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CAUSE RIOTS Frta Em? Section Cose Reports of Gishes Between Races OYER THE PRIZE FIGHT ^ Xe?ro?i in Many I'larea Bwonw IrniiIUik When It IkH-anM* Known TS a f?? *? a *r * a ?ai tfiiiiuvii fliMi ruHKHtm tinfri<* Out in tlio (irrat Pint Fight nt Xev., Monday. There wore clashes between whites ani blacks in several sections of Philadelphia Monday night following the announcement of Johnson s Tictory over Jeffries. At. Kansas City. Mo., negroes in boasting of figlu result, pulled from streets cars and riots threatened in dowu town streets were on Monday midnight. Kxtra police were on duty to prevent mobbing. One dead and one mortally wounded is the result of an attempt by four ntvsroes to shoot up Moundo. III.. In honor of Jack Johnson's victory at Reno. A negro constable was killed when he attempted to arrest them. At Little Rock, Ark., two negroes are reported killed by white men. one by n Rock Island conductor on his way into the rity Monday night, and the other by a white man at Second nnd Scott streets. At Washington several small race riots broke out at various points on Pennsylvania avenue Monday night following announcement of the Jeffries-Johnson fight. There were a number of arrests. No one was seriously hurt. Rioting between whites and blacks broke out In seven different points in New York City Monday night following the announcement of the result of the Jeffries-Johnson fight. One negro was dragged from a street car and badly beaten before rescued. A gang of white men in the "black and tan belt" set fire late Monday night to a negro tenement on the middle West-Side. The police and fire deportment were ordered out on tho jump. The race feeling is very bitter against the negroes. Seventy negroes, half the number women, were arrested Monday night in the "black belt" of Baltimore for disorderly celebration of Johnsons victory. One negro was badly cut by anothor and two other negroes were assaulted and severely injured by whites in arguments over the big fight. Rioting in a negro quarter of St. Louis at Market street and Jefferson avenue followed the announcement that Jack Johnson was the victor in the Reno prize fight. The police finally clubbed back the negroes, who were blocking trattc and making thrents. Minor disturbances between whites and blacks broke out at Fort Worth following the announcement of Johnsou's victory over Jeffries Monday afternoon. The most serious was an attack by two impresses on a white woman, the latter being seriously hurt by blows on the head with beer bottles. Six m^groes with broken heads, six white men locked up and one white man, Joe Chockley, with a bullet through his skull and probably fatally wounded, is the net result of clashes at Roanoke. Va., Monday aight following the announcement that Jiick Johnson had defeated Jnn Jeffries. The trouble started when a negro, who had just heard the news front Reno, said: "Now I guess the white folks will let the negroes alone." A white man replied "no' and the two clashed. Police had difficulty landing the negro in jail, feeing compelled to draw their revolvers. l.ater a negro shot Chockley and escaped. In Atlanta trouble between the blacks and whites as an outgrowth of the Jeffries-Johnson fight was marrowly averted Monday night when tho police arrested half a dozen whites and one negro. The black yelled "hurrah for Johnson" on a crowded downtown street. He held a knife in his hand and in an instant several white men had struck feim The police used their clubs freely after the whites had chased the negro Into an alley. The streets wero thronged with men of both races in a nasty humor, but the police were vigilant and say they can prevent trouble. The first disorder arose at the Grand opera house where a mixed audience heard the fight bulletins read. Later some negroes started a parade to celebrate the victory of their fellow black. This She police stopped at once. On the rder of Uhe police commission the mounted men. the reserves and the detective force were called out and the downtown streets patroled. At Houston, Texas, disturbances hroko out Immediately Monday night n the announcement of the Johnson victory at Reno. Three negroes vere badly hurt by white men inside of an hour after the Hash of the result and the police were called to euell the several minor disturbances and to break up hst fights. Charles Williams, a negro, was a little too vociferous In announcing the I outcome on a street car and a while EVIL SPREADING ONE NEGRO IN EVERY FOl'R S USES COCAINE. Effort* of Police to