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SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Ak Dr. R. R. Prentiss, of Young's sland, has located in Fort Mill ^lor the practice of medicine. Mr. H. C. Culp, of WinstonSalem, N. C., spent several days tin town last week with relatives. | The Fort Mill and Carhartt I mill Kail fpQmo n]o\ro/l a fio rrnmn Mrs. C. E. Ross, of Charlotte, was a visitor at the home of Mr. I J. T. Young during the past week. J. A. Withers, of Worthville, N. C., spent Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Withers. Theodore Harris, of Green Bay. Va., is spending a few days in town at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harris. Dr. J. L. Spratt returned a few days ago from the ar. iual meeting of the South Carolina Dental association at Glenn Springs. An election was held by the Fort Mill Light Infantry Tuesday morning for a successor to First Lieut. G. C. Epps, who resigned some weeks ago. First Sergt. J. M. White was promoted to the vacancy. Among the well known Yorkville citizens who came to Fort Mill Thursday afternoon to witness the ball game were Dr. W. G. White, Clerk of Court.I. A. Tate, County Supervisor John Gordon and Mayor Hart John J. Smith, one of York county's best and most highly esteemed citizens, died at his home in Clover on Saturday afternoon from paralysis, aged about 74 years. Mr. Smith was a Confederate veteran. t Messrs. J. S. Glasscock and O. L. Sanders are announced in The Times this week for reelection to the house of representatives. Both have served one term each in the Legislature and their work was such as to . commend them to the voters. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Thompson and children, of Greensboro, N. C., have been guests for several days of Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc. Gulp, at the Central hotel. Mr. Thompson is the head shipping clerk for the great Revolution y~~ cotton mill near Greensboro. Fifty-eight York county young ladies stood the examination in Yorkville Friday for scholarships and entrance into Winthrop college at the fall session. Only four young men, one of whom was Clarence McMurray, of Fort Mill, stood the test for the University of South Carolina scholarship. C. C. Haile, Fort Mill R. F. D. carrier, left Monday morning for Newberry to attend the annual meeting of the South Carolina Letter Carriers' association as a delegate from the York county association. The other York county delegates to the meeting are W. T. Sims, J. VV. Miller, F.. M. Faris. Mr. John N. Atwater. of Fort Mill, yesterday received word of the sudden death at Farrington, N. C., Monday afternoon of his cousin, ex-Congressman John W. Atwater. The dead man was plowing when the summons came. He was elected to Congress in 1894 and served one term. Mr. Atwater was 69 years old. Dr. S. Eugene Massey has given up the practice of medicine in Fort Mill and left Thursday |- afternoon for McKenney, Va., where he will be the physician for a lumber corporation. Dr. Massey located in Fort Mill only a few weeks ago, but had succeeded in building up a good practice. His friends will regret to learn that he has moved ll away. Parks-Culp Marriage. David Gibbons Culp and Miss Ellie Parks, daughter of W. II. Parks, were married at the home of H. J. Patterson Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in the presence of a numerous company of friends and relatives of the vountr counle. The ceremnnv i was performed by the bride's 1 pastor, the Rev. Mr. Hair of the s Baptist church. The attendants > - were W. A. Roach and Miss W Clara Culp and Luther Yandle 8 and Miss Louise Parks. The I evening following the marriage P a reception was tendered Mr. and M Mrs. Culp by Mr. Culp'sparents, if Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc. Culp. at |i the Central hotel. Mr. and Mrs. I Culp have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. ??? * vun tvniiio j/icij a 11 v ^.uiiiv, j ^ 2-2, in Rock Hill Monday aftertoon. York Antitoxin Agents. The following York county appointments of State antitoxin agents have been announced: York Drug company, Yorkville; Clover Drug company, Clover; Rock Hill Drug company. Rock Hill; Fort Mill Drug company, Fort Mill. These appointments were made under a law passed by the last Legislature authorizing the South Carolina State board of health to furnish free of charge antitoxin in all cases of diphtheria occurring within the State. Diphtheria antitoxin is now regarded as a necessity in every case of diphtheria. ' It is a high priced product and the State health department believes that by making it easily available and free, the death rate from diphtheria in the State will be much lower. Any physician can obtain the antitoxin without charge by applying to the nearest distributing agent. The News of Gold Hill. It has been a number of years since the grass was so firmly established in our crops. Much of it has grown into such tremendous bunches that the farmers will have to resort to violent means in order to remove them. This fearful condition of the crops is due to the excessive rains which have visited us almost daily for the last few weeks. "Splinter" alone seems to be ; contented with the way the "weather man" has been dealing with us. He sits from morning till night under a large elm; and, with the smoke from his pipe curling upward through the boughs, he reads his daily papers ?worrying about nothing, ; except the outcome of the Jeffries-Johnson fight. Mrs. W. M. Crook, of Rock Hill, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Crook. Several Cold Hill young ladies went to Yorkville Friday and took the VVinthrop scholarship and entrance examination. Mrs. J. P. Epps, who has been very ill for the last few weeks, is still in a critical condition. 