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SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Mrs. W. A. Hafner and little sons are visiting Mrs. Hafner's mother, Mrs. M. E. Shannon, in Sharon. Miss Mary O'Connell is again at her home in the outskirts of town after an absence of several months as a patient at a Charlotte hospital. \ Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Watson, of Charlotte, were guests at the home of Mrs. Watson's parents, Capt and Mrs. j. w. Ararey. A valuable horse belonging to McElhaney & Co. was seriously injured Tuesday afternoon by an automobile driven by "Bub" McFadden, of Rock Hill. The accident occurred at the Southern freight depot. R. E. Parks, former drug clerk for W. B. Ardrey & Co., recently appeared before the Virginia Pharmaceutical Board and stood the examination to obtain a license as a registered pharmacist. Mr. Parks is located at Culpeper, Va. Cadet W. A. Robinson, of the Providence section of Mecklenburg county, was the winner of the gold medal in the competitive drill at Horner's military school some days ago for the best drilled cadet. The young man is a son of W. A. Robinson. The Dunn (N. C.) graded I 1 I ! _ 1 J ? 1.1 scnooi riaving cioseu ior ine summer vacation, Miss Bessie Faris, who was one of the teachers, has returned to her home in Fort Mill township. Miss Faris was reelected by the board of trustees for another session. Frances Smith, the little granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young, whose illness at the Presbyterian hospital in Charlotte was noted in The Times last week, continues to improve and strong hopes are now entertained by the physicians that the child will recover. Cal Weeks, a negro who lived in O'Connell row, ran amuck at his home Sunday afternoon and after terrorizing his neighbors bv firing his pistol was arrested by Officer V. D. Potts. Monday morning Weeks paid a $30 fim for disorderly conduct?$15 tc the town and $15 to the State. Rev. C. B. Ratchford, of Tirzah, was a visitor to Fort Mil Friday. Mr. Ratchford is a sor of the Rev. W. W. Ratchford, who, about 40 years ago, was pastor of the Presbyterian church in this place. The elder Mr. Ratchford now lives in Unior /*Ann f \r wuut.t t 11. v., auu ir? iiiwil liicii 80 years of age. The Buckeye Cotton Oil com pany, an Ohio corporation, wil within the next two weeks begir the erection of a large cottonseec warehouse in Fort Mill. Th< building will be located on Whit< street near the Stewart ginnery and will be the largest ware house of the kind in town. Th( local representative of the Buck eye company will be McElhanej & Co. Mr. L. E. Ligon and familj visited relatives in Fort Mil Sunday and Monday. Mr Ligon was agent for the Southerr railway in this place some yean ago. He is now holding a similai position in Shelby, N. C. Shelbj is the home of Congressmar E. Y. Webb, who will be opposec this year by S. S. McNinch, th< Republican nominee. Mr. Licror does not think that there is anj likelihood of Mr. Webb beinj beaten by Mr. McNinch. The Rev. W. A. Hafner, pastci of the Fort Mill Presbyteriar church, announces that then will be no services in his churcl next Sunday, owing to hi: absence in Clinton, where h< will preach the annual sermoi to the Y. M. C. A. of the Presby terian College of South Carolins incident to the commencemen exercises. However, there wil be services in the Presbyteriar church the following Sunday June 12. The Rev. W. A. Hafner lef Monday morning for Davidsoi college to attend the annua meeting of the board of trustee: Tuesday morning. Mr. Hafne: is one of the trustees fron Bethel presbytery, which will n< longer be represented on th< board, as, at the meeting o presbytery held in Ridgewa: some weeks ago, the decisioi was reached to withdraw th< support of the presbytery fron Davidson and in the futur f)atronize the Presbyterian Col ege of South Carolina, ii Clinton. Candidate for Lieutenant Governor. It is probable that E. Walker Duvall, who is a representative in the Legislature from Chesterfield county, will announce himself in the next few days as a candidate limif n?nr*f rr/\* VT ?.? ivi iivuV/tnan t ^uvci UV/X * AMI. \ Duvall's platform in part will be local option, good roads, economical State government and better schools. Miss Ona Beamguard, of Clover, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. I D. F. Lee. , GO TO "Haile's on the Corner" For pure, delicious Ice Cream every day, the product of A. O. Jones' fine, well-fed Jerseys. All the leading Iced Drinks dispersed from our fountain. Headquarters for Tobaccos, Cigars, Cigarettes, Smokers' Articles, Headley's Pure Chocolate Bon Bons, fresh and delicious, on hands all the time. Our stock of Drugs and Medicines is complete. Come to see us. Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Mgr. Things might break wrong with you some time?all men are not infallible all the time?and you'll think you are getting a raw deal more times than you are, but i take a tip from me that | things will round up to your considerable advantage in the long run if you trust your business ) to Ardrey's Drug Store. I __________ 1 ' i Political Announcements. I ~~ For County Supervisor. 1 hereby announce myself a candi. i date for reelection to the office of j ! Supervisor of York county, subject tc the rules of the approaching Democrat} ic primary election. 1 CLEM F. GORDON. 3 ? i ' The Fort Mill friends of JOHN F. j ! GORDON take pleasure in presenting : his name to the voters of York county 4 for the office of County Supervisor. - Mr. Gordon filled this office some years - ago and his administration redowned tc j the interests of the county as well as reflecting credit upon himself. j j For County Auditor. i The Times is authorized to announce Broadus M. Love, of Smyrna, as a can didate for the Democratic recommen1 dation for appointment as Auditor of j York county; subject to the choice of P the voters in the primary election. ^ I hereby announce myself as a canJ didate for nomination for reappoint1 ment to the office of County Auditor, j subject to the action of the Democratic i voters in the primary election. ' JOHN J. HUNTER. f1* SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE?The Cousart house anc lot in Sprattville. Apply to Mrs, 1 Jno. Q. Cousart, 1113 S. Caldwel B Street, Charlotte, N. C. 1 FOR SALE?One horse, gentle, wil 5 work wherever hitched. Cheap foi i cash, or will sell on time. ! tf L. A. HARRIS & CO. NOTICE OF ELECTION I t Notice is hereby given that an elec 1 tion for one alderman from Ward No ^ | 3 will be held in the town of Fort Mill S. C., on Monday, June 6, 1910. * All qualified voters residing in saic ward are entitled to vote in this elec ? tion. The polls will open at 8 a. m. ant 1 close at 4 p. m. 1 D A. Lee, J. H. Patterson and T. D g Faulkner have been appointed man r agers for said election. By order of council. 1 L. A. HARRIS, > M ayor. e . f ROAD TAX NOW DUE. y The attention of all concerned ii ? called to the fact that the commutatioi road tax of three dollars is now du< e and payable, Jwith July 1 as the las fl day upon which it may be paid. Per e sons tailing to pay the $3 commutatioi tax on or before July 1, will be liabl to five days service on the road. 1 H. E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. - \ COOI STO At RAN We have jusl of Stoves and R make it to your us before buyin Don't fail to s need of Fruit J< es, Jar Rubbers, McElhaney I Meachan WHITE GOODS-The time is I them in Batiste, Flaxon, Lawn j line of Flouncing: and Bands to m worth up to $1.00 the yard, at 50< 25c. These are very much worn LINEN?Call and see our 50c I at 35c. Fine for waists and suits 98c. Very fine 36 inch Linen for ' LAWNS?40 inch Lawn at 10c, very sheer, 10c, 121-2c, 15c and I MUSLIN UNDERWEAR-Ski] Covers at a big reduction. Chi : 10c and 12 l-2c. Baby Creepers MILLINERY?Miss Frank has big line of hats worth up to ! lot for $1.95. Meachan I J Our Invita a Kindly allow us to give 5 come to our grocery store ar : * ing the best of everything ii * take great pleasure in waitir ft teously. We will take great K I j vantage that we can at any I vj grocery a pleasant place to * completely stocked with * pleasant because our prices ; 9 ever there is a Chance for vj Q because we are always willii ft to please and accommodate < a this as our personal invitatic , 9 Stewart & Ci 9 - KCXOOOiiOOOOOif Lumber We are prepared to fill orders, DRESSED and R t -1 Our mills are located near For' 1 in this section, and with improve L> ence we guarantee satisfactior HOKE, MASSE - ; ' , ' ' QNGj VES in if V JF * u GES. i | t added a line c E Langes and will ; interest to see g- ' I ee us when in irs, Jelly Glass, etc. < & Company I 1 & Epps. i < A iere for white dresses. We have ind Linen. You should see our atch at big bargains. Flouncing !. Bands worth 35c and 40c, at this season. jinen in medium and light weight >. Linen Sheeting, 90 inches, at waists and suits at 50c. 121-2c and 15c. 30 inch Lawn 25c. rts. Gowns, Drawers and Corset ldren's Drawers, 2 to 12 years, at at 12 l-2c. gone to work and trimmed up a $4.00. We offer you choice of the ~ P_ IT 11 IX. 0 tion to You J you this personal invitation to 5 id make it your place for buyi the grocery line. We will * lg on you promptly and cour- * : pains to give you every ad- 8 It time. We try to make our t. trade, pleasant because it is thoroughly desirable goods, are always reasonable when- m iriation in price, and pleasant 8 ig and eager to do all we can Q 5ur customers. Please accept M m to you to come here to trade. ? j * 1,1 Telephone Number 15. i ?<HO(?OiO)OiOOOK For Sale. lar^e or small, for all kinds of OUCH LUMBER. t Mill in the finest tract of timber >d machinery and years of experii with every order. Phone 1-a. Y & COMPANY. ira5HSa5B5SH5H25cBa5asa5a5gHj ! WHY ] ] ] Why not buy youi ] tions, Clothing, Shoi ] Ties, Hosiery, etc. j guarantee to | Save You 2< 3 on all goods bought | us a trial. Our pi 3 same as during tli jj stock is disposed of. 3 I P. H. St I I 3BSaSBSB5SBSaSaSBSBSaSg5a?E ft "Now good digest 5 tite, and health on b ft But no one ever ; ft gestion who buys 1 5 Jones sells, ft "There is more i B grain of laughter tha ft If of Jones you b ft will laugh until y< P reward that await n X... i A r_ ? x xraaes ax jones , I jonesT^ J No Ice sold aft %<X<X>X<3VX>X<SVX%AC' FLOUR. Best Patent Flour, per sack Next " Lard, per pound Cooking Oil, per gallon .. Molasses, per gallon, 30c to COFFEE, 50c Pails Coffee, now 25c Cans 10c " 44 44 2 for . 3 packs Soda, FEED STUFF-Corn, Oats, V ton Meal at lowest prices. aii uannea tioods at the same -A.. O. IE I ACME I I QUALITY I is our way of saying perfect paints, enam els, stain ^OUAUTYBt1 matter y W what you / paint, you matt rial in one of the I "ACHE QUALITY" kinds. "The Selection and Uae of I ' Paint* and K.niahea" is your* Bt ( M with even the amalleat pur- K j chaae. Ask for it. I J PARKS DRUG GO., | , H AGENTS. Eg 1 i55E555S5H5557-5HS55H5BS!B NOT?! Si m i r Dry Goods, No- S * Ln bs, Hats, Collars, K ,, from us? We ffl m nl n u ) per cent. g at our store. Give 5 rices will be the ^ ic sale until the C ffi K K U allings I Z J! 5SgE5H55g5^E5aSS5E5H5asfi3 ion, wait on appe^ * oth." g suffers with indix 3 the groceries that jfc nourishment in a f{ n a pound of beef/' g >uy your beef you ? c>u reap the rich $ s everyone who g The Grocer. ? er 9 o'clock. S FLOUR. $3.15 .$3.00 121-2c . 90c 50c COFFEE. ... ...40c _20c 15c 10c [ay. Shipped Stuff and Cotprice. riTE. 1765 1910 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON 126th Year Begins September 30. Entrance examinations will be hel. in the county court house on Friday July 1, at 9 a. m. All candidates foi admission can compete in Septembei for vacant Boyce scholarships, which pay $100 a year. One free tuition scholarship for each county of South Carolina. Board and furnished room in dormitory, $12. Tuition, $40. For catalogue address Hakh'son Randolph, President. n 1. n i_n n i ueacn uaseoau uooas V'iM orriciAi $ K>r7M*ac'a n ktynimy-'t tfYv issp^j <<<<<<<<??* 'je/h^Y Km*#? 5S2!?SfiK.t iM M "--!ri The Reach trademark is a guarantee >f satisfaction and perfection. We are :onfident of the quality of these goods md will ronlo/?? ut?*? ? i? -l . V "IIJ U?1 CL LI VU IVI'ilC fl" nade article (except baseballs and oats :ostin^ less than $1) v\ith a new on.. Baseball clubs will find it to their interest to correspond with us about Uniforms. S. B. McMASTEK, COLUMBIA, S. C.