Stop Uu* Illegal T Sole of the Polsou Hare Had Lit tie Effect. Accordinc to JkhvRirlmifi tn Innch with the situation in Charleston, the ncocaine habit among the negroes is 1? spreading to an alarming extent. The e drug, front all uccour.ts. made its (j apearance among the denizens of the under world in Charleston about ^ twelve years ago. hut at that time ^ whs used only by a comparltively small number acquainted with the !) peculiar inhuenre which the pow- ^ der exerts upon the human sys- ^ ; tent. The use of the drug, however, sj Bp read rapidly, first among the y whites, then iu Darktown, until now it is estimated that one negro in every four uses cocaine in one form ^ or another. n The police have at various times during the last two years attempted ^ to stamp out the sale of cocaine, .. but apparently without success. Several persons, charged with selling ^ the drug without a physician's ce* tlficate, were convicted in the Police Court and fined heavily for his vio- *h lation of the city ordiuance. There j is at present pending in the Charleston Police Court, the case of Chas. ^ Jones, while, alias "Weatherhorn, ' charged with selling a box of co- *j caine to a negro woman on Market ^ street. f. Very often the drug is used in s( the shape of a solution of the cr\ssl talline form, mixed with other in- ^ jurious ingredients and injected into f > the system by means of a hypodermic syringe. Other habitual users take it in the form of pills. The devotee using the syringe method, in many cases upon examination is. . found to have his arms, legs or , 1 n chest covered with one mass of sores, resulting from the punctures made by the needle of the ^ syringe. These wounds as a usual thing heal un verv nnicUlv >n?t " " " tc often fester and break out, owing to the unsanitary surroundings in tr which the cocaine fiend lives as a general rule. Cases are known in which cocaine fiends died of lockjaw and other forms of poisoning, us a direct result of festering of the hypo- wi dermic syringe pricks covering the st' persons of the unfortunate users of 1,1 the drug. 4,t The most "popular" and simple eI1 method in vogue of taking the drug m into the system is by snuffing it lo through the nose. The pure co- 'lt caine flakes are crushed to a powder in a ihortar, and retained in this form. A small quantity of the stuff re is shaken on the buck of the hand and then inhaled through the nose. 1-1 Another method consists of dissolv- 111 ing a small quantity of cocaine in a tcaspoonsful of water, and Uten heat- *'f ing it over a match. The is swal- 'n lowed. 'n It hay been pretty firmly establish- P( ed that indulgence in cocaine leads ni to physical wreckage. The users of r' the drug claim that a dose gives them "courage," .'sweet dreams, fr and a sort of exuberance of spirit. w This state lasts from two to four hours, as a rule, but after that wears w off quickly, leaving the victim with tl an insatiable craving for more of 111 the deadly drug. Negroes especially are very susceptible to the influence '' nf ????'! -.-??% n nun iiinii'i n? hw ay will ?' commit acts from which they would w shrink under normal conditions. 'c The illegal cocaine trade is carried on by three different sets of individuals. First, those who procure it from the large drug centers of the country in wholesale quantt- sl ties; t.hoso who sell to agents; and finally the latter themselves who ^ dispose of it to the friends. The '' profits of the peddler are known to ** he considerable. A vial of cocaine n which sells at $1, is made up in'o 1,1 as many as three dozen boxes, each containing enough of the drug for 1,1 two or three small doses. The boxes ' * sell at 25 cents each. Not content a* with this profit, a majority of the agents adulterate the pure cocaine flakes with other drugs and various I" harmless powders. Daroric acid is principally used for this purpose, as st it is snow white and therefore in- 111 visible unless detected by the eye of an expert chemist. Very small boxes have recently Ci; nut} inf11" appearance on tne mar- 111 ket, which are offered for sale at *> a price of 15 cents. It has leaked 'a out, however, tliat the fiends refuse at to buy them because of the fact that ai the contents are mostly ingredients t: other than cocaine, thereby giving 's the buyer none of that sensation *v which he craves with might and soul. ( t t w lllurjin kets Mi\ In. (,r Kace riots broke out all over Norfolk Monday night nnd many negroes ;u were injured. Tbo trouble was caused mostly by enlisted men from !v the various battleships who attacked a", negroes wherever