University of South Carolina Libraries
CAN'T SHOW I ? i Jeffries-Johnson F:fht Pictures Barred From Many Cities ALL OVER THE NATION | Movement Started at I tost on by l!ic ( Iiristiiui Knilwivur Society ?n 1 it llupitil) n|tutiil .All Over tin* j United Stales and Other Couulrii'i <mi liotli Sides nf Orcan. The officials ol the Christian Kndeavor Society were much pleased oirec the rer.ult of their movent* t. started at Huston Tuesday agaiu.-t Ifce exhibition of the p' ures of the Jeffries-Johnsou tight. Urgent lei??<riwn? have een sent to aH the branch so< tettes throughout the wjctd to continue the agitation. fort Worth. Texas, July 6.? fn response to the request of Mayor the city commission hits passed an ordinance prohibiting the exhibition of pictures of the Johnsou ?irt Jeffries tight in this city. tlarrlsburg. I?a., July 6.?Mayor M S: Mffsfs* today issued an order p>vHiiljjting the showing of the Reno #r<?* right pictures in this city. The oi'jyoi* said that ilarrisbnrg has <nun>' colored people and that be e/>dn not ta':e any chances ot d.s l turbgnces. ifionlsviitev li);., July 6.?Mayor! y.'JAUani O. Head a?*tuawced today, that the. eahibtrion ofr tbw J e (IslesJotuiscn moving fight pictures would he prohibited in laxiisvilte. 1 he mayor says he tears race riots. Cortland. Me . July t?.?TJic exhibition of prize tight pictures in Maine ohptogiiiptiior other reproduction I legislature ?" 1S9T. The law reads; "Vyftgcver..,., vi?0i?9ly , .exhibits auy 4?t* Olographic orot her reproducti V' ?> ' s prize fight Rhall he pun tuned ?" d|u* not e\se"diag $f>00." Mohile, Ala.. July 6.?Mayor Lytoday Inst meted Chief of I'otice Gihliti to inform all moving picture 4O0*' operators in Mohile that they wtVtiM not he permitted to nresem pictures of the Jeffries-Johnsou hghl. K,(Torts to show the picture* i?e followed hy summary Closing of the houses New Orleans. July ??.?Mayor lie.oumj today issued an order to the chief, p.r police < o arrest the proprietor of any theatre attempting to show the moving pictures of tJio Jetl'iieeJoftason fighl and directing that tin license* of any such theatres shall cancelled. t.cxfngtoo. l(K.t du?v <i-?tSUlce Judge Southgale today issued a sUueJ state me^U. derlaring that moi?ng pictures >f the Jeffries-Johnsou tight will not he exhibited here. Washington, July 6.?Moving pictures of the Jeffries-Johnson flghl -.moot he shown in this city, nor elsewhere in the District of Columbt\. This was the decision of the dhifrict commissioners today. iilttle Itook. Ark.. July t?. -Mayor Outy today ' issued a proclamation declaring agonist the exhibition o. pictlnes of the Jeffries-Johnson fight iw moving picture shows here. lie opposes it oil 'tie ground that it will Mtr 'tip rare prejudice and cause tfOublc among the races that would not otherwise occur. Milwaukee, .lily 8.- The exhihltfan oJ the Jeffries-Johnson light will oot he permitted in Milwaukee. i.illle Itock. Ark., July 8. (loverrtor Itonaghey declared today that lie would prevent the exhibition moving pictures of the JetfriesJohnsm fi *ht anywhere In ArluinuXii. If II is In his power to do so. Richmond. Va.v July-6:-Mlovernor At nun today. s.UUed. that he will reddest official* a? every city and town til V.r^KoLt h'a prohibit the showing of the Jeffries-Johnson fight pictures. lost on. Mass.. July 8.?Mayor 1?Hrgern1d staled posiUvel) this ulthat he would not allow (lie Jeffries-Johnson fight pictures to he Awn in llostoo. Charlotte. N'. 