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TAKES ACTION Department of Jostice Asks Grocers, Association to be Dissohed. SERIOUS ALLEGATION Allege** That It Constitntcs a Combination mid ('onsplitwy in Keatialnt of Trade. Officers and Member* of Association Made Parties to Suit. .KvHfance to Sut>stAntiate Charge*. Another action under the Sherman anti-trust law was startby the deIpartment of Justice Thursday at Washington, when Oliver l>. Street. United States attorney for the northern district of Alabama, was instructed to file at Birmingham a petition against the Southern Who'esale I Grocers' association, its officers and members, alleging that the asaociatiin constitutes a combination and conspiracy in restraint of trade and asking that it be dissolved. The suit, it was said, at the de~ pertinent Thursday, is one of the results of the investigations which the government for some time piXt has been making with reference to combinations that seek to eliminate competition. maintain a high scale of profK and increase the cost of living. In the opinion of the official the investigation cleanly Indicated that an unlawful conspiracy exists. Mr. Street was in conference f?>r several days with th<* ?! partment and left Wednesday night for Birmingham. The issue will be pushed 'o a speedy trial, t.he officials he'S^'lug that they have ample evidence *>? substantiate the charges mads. The following statement r<*zar Iing the matter was made at "he depart nv nt of justice: "The petition alleges that the combination was organized for th" pt.i pose <>i unci .nas resulted in coercing and preventing manufacturers from selling the actual necessaries of life direct to the retail dealer or consumer or to any wholesale grocer in the Southern States unless said grocer Is listed In a so-called 'greenbook' published and distributed hy the association. That manufacturers are persuaded urged and coerced by the association to fix limited selling prices ut which staple article of food are to be sold and to refuse to sell such commodities to any wholesale grocer who does not maintain the prices so fixed and listed. That in certain lines maunufacturers and producers have been induced to bill their goods at an enhanced price, and to turn ovr a precentage to -the president of the association , who rebated the same to the jobbers maintaining suc.h limited selling price. That no firm could become a member of the association or be listed in the 'green book' unless a majority of the other concerns in the Iwfiipiy gave their approval; and that unless suc.h firm was duly listed. it was unable to secure direct buying privileges from those manu facturers who observed certain "rules of practice" adopted by the association. There are many other allegations set forth in the bill as to the general ecbemo and plan by which this combination sought to prevent the members thereof and to restrict trade and commerce. The department for some time has received complaints as to the bur- , dens suffered by the people of the Southern Rtates because of the operations of this association. After a careful investigation the department ( (believes that the association operates to increase the cost of the nec- , essitles of life, such as coffee, sugar, cereals, soap and many other lines. The association as set out in the government's petition or bill consists of various firms and corporations engaged in t.he wholesale groc- ( ery business within the states and territories of Alabama, Arkansas, , Florida, Georgia, Indian Territory, IxMiisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, < North Carolina. Oklahoma. South Carolina. Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and the District of Columbia. Married by Sign language. William Dilworth, a deaf mute prize fighter, bettor known as "Dummy Decker," was married at Savannah, Ga., Monday morning to MiBs Katharine Martini, of Baltimore, the bride nlso is a deaf mute. She reached Savannnh from her former home a few hours before the wed- < ding. The marriage service was j translated by the finger language to the young man and woman. < Assaulted Own Daughter. A Bluefleld, W. Va., special says ] a posse and officers of Lagon connty. Went Virginia, are sconring the ( mountains In that vicinity for I.. C. j Carter, who on 'last Sunday at Stone i Branch, assaulted his 16 year old | [. daughter. An officer from that section states that Carter will be lynched if captured. Kat* Moth Ball and Die*. At Mobile, Ala., Jack Hr.rris. ! 