University of South Carolina Libraries
i r Gold Hill News. A lively party of young: people consisting of Misses Helen Epps, Annie Crook, May Coltharp, ' Corinne Karis, Bessie Faris and Josiah Epps went on the Johnson City excursion last week. All were delighted with the trip, their only regret being that they could not stay longer near the magnificent mountain scenery. Little Miss Frances Blankenship, who has been ill with typhoid fever for several weeks, is renorht^d mnrh imnroved C. H. and S. E. Kimbrell went to Yorkville last Friday to take the Clemson scholarship and entrance examination. Mr. Alexander Garrison, of Oklahoma City, spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. ; B. M. Faris. Mr. Garrison with | his wife and family expect to i return to Oklahoma in a few days. August 8 is the date for the farmers' institute at Gold Hill academy. This is the first year since* the farmers' institute was established by Clemson college that we have been fortunate enough to secure and institute here. There is little doubt that every farmer in this and the adjoining communities will turn out and obtain some practical ideas about the various features of farming. The party which will visit us is composed of a few of the ablest professors at i m Clemson. Their lectures will be upon proper methods of cultivation, treatment of insects on diseased plants, cures for the commonly occurring diseases of fruit trees, spraying and livestock. C. B. F. Gold Hill, July 12. "Haile's on the Corner" HEADQUARTERS FOR ICE CREAM AND DELICIOUS FOUNTAIN DRINKS, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, PIPES, CHEWING GUM, ETC. FINE LINE OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GOOD PLACE TO LOAF. WELCOME TO ALL. Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Mgr. Out of Town Buyers It mutters not how far from our store you live. You can shop as satisfactorily as our next door neighbor by using the telephone. or by mail. Order your Drug Store Goods by Phone v*r or send your order on a post card. We select what you order with a sense of the responsibility placed nnnn ii< "it-x-1 M-tn't.. ? uu uuu it inn cum in HI iii^; to look upon tilings from your viewpoint also use our best judgment. Again, your little child car. trade here as well as you. Our books are kept itemized to date all the time and we can tear your account out on a moment's notice. Ardrey's Drug Store. BEACH-IHRIE'S Q| g Attention, Ladies! jj 6 {j 2 We want to call your attention W Q to our swell new line of the latest Q X in design of jfij jjj Long Hat Pins 6 M E Q .lust what you want for that A w larjje hat. We have them in solid M for $2.00 up; highest grade Q gold iillfd, beauties, at 65c, 75c, ft 9 $1.00, $1.25 up to $4.00; sterling *i silvi r at 25c, 35c, 50c, $1.00 to Q R fl ^ Mail orders attended the same 5 w day received. ]||: jjj Beach-Ihrie Jewelry Co., f )|| Reliable Jeweler*, 5 Rock Hill, - - - S. C. ft K3HCXOOOOOOOJII f ' : ^ i How to Paint Your Buggy It's easy to re-paint your buggy, carriage, cart or vehicle o4 any kind. ACME QUALITY CARRIAGE PAINT (NIAL'S) makes it ao simple that anyone can secure the finest results a handsome, durable, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich colors. It's the ideal finish for vehicles and all surfaces, indoors or outdoors (row-boats, settees, porch furniture, etc.) that are subjected to extreme exposure or hard usage. It's all ready to brush on and the cost is a trifle A'o matter the surface In tw painted, enameled stained or varnished, there's art Acme Qu.i'ity Kind to fit the purpose | . PARKS DRUG COMPANY, AGENTS. ... MITCHELL HOTEL, (Formerly Nicholson Hot ell CHKSTKR. - - S. C. I You Can't D on Ho It requires cash and cred incubator that hatches botl means and large integrity promote his fortune. Use This Be for deposits, loans and an; with a bank. We will be p THE SAYINGS BANK W. B. Mead I Count theN I Count the nev^ locality. Who bi men? No. Who? men who have sa^ small sums and d< bank until enougf begin to build. V paid for somethin ? the savings habit. J The Pineville Loan GEO. W. BUNC PIItfEVILLE, 8 Marble and Granite Monuments. A large stock at prices from $5.0() up. Call and see the line at our storeroom. Boulevard and Palmer streets. Phone 1618. Write and let ins call and show designs. Queen City Marble & Granite Works, j Charlotte, INT. C. | Take Dilworth 3treet cars to ^ reach our plant. 