0., July 6. ? Mayor Mawkins staled to-day that moving ?ffctures of the Jeffries-Johnson wili not ho allowed to show in] Charlotte. Richmond, Va.. July 6. Mayor Kictvardhixt .and ( Chief of Police "Wecno on; phatieully declared that tm?? will use every nican? to prevent <he> pictures being shown here, and wIM invoke aid of the board of Ponce COmmiHtionpra. Spartanburg. duly 6. ?"Personally i am emphatically opposed to] allowing the Reno fight pictures to t?e shown in Hpnrtnnhurg. I will prevent it if m> authority permits, ' declared Mayor J. It. l,ee to-d-iy. Columbia. S. C., Ju'y G.?At a special meeting at 110011 to-day. the C-oluiphia City rominission passed a resolution foibiifTHag the production to this cit> or the JefTrips>-jDhnHoii p>i'v fight pictures. Savannah. (!j , duly 6. ?Mayor George W. Tledeinan staled to-day that unrtei no circumstances would he permit the showing ot the Jelfriea-Johuson prize fight pictures in Sapaiinah. , , 1 he Savnupah people, both white au?| colored ha*;* shown very little V o?er the result of the fight. . awi), the mayor does not propose to r,' THOOPS ATTK>1 ITS LVXCHIXG. Trj to Avenge IhIuI Injury of Tlidr Follow Soldier. < Determined to avenge the probably fatal injury to one of their fellow soldiers?Private Scott of Mattery D, Third Artillery, U. S. A.?be- , tween forty and fifty United States ' white troopers and artillerymen from Fort Myer, Va.. early Friday made an attempt to storm the Alexandria jail to lynch Robert Jackson, a negro. \ oi< -?r suVerftige of Jailer Har. . a .niacin* the soldiers to I iclieve that Jackson was not within . the jail, wus the only thing that j ( ??fvn iuc nuiii i> iiriii 11 g. Private Scott was slashed across the abdomen with a razor during a < fight between a crowd of negroes i and a number of soldiers on a trolley car bound for Fort Myer the ( night of the Jeffries-Johnson prize ? fight. The soldiers learned that , Scott, who had been removed to a, , hospital, had developed peritonitis ] and that death might be expected at j uny hour. ( , OrVVK L1FK Ft)lt tTIL >r. , Vouiig fiirl Browned in I*ake Mich- 1 * igan Friday. ( Florence Burden, 16-year-old. a hi;h school girl, sacrificed her life 1 in Lake Michigan Friday to save that H of her chum, Kthel Moulton. 15years old. The girls were bathing. 'J Miss Moulton, who was unabie to s swim, waded into deep water and 1 was swept from her feet. Miss Burden. a good swimmer, went to her r rescue. Miss Moulton was support- s od by Miss Burden until William ' Itruder reached the struggling girls. "Take her, I can switn," Miss Bur- v den is reported to have said to have 1 said to Bruder. Itruder, weighed s down by his clothing and Miss Boulton's weight, barely, reached a row that that had put out from shore. ^ Miss Moulton was unconscious, but c \ was soon reflved. Miss Burden, exJ boosted by her efforts to keep Miss Moulton afloat until help rame. sank. Her body was recovered uu hour v later. 1 FOUKTirs l)K.\TUS I KWKR. Drop of 10 l*cr Cent. in Fatalities Throughout < be Country. The sane Fourth as observed in 1 many cities has cut down the total ' deaths throughout the country from < fireworks and ft reams 40 per cent. 1 ns compared with !.;st year. The total deaths repoi ted numbered 3f?; * last year there were 48. The total 1 number of injured is 2,200, last year ? the records showed 2.700. Casualties in Cliicago and its suburlw were ' far less than a year ago. One death > due to the accidental discharge of ^ a pistol, was reported. One death 1 was also Chicago's record for the Fourth in 1909. 