16-months-old son of A. J. Harris, died Monday evening from eating a i moch ball, which he found on the floor. Toxin* poison resulted. * POISON WAS FOUND WI1T5 AND IKHTOH CHARGED WITH HUSBANDS DEATH. Suspicion Arouord by Alleged Intimacy.?Brothers Had !H*ad Han's Stomach Analyzed. As dark as the act of Henry the Eighth is the terrible accusation that is being brought against two prominent people of Swainsboro, Gn. Never before in the annals of the history of the county has it been so completely charged with excitement as it is. Bunc-hes of men are to b* seeu standing on the street corners talking excitedly and the sheriff of the county and his deputies are profeeding in all directions lu search of an alleged fugitive. This excitement is due to the fact that the state chemist, to whom the stomauh of Mr. Fred Flanders, who tiled June 4th was sent, has intimated that the stomach was full of poison and that arrests had better be ' made. The stomaoh of the deceased was sent to Atlanta because relatives of Flanders felt that he was poisoned and suspicion rested on Dr. \V. ' J. McNaughton and Mrs. Flanders. When the sherifT went to arrest them Mouday morning, it was discovered that Dr. Mr.Naughton had sold hte place and all his property had been turned into cash and that he had left. Mrs. Flanders was arrested by the sheriff and brought to Swainsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Flanders have occu- 1 pied the home of Dr. McNaughton since the death of his wife, about two years ago. Dr. McNaughton boarding with them. About two weeks before the death of Flanders, ho became violently ill with what Dr. McNaughton, pronounced to be acute nephritis. He was attended by no other physician but McNaughton and nursed by no one but his wife. He gradually grew worse and finally on June 4 th pusscd away. ltrothers of Flanders, on account of Dr. McNaughton'b attention to Mrs. Flanders before, and after the 1 death of her husband, became bus- j picious that there was some foul play 1 and Tuesday they had his body exhumed. a coroner's jury empanneled 1 and his stomach removed by L>rs. ' Smith and Ohandler and sent to Atlanta in order that the state chemist might analyze its contents. Only Sunday a report was received ' which intimated that arrests would be in order, however, too late to catch Dr. McNaughton, for be had gone. Flanders was worth four or | five thousand dollars and he was i insured for about live thousand. lJr. , McNaughton had lived in the county for a number of years and was con- , sidered a good citizen. , DltANK WOOD ALCOHOL. \ i Three Men Are Dead ami Two Others 1 ( Are l*robal>ly Dying. I A. I. McCasgiU. aped 63; Will Martin, aged 31, and (leorge Teacliout, 112 years old. are dead, and Clarence j Smith and Dee White are believed t to be in a dying condition as the re- ' suit of drinking wood alcohol on Saturday night at the village of Meauwataka. four miles from Cadillac. Mich. Teachout and McCaagill lived , in Meauwataka and the others in Cadillac. McGasgill operated a soft-drink establishing nt in Meauwataka. and when he went home Friday he took four gallons of whisky. The supply 1 ran out Saturday evening and Mc- 1 Cask ill is said to have conceived the idea of mixing wood alcohol with sugar water and pop to complete tin night of drinking. He died during the night and was followed four hours later hv Martin and Teachout. Negm Man Shoots llis Son. Tuesday evening James Hullock. | ' i-oiorcd, was committed to jail at I 1 Raleigh. N. C.. to await superior I court trial for shooting his son, Sam c Mullock, at -his home near Garner s The son was reprimanding the father 1 for whipping the wife and mother ' when the old man s^iz-ed his guu ( and shot tJie sou in the abdonteu. ltltKAKS WOltLll'S KK(X)I{D. ? 5 Aviator Soared l.tlKi Feet in m 111- i ( I?1 une at Indianapolis. Soaring to a height of 4.3S4 feet, 1 Walter Mrooklns, in a Wright hi- [ hlane .Monday broke the world's aet- ' aplane record for altitude at the av- ' iation meet at the Indianapolis, Ind., 1 speedway. Hrooklns' high (light, in which he exceeded the record 4,16.1 feet made by i.ouis Panlham, at Los Angeles > inst tail, was also a speed triumph. 