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[ * SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. i Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Kimbrell, 1 of Charlotte, spent Sunday in Fort Mill township with relatives, j Miss Charlotte Stephenson, of i Kershaw, is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Sara Stephen- j son. John McClelland, general secretary for the Charlotte Y. M. C. A., visited friends in Fort Mill Sunday. Miss Ashlyn Lowe, of Concord, , 3 if! n if _rv 11 . r I anu miss urace mcuoweu, 01 Steel Creek, are guests of their cousin. Miss Dora Grier. F. Murray Mack is spending the summer vacation from Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y., at the home of his sister,* Mrs. Elizabeth Belk. F. E. Ardrey is spending a 30-day vacation at the home of 1 his father, Capt. J. W. Ardrey. Mr. Ardrey is night telegraph 1 operator at the Seaboard passenger depot in Columbia. The Mills & Young Co. has been awarded the contract over several bidders for a considerable , part of the hardware to be used ! in the construction of the new ' graded school building for Fort , Mill. ; Alex Barber, R. F. D. carrier 1 on route No. 3, had the misfor- ( tune some days ago to sprain the . tendons in his ankle while alight- ] ing from his mail wagon and has . since been unable to walk with- j out the aid of crutches. Dr. Stewart McMurray left 1 Monday morning for Columbia 1 to appear before the State board of medical examiners to stand the examination to practice medicine in South Carolina. Dr. McMurray will locate at Sharon. , At the meeting of the town J council last week an ordinance , was passed providing that the i maximum speed at w hich automo- ? biles shall be run within the ^ town is 15 miles per hour. The \ uiuuiaui.u uuco iiul ?>LeLC IIUW HIC I rate of speed is to be determined. ! Mrs. Elizabeth Ardrey and family will move from Pineville ( to Fort Mill on July 1. They j will occupy the Branson cottage -y on Booth street. Mrs. Ardrey is 1 the mother of Miss Kate Ardrey, a teacher in the Fort Mill graded 1 school. , Quite a number of Fort Mill 1 people went to Rock Hill Monday ;1 ^ and Tuesday to attend the com- j mencement exercises of Winthrop college. This year only ' one young lady from this section 1 of the county is in the graduating I class. Miss Annie Crook. W. E. Smith, a farmer whose j home is five miles north of Fort I Mill, was married to Miss Ona ' Duncan, of Peachland, Union county, N. C., yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the ceremony occurring at the Y. W. C. A. building in Charlotte. < Miss Virginia Hamilton has i been seriously sick at the home of Mr. J. B. Mills for several days, but is somewhat better today. Miss Hamilton's father, Mr. R. W. Hamilton, of Union, came to Fort Mill Sunday afternoon to be at the hert?irle ef hio daughter. Invitations have been sent out to the marriage of David Gibbon Culp to Miss Eleanor Maud Parks on the evening of the 29th instant at the home of H. J. Patterson. The ceremony will be performed by the pastor of } the young lady, the Rev. Mr. \ Hair of the Baptist church. On i the evening following the mar- < riage, a reception will be tendered j Mr. Culp and his bride at the Central hotel. The Fort Mill friends of Mrs. Mattie Stewart, of Charlotte, who was operated on at a Charlotte hospital a few weeks ago, will be pleased to learn that she is 1 convalescing satisfactorily. Mrs. Stewart was, however, unable to attend the commencement exercises at Trinity college, where I her son, Sinclair, graduated last week. Mrs Stewart was formerly Miss Mattie Hotchkiss, of Fort Mill. Of the various Statp inetitn tions for the higher education of the male youth of South Carolina, Clemson draws the greatest number of students from this section. During the session of 1909-' 10 there have been seven students at Clemson college from Fort Mill and vicinity, the seven being E. E. Hall, L. E. Therrell, C. B. and G. C. Faris, T. F. Massey, L. H. Massey and J. N. Carothers. Mr. j Carothers graduated in the class ' 1 of '10. His home is near the j plant of the Southern Power i company. Hawk Returns Chicken. No one ever questions a statement made by Bob Bryant. So when Bob came to town Saturday afternoon from his farm in the Pleasant Valley section and began to circulate among his friends on Main street all were anxious to learn the news from his neigborhood, confident that he knew what was worth telling and that what he said could be relied upon. Bob said that his neighbors were as busy as bees contesting between showers the efforts of the grass to capture tneir cotton and corn. His own farming operations were running along smoothly. This year he was paying particular attention to hounds and frizzled chickens. Recently he had been unfortunate in the loss of a hound pup which was run over by an automobile, but better luck came his way when it appeared that he had also lost one of the five frizzled chickens to which he has devoted much attention since the early spring. A chicken hawk swooped down on his flock of five and hurriedly left with the most promising frizzly in its talons. The hawk flew to a wood some distance away and alighted, with tne chicken still in his talons. The squawking chicken waked a nigger who was asleep on a log. The negro saw the hawk depost the chicken on the ground and then with a critical eye survey it fore and aft. This hawk was a connoisseur. He didn't like the appearance of Bob's frizzly and rather than steal a fowl which he could not eat, he again took the chicken in