they met them. A t, deiatchment of marines from tu? quell the riot. ? w man slashed his throat fion tr to n ear. The negro almost bled to ooatn \\ before he reached tho hospita' to si which he waa hurried. I o - 4 f -i* 1 THE AMERICAN GIRL c OMR REASON'S WHY SHE lK)l-> XOT MARRY. M' V iir i-rinr*- 01 u<mki M-lhiw* for h . Companion, but Too Self lloliant rt s to iH-jMiitl ou tier Husband. v fl My pen has bwn itching for some lonths to spatter off a few accumu- v iting tbou:hts on this subject. Not 11 vt n the monopolistic ravages of 11 ust upon trust could give rise with- s< i nie to such invectives as are call- P ;1 forth when 1 think of the grow- ' lg unflttedness of the average merican girl for matrimony. 11 As companions and comrades in i< leasu re-seeking the American girl P lav acknowledge no peer. Jolly. P ill of spirit, daring to recklessness, :i tie accepts no lead but her own. s1 he is the prince of good fellows. The glad hand of comradeship is aily extended. She is even becomlg as expert as ourselves in origi- y ating a muititdue e?f barely-conentional things that we have alays mysteriously referred to as doings." But. to marry her. I respectfully >' eeline. The very self-reliance up- p n which she prides herself, woulu w lso proves the undoing of the ^ ouse. What man cares to acknow>dge the existence of any initiative ? ther than his own within the four v alls of his home. The co-operative *' plrit unfolds Itself gloriously in, leory but in practice you eventually J" nd the co-operation solely between 1 le right and left hand of one po?- a in. The human system is so conLituted. that lacking tlie power to ^ oniinate, it become vitally nec- 1 jsary to be dominated. In business ? vo forces striving toward suprem y will in time, resolve themselves ito a ttrst and second. You ask why this may not be so malrlmnnf 11 ?- H . liuviij . mn auPt4 tuwe OppOV iK forces can only be settled on a ' * jslness basis, inasmuch as they *e propelled by the lower brutish rs laracteristics, largely selfishness. ^ id must be governed by cold mat- r< r-fact lnw. And this. in itself. m Us the sentiment necessary to ma- ~~ iniony. lo Ami the American girl, rapidly tv 'coniing ohessed with the idea of r supremacy, or at least equality, ith despised man. is making of her If a practically impossible matri- * onial factor, in that her indepen- '? >nce is creating in herself an el- l< nent of opposition that carries no cessary quality or characteristic Sl r the true home life and mother- ot aid. The sweet dependency upon e man so prominent a few decades ' :o is rapidly giving away to self- r(1 liance in the feminine sex that 111 recasts nothing but an increasing w ash of wills in a bond so close as ' 1 at of matrimony. ' ' This spirit of growing indepenone is a harsh discordant note to fuse into the home atmosphere. As w any corporation or combination of 1' ?rsons for an ultimate result, there ' ust he a guiding force, so the mat- 1,1 monial combination must have its <M lot. And among niy "gentle. iends 1 fail to place a single one ll( ho would not believe herself com- vv atent to lie the guiding force, and '' ho would not take it upon herself > assume as much of power as alie 11 light he allowed. ol I'nder these conditions no law of 1,1 timan nature could he invoked to 1 revent friction. And where then ould be the honor, obedience and vs ? mm ii uiiiirimuny nas rested " om time immemorial? And even ''' >uld the possibility of friction be n liminated the ascendancy of this incpendent do-for-myself-or-not-at-all Cl ?irit is largely responsible for the w rowing familiarity of the modern s' inerican girl with the opposite sex. is true that this familiarity, unlonght of thirty years ago, does not s< ecessarilv become a question ot 11 lorais, Init it does endanger and of- s n Kill, the respect that every true ian accords a woman. And with u >is loss of respect hands of any u ?'-t, matrimonial or otherwise, are l< a possible. ' Dodcing the issue with theory and Ci roverb as we may, yet the necessi- Kl of one ruling power in the .home 31 ill remains. Cast your eyes aong your friends. You will find 31 ippiness where there is a court of ,r st resort. Where this is not the -v< ise 1 challenge you to show perfect irmony, a harmony devoid of pet- w frictions rife in modern matrimon1 tangles. And petty quarrels, or 111 least quarrels with a petty origin. '' e undermining the entire instiluon of matrimony. Cold hard stattics prove it. One out of every at reive marriages ends in divorce. P< So why should the man marry w hen the modren American girl is to instantly training herself, or do- w w|>iuk ii .vuu win. aiong lines that >'f icrease the probability of friction, in ill lack harmony in the home? m We might question: What real' is the definition of home to the ci rerage American girl? Surely not th le home of our grandparents, nor gi ren of our mothers, as I recall p< lcm. To me thev were real homes, pi here the track of a muddy foot or di purloined ginger cookie met their ni ,'aterloo on the bottom of father's di ipp?