1 According to the rigtster of the in- < Uruments, Brookins was 1,900 feet t In the air seven minutes after he t left the earth. He rose to that point t In a wide circle. ' Continuing his circles, Brookins < rose steadMv at a speed of about 50 miles an hour. Thirty minutes after he had started he reached his highest altitude and began the do- ( scont, maneuvering at lower levels, I until at a height of 100 feet h?' i *hut off the motor and glided easil) i to the ground alongsile the start- < tug rail. t i LIFE TOO LONELY .<;ei> fathkk lavs down the HlltDKX. !to<ly Found Cold in Death in Cemetery nt Cumnril, X. V.?Hri'AM i'lerml by 11 til let. Cold in death. his death pierced ?y a pistol bullet, the body of Mr. William Skinner was found in Oak wood cemetery, Concord, N. C.. Saturday evening. The weapon of destruction was lying near the body, bearing mute witness to the traaic LEAVES A VERY SAD NOTE THROW MY ASHES TO THK KOl'll WINDS*"' Well Kmmn Artist of New York Kn<cay?><] to Daughter of Boston Hanker, Ends His Fife. Leon Guypon, well known as an artist and illustrator, shot himself through the head in his studio at New York Tuesday, and was found dead on the floor, a revolver by his side. ?M. C. Mer.T, a close friend, explaining the tragedy said that Guypon had been engag d to Miss Agnes Foster, daughter of a Bostou banker, but had brokt n the engagement be- j cause of i.l health, lie stiff red with heart trouble and had heen told b> physicians that lie might die at any tinie. He could stand it no longer. Before killing himself the young artist sent to his former fiance in Ropton a check for $7,212' "all th" pennies I had saved," as he expressed it in a letter to his fib nd, Merrill. In his letter to Merrill, h<wrote: "Since I came hack to New York for no apparent reason my heart went a<l to pieces again. I told you It was throat and my stomach, r suffer more than words can describe. No doctor can help iri" and 1 fully realize that 1 am doomed. "I do not want to poison her brignt, happy life, yet I cannot live without her. I have fought manfully, but I am beaten. So there is but one honorable path open to me and i shall calmly st p into it because my conscience is clear." When a heavy envelope on a table near the body was opened the artists' will, written in his own hand, was found. It said in part: "This is my last will. 1 am an nrithan and have no blood relatives Aft" r my death do not look for my money, as I have already disposed of it. All my pictures and all my belongings 1 give to Agues Foster, of No. 4 1 Winthrop street, Boston. Mass., and to Mr. Hiram 0. Merrill, uf New York. They may divided theiu amicably betwe n themselves, or sell them, or give them to friends, or do whatever they wish with them." 1 urssin- uj ue cremaien ann my asties thrown to the four winds. FAIt.MKit DHOWNKII. I/OSes His Fife While Helping to Res* cue Two Roys. Mr. P. G. Adams, a well-known farmer, living at Penny's pond, near Italeigh, N. C.. was drowned Tues ay, while helping to rescue two boys. All were bathing in the pond. Adams went to crawl up into a boat in which were the two (toys, when the boat capsized. He helped to get the boys ait to shallow water and when they reached the bank badly frightened they were horrified on looking back to see Adams sinking for the last time. It was an hour before bis bodywas recovered. No water in his lungs indicates that heart failure may have followed his exertion in saving the boys and that this rather than the actual drowning caused his Icath. He was 4 0 years old and a tmchelor. NI-XJKO I/YNCIIKl). Mob Overpowers Sheriff and Takes : tne I'rtsoiier. While ofliccrs from Arkansas were route to Mastod* n, Miss., with Eliner Curl, a negro, they were over powered by a mob at Como, Miss., Monday night, who took t.he negro to Mastodon and lynched him. Curl was charged with shooting W. I'. Miller, a plantation manager, who lttemptod to arrest him for writing in improper letter to a white woman. Following the shooting several weeks ago. Curl escaped although he was pursued for three days by a r>osse with bloodhounds. He was aptured at Marion, Ark., Sunday, ind the officers and the prisoner were thoard an Illinois Central train when he 1110b boarded the train at Melees crossing near Como. Former Sheriff Poisoned. A special from Oneida, Tenn . says Frank linghett, e\-sh?riff of h-ott county and a candidate for the election as sheriff, was poisoned, presumably by whiskey given him by i supposed friend. This is the sec>nd alleged attempt upon his life n recent weeks. Hughett's condiion ic rriti/'ul Unt it i? - - - - - * V * Ml) I'VI I S V o I HWU^UI II C vi ] 1 recover. florllfs Taken From IWM?p. Five more