his talons, this time tenderly, and returned it to Bob's barnyard. Tell the Truth. Is there any power in cunning, in shrewd, long-headed deceptive methods that can for a moment compare with the truth, with absolute integrity? isks Success. There is no advertisement in the world, in the long run, that :an compare with that which comes from the reputation of always and sverywhere telling the exact truth, of aeing absolutely reliable. This reputation alone has made the names of some of the great business houses in this country worth millions of dollars. Every time a man decieves he knows that he has to cover his tracks. He is ilways on thorns for fear of discovery, for everything in his own nature is tryng to betray him; but when he tells the truth, because he is built on the truth plan, he has ail the universe sustaining, supporting, backing him. What a difference there is between the power of a man who is telling the truth and is conscious that he is backed by the eternal principle of right and justice, and the man who is lying and is conscious of it. % One can look the world in the face without wincing, because he feels that he is backed by eternal principle; there is victory in his eye, assurance in his i/erv bearing, while there is something within the other man which savs, "1 am a liar; 1 am not a man. 1 know I am not a man, but a sneak, a makebelieve." More Seeds. A fresh lot of the following seeds just in. They have been in considerable demand: Bush Beans, Pole Beans, Lima Beans, Watermelon Seeds. Cooper's Cholera Cure for Chickens. We guarantee it to cure or ?ive your money back. As a ?eneral tonic and egg producer it has no equal. We have on3 xit-of-town customer who buys it by the dozen. Ardrey's Drug Store. GO TO "Haile's on the Corner" For DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY, HRAHT FV'Q CHOCOLATES. DELICIOUS ICE CREAM, the product of well-fed Jersey cows, and all the leading ICE-COLD FOUNTAIN DRINKS. Phone No. 43. Port Hill Drug Comp'y ). R. HAILE, Mgr. , ! *1 lm UN 'H ! We have jus of Stoves and F make it to your us before buyin Don't fail to s need of Fruit J. es, Jar Rubbers McElhaney < Meachait Mat We have a splendid line of ft and Jap at 20e, 25c and 30c. Also a few pieces in cheap mat do you good on mattings. To\ Call to see our special at 1( Turkish Towels at 10c, 20c and 3i and worth one-third more. Tow Cor A new line of the long R. & G. $1.00. See our long Vigilant Cor Milli This is Miss Frank's last week I about your hat, call at once. Meachan II Q YY 1L.O S SNOW 0 5 o: o | Best for general < 2 pound cans g 5 pound cans 0 Stewart & Ci 0 KOOOOOOOO+) SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE?The Cousart house and \ lot in Sprattville. Apply to Mrs. J no. Q. Cousart, 1113 S. Caldwell Street, Charlotte, N. C. FOR SALE One horse, gentle, will work wherever hitched. Cheap for cash, or will sell on time, tf L. A. HARRIS & CO. s wfiAflV in t added a line Ganges and will interest to see gee us when in ars, Jelly Glass, etc. & Company i & Epps. ting Tattings in plain and fancy China ting to close at 12 l-2c. We will vels )c, worth 15c. Also a big job in >c. These goods are 1st seconds eling at 5c the yard. sets Skirt Corset, our best seller at set at 50c. nery with us, so if you want to see her i & Epps. <?o?o?o?oto?o?oac?? SON | DRIFT e IL 5 o cooking purposes. 8| 0 - - - 30c 8 - - - 75c | = 0 1 Telephone H Number 15. jj t+ic***** ** ?*c* **0 ROAD TAX NOW DUE. The attention of all concerned is called to the fact that the commutation road tax of three dollars is now due and payable, with .July 1 as the last day upon which it may be paid. Persons failing to pay the $.'1 commutation tax on or before July 1, will be liable to five days service o? the road. H. E. NEIL, Treasurer of Yark County. [S5H5g5g55Sgga5a5EEg5E5H5^E5a5 CHANGE 01 jn During the week I havi in Goods and Notions stock of P. jjj continue the business in the 1 In bv Mr Stnllino-e TTottJtk* V* ? 1-^ - AAUTJLUg UUl sacrifice, I am prepared to offer lie unusual bargains in these patronage of everyone and trade given me. Watch this space for bargain C. B. MA [HsasasHssasasasasHSHSHSgggsEsi 3 "Bread is the staff ol $ and butter is a golden ? Our Dan Valley Flc 3 that makes the bread 1 g of life. g Wesson Cooking < $ and general cooking p ? Fresh vegetables * from the best truck fa Our line of Cam 3 complete. | JONES, Tt ^ No Ice sold Sundays af FLOUR, F Rest Patent Flour, per sack.. Next Lard, per pound. Cooking Oil, per gallon Molasses, per gallon, 30c to COFFEE, CO 50c Pails Coffee, now 25c Cans 10c 44 44 41 2 for _ 3 packs Soda, FEED STUFF -Corn, Oats, Hay, ton Meal at lowest prices. All Canned Goods at the same pric .A.. o_ F: "Rock Hill" ? HP xCTSii * -_~ ^q^T^"8531 If you want the best bu w buy a "Hock Hill" ami y< Farm Wai One- and two-horse in j sizes and of the best mak such as Studebaker, Car Thornhill. See ns if yon Fort Mill Mult Z5H5a5g5H5a5E5E5E5E5|p F FIRM.! e = S u d taken over the Dry jj H. Stallings and will C G stooreroom occupied jj ight the stock at a C K the purchasing pub- [J lines. I solicit the 5 D will appreciate any J] H H LS' 1 VII LL. jjj a5g55ESHa555E5Z5H5H5ln : life, but bread ? -headed cane/' $ )ur is the flour ? that is the staff * Oil for salads 3 urposes. % received daily ? rmers. ft led Goods is <5 ie Grocer, g ter 9 o'clock. LOUR. $3.15 $3.00 .. 12l-2c 90c 50c FFEE. 40c 20c 15c 10c Shipped StufT and Cote. ITE. Buggies. SL ggy on the market >u will have it. gons. ill of the different ;es manufactured, <>r \i<su?n ami no(?(l a wagoiie b Comp'y B $ ?&$ i