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The Fort Hill Times. DEMOCRATIC. Published Thursday Morninyn. B. & W. K. Bradford Publishers W. R. Bradford. Editor B. W. Bradford Manager The Times invites contributions on live subjects. but doc* not agree to publish more than 200 word* on any subject. The right is reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. Subscription Rates: One Year 11.25 Six Months .65 FORT MILL. S. C.. JUNE 30. 1910. Unjust Criticism. How true it is, as Coleridge has said, that whispering tongues can poison truth. Word has reached The Times office of an impression which is more or less current throughout the western section of the county i that Mr. John Porter Hollis, a member of the York delegation to the General Assembly, is mainly .resppnsible for the agitation last winter of the proposal to form a new South Carolina county to be composed of parts of York, Lancaster and Chester counties. The statement is also made that certain citizens of that section of the country are so aggrieved with Mr. Hollis over the erroneous impression that he was one of the movers for the new county that they will use it against him in the coming campaign should he offer for reelection in the hope of accomplishing his.defeat. The Times is in position to make a positive disclaimer for Mr. Hollis. The notion that he was one of the proponents of "Catawba" county lacks nothing of being outside the facts. Mr. Hollis was approached on the subject and asked the pointed question whether he could be depended upon to use h;s offices as a member of the General Assembly in behalf of the new county. He refused to do so, taking the position, the reasonableness of which was not questioned by anyone, that as he was elected as the result of a campaign in which nothing was said about dismembering the old county it would be a breach of faith with the sections of the county which would naturally be opposed to the division. This paper is not interested in Mr. Hollis' political fortunes; indeed it does not know whether Mr. Hollis will again ask the people of York countv to send him to the General Assembly or to elect him to any other office. But it does know that an injustice is being done Mr. Mollis by the circulation of the report that he was a proponent of the new county and it undertakes to set the public right so far as in its power lies. If there is still interest in knowing who the prime movers for "Catawba" county were, The Times is able to state authoritatively that they were one red-headed Rock Hill lawyer and one black-headed Fort Mill editor. The Automobile "Craze." In isolated instances there ap pears evidence to support tht contention that not every mar who is riding over the country ir an automobile as the accepter owner of the machine is ir financial circumstances whici justify him in enjoying such ar expensive luxury, but one find* it impossible to believe the statement of a Columbia paper thai the people of South Caroline have gone crazy on the subject of automobiling and that "everybody who has anything tc mortgage has been smitten b> the malady and is the prout owner of one of the chug-chup machines." We are forced t< demur to such an assertion, . There is not, of course, available information to determine the financial status of the hundred* of South Carolina automobile ^wpwMMMgarrriiTriV-r? | owners, but it is within reasoi | to believe that not one in twent; of these citizens has mortgage anything to secure his machine The proposition of our contempc rary is preposperous and place l a low estimate upon the intelli gence of many of the best peopl in tne btate. Automoone owners as a rule, are no more unmindfu of their obligations to themselve and their dependents than othe South Carolinians. There an no rooms for rent in their heads and this being true, they are no mortgaging their property t< avail themselves of machine ownership. Congress Candidate T. Botl Butler seems to be dozing. Som< ; of his friends should wake hin up. He does not seem to knov that a resolution indorsinj national improvement of th< public highways was over whelmingly defeated in th< recent State Democratic con vention; otherwise one is at ; loss to account for the statemen in one of Mr. Butler's campaigi circulars that he "will endeavo to have the government, unde proper restrictions, aid in build ing permanent roads." I leaves a bad taste in one' mouth to see a candidate for th< Democratic nomination for Con gress flying his individua opinion in the face of the party' decree. The Democracy o South Carolina has said thatthi ' State does not wish Federal ai< to improve the public roads an< that should settle the matter fo South Carolina Democrats. THE OLD MAN'S SWORD. A t 1mn 1 u Cnnalitntuin n "The old man hung it there where you see it," the womai said, "and nobody has eve touched it since he went away , Only in the dark lonesome nights it gives me the skeerv feelin' fo the cabin floor creaks, and hear footsteps?I hear footsteps And then there's a strikin' c tents and a rallyin' o' the men and laughter and song an ; prayers, and sometimes tears God help us!