bodies have been reno ved from the i'rench submarine, !Muviose. These include the body of Commander Callot, who was found load at his post, his bands clutching he periscope. AH examination of he bodies by physicians at Calais, Prance, has disclosed the fact that loath was rapid. llehcllion in llriwril. Advices received by the German Cablegram Company at Berlin from ftio de Janerlo state that insurgents n the prefecture of Jurua, in the ?cre district of western Brazil, have j Irtven ont tbe governor and declared j iheMr independence. I ending of a goo<l man. The deed 'iad been committed some two hours V fore the body was discovered. Mr. Skinner was going toward the cemetery about four o'clock, but was not seen afterwards, until three ladies strolling through the cemetery came upon his lifeless form. They immediately notified the police and Ooroner Caldwell was summoned, but after vi wing the body decided that an inquest was unnecessary and the remains were turned over to the undertaker. Mr. Skinner's mind hud evidently become unbalanced. Since the death of his wife he had not been in his usual spirits and at times was very despondent and gave evidences of insanity, lie called at the post office last Thursday and ? nquirei about his mail, saying he was penniless and was looking for a letter from his landlady in Charlotte. In his coat pocket two notes written on an old bill-head were found. They were numbered one and two and are as follows: Note No. 1.? "1 am a lonely father; no home to no to; just left niv two children, Kr and dear C. 1 seen all of them, I care to see. Mother Is in heaven. 1 don't know where i will go. Life is no pleuure to me since I lost her. I have no mind it is a blank. This is for one of my children ad no one else. Note No. 1!. -"1 have done a better part by some than 1 ever sot credit for. Salisbury depot. My eyes is failing- Concord is my next place and I hope it will be my last." Mr. Skin a* r was no years old and was a tinner by trade. He was well known in Concord. having spent the greater part of his life at Concord. He was a hard worker, straight and .honest in his dealings and loved by all who knew him. If*- leaves five daughters, all of who are married and living elsewhere. ASSIST r.YHOItSKU LXPV. ( ulluiit ('apt. Archie With President in Auto Offer Aid. That "an invitation from the President is equivalent to a command" was disproved by a young woman Sunday in Washington, when Mr. Tuft invited her to take a ride in his automobile. The President, hov.ever, did not feel that he had suffered a rebuff, as the invitation had been extended merely in a desire to assist. Accompanied by his aide, Captain Butt, the President was taking a spin in his handsome car. As they drew near a young man and young woman who were on horseback, the mount of the latter stumbled and fell, throwing its rider. Captain 1 tutt sprang from the machine and ran to her aid. the President mix iouslv looking on to see if site had boon hurt. He proffered the line of hi.s machine, suggesting that the young woman allow him to send her home. She declined saying. s.he would remount Captain Butt and her escort assisted her back into the saddle where she swayed dizzily for a moment. Again the President tendered the use of his ear. but again the young woman declined t.he offer and presently was herself again. She and her eseort then rode off without the President and Captain Butt having learned whom t.hey had aided. ItKhKASKIl <>\ It A11 j. O. I*. Sasser, Charged With Theft, t'mler ilond. A special to The State says: "O. P. Sasser. a young white man. who lias been in the county jail for approximately two months, charged with the theft of a gold watch from the Southern Kxpress company, has been released under a bond of $f<00 this afternoon. The rase of the young man .has created more than ordinary interest. Although a comparative stranger in this section of tho state, being originaly from North Carolina, the loyalty o fpractically the entire busi nes element of 'tranchville, where his headquarters were made at the time of his appreht nsion have had a tendency to make the case more remarkable. He has resided at that point only a short while, but every effort has been made to have him released. and the fact that the bond was signed by several well knswn business men is expressive of the confidence which be enjoys alvout Hranchville. He has always horn< an excellent reputation, even before his residence in this state, they gay, and there are some who are disposed to attribute the misstep to over-indulgence in whiskey.11* * WITTY SAYINUS. "There's no use o' talkln'," said Fanner Corntossel as he sat down on the horse trough. "I can't git along with some o' these here summer guests." "What's the trouble?" "I've Just been lectured by thai good lookin' young woman with glasses for sp'Uin' the color sthom? of the gulden by putting paris green on the vegetables." ? Washington Star. Daughter ? Father, dear father, won't you forgive me and John for eloping? Father. Dear Father?Yes, if you? er? elope again right away.?Judge "Futhrr " oiH iho is**1a #?