-r. only to be afterwards envel- ni pod in the sweet caresses of mother ai DAIUNQ DKKD SAVES MjAXT. HI TruKt Employee Braved Horrible IH-ath t<> Shut Valve. While firemen poured powerful treams of water upon him, W. A. leaver, superintendent of the Attntic Refining plant, Pittsburg, Pa.. ' ashed daringly through flame an J moke early Thursday and shut a alve which prevented fire spreading rom a burning still of benzine to reat tanks of oil nearby. In the iclnity over 110,000 barrels of pe- 1 -oleum in various stages of refine- | tent were stored. Two thousand pet- j tins called from their beds by the eril. cheered the superintendent as e came scorched from the burning till. What would likely have been catastrophe similar to that at Slier2an several years ago wher 200 eople were seriously injured in a asoline explosion was prevented nd the loss confined to the benzine till. 1 AX AWTI L DKKU. V'onuin Drowns Child to Thwart Kidnappers. Crazed by the fear that her sixear-old daughter would be kidnaped, Mrs. W. L. Duxton, wife of a .*011 to do ranchman, living 11 miles rom Cortex, Colo., drowned the hlld in a wa&htub to save it from . hat her unbalanced mind considred a worse fate. Mrs. Luxton was ound Wednesday night by Sheriff iawath on the door step of the sherff's home at Durango. She told in n incoherent story of a conspiracy :> kidnap her daughter and declared he had thwarted the plotters by olding the child's head in a tub f water until it was dead. _ ! Shot All Dogs in Sight. A. C. Elmore, while celebrating ( le Fourth of July at Pacolet Mon- . ay, decided that he had to shoot all | le dogs in sight. One of the dogs, j eeing from the shots tired at him. in into an old gentleman named { iffenwer and upset him with the suit that his leg was broken. El- , ore was arrested and placed in jail. , \ ve, while father looked on with a ? tinkle in his eve. 51 And now? Typicnl of today is a ' nitest recently conducted by a ^ ell-known magazine, in which opin- j ns were requested as to the ne- t ssary annual income on which a j an might attempt matrimony. v irelv it was not any increased cost j, living that sent the average fig- t e soaring up to over $2,400 a year. nl tl... I...... ? ... .... .M mow rcms til tit.>ast of beef?but the demand c.f p lodern feminine American for a v hirl in tiie circle outside of home, h io luxuries of society and the at- a vay from the pivotal center of j iii<. the cradle. e This butterfly existence, even j hen it touches the individual but oc- (| isionaily. is undoubtedly under- P inlng tlie necessarily strict code of t orals set by our ancestors. Hut u . en more demoralizing is woman s r icreasing assumption of man's in- * ?pendence. The self-reliance 011 t hich she prides herself brings her <; ito contact with the harsher feu- i ires of life and strikes deep at the i Unites of a butterfly existence ev- t. ry day circles farther and farther lorality hitherto fostered by tlie vef unsophistication she is now seekig to overcome. This, combined ith increasing luxury in little lings, is gradually pushing down te scale the former high-minded loral code existant in the Ameriin woman. Rome and Paris trav- ' led this course until the tottering * alls OOllnllBUll fr?r l-./.lr n t ' ' , . ?. > ? rv Wl IIM'l.ll ipport. The parallel may not be r lentical, but the similarity is there. " We love you, girls, for your win- v >me wiles and gay camradeshlp. lu 1 ict you are more slipping into ' rooves hitherto occupied by our ( rother chums. We love you for it * day, but it makes us doubt when 1 e ask ourselves whether such as e will make a much better job of 1 lildren. Could you, dear Ameri- 1 in girls, uphold still, as your ' randparents before, the probity v id morality of the home? Your independence, your self-reli- 11 ice. your worldly outlook, ail atact and lend to the piquancy of (i >ur dear selves?until the man be- 0 ns to think of gathering it ail a ithin the sacred portals of his inie to b*, the mother and guardii of his succeeding generation, hen yoj lose for you have noth- I g to offer. f Your independence and self-rcli- ' ice