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SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. The first cotton bloom of th season reported in this sectioi was brought to The Times offic from the plantation ol S. P Sutton Friday, July 1. The 6-months-oId baby o J. T. Coins. Jr.. died in th ^ upper part of town Wednesday The little body was taken t< Lancaster and interred. Mayor L. A. Harris stated t The Times last night that he wil not permit motion pictures o the Johnson-Jeffries prize figh to be shown in Fort Mill. The Fort Mill town council ha passed an ordinance forbiddinj minors to enter pool rooms. Th< full text of the ordinance i published in another column. A typographical error in Th Times last week announced th' date of the dedication of Flin Hill church as August 2. Th dedication exercises are to b held on August 7. The annual community picni of the Van Wyck neighborhoo< in Lancaster county will be hel< at Indian ferry, on the Catawba July 20. A cordial invitation i extended the public to attent the picnic. One of the instructors at th Florence county institute fo teachers, which is now in sessioi in the city of Florence, is Mis Bertha Massey, of Fort Mill, wh< is teaching a class in drawing. Yorkville won a fast game o baseball in Rock Hill Monday af ternoon irom the Forest Cit; (N. C.) team, 3 to 2, in whicl Springs Parks did the catchin] for Yorkville. The batterie were: Forest City, Clark am Gaines; Yorkville, Rosseau am Parks. The July meeting of Kanawh chapter, D. A. R., was hel with Miss Willie Hoke Frida afternoon and various matter of interest to the chapter wer considered. The chapter has ii press a year book which will con tain much matter of interest t the members. Among the visitors to For Mill Friday was Mr. W. H. Mc Caw, of Rock Hill, a well know South Carolina newspaper ma who recently gave up the cit editorship of the Columbia Ret p ord to accept a position with th Rock Hill lluggy company. Mi McCaw was editor of a Roc Hill paper some years ago. The Fort Mill ball team playe five games last week, only on of which they succeeded i wirmincr EY?ii?? nfom/v. a vui ^allied W CI played with the Carhartt mi boys in Rock Hill. Fort Mill go one game, tied one and lost twc Friday afternoon the Atherto team, of Charlotte, came t town and trimmed the locals 1 toO. The bridge force of the count; chaingang has been at work fo several days making needed re pairs to the county bridge acros Catawba river, near Fort Mill The work is being done unde the personal direction of Count; Supervisor Gordon and consist principally of repainting th structural parts of the bridg and the putting down of a ne\ floor. The Pineville Presbyteria church is soon to be without pastor. Rev. R. H. Bothwic, tendered his resignation as pas tor of the church some days ag and at a congregational meetini Sunday the resignation was ac cepted. Mr. Roth wick came t the Pineville church from Yir ginia about two years ago and i is understood to be his purpos to return to that State. Among the cases to be tried a the July term of the crimina court for York county is that o Sstnto ocrninof ^ 'Knidotf w?>v uuivv ii^unaoi V> i 1C4 1 ICJ ?? llllt charged with murder. White i a negro who was a tenant on th plantation of Dr. T. S. Kirk Patrick, two miles south of For Mill. Some weeks ago he killet a negro boy named Tillman claiming that Tillman had mis treated his 14-year-old daughter Dr. Kirkpatrick has employed ; lawyer to defend White. . Mr. E. W. Russell received th< distressing news Thursday of th death in Charlotte that day of hi 17-year-old nephew, Morrov Russell, son of Clerk of Cour J. A. Russell. He had been il ten days of typhoid fever, bu hone for his wnvocu umc abandoned until within a fe\ hours of his death. He was i splendid boy and gave promis of developing into a useful man The interment was in Elmwoot cemetery, Charlotte, Frida; morning. " fG]33PS5^a55ESgE5a5aga5T15g5^i MAGILL'S , ! Icj K Clark's Spool Cotton, |jj Summer Lap Robes, . In Guaranteed Work Shirts. & Good Work Shirts, 0 *{ Overalls, ' ; ju Very best Bleaching, t 01 Lot of 