*?!** "w hut is a plutocrat?** "A plutocrat, my son, is a man who is vastly wealthy, but declines t? endow- any project in which you are immediately interested." ? Washing ton Star. The Youth?Oh. the cloak of invisibility? Just the think 1 want for ray ad venture. May 1 try it on? The Dealer in Magic?Young man, for goods of this description we al ways require payment in advaucs.? London I'um h. Little Willie?Say, pa, what is a philosopher? I'a?A philosopher, my son. Is a man who can generate a dozen good and sufficient reasons why other peo pie ought to he perfectly satisfied with their lot in life.?Chicago News The Lightning Elevators. If any young lawyer w ho has an of tiee in a laige building in tiiis city i.? pondering because a rustic client whom he expected to call litis failed to do so he cau chalk it up to a strange incident which gave the countryman some speedier impres sions of elevator service than th# "express service" which the building boasts. The elevator entrances on the first floor of the building have dials like clock faces above them with liauilF indicating the position of tile ear a' all times. When the farmer enterec the building the other day it happen ed that one of the elevators was out of order, and a workman, hidden from public \ iew. was in tiie shaft tinker iug with the dials, and after their list had been explained to him by a portei he glanced tip at the one which was being repaired. At that minute the workman or the inside, wishing to test the mech anism., gave the dial hand a spit around from the figures 20 to 1 with lightning rapidity. The farmer jumped several feet ir the air and gasped, "Hy heck, dt them ears come down that fast?" hf exclaimed when he recovered ho l.reath. "I'll be gol swinged if I g? up in one of "em," and lie hurriet froui the building. ? Philadelphia rimes. The Early Mother-in-Law. A l,ouis\ ille man who loves tc browse in the public library said that he was reading Plutarch the othet day and came upon an interesting thing. "I had always imagined," hr said, "that the mother-in-iaw joke like others which have their mail habitat now in vaudeville and tlu funny papers, was a purely moderi creation. I was disillusioned on tha; score, however. Plutarch related th? story of a young man who threw i stone at a stray u<?g and hit hit mother-in-law. "Not so had," was hi: comment.?1 .ouisville Post. Being Generous. tie Kdward was very bright but. being an only child, was inrlinet to wish and get the best of everything for himself. Mis mother was trying to overcome this fault and instill gen erosity and unselfishness in its place | One day Kdward came in and ap | proached her in this manner: "Mother, didn't you tell me whenevet I had anything to divide I must givt away the biggest half?" "Yes. son." Kdward at once left the room; return i ing in a tew moments, lie handed hi; ! mother some chewing gum. "Here j uonier, you divide tins gum!"?Tin | Delineator. Heard in the Bath. "That's the laziest rubber I evei saw," criticised the patYon in th? Turkish hath parlors. "Why, he looki as if he were* asleep." "Oh, I If fix that in a few minqtes,' assured the proprietor. "floing to give hiin a call?" "Yes, I am going to tell him t< stretch himself." ? Chicago Dail) News. He Had It. "Have you anything in the way o a carpet beater?" inquired the de partment store patron. "We have," replied the floorwalker "Take the elevator to the seven teenth floor and you'll find some rug: at >29.98 that beat any carpet yoi ever saw."?Chicago News. Between Friends. Miss Bonepart?How does my new i tailor-made costume fit, dear? Miss De I'liin-*- A : -y (..mwniiri; ^r-w?