most assuredly will not tend to ' irfect harmony in the home; your orldly outlook, like it as we may ' r ourselves, is not the atmosphere 1 e require for our children. In fart f >u are becoming more of a comrade e pleasure-seeking and less of a (" other every day. The entire superstructure of soety rests upon the home, and as ie foundation of a skyscraper is adually undermined while the up- s ir stories receive many a coat of I lint, so is the hearth becoming > ustcovered, while the possible e lother faultlessly arranges the v rape of her own gown before the i lirrow of worldly independence and c in hit ion. t STILLS WERE RAIDED NEW I*A\VS CllKATK IIKM.WII ON CHKAP W1USKKY. KiRhU Follow Attempt* to Wipe Out the Traffic, One Officer Killeil and Five Are Wounded. The official report of Internati ?niti Revenue rommln#l(in?r iTnvui i-" ' uell will comain many surprises whnu it is offered for publication. While jxac't Agures are not available, it estimated that 2,000 illicit stills were raided and seized during the pr. rear, while the figures for the yea." si ding June 30, 1009, showed 1.7-10 tuceesful raids. The commissioner declares that prohibitory legislation in the Southern states and the shortage of corn and consequent raise in ihe price of legitimate corn whisk-y to $2."?0 a gallon, caused the moonshine business boom and prosper! The price of moonshine whiskey in Virginia is quoted at $1.25 and purchasers and consumers say it is superior stuff. One revenue officer was killed and Ave were wounded during the last 90 days. Kentucky popularly supposed to be the moonshiners paradise, is not included in the moonshine belt, although som > illicit distilling goes on in that state. Deputy Collector Anderson lost his life by being ambushed. He ar- 1 one of his deputies were shot down without a chance for their lives in a fair Hght. The deputy was wounded, but escaped. Three moonshiners were captured and received scnten* \s of twenty to thirty years. Collector Dunlap, of the ISastern district of Tennessee, risked his life within two weeks after he had received his cm : mission. It is seldom that revemu collectors take part in a ru:l fan' Dunlap iiad formerly been the 1'nit0-J States marshal for that d.-trict, ind when he located a still, through lis agents, he organized a rant au,l leaded it himself. The party charged the still In the ace of a broadside from the moon-1 ihiners. Dunlap sustained a minor vound but did no' fall. Wh ?ii i h*j noonshiners saw that ?lie oiHcurs cere not to be stopped, they signaid their surrender, and llunl?,? was il>out to handcuff the leader when he man drew a weapon and starto | o light again .Denlap 0>iucJi?-i with | um in a rough and tumble struggle, , u which they rolled down the nioun- | aln side. Dunlap was severely in- , ured in addition to the gunshot , round he had sustained, but he pot is man. There were six persons at hat still, four men and two women. One of the most spectacular enounters which the Federal officers ' ave had with moonshiners in recent ears was the raid headed by Agent lams in North Carolina three weeks go. A pitched battle took place, | n which over 4 00 shots wore ex- ( hanged, hut no one was seriously , 11 jured. and the moonshiners surrenered after a long seige. Moonshinrs realize t.liat arrest and convic- 1 ion mean long terms of imprisonuent. Consequently they rarely subnif to arrest without a tight and hoot to kill. Many of them feel hat they are justified in killing the illicers. l.ocal sentiment is invarabl.v with the moonshiners. Still 0.010 stills were ranturod duriniz he last eight years. ST A HS MIS WIFE. .Yliite >lait in AukusU Kills Her With Sharp ISnzor. Tom Desmuke. a white man, who ives out on the Savannah road, sev ral miles from Augusta, (la., cut he brachial artery in the left arm >f his wife last night with a razor ind she bled to death shortly afterwards. Desmuke was arrested afer the crime by a county olllrer and lid not otTer any resistance. The rime was a horrible one and there eenis to be no motive for it. Desnuke was drunk at the time. Whffli the ottiher went to Desnuke's house to arrest hint. l)es11 uke met him at the door, attired 11 only one garment, a top shirt, which was stained with blood. The inly witness to the crime was Desnuke's little daughter. SAhe said ler mother was sitting in the back oor when her father suddenly rushd up to her and stabbed her with razor. Xt'Kio Shoots Conductor. When Conductor Roberts of the ron Mountain Railroad demanded i are of Knos Stetson, a ncRro, near 'allalah, I.a.. Monday afternoon, the atter. shot