4 L* ':. iWlilflriil 11 iH Ml" iw i * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' v * " '. > Furniture Bargains We are offering many attractive hot-weather bargains in our splendid stock of Furniture. Lots of folks are I taking advantage of our bargains. We are sure that you too could find something here you would like to have. Can't you come down here where the goods are to be seen'? HAMMOCKS afford relief from hot weather. Anyone can enjoy the pleasure and comfort of a Hammock for a very small outlay; not only for this summer, but for years. Our handsome pillow Hammocks, with neat fringe, have several special features over other makes that we will be glad to have you examine carefully before you buy. W. G. REID & SON ROCK HILL, S. C. '0 Business t Air! it. This bank is a sort of h. Many a man of small has a bank as a vehicle to i ml; inrv y business you may have 1 leased to serve you. OF FORT MILL, S. C. lam, Cashier """" ~i | ew Houses 1 r houses in your | uilt them? Rich | Men who work, | | ved. Some saved ^posited it in the 1 accumulated to /hen the home is g better is theirs: Begin now. and Savings Bank, H, Cashier , - - N. C. -! ms-\ - >, v \r- :v . v - * ft > | IF I JU jy How often ha have you heard < opportunities ha1 (These things s about it, and thii dred dollars won I soon you could h spare money, ins Come in and t show you how hundred dollars, your name on 01 Money depos draws interest al months or longei The Peo] nnrir I SAFE, The I Samuel Jeffries, of bottles of your Life 1 colored nirl. whom h I ~ I that her ease was ho] "1 lie .nirl had been about, and makes a s evei reached hereas E has cured thousands eases. The Lite Med v eg eta h 1 c i n g red i e 111 thousands of people > Ask your druggist $1.00 bottles. The Murray Drug ( Take It ai.uons put up doit 17 in jugs. r nl\jCi k.ypmrms: i?r CORN WHISKEY. 1 Gal i Few Com $2 10 1 me-Year-Old Corn 2 86 wo-Year-Old Corn - 3 00 hree-Year-Old Corn 3 2"> Id Mountain Corn . 2 75 Id Private Stock Corn ocahontas Corn Id Process Corn ritnrose Corn, old and mellow .. RYE WHISKEY. ibson 4 50 1<1 Times ........ 8 76 Id Prentice (case goods) ascade Id Taylor .. 4 00 lellwood (bottled in bond) 3 75 verholt efferson Club 3 75 Id Henry 350 NO CHARGE FOR JI W. H. HOOVER & CO., ? . r ^ 3 v ST HAD ?ONE\ VP vnn ca ;A fu;c? w v J w?? WU*Vt tl HO others say it? And ve you missed by n< hould start you to t nk hard. Think of ild do for you right lave it if you would ;tead of carelessly t alk the matter over you can soon acc , and help you to lr list of depositors. ited in our Savii t the rate of 4 per c r. pies Natioi HILL, - - SOUTH CAR SUCCESSFUL, Medicine that < I llioil < '.omit s , S. ( > or the Liver and Kidnv er pliysieians had L>iven peles.-*. in bed two years, but plendid house servant, e until she too J; your m )r. Hilton's Lif< FOR THE LIYLR AM) KIDNLYS ot people of Liver, Kidi i e i 11 l* ( '.ii:nn:iin < >f I '?* I ??i I ?. " s. It i- the l>c>t medi ul\ SO. for it. Sold cvcrywhi iompany. (Columbia. S. ( and Know Its I I TQT OUR MOTTO 1 k Pun* (rtxxln. Honest Dealing. !EPAID. I Gal :> (lal 1 t^Ls OQts 8Qtn l2Qt a .<"> :r> $ ; ?r> $2 35 $3 2'. $1 2", $7 00 llit 5 7". 7 35 r, do 7 nit ;> in) 3 imi 1 r?o r> 5o ;t on > 2-> 7 25 2-7 1 1M) 6 '.in s 25 2 75 3 75 5 25 7 25 3 00 1 25 5 00 0 (Hi 3 IM) 1 ".II I? nil :: 25 i oo 6 oo 9 25 3 r.o j !MI o 2.", y 50 - ?>0 12 7.", lt'( (M) 5 50 7 50 1.1 ."(ti 7 10 Ik ."?? 13 tttt 4 oo 6 00 12 00 12 00 6 60 7 50 13 ?to 5 00 6 76 12 7"> 7 W) 11 25 14 OO 5 00 0 75 13 25 7 10 10 50 13 00 4 75 6 75 ... 13 25 4 50 6 85 12 60 710 10 50 18 00 4 00 5 80 10 00 6 60 y 50 12 00 4 00 5 75 10 00 JGS OR PACKING. Inc 322 E BROAD STREET, xnc., Richmond, va. ? SOME || f IT . And how often s how many good )t having money? hinking. Think I what a few hunnow; and of how only save your hrowing it away. with us. Well :umulate several do it by entering tigs Department tent, if left three ial Bank, OLINA. SECURE. I il ^ures ays: "I bought two I :y.s and i?avc il to a up entirely. and said now she up and B i'here 110 remedy edicine. ' e ie\ and I rinnrx di>ubia make il <>! pure cine in the world jre in 2x, n()c and distributers. 3 benefits i POOL ROOM ORDINANCE. lit' it enacted !>y the Town Council of Fort Mill, S. and by the authority I of t he same: 1 Section 1. It shall be unlawful for the manager or proprietor of any Pool Room to keep the same open later than eleven (11) o'clock at night. See. >. It shall be unlawful for any i minor to enter a Pool Room either to i plav or for any other purpose; it shall i j also be unlawful for the manager or i proprietor of any Pool Room to allow a minor in the Pool Room. Sec. :i. Any person or persons vio- W i lating either of the above sections shall upon conviction be liable to a fine of not less than five (.">) dollars nor more than fifty (T>0) dollars, or imprisoned for a period of not less than five (5) days nor more than thirty (30) days at the discretion of the mayor or council. Done in nnnn rniinoil ?n;?. r..u j of July, 1910.' WU" ,'1" uay L. A. HARRIS, Attest: Mavor J. L. SFRATT, Clerk. y I J