10c Ginghams, [5 All Dress Goods at wholes ? K Have added a line of the s jjj am selling them at bargain f| c. B. M BE5H5TE5a55B5B5g5a5H5a5HgaQi c ;1 IT IS NOT 1 5 -F?r man to live withon 0 J this you are continually lo jR can buy to the best advant S We always carry a fresh y ^ heavy and fancy groceries h ^ cheap as one can possibly i g ^ to call and see us before bi j 5 ?ur cler^8 are polite ant iR all in their power to serve a tR expeditiously, d * Trade with us and be eo 1 JONES, ' 0 R No Ice sold Sunday 1 Some July k 2,000 yards Val. Lace and Insert per yard, at 5c per yard or 50c per ^ All Linen Torchon I^ace and inse p 2,000 yards Dress Ginghams, vei e go at 5c per yard. 11 5(ic Corset Covers at 38c. 1 25c Corset Covers at 10c. '* $1.25 Fancy Parasols at 08c. ^ $5.00 Black Silk Petticoats at $3. i; White Lawn at 5c per yard. Broad Black Belts for children, 1 y White Wash Belts at 10c, 15c an r Talcum Powders 5c, 10c and 15c. Colgate's Violet and Cashmere 1 s STRAW HATS at a big reduetio 'r Chantecler Belt and Collar Pins, y e v XOOHOOCTOHOHOH-W I WES: 1 SNOW e 0 i5 OI 0 8 0 ! g Best for general c< 1 6 2 pound cans : 0 a g 5 pound cans J = * 6 Stewart & Cu SQ I NOTICE. |i A meeting of the patrons of Gold Hill a academy will held at the school builde ing on Saturday afternoon, July ltith. 1# I at 1 o'clock for the purjjose of elect4 ing teachers for the ensuing term. 1 W. H. WINDLE, W. P. EPFS, Trustees. v *f: ': ?. - ' " Sj L5H5E5a5ESa5HH^5S5H5air5Sl SPECIALS. | 4c I ."Hp trt ROn nl v? WV, 43c g 23c a 39c to 98c fj] m 5c, 7 l-2c and 10c ij 5c fl t ale prices. J u best make of Shoes and 3 f prices. H AG ILL. | 15g5H5g5Sg5HH5a5g5g5iL5H5|G| ? f POSSIBLE I it eating, and knowing J * oking for the place you J 1 age. < i and up-to-date line of J that can be bought as J tell them, so we ask you J lying. # J i attentive and will do you satisfactorily and ^ nvinced. ^ The Grocer. | s after 9 o'clock. R j X&XXIVX'X'XiX'X Bargains ion, match sets, worth up to 10c 1 dozen yards. i ] rtion, fine quality, all fro at 5c. , ] *y K<x>d quality. worth 6 l-2c, to ] 1 1 1 J |] 48. < |, worth 25c, at 15c. d 25c. ] } Soquet at 15c. i n r* ?VM?rW '-1 - *? * * ? ix- ?t<7 ihum ciose mem out. newest thing out, 25c. ( < & Epps. HO><Q?0?OUO>iOUOtiOUl SON j DRIFT I; 'L L I? ooking purposes. ; ' ?r - - - 30c 0 1 - - 75c J = e 1 Telephone P> Number 15. "Oft SALE?Sweet Potato Slips at SI.00 per 1,000. Cabbage Plants at 20c the 100. To raise fall cabbage you must set out plants in this month. Phone 82 or see W. E. WHITESELL. A "Special Notice" in The Times i/ill bring results. Phone 112. ' * \ Friday Morning, July 15. RKAT Friday morning, July 15, l empted in York county. We First, we have about $10,C nake room for fall and winter nonths of hot weather to use t Second, when we decided lot to carry over goods from o ;ach season without being har Third, we want every mar :o visit our store and become a Last, but not least, (and d< Remember now, we are n< it a low price to bate you, and itock of new and up-to-date m Cioods and Notions last week, prices, but will give a few in o eight days?July 15th to 23rd. LITTLE THINGS. Spool Silk 4c boats' Spool Cotton 4c Best 5c Pins, paper 4c Jood Pins, paper lc Pearl Puttons, card 4c Safety Pins 3c Writing Paper and Envelopes, box 4c Writing Paper and Envelopes, box 8c Writing Paper and Envelopes, box 21c Hair Pins (wire), 5c quality 3c : Hair Pins (turban), 10c quality 8c < Hair Pins (2 on card), 10c quality 8c Envelopes, package,5c quality 3c < Air Float Talcum Powder 4c i Air Float Talcum Powder 8c ! Shelf Mirror, worth 15c 8c Fans, worth 15c 8c , Fans, worth 5c 3c , Fans, worth 25c 15c to 19c 1 Writing Tablets 4c , Writing Tablets, good value 8c Nusilk. all colors 4c Memorandum Books 2c to 8c 1 Gold Eye Needles, paper 3c . NoxalJ Hair Pins, worth 10c 8c I Thimbles _ 3c Purses 3c, 8c. 12c, 18c Lana Oil Buttermilk Soap 8c Baby Elite Shoe Polish 8c Brown's French Dressing 8c Gilt Edge Dressing 19c Inner Shoe Soles, pair 5c Shoe Laces, worth 5c ... .. 