a candidate for Auditor of York county, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. The Times is authorized to announce Broadus M. Love, of Smyrna, as a candidate for the Democratic recommen, dation for appointment as Auditor of York county; subject to the choice of the voters in the primary election. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination for reappointment to the office of County Auditor, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the primary election. JOHN J. HUNTER. We are authorized to announce T. E. McMACKIN as a candidate for appointment as Auditor of York county, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic voters in the primary election. For Maxiilratr. I hereby announce myself a candidate i*o<iim<vin t mi.iO o o \f oreiot *<!? Fort Mill township, subject to the recommendation of the Democratic primary election. JOHN W. McKl,HANKY. A "Special Notice" in The Times will bring results. Phone 112. A GRAND OPPORTIH DIP AMMIIAI UIU HI1I1UHL Which Began Sa tinues T This Sale is being held to of the ordinary kind at the usual p and hot. We have made big efforts other places and wonder why you ( mentioned above that you won't foi INDEPENDENT, INDEPEND bottom, ocean-bottom prices will be you. Read the list of some of our gains that we are going to give yoi White Goods. 20c While Pique, per yard 10c 25c White Madras, per yard .. ISc 20c White Madras, " ? 15e 25c White Fancy Waist Goods, per yard 19c 20c and 25c Fancy Waist Goods, per yard 12* 12Jc Fancy Waist Goods, per yard Se ISc White Poplin, per yard . 12* '7c White Poplin, " " 10c 2<lc White Flaxon, per yard . 15c 25c White Lawn, (special) per yd 17c 20c White Lawn, per yard 14c 15c White Lawn, " " 12c 12c White Lawn, " '* 10c 25c White Checked Dimity, per yd 19c 2tic White Checked Dimity, " " 16c ITAc White Checked Dimity, per yard * .... l!?c 40 Inch White Lawn, per yard 5c 15c White Waisting, per yard 9c .'16 Inch White Linen, (special) per yard 9c Linens. 50c Heavy White Linen, per yd 39c 30c Heavy White Linen, " 44 _25c 35c White Linen Lawn, " " . 29c 25c White Linen Lawn, " " 16c 25c Brown Linen, per yard . 23c 20c Brown Linen, " " . . 15c 15c Brown Linen, 44 " _ 12i 12 jc Brown Linen, " " , 10c 20c Brown Striped Linen, per yd 17c 12 Yd. Bolt Comfort Cloth, per bolt - . $2.00 Silks. 50c White Jap Silk, per yard 35c $1.00 White Taffeta Silk, per yd... 75c 25c Colored Japanese Silk, 44 " . 20c h5c Black Tatfeta Silk, per yard. 69c $1.00 Black Taffeta Silk, 4 4 4 ? ^5c All Colored Dollar Taffetas, per yd. 79c 75c Yd Messaline Waist Patterns, 50c Dress Goods. 43c Figured Foulards, per yard . 35c 45 cent Shantung, per yard ? 30c Best Dress Ginghams, per yard .. 3* All 10 cent Colored Lawns, per yd 6c Good Check Ginghams, per yard 5c New Colored Poplins, per yard 15c and 22c 30 Inch Light and Dark Percales, not* ttor/l f"1 C*~ """ - '2 30 Inch Madras, per yard - 7? All Calico, per yard 5J Best Apron Checks, per yard 7c Ribbons. 30 and 3oc values, plain and fancy Ribbon, per yard 18c Laces. One large assortment Linen Laces in choice patterns, all new 3c Embroidery. All of our Embroidery, Edging, Insertions and Allovers at a great reduction. Embroidered Shirtwaist Fronts, Lace Yokes, Medalions and Dress Trimmings at money-saving prices. Cambric. Good Cambric for family use (special) per yard at 10c BRING PROFIT AND SATISFACT1 We have listed here only a sir one of the greatest ever held in Fc This great Sale, which closes come one day of the sale you will E. W. KI m ri v ii I 1ITY IF YOU DO NOT VISI INDEPENDENCE iturday Morning, Jul] hrough Saturday, J make business hum, when ordinarily rices would be no inducement to you to > to make this sale profitable to our cus lon't have one in your own town. Yo rget for a long time to come. ENT. INDEPENDENT, of all price > put on every article in our Dry Goods offerings for the week. These are onl i. Notions. All 5c articles at 4c All 10c articles at Sc All 15c articles at _ 13c All 25c articles at 22c skirts and Shirt Waists, Nice White Wash Skirts at 85c $1.00 Shirt Waists at . 85c 50e Shirt Waists at .. 43c Hosiery. Ladies' and children's 10c Hose ... 7J Ladies' and children's 15c Hose . 