Roberts down. The conuctor is probably mortally wouuded le was rushed to the railroad hospial at Magee, Ark. Stetson jumped rom the train and he is being searchd by a large crowd of armed itlzens. That he will bo lync-hed < f captured seems certain. Physician Accused of liigamy. A warrant charging bigamy was worn out at noon Tuesday against > )r. J. M. Sigman, a well known Savannah physician, at the instance >f He' ecca Pigg, a trained nurse, vho alleges that having married her 11 Charleston, Or. Sigman Is guilty >f bigamy because of his marriage o a woman in Blootniugdale. MEETS DEATH Under Suspicions Circumstances Near Colombia on Tbnrsday. WAS DROWNED IN POOL Mm*. Hookter Martin i* (hr Name off the Su|>|misc<I Yictiiu and Her lln.~ band and a Man Named I/C\\ >? N'eeloy lias Item Airi'stod Cliar^ ?tl With Murdering the Woman. The State says Mrs. Bookter M&rtin, better known as C'.eo Starms, was drowned Thursday afternoon between two and three o'clock, in Hampton's pond, a few miles southeast of Columbia. The suspicions circumstances surrounding her death led to the arrest of Hookter Marco, her husband, and Lewis Neelev. both present at the time, who are heel pending the coroner's inquest w.?l take place Sunday afternoon at thi.e o'clock. Constable J. P. Dunnaway, who arrived at the pond, placed NeeH-v and Martin under arrest. Make) Blackburn, the fourth member of the party who lives in the disorderly house run by Dallas Starnes, was not arrested. The two men sire said to have been drinking heavily and still were under the iuiluencc of whiskey when arrested. Besides Neo'.ey, Martin ati-l the., Blackburn woman, a fev small boy* were the only eye witnesses of the tragedy. One of the boys said that one of the men had Mrs. Bartin on his back out in lhe water. In some way, which the little follow could not explaiu, she fell off and was drowned. It is alleged that 'he m?*n had previously threatened to drow ? one of the boys. Mrs. Hookter Martin, the dead w ? man. Is f??iH ?? . ~ ..?.V i?c? a veiy checkered carcpr previous in he* marriage to Martin, who Jives eignteen miles out on the Camden rop..' The two did not s'uy togethe" long after they were married. Lew e Meeley, now being held on snspicion. was recently arrested and r 'lease*! from the county jail, where h? was held pending the investigation 1 the di sap flea ranee of Morgan SnioaV , x 15-year-old boy of Waverley, wi ? lias not been heard from June Sti-. when he left his home with .\ecl?v und another m.?n. Arthur Love.t TWO FXGINK.MIvN K1LL1CD. Locomotive Struck Cow and Pinned Them Under Itngine. The Seaboard Air Lino passenger train number 55, from Jacksonville to Cedar Key, was wrecked at Marietta, Fla., Monday afternoon and as i result engineer George L. Granger and fireman Will Johnson are dead. The accident was caused ny the ergii.e hitting a cow. The engil turned over, pinning the engirn < r and fireman underneath. One passenger was hurled over the seat and injured internally. He is at ihc hospital, but will recover. The that there were no- more injured ?i accounted for by the fact that tb<* train had slowed down when it n;.r seen that it would strike the cox.. <-IIII.DICKX lUtttWXKD. \ Property Duinage of Over Piiry Thousand Hollars. A Lexington, Kv.. dispatch sa a three negro children were drowned and damage to the extent of $f?0,00tl or more was done in Winchester and (Mark counties by a cloudburst Monday morning. Residences and bin ncss structures were flooded in Winchester and boats and rafts used to rescue families. In the country several farm houses were washed of! their foundations by the sudden riie of the streams. Three negro children were drowned in Poyntcrtown. a siburb of Winchester. LANDS IN IlKII. Itlim. Runaway Horse frightens 0?nipuufs into Hysterics. A blind horse, frightened by tire explosion of a cannon, at Vincenm-Ind., early Wednesday, ran awn. , threw its driver, Wayne (tun tin v. out of the buggy, fatally injuring him. plunged through a window ' '* the home ol Mrs. Anna Drugger and fell on a la-!, where Mrs. Dagger and her daughter were seriously bruised and both were shocked into h v?t i?ri rt l'"i 4 1 i ne men of Lino neighborhood attracted V?> the cran and the screams of the wotnet , r-ould drag the frantic Itorse out uf tlie house. Forces Auto Courtesy. While driving in his automohi <* on tlie road near (linter Park, Y<? , Lewis I). Larus. a wealthy tobaccoiKL, essayed to pass Henry Jones, a farmer. whose horse became frightened by th machine. Larus stopiaet when Jones drew a revolver. The was led past and the ineidei f closed. , ^ ,