11 was in accidents that Chicago made its greatest gain 1 by a sane holiday. The injuries total only 30, while a year ago *he 1 record was fiC. Giant firecracker? caused most of the injuries, and * there were but fe.u wounds from 1 firearms and toy pistols. % ? , , 1 DAS1IF1) TO THK KilllTH. t s .Aviator Fulls Mighty Meters on the Field at lltielms. v V baroness de la Hoche, the first French woman aeroplanist, was in- r tally injured at Reims. France Frl- * day afternoon by falling from a * height of fifty meters. She had * llown around the held once at a height of eighty meters when sud- I' donly in front of the applauding tri- 1 initials she appeared to become frigh- l toned and confused at the approach e of two other aeroplanes. She started to descend, but wf>Ue still fifty t metres from the ground tost con- d tiol of the machine. The aeroplane s turned over and fell like a log. The d baroness' legs and arms were broken. Her mangled and bloody body t was removed from the wreckage and H conveyed to the hospital where she i Is dying. At the hospital it was r found that her skull was fractured." ? ? ? :i Tliievt-i boot Church. i The Second iiaptlst church in Suf- ' field. Conn., was entered by thieves last week, who stole a solid silver communion sob as well as a pewter r service used in Revolutionary days. ' The latter was very valuable. The a pipe organ and piano were damaged ? hevong repair. J permit an appeal to race prejudice ' through the presentation of the pictures of the battle. Atlanta, (la.. July 6. Ry practl- * cally unatninious vote the Atlanta * city council to-day passed an ordin ;inre prohibiting the production here 1 of moving pictures of prize light*.. ' the penalty for violation being $.">00 1 Hue. thirty days' imprisonment and 1 t.'ie forfeiture of the offending theatre's license. Capetown, July 6.? There is a widespread demand here for the a prohibition in South Africa of the a Itioscope pictures of the Jeffries- o Johnson fight, owing to their effect t on the natives. Signs already are a evident among them of excitement r on account of the victory of the ne- a gfo. r \ THE COTTON CROP i :o\Dinox as kkpoktkd in KACH COL'XTV. } Vluch Hain and Glass Causes 1*1 unt to lie Small, Though Strong, and Several Weeks I-ate. The Journal of Commerce, of New ^ York, one of the most reli.ib'e authorities In the country, has just issued the following report on cotton . crop conditions in South Ca~rlin<f ? Chiefly because of excessive rains cotton will show some deterioration urn.*; uui itisi r-jiori wnen cona'.'ion was 77.:'. Considerable grass has leveloped and the fields need work. Stands are irregular, somo localities t reporting good, others poor. The old spring has i? ade the seas t f illy two or three weeks late ail . ?t.e >lant is very small though gjn'Ta'lv itrong with a continuance of recent 'avorable weathet* a much better r?.i? ook is expecte I. | Abbeville county?Twenty days ate; wet for last 1!0 days uuq grasty; plant smail ard weak an! ger"all.v poor stand. Aiken county?tr'reme atei > ss it. ilanting. drought, followed by rainy ipell, making crops very gra-H.'. Anderson county?plant is small ^ md owing to recent rains tb-ve is ome gras; plan* healthy with good olor. Barnwell county?crop small, can lot make full crop with best of Heart ns from now on; crop gia.>?y an roor stand. Beaufort county"?Cotton t 'Okicg rell considering r< cent heavy jains; j dant rather small, but looking ^ trong; ten days late. Cherokee county?stands genertlv good; fields getting grassy on amount of too much rain; crop 1? lays lnte; with two weeks of good veather and so i'ii'ne it wil' be <*11 ight. Chester county?the plant is small md stands fair to good; lacks culivatiou; fields becoming foul with trass on account of two much rain; iave not worked crops more than ive days in two weeks; 50 days late; cmperuture now normal. Chesterfield county?25 to 35 days ate. Darlington county?plant small lilt stniliir' ny<> I .. ? ?v - p ' V"' C