12c Ladies' Gauze Vests. Ladies' 10c Gauze Vests ,_ ... 7c Special shipment of Vests for this sale at prices AWAY DOWN. Ladies' Skirts. Our full line of Ladies' Skirts will ^o at actual cost. Black Underskirts (special) at. 44c Ladies' Underwear, 50 cent Gowns at 42c 75 cent Gowns at .. 62c $1.00 Gowns at 87c $1.75 Gowns at $1.36 50 cent Skirts at....... ... 42c 75 cent Skirts at 62c 85 cent Skirts at 72c $1.00 Skirts at ? 87c $1.50 Skirts at ... $1.25 15 cent Corset Covers at 12c 25 cent Corset Covers at 10c 25 cent Children's Drawers at 19c 15 cent Children's Drawers at 12c 10 cent Children's Drawers at .. . 8c Sheeting. 10-4 Atlantic Bleached Sheeting .. 29c 35 inch Unbleached Sheeting .. 6A 36 inch best Bleached Sheeting .. 8J 10 cent quality Bleached Sheeting. 7c Cannon Cloth, Best Cannon Cloth, per yard 8? Lace Curtains, $2.75 Lace Curtains, per pair $2.30 $1.75 Lace Curtains, " " 1.38 IK) cent Lace Curtains, per pr 68c Counterpanes. A very select assortment of these goods for you to choose from and the prices are independent of precedents. Table Linen. $1.00 Table Linen, per yard 89c 85 cent Table Linen, per yard 69c 75 cent Table Linen, per yard ? 49c 60c Mercerized Table Linen, per yd 44c 50c Mercerized Table Linen, (special per) yard 25c 85c Unbleached Pure Linen, per yd. 69c Colored Damask, per yard . 25c Colored Plaid Damask, per yard .. 39c Matting. We have a big lot of Matting that must be sold this week. For sale week every yard sold below cost. ON TO YOURSELF BY COMING TO 1 tall number of the offerings that go to ] >rt Mill. Do not fail to visit us this w Saturday night, is the best we ever ha attend every day during the week. MBRELL v* IHgpjK ^ .. ? it" . . T US DURING OUR A AIR Alii" . UASH SAL'L j 16, and Conluly 23. it would be dull. Merchandise i shop when the days arc sultry stomers. You read about sales at u'll have one during the week restriction. Rock-bottom, well5 Department. We will please y some of the very special barSheets and Pillow Cases. 75 cent Sheets, extra large size 59c 50 cent Sheets, full size 48c 20 cent extra large Pillow Cases 16c 15 cent large size Pillow Cases 12J 12* cent Pillow Cases . 10c ' Towels, 50 cent all Linen Towels, each 44c ' 25 cent all Linen Towels, each 22c i 20 cent Huck Towels, each, 16c 15 cent Huck Towels, each . 12c 12J cent Huck Towels, each . . 10c 1 10c cent Huck Towels, each ... 7* I Hig lot of good values to go at 5c ? Ladies' Oxfords and Shoes. L 120 pairs Irving Drew Co. Ladies' 1 Oxfords with the best quality and the x very latest style. These go on sale at \ 20c off on every dollar. \ 100 pairs Radcliffe Ladies' Oxfords, \ on sale at 20c off nn 120 pairs Frankfort Ladies' Oxfords, ^ on salt- at 20c off on every dollar. And the biggest arui i>est line of Infant's Children's and Misses'Oxfords ever shown in Fort Mill, the "Lenox" brand, on sale at 25c off on every dollar. Men's Oxtords. We have the celebrated Fellowcraft and Ralstons Brands and in the very latest styles. The kind of shoes that require no breaking in. Co on sale at one-fifth off, or 20c off on every dollar. Gent's Ties. We have a very large stock of ties and are anxious to reduce our stock. All 25c Ties go at 19c All 50c Ties go at 41c Men's Dress Shirts. All $1.00 Shirts go at a sacrifice of 79c All 50c Shirts go at a sacrifice of 42c All 25c Shirts go at a sacrifice of 19c Boy's and Men's Underwear. All 50c Garments to go at 42c All 25c Garments to go at 19c Hats. in onuw uuous we nave a lew Hats left that we offer at J price. In Felt Goods we have a bitf line for you to select from at 33 Jc off on every dollar. Men's Half Hose. Ail 10c Hose tfo at per pair 7A All 15c Hose ^o at per pair .. 12c All 25c Hose po at " " ... .. 10c Clothing. All Men's and Boy's Clothing po in this Cash Sale at 33 Je off on every dollar. Odd Pants All odd pants, all the very latest styles, at 25c off on every dollar. Doilies. $2.25 quality pure Linen, per doz $1.89 $2.00 quality pure Linen, per doz . 1.48 $1.35 quality pure Linen, per doz . 1.10 $1.75 quality pure Unbleached Linen, per dozen 1.39 [HIS INDEPENDENCE CASH SALE make the sale week at our store eek. d, and we arc sure that if you COMP'Y 1