3c Other Laces, 2 pairs lc j L,000 other little things go the same way. LADIES" HOSIERY. Ladies' Gauze Mercerized 19c Ladies' Gauze Seamless 12c Ladies" Gauze Seamless 8c ' Ladies" Hose, all colors 8c Indies' Hose, alJ colors 4c MISSES' HOSIERY. L5c Fine Ribbed, ?ilk finish 12c 3)c Hilly Goat Stockings, for boys at>d girls 13c F [Jogongood Stockings 8c All Straw Hats at 1-2 price. 4 Suspenders share the same Fate as hosiery. I We have no more space, .? We have thousands of other g Don't Forge MILLS & Y< DRY G (Bring this advertisement ale V . yt < '' - '*<>> ' - v. STOP,! ' I ) and T1 ve will begin the greatest C have several reasons for cone )00.00 worth of merchandise goods, and we are starting n hese goods. to go into the dry goods busii ne season to another. This f npered with a lot of last seast i, woman and child in Fort M cquainted with the very best jn't say anything about it) we ot going to throw out some ol 1 then make up on something lerchandise. In fact, we just all of which goes in the sale, rder to give you some idea oi INFANTS' HOSIERY. Infants' Fancy Top Sox 8c Infants' Black Sox 8c Infants' White Sox 8c Infants' Tan Sox 8c VESTS. Ladies' Vests, great bargains 4c Ladies' Vests, with tape 8c Ladies' Fine Vests, with silk tape 12c Ladies'25c Vests 19c LADIES' FURNISHINGS. SI.25 Corsets 94c 75c Corsets 63c 50c Corsets 42c 50c Corset Covers _ _ 39c 25c Corset Covers 19c 50c Underskirts 39c 50c Drawers 38c 25c Drawers 19c SKIRTS. $7 Panama Skirts $5.68 $5 Panama Skirts 3.79 $4 Panama Skirts 3.37 $1.25 Wash Skirts . .98 WAISTS. Colored Lawn and Chambray 23c JUC WHILC VV iilSIS 4?}C $1.25 White Waists 98c HOUSE FURNISHINGS. $5 Lace Curtains $2.48 $2 Lace Curtains 1.58 $1.25 Lace Curtains .92 $1 Lace Curtains ,G9 $8 Counterpanes $2. '18 $2 Counterpanes 1.58 $1.25 Counterpanes ... .93 $3 doz. Doilies, all linen $2.29 $1.25 doz. Doilies, mercerized .97 All Table Linen grratly reduced. 75c Sheets .58 50c Pillow Cases, very best, pair . .28 50c all Linen Towels. 42c 25c Mercerized Towels. 21c 15c Mercerized Towels 12< Turkish Towels. 12c and 19c Toweling, per yard 4c and 9c Best grade Oil Cloth 18c All White Goods cut to the zo re. All Men's and Boys' Clothing to go at 1 -4 otf. ;o will just leave it to you to oods that will go into this gre * the Date' JUly )UNG C0N1 OODS, CLOTHING and SHOE STi >ng and point out the price tc J I ] I Friday Morning; July 15. I ^ 21 1 HINK I :UT PRICE SALE ever atlucting this sale. that we must shove out and ow so you will have three ness we resolved right there >uts us in shape to buy goods >n's goods. ill and surrounding country place at which to trade. ; need some cash right now. Id, shoddy, shelf-worn goods else. We are going to sell a opened up a big lot of Dry We haven't space to -quote F what we mean to do for SILKS. Best grade Black Taffeta .: .* 82c Blue and white check Taffeta.' 82c Grey, with pin stripe, Taffeta 82c Blue, with pin stripe, Taffeta 82c China Silks, all colors 41c All Jap Silks, pretty pattern, 33c TCDT^CP ri AATvrr jjxvxjOO UUUUD. 50c Mohairs 42c 50c Serge 44c 40c Voile _ 32c 50c Batiste .* ^ 43c 50c Cream Panama 42c 40c Cream Voile . . , 29c Shepherd Plaid Suiting 14c 25c Poplin, all colors . . 21c Novelty Striped Pongee. 22c 10c and 15c Colored Lawns, .7 1-2 50 doz. pair 10c Sox to goat- 8c SHIRTS. $1.00 Dress Shirts 89c 98c Dress Shirts . 78c 50c Dress Shirts 39c and 43c 50c Work Shirts * 39c $1.00 Overalls.. . . 90c 85c Overalls .... .. 69c 50c Overalls 43c All 50c Neckwear 43c All 25c Neckwear . 21c SHOES. SHOES. $2.25 Ladies' Tan Pumps-- $1.68 $1.75 Ladies' Tan Pumps 1.38 $3.00 Ladies' Blackall leath-. ers .- 2 4K $2.50 Ladies' Black all leathers - - \ . 1.98 $2. JO Ladies' Black all leathers _ 1.55 Men's and Boys' Low . Quarters cut in proportion. 15c Dress Ginghams 111-2c 10c Dress Ginghams 9c 8c Dress Ginghams ~ :* 5c10c and 15c Embroidery 8c ! 5c Embroidery 4c LOOK! : Yard wide Sheeting (good)* 5c All Calico . 5c and 6c Mosciuito Net . .? 6c Apron Check Ginghams * 6 l-2c Also good numbers at '* 5c We wi.l have ten extra salespeople to insure prompt attention to our customers. come and see for yourself. :at sale. r 15th 'ANY, Inc. ORE. > us.) .jLJ