n good shape; seasonable rains, not j xoessible; weather very favorable c ?ow. . t Fairfield county?plant unusually i .mall; stand fairly good; cultivation ( backward owing to excessive raiu; s *rop full three weeks late. h Florence county?cotton is about s hree weeks late, small, poor stands e ind on account of rain for past two p veeks is in bud condition; grassy a ?nd ground too wet to work. t Greenville county?Plant small t ind weak; good stand; too much t ain; crop about twenty days late, t Greenwood county?poor stands; : wo weeks late; too much rain. |i Horry county?late cold spring r venther aud want of sufficient mois- c ure have caused cotton to be back- f vard in growth, but stands are fair- v y good. r Kershaw county?two weeks late; f oo much rain; lots of grass, plant o mall. a Lancaster county -cotton crop is l ery small for the time of year; v ;rassy and bud stands. o Isiurens county?-plant small, and ( ;rent deal of rain; everything needs vork; If we could get some dry vent her to work out the crop things vould be all right. ] Newberry county?continued rain, mil. etc.. have damaged cotton badV* nlunt crmll ffoc-eu ? , ! ??* h*non/ , j?iua|?M l."S ioor indeed: stands poor; hail ruin d several hundred acres of cotton. " Orangeburg county?15 days con- 1 inued raius; little work has been a lone; fields very grassy; cotton e .mall; three wwks late: oats hadly a lamaged; continues to rain. ii Pickens county?too much rain i he past month and crop badly in trass; needs warm sunshine to dry t t out; sonio \cry poor stands in e 11 any places. d Hichland county?plant is small .1 ind probably two weeks late, but it t s healthy and fairly well worked t oat; good rains last week and nice n ill nsh lne this week. t Spartanburg county?Too much n ain; plant small and weak about < wo-thirds stand; poor cultivation a ind the crop is late; hail has ruined t i lot of It. j Union county- too much rain: jetting badly in grass: very little ilowing past two weeks. Williamsburg county?First the | Irouth, then cold w inds and at pres- , nt time excessive rains have ?1 (J growth of plant; Holds grassy. I York county -Cotton at least 2a | lays late and very grassy sti'l rainng; unless we have clear weather y or two weeks some crops will not a ?e .worked out; corn very good. i * n Mulfs Killed. State Senator T. Y. Williams had l pair of valuable mules killed by i bolt of lightning Saturday evening w in his plantation in Lancaster conn- r y. The animals wore hitched to ,\ wagon in which three negroes were w iditg. The men were shocked into tl state of unconsciousness, but soon g evived. t< CLASSIFIED COLUMN Ii?Kh aud sheep. Poland China Pigs and Shropshire Sheep. Good Individuals. T. K. Browu, Murfreesboro, Teuu. \ A'anted?Hoarders. Rooms with fire- e (places: fine springs; one-half mile ' from depot. Beautiful mountain l' scenery. Good fare. Mrs. P. J. ^ WoodFn. Blantyre, X. C. ^ r A'auted?To buy Hides, Wool, Bees 1 wax. Tallow etc. \Vrite for prices ( Crawfnrti Xr C.n fiiW.Aia o- u i Street. Augusta, Ga. m daplehurst, on the Asheville and Lake Toxaway railroad. Three 1 hundred feet from station. Mod- I ern Conveniences. No consnmp J tlves taken. A. L. & L. E. Daven port. Horse Sho^. N. C. Ae nee?l immediately about 20 men and 50 Rood grade teachers foi desirable locations in this and other SonUier'n States. Write ai once for particulars. Education al Bur au. Raleigh. N. C. leujth without drugs or doctors. After 40 years suffering from numerous complaints doctored myself. You can find health by same health treatment. Full Instruc- p tlons River for $1.00. J. 11. Durham, Oak Park, Illinois. Ji a Wanted?Hardwoods, logs and lum ber. We