< I \Ylj?r, it tits evfrr^ngle as if you hac been molded in it. In the Barber Shop. "It takes an Hi tiw to cut hair." "Yes, and it takes an* artist toj jr? without a hair m*' ? Clt*?elan< 1 Leader. A GREAT FIIGHT CharKe? K. Hamilton Fl>es hen New York to Philadripbttu HE THEN FLIES BACK lA-it iKwrn(?r\ hljivtft n ] Monday Morning hm-i KowtHil I'tuladelphiit One IUiu< ami Fifty lie Minutes I alter. tv < tuip r? l)i?| lamv of Fightjr-Kight Miles. I j A dispatch trom . Nv w "?ork ?:iv> Charles K. Hamilton aro. Pom Uityernyr's Island In an iifvr a?ie Monday morning and speo vithout a break 88 miles to Phi'.<! in a successful j t ??.ht. under the auspices of t) e N> v. *- ?tv Times and hhe Philadelp tin I'.il a. Ledger. He made th? trip >?. on* In ur aiul I?1 minutes, leaving '!?* . ?rtn r's Inland at 7.3o and ti aiming at Philadelphia ;it 9.3 ti. Alighting at the av>a?"i tic id. he delivered letters from ;? v Hughes and Mayor Ray nor t< Stuart and Mayor Reyburn. >? ? puui met sages of congratulation li? in them to hear in return are started fer | N? w York again, with . niy brief tn: erruission fer food. * s"! ;a e oil. He j had flown uppoximati 1\ 70 miles < f j h's ftum journey ?ln i a sluggish motor drove hint to d? ? iid In a ' swamp near South A.rlwy M. J., it 11'.r T. p. in. Tlu | n poller was | broken there in landing t ut after I repairs tiad been in:* ? mitfnn ve j sun.eti his ight at ? 1 and landed j at Governor's Island < ; > TIuir the j tri> was made in oim t?. and Sf? I minutes at an <s*i:i ' ?f peed of r.4 miles an hour. ?. t m n breakH the -ccord made in tie i'. turn (light from Albany to New Yc ' r. That Hamilton did not n.ake the return trip as easily .e Ho outgoing trip was due on!;, 'i b.eie. He negecivd to clean V; - ?p;iil? plugs, they fouled, tlie eng.'.? bi.P<*d, and h< had to come down i Ho- hanks of the Raritan river, tv., u above South A in hoy. Curtiss stills holds '! < M t;?t record for speed, but H:.a !< n Monday took all A in clean re?ur?l? '< i crowscountry distance and dotal en. aim, using his own tiguren fi r m. return, his average speed is j, io v. figure. The broken propcdi w..? the secom! mishap of tie kim; noting (ho day, but he secured n i.r*? i-epelfer and with a new set <?p.,it? plugs the aviator was able t< heel* within 1hours, although 1* b? .o- wero allowed in the terms ?f hie < entraci. During tiie who!? ? ! t.ii first lap Hamilton never varied uu ie than two minutes from his mini and came down on the haiuJI<? i? t.n f laid down to mark his landing p< l with iiif precision of it in uiiiiy. pigeon setting 011 its porch. It is an interesting n in nt.eiico that Hamilton won ha ?. in r? with the same biplane that von ;i,? internatonal speed trophy Im Hfcnii It. Cu"tiss at Rheims las' e.n ami that h? hjis driven liy the e.. ire impeller witjh w hich Curtiss reionlly n .ale his historic flight from Ail-any t? New York. The weather was hi* a* f r Digit!. as Hamilton wheeled b.* .umytann f'Oin its tent on Dov? nil r e Ian.I a special train, cJiartc:?ij by tin New York Times and trie lb .l.nUlpMa Public Ledger and carrying hi- mother. hi.- wife, his ? ? i? t n < I ..mean, Alliert C. Doty and | e!, stood on a siding of the TVm.vyIvol.ia Icr| m.nal in Jersey City fro Lho I word. I't-ricii.oi*k frim'. Hoy Ai'iiumnt So\er* I'.-wat and i it'll lis ( 'lllli K la I 1 . Clyde H- ckle. eighteen old, made a terrifying fi.OOO-tm t Kit loon ascension Sunday nifrhf ingnic for a part of the time to 11 clniiti rupo of tlie air craft. Il? landed a halfhour after tlie start in ' i>? M-idille of a shallow lake at a ui.iiu i nunrt, m ar Lincoln, Neb. Adolph Wei berg. i.n ;?t<n;.ut who gives exhibitions at t! < f?M?t ly us('ending and dropping j?? a i^Mrhuto, had mad*- preparation tor (mm tegular trip. Young Heckle with ntt.erp Wan holding the ropes. Th? l?> had asked to be allowed to n.ake the ascent, but was refused. Just as the aerona-it in his parachute attachment calbd t?> tils assistants to let go. Ilfi M? with'a knife severed the tw? n j* m holding the aeronaut. The air bap leaped upw ard and Heckb grasp*d th?< clutch rope of the balloon Wrlbtrg, wit.b his parachute, w?.? bit on the ground. For possibly a thousand f ? i Heckle w*nt upward like a rniint, cltiiKing only with his I lieu ho managed to swing him*.* ' a-lride tho ( lutch rope and aft*: an ascent of over a mile, came tic wo without a misYiap. * Iconic h?t|? The .% iti?- of t\h? VI I -Iimt Vipiday nool which v..^ t< have been he)<! today at Oufces Piehrr> has hten IK**11 on* ?1 on account <>1 11n rains. I* J.tiA not yet been dented v/ho.i il wi.:l t>? held, but anu< uiu emoiit will t?. *.<*? fatcr. 1