-and over an ; above all the clank, the clash o I swords that makes my bloo run cold! For that sword wa in the old man's hand ?held hig land dangerous?through man battles, and he used to say tha i the rust on the blade was nothin | but the blood of men. The ol man never auite got over thai Rut he loved the sword becaus it went with him through thre wars, and just before he wer away he hung it there, wher ! you see it now, and said: 'It' ! speak of me when I am gon< Let it be Let it be!' And sur enough, it does speak of him; fc in the still, dark nights you ca hear it clink, clink against th : wall, and the rust on the blad shines in the firelight. "I wish somebody'd take th ghostly old sword and bury out o' sight, for when the win sings loud o' nights and shakt the shutters it clanks on th wall and gives a body the col shivers; or on still, dark night: when the owls cry for lonesonrv i ness, it seems too terrible; an ' it's then I hear the footsteps ar feel the hot breath o' the batt , in my face and see the eyes < dead heroes staring at the star I verily believe that the old ma hunts where the sword is, ar while I wish it away out of sigl forever, it ain't for me to torn it, with the old man's last wor< ringing in my ears. I tried I shut out the sight of it. with 1 flag hanging over it, but I heai its trembling motion beneai the flag, whose folds rustled so had to take it down and put away. "Ah, me! I wish there never be a war in the worl 1 But how the old man did love ] talk about'em! He fought tl I battles over day and night, ai i just before he answered to tl i last roll call he said: 'I'm goii i into camp with the boys on tl ? other side.'" Fifty-eight Mills to Shut Down? 1 The statement is made th t the representatives of 58 eott< mills met in Gastonia, N. t > Friday afternoon and signed : r agreement to shut down for fo [ weeks in July and August. The fifty-eight mills repr ' sented are located in Gasto ' Mecklenburg. Catawba. Linco and Cleveland counties in Nor ! Carolina, and York county '! this State. It is believed th ? other mills in the two States w ;' follow suit. - ; - -A* : s ' *( . '::?** '.: n Political Announcements, d Gives Platform to the Public. Mr. J. K. Henry States the Issues on h- Which He Seeks Election to Con_ gress. i From Chester Lantern. I- I Solicitor J. K. Henry, who is a candig date for Congress from the Fifth dis' j trict, states today his platform on '? j which he is seeking election. It is ll safe, sane and sound and shows what, s I if elected-, he will try to do. The plati form follows: r You ask for my platform as a can e ' uiuate ior congress in the coming pri! mary. I give it to you on my ten fin' i gers, t 1. Tax incomes, luxuries, inheri0 Lances, monopolies anil privileged corporations. e | 2. Tariff for revenue. 3. A revision of the present schedule by gradual reduction on iron, wool, i leather, wood and the necessaries. > 4. A commission to be elected by e congress, bound by law to a gradual ^ reduction of tariff on all articles dur1 ing a number of years till not more ^ I than 20 per cent, is charged on any ar? ticle. B 5. Reform the civil service with compensation to the government em ployes in proportion to their work g i and hardship; each to be provided with : safe and adequate equipment. In case of injury or death while in service a 1 I reasonable provision for their dependents. j 6. A law making it a crime for em^ ' ployers to coerce their employes in r elections. _ 7. Penalty of imprisonment for managers and agents of corporations - ' violating law instead of fines on the t corporation. ? I 8. Heavy penalties for vote buying s and corrupt office holders, e I 8. Prevent the national government _ : from issuing licenses in prohibition . territory and make shipment of liquor l ! into any State .subject on entry to S ' State law. c 10. Enlarge the scope and force of the agricultural department. Pre- j S vent gambling in products of the field I J and protect the honest marketing of j the same. I* For House of Representatives. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the House of Representatives from York county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. E. BEAMGIJARD. For County Treasurer. _ 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Treasurer of York ? county, subject to the action of the D Democratic voters in the primary elecr tion. JOHN A. NEEI.Y. r The Times is authorized to announce j HARRY E. NEIL as a candidate for ,! i appointment as Treasurer for York '* bounty, subject to the recommendation ? of the Democratic voters in the primary , election. For Supl. of Education. 