are cash buyers of pop lar, cedarvarrd walnut logs. Al* ? want poplar, ash. cottonwood, cy press and oak lumber. Inspectlot at your point. Easy cutting. Wrlt? us. Savannah Valley Lumber Oo Augusta, Ga. >rop of 10 Per Cent. in Kaloltties '??r Kale? A few carloads of good, bright Cotton Seed Meal, 25 per cent protein. A trial will convince you that there Is no better or ^ cheaper feed on the market. Also ^ a limited quantity of off-color Fer- ? tlllzer Meal very ch<-ap. Excellent top dressing. Write for samples and prices. Seu Island Cotton Oil Company, Charleston. S. C. FOINR COOK'S KKCOltDS. ind Head 'Km and Stowed 'Km Ruck Atop >lt, McKinley. That Dr. Frederick A. Cook, whoso laims to have discovered the north >ole have been discredited the world ?ver, did. as he claims, reach the op of Mount McKinley Ls the statenent made at Colorado Springs. Tol.. Thursday by P. J. Currigan, a eaman ami placet miner from Ataxia. Carrlgan, whose story is oonldered by Dr. Cook's former backtr. John R. llradley. extremely dauslble, declares that he himself iscended the mountain and found ho copper tube and records left here by Dr. Cock. After examining he records and American flag in the ubo Currigan restored it to ta>: liche in the boulder where he found t. Tills was in June, 1907. Cardigan came to Colorada Springs reently frotu Calveston, Texas, to look or his old friend. James Casey, who ras there in 1901 and 190'J. Catlgan met Casey in the Alaskan gold leld. He declares that Casey knows >f his ascent of Mount McKinley, >nd will vouch for his statements, .'urrigan says he did not know until vlthln the last mouth that the asrent if Mrwitn# AJ ..IC I ? I . .< ? miiic; uiaiineu uy UT. 'ook had been doubted. KLKW L'l' A HltllH.K. IvploxloiM' Shattered Windows Half j I >1 Me Away. Dynamite booms placed under the icw trestle belr.g built on the LeIlgh Valley Railroad Company long the bay shore of Jersey City xploded early Saturday, badly damgins the steel structure and smash- 4 uk windows for halt a mile around I 11 the Greenville section. * As a result ot the lirsr explosion | wo sirty-foot girders were w reeh- ; d from their position, one being Iriven through a steel car of the M ersey Central siding near the tresle. A gerottd expot-iou three-quar- ' ers of an hour later tossed up two * note girders. The police believe hat both booms were set oc by acans of time fuses and that, the seond boom was timed to explode j mumgsi those who had been at- m racted to the scene by the first ex- ~ ilosion. Ills hirst UUle. It is hard to realize that r? 1 oy iviiiR within nine miles of a rinoad all his life could attain that nnlnpltf .. WW I- ?I- - - n.uuun. u.ttiuK rioaen on a rain, hut this is the case of .Mi. .1 4. Ileasley, a well-to-do young . < n r. who on Friday took h a tirs,. ide on a railroad train, wh i he nd his young wife boarded the ! rain at Swainshoro, (}?., for their j oneymoon. Kills Itaby Sister. I.itfle Valda MeOuire, aged two. ! as shot and instantly killed at Con- ; oe. Texas. Friday by her brother, _ larcn .. five years old. The children ' ere playing with a shotgun when he hoy accidentally pnl.'ed the triger. a heavy load of shot almost , faring away the little girl's head. PLOUGHING WITH DYN'AMITK. CuIOhvII Plan" of Prt'pailuj; l.and AttflH't* I 111 A Columbia dispatch says Mr. Ira V. Williams, in charge of the govrnment's farm demonstration work n this State, will not undertake to iscuss for publication the practicability of the cultivatlve methods of Henry Caldwell, the "Dynamite armer" of Spartanburg, but con* ents himself with saying that Mr. Caldwell's crop, wJiirh he recently nspected is such as to give Mr. Caid* veil