1..1: 11 Huso ivuMii uunes ueugnu uny entertained a number of her friends at an ice cream supper I at her home, given for Miss Minnie Garrison's Sunday school j class. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Epps and their children, of Tampa, Fla., have returned home for the summer. At a meeting of the trustees of the Gold Hill school last week Miss Esther Bradley, of Cornwell, and Mrs. At water, of Fort Mill, were elected teachers for the approaching term. Both are teachers of wide experience and will no doubt do credit to the school. C. B. F. Gold Hill. July 4. Out of Town Buyers It matters not how far from our store you live. You can shop as satisfactorily as our next door neighbor by using the telephone. or by mail. Order your Drug Store Goods by Phone or send your order on a post card. We select what you order with a sense of the responsibility placed upon us and while endeavoring to look upon things from your viewpoint also use our best judgi ment. Again, your little child can trade here as well as you. Our I l-~ l ' * uiHJK.s are Kepi itemized to date all the time and we can tear your account out on a moment's notice. Ardrey's Drug Store. "Haile s on the Corner" HEADQUARTERS FOR ICE CREAM AND DELICIOUS FOUNTAIN DRINKS. CIGARS. CIGARETTES. SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO PIPES, CHEWING GUM, ETC. FINE LINE OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GOOD PLACE TO LOAF. WELCOME TO ALL. Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Mgr. CROC AN GLASS DEPAR' Our Crockery and Gl&ssw and our prices are low. Now Ice Cream We carry the two best m? on the market today, the Steel and our prices are right. Freezer now is the time to bu] are so low. Fruit Preserving season is here busy at your preserving. We and at right prices. If you w; can supply you. Jelly ( If it is Jelly Glasses you v at prices unheard of. McElhaney 1 Meacham SHIRT WA] A beautiful line of White Waisb worth up to $1.50. all in our west ARE YOU GO If so, you may need a Suit Case unsplit cow hide suit case, 24 inch to $6.50. We bought a big lot of them at $5.00. Reed Suit Cases and Handbags, inches; suit cases $2.50, $2.75 and $1.25 and and $1.50. FANCY PI A few left of the $1.25 and $1.5 at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. GAUZE See our special at 10c, 3 for 25c. ! Combination Suits of Vest and 1Meacharr I! WES o I SINUW | ; O] ? | Best for general < 2 pound cans Q 5 pound cans 8 = SI Ci O y oiewari oc i_,v 0 b( i SUNDAY EDITION . For Sa'e at PARKS DRUG CO. Old papers are for sale at The Times j office. 20 cents per hundred. KERY D WARE rMENT 'are Department is complete is the time to get an i Freezer. ikes of Ice Cream Freezers [ King and the Frost King If you want an Ice Cream /, especially when our prices Jars. and now is the time to get carry Fruit Jars in all sizes int Jar Tops or Rubbers we ilasses .rant we have got them and & Company i & Epps. [ST SALE. 3, made in the latest styles and window, at 98c. ING AWAY? i or Handbag. See our genuine es and sell everywhere at $6.00 these and are making a run on , nice and light for ladies, 2-1 $3.00, handbags of the same at 1RASOLS. 0 kind to go at 98c. Better ones VEST. Better ones at 15c and 25c. cnee Pants, special at 25c. 1 & Epps. 1 a SON DRIFT I IL I 0 rooking purposes, jj - - - 30c 13 8 - - - 75c 0 = ? 8 1 Telephone Number 15. $ g ^oooooooo MITCHELL HOTEL, (Formerly Nicholson Hotel) CHESTER. - - S. C. Rates, $2 I'er Day anrl Up. S 'V. Mitchell, Pronrietor. A "Special Notice" in The Times will bring results. Phone 112. % I MAGIITS SI [jj Clark's Spool Cotton, [jj Summer Lap Robes, m Guaranteed Work Shirts, kl Good Work Shirts, fU Hmrn 11 r U v v^jiaiiO) __ I Very best Bleaching, Lot of 10c Ginghams, All Dress Goods at wholesale Have added a line of the bet am selling them at bargain pri {a O B. i^f 4S ra5ciSE5H55H5gszsa5gsH5a5HgEra i IT IS NOT F C For man to live without ( ^R this yon are continually looki: $R can buy to the best advantage We always carry a fresh ai heavy and fancy groceries thi ^R cheap as one can possibly sell ^ to call and see us before buyii fR Our clerks are polite and a iR all in their power to serve yc <R expeditiously, j^j Trade with us and be convi | JONES, Tl No Ice sold Sundays a * FLOUR. F Best Patent Flour, per sack Next 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Lard, per pound Cooking Oil, per gallon Molasses, per gallon, 30c to COFFEE, CC 50c*Pails Coffee, now 25c Cans 4 4 4 4 10c 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 for 3 packs Soda, FEED STUFF?Corn, Oats, Hay, ton Meal at lowest prices. All Canned Goods at the same nri G_ IF1 "Rock Hill" i \ ' * \. J / i r..'" 1 f you want the host hi buy a "Rook 11 ill" and y Farm Wa ()no- and t wo-liorse in sizes and of t lie host nial suoli as St uduhakor, ( a Thornhill. Soo us if you Fort Mill Mul rasgsg5as555gE5a5g5?_5]p PECIALS. j 4c H 30c to 80c [jj ... 43c S 23c H 39c to 98c H 5c, 7 l-2c and 10c Bj 5c Hi prices. [Jjf t make of Shoes and HI ces. . |(Jj| GILL. I ?Sg5gaS?.H5nSSZ5gSH5H5[51 OSSIBLE | ating, and knowing ^ Lg for the place yon ^ d up-to-date line of ^ t can be bought as ^ them, so we ask you ^ .. 8' ? tentive and will do ^ ?. u satisfactorily and tR iced. |R le grocer. ? ter 9 o'clock. ^ ***** LOUR. $:us .. $3.00 12 l-2c 90c 50c FFEE. . . 40c 20c 15c 10c Shipped Stuff and Cot:e. *' ite. Buggies. i ? "?'Y . . A ^ ggy ou t lie market >ir will have it. gons. all of t lie different ;es maniifaet nred. ver, Nissen and need a wat>on 0 Comp'y U -ir vtt*- ' hHu ? AwSmNMHI |?BlAAft 'MwHlBiHI