1 1 hereby announce myself as a candi4 date for Supeaintendent of Education 'I for York county, subject to the choice d of the Democratic voters in the pric inarv election. MINOR R. RIGGERS. \ The Times is authorized to announce Lt Mr. JOHN WARREN QU1NN, forJ? merly of Broad River, now of York d township, as a candidate for County ft Superintendent of Education, subject to the action of the Democratic voters ' in the approaching primary election. For County Supervisor. e 1 hereby announce myself a candilj date for reelection to the office of, Supervisor of York county, subject to - the rules of the approaching Democrat'(? ic primary election. >r * CLEM F. GORDON. n IC The Fort Mill friends of JOHN F. |e GORDON take pleasure in presenting his name to the voters of York county for the office of County Supervisor. '.e Mr. Gordon filled this office some years it ago and his administration redowned to d j the interests of the county as well as reflecting credit upon himself. IC For County Auditor. Id The Times is authorized to announce S, 11 road us M. Ix>ve, of Smyrna, as a candidate for the Democratic recommen, dation for appointment as Auditor of (* York county; subject to the choice of Kl the voters in the primary election. If )f I hereby announce myself as a cang , didate for nomination for reappointment to the office of County Auditor, . subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the primary election, tit JOHN J. HUNTER. :h is We are authorized to announce to T. E. McMACKIN as a candidate for appointment as Auditor of York . county, subject to the recommendation !*(l of the Democratic voters in the primary th election. ? I ? ,*??/ ?v ** * Mullen's Hornet's Nest Liniment For Cramp Colic, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. *And Oother Bowel Complaints. Externally, "As Good as the Best and Better Than the Rest." afetf-Sold by all Druggists and Country Merchants. W. N. MULLEN'S SON, Proprietor, No. 3)3 West Eighth St., Charlotte, N. C. 0 BEACH-IHRIE'S 8 | Attention, Ladies! ? ^ We want to call your attention 9 Q to our swell new line of the latest Q Mj in design of Sj g Long Hat Pins g Q Just what you want for that ft jj. large hat. We have them in solid 3 Q gold for $2.00 up; highest grade Q Q gold filled, beauties, at 65e, 75c. fl ^ $1.00, $1.25 up to $4.00; sterling ji jj silver at 25c, .'{5c. 50c, $1.00 to Q ft $2.00. ft eMail orders attended the same ? day received. 0 ^ Hparti-Itirio lau/plrv P n 9 .....V -VlfVUJ V/V., w Reliable Jeweler*. lj| Q Rock Hill, - - - S. C. jj Do lv?ic?f I Know I How to Boy f I Paint? if It's easy here, be? K, I cause our stock of K I paints, enamels, stains, Ktfc I varnishes, sold under Jjwfc \ I the mark of Wf/% 1 I ACME II I QUALITY Wm . I provides you with I a perfect paint for ffjl 'l ' | any purpose you fflf'!' | nave in mind. OH j|j''jf'jl|j|j| I Sr lection and Use l| ill I Ijill lJ I ol^Paints and Fin- ^ 1 PARKS DRUG CO.,1 Marble and Granite Monuments. A large stock at prices from $5.00 up. Call and see the line at our storeroom, Boulevard and Palmer streets. Phone 1618. Queen City Marble & Granite Works, Charlotte, IM. C. Take Dilworth street cars to reach our plant. "\W T' WARN RUST P CORS t Corset styl length of s cases the figi and absolut standing or \ toire Styles c emphasize iti length?the an appearanc as shown in The compl a large varie and short, mi type of figure to fill its requirt fashionable garments. These corsets are guarantee* break or tear. Warner's stand; that this guarantee is almost su On the tissue paper wrapped ; er's Corsets is an illustrated sto od of lacing and fitting your cor SECURITY RUBBEk BUTr0N Attached. Price $1.00 EVERY PAIR G E. W. Kimbrc WAYS T< Be systematic if you are d savin# habit. Here are severa to save money and #et ahead fi Make an allowance for each < plan to save somethin# on e rule to set aside a certain per pay day. Consider that this p< the future. Look upon it as a As your income increases, your Four per cent, interest allow time deposits. The Pineville Loan < GEO. W BUNCH PINEVILLE. 1 I =3l ?1 I' ? T erra Cot I have just receiv Cotta Piping, all si 24-inch. If you a .. i ? putting in any kind well, it will pay piping from me. V. B. Blai t==i\ i Phone 112 for ] lER'S ROOF ETS. e is noted in the extreme^ kirt. This completely enire, but is unboned and soft ely comfortable, sitting, talking. These new Direclefine the waist but do not 3 curves; the emphasis is on corsetted figure presenting :e of long, unbroken lines, this Warner Corset, ete line of our corsets shows ty of shapes?long, medium aking it possible for every emcnts with this season's i to WEAR?not to rust, ard of quality is so high perfluous. around each pair of Warnry telling the proper methsets. HOSE SUPPORTERS to $5.00 per pair. UARANTEED ill Company OSAVE etermined to develop the 1 plans which may help you minriall v ?" dass of expenses, and then aeh allowance. Make it a cent, of your income on ?r cent, is insurance against debt which must be paid. savings will increase, ed on savings accounts and md Savings Bank, I, Cashier - - - w. c. 11 If? j ta Piping red a car of Terra izes, from 4- to re contemplating of drain or bored you to buy the nkenship. J * 1 r?=11 \[=?h Job Printing,