a good chance of winning tho ~tate eorn-leld prize. Burduco Li The Great Sou =FOR LIVER T1 liliousness, Constipation, Dysp>epr aundice, Nervous and Sick HeacU nd all Stomach Diseases. Teaches the L Clears the 1 >old Everywhere - * j -a. - J - i v J I ' I 9 1 V| y f / ^ J | 1 1 I a I I a^E ? | EE 4 1 H | m I I I k I i Haa sine*' 1S04 Riven "Thorough ini influences at the lowest possible c RESULT: It is to-day with its iae its student body of 400, and its plant THE LEADING TRAINING SCI $150 pays all charges for the year, it heat, laundry; medical attention, phy except music and elocution. For ca BLACKSTONE FEMALE IN JAS. CANNON. Jr., M fllOS. R. REEVES, F PQUOR^DRUG BMMh| I1AAITJ |7|B ?/?</ I mm A SELECTED .-^LMUP NERVOU3|^^|^ "( \ THK C DRANGEBUR OKA\(jKlilKti. SI Kjpensoa are less her** than at ervices offend are equui to the t actual cost Let us convince or you. Write t cr catalogue an ^lille you think of it! Addre&a: PRESIDENT W. J I 17 llroughton Street v* ! l l? 1 W orld's Greatest Internal uU E^Unul [TJSrjiH Pain HlwllLKili Remedy IFor*Khcumefi?m, Sciatica. Lamf Bark. Stil Joints and Muscle*. Sore Throar Coldi. Strains. Sprains. Cuts. Bruises, Colic. Cramps. Toothache and all Nerve, Bone and Mu^Ib Aches and Fains. The genuine has Noah*s Ark on evepr package. 25c.. 50c. and $1.00 by all deal- I ers in medicine everywhere. Sosg r bt, .nail fit Mask Re?dr Cs.. Kick?ad. >'.* < Sastsa. Wsia. will force water to .-iW? anywhere about the hard water, and hat or attic tank to free Columbia Supp * I Oapt. Chaa. Petty, a well-known Spartanburg authority on agricultural matters, thinks the Caldwell scheme utterly impractical ami apt to do irreparable damage to the land. | Mr. Caldwell planted his corn on , Good Friday. The land was broke ; with small sticks of brown or yoi| low dynamite, planted two feet d*ep in holes four feet apart bo'li : directions. t ? - - - Four hundred ;?ud twe?ty-sev?'H banks iti tti?? States of .Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa say Jla.000.000 has b?en spout for aulouio- ?r hl!?*s lo their n^Uhliortiood. Taut is what we call speeding it some. ver Powder ithern Remedy ALL. = DOUBLES sia. L oss of Appetite, Indigestion, icKe, Coated Tongue. Bad Breath, iver to Act and Complexion 23 cents itruction under pooJtiTely Christiaa Otit." ulty of 32, a boarding patronage of 32R, worth f 140,000 IOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA abiding table board, room .lighta, uteam * wical culture, and tuitioni n al laubienj" taloguc and application blank adtfirww, iSTITUTK. Blackstone, Va. . A. ) j ^ ^Associate Principals: ^3 of Alcohol km Lilt PLAN." !G COLLEGE ?I'TH CM KM UNA. any other school I it the land. Tbt ry best. Hoard on the CI.Lit PL.AN you that our school is fh?* school d full Information. V\ rite rixht now 3. PETERSON Orangrburg, H. C. ? ^ NOCURE! NO PAY I! Re prepared for an rm?rwHricy by ha via* * hot tin of NOAH'S OOLIO RIMIDV on hand. More animals din from colic than all other non-contagious diseases combined. Nino out of every ten cases would have barn cured if NOAH'S COI.'C WSMSPV bad beciiRtven in time. It ' Isn't a drench or dojie, but is a remedy Ki\cn /& on the tongue, so aim- dj:t pie that a woman or U Child can give it. If it ^ [in falls to euro, your '^rpVjCTJ JTrm il" money refunded. If 1 Y*?T? U*** your dealer cannot supply send .Vie tnl ? IS la * ftV stamps and wo wll I k I W / t J 1 mail a bottle. NoahSAJ^^LJkULA^fl Remedy Co., Inc., IJiTmie'TXpl Richmond, Va I A111 [ > J y I J||fl 1 1 ' fls ' * kitchen, bath room, Inundry, barn, and place. You may have both aoft and re It hot as well as cold. No elevated ze or leak. ^ Ij Co.' Columbia, S. C.