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x3 v t* > N -v* -I-. m M r ;' ATTENDING SCHOOL IN '46. Written for The Times bjr J. H. Coltharp. While sitting in a store-room at 2 o'clock one afternoon not long since where there were several men talking on different subjects, several chaps passed going home from school. One of the men remarked that the teachers of the present day do not put in half the day in the school room. Another one of the party remarked that under the present method of teaching it will take a boy or girl at least 30 years to get an education. Well, we thnncrhf hie aeeorfir n f *> flior exaggerated and quite amusing. On my way home I thought over what I had heard about schools, etc., and my mind wandered back to my school-boy days. The first school I attended was in 1845. The next in '46, being the most notable, I will give some of my recollections of it in this letter. It was taught by Mr. Meredith Shurly in a' house about half a mile south of where J. P. Epps now lives. It was organized by Stephen Pettus (who was killed on the 6th of March following by one of his negro men). The school was to run for 12 months, as it invariably took 12 months to make a year in those days. School j opened the 23rd day of January and was run 7 days per week without any interruption until the 18th day of December following. .The principal books used in that school were the blueback speller, the Old and New Testaments, Webster's dictionary, Pike's, Smylie's and Gough's arithmetics. My elder brother, then 23 years old, had not been to school but a few months and could barely write his name. Professor Shurly gave him lessons in the blue-back speller and Pike's arithmetic. Shurly boarded at my father's that year and during the fall and winter months he and brother started to school at 5 a. m., carrying a pine torch for a light. They never got home until near dark. Brother worked through Pike's, Smylie's and a good portion of Gough's arithmetic* that vp.iv 115c arithmetical problems were written in blank books he got for that purpose. We still have them in our possession. There were several young men and young ladies attending that school. The names of the men were M. N., S. H. and Lark Johnson. W. M. and Erwin Sutton, H. H. Coltharp, G. H. Pettus. The young ladies were the Misses N. J., M. A. and Susan Knox, Betsy Harget, Louisa Sutton, Ann Pettus and Susan Burton. This latter lady lived in North Carolina at least three miles from the school and while her mother owned slaves and a fine farm, her daughter never rode to school. It was customary in those days for the teacher to treat both patrons and pupils at the closing of the school, and a few days before th close the young men of the school got around Shurly and asked him for a treat on the 18th, but he refused; wouldn't listen to them, and they told him he had to treat or they would take him to the creek at once and duck him, and keep on ducking him until he promised them a treat. So he finally agreed to T J ' i- 1 1 ucau i uun l kiiow wnat ne agreed to treat to, but I have quite a vivid recollection of what we got. On the morning of the 13th my father went off early to Joab Orr's store, which was in the Mount Moriah neighborhood near where the town of Pineville now is, and came back soon, carrying a jug and a peck of something in a sack. It was opened. Shurly had us all seated and went around and gave each of his pupils a handful of sugar; it was of the dark kind. He then put a handful in the water bucket, half full of water, and stirred it up with a gourd (we had no dippers then). Then he poured in a small quantity of the contents of the jug (corn whiskey), stirred it up with the gourd, tasted it, and then poured in some more from the jug, tasted it again, and then passed around with his bucket and gourd and gave each one a sup. I don't remember getting any VnAVO fV- rv - 11 u*w v>x bite IUVIUJ( KUl WC gul <111 the sugar we wanted. I reckon that was the first and fullest mess of sugar wp had pv r had. Of course all of us enjoyed it; it was a big day with us in '46. It is now 64 years since that school was taught. I can now locate only two of the pupils that are living, myself and John C. Campbell, of Charlotte. I NO TREASURE-LADEN SHIP Is likely to come to make Your surest way to wealth i: after what you earn and spe one best way to do this. DEPOSIT TOUR MONEY WITI And you'll know all the tin make and how much you si here helps you to save in m stance, you can mail a checl for two cents. No other wa; is so cheap or nearly so safe. The Savings Bank o! Fort I W. B. Meacham, Cashier 0AI1g|ft8Erup PRICE LIST EXPRESS PREPAID. CORN WHISKEY. 1 Gal 2 Gal 3 Gal 4 Now Corn . $2 10 $3 60 $5 35 $< One-Year-Old Corn 2 35 4 10 5 75 Two-Year-Old Corn ... 3 00 5 00 7 00 Three-Year-Old Corn 8 25 5 25 7 25 1 Old Mountain Corn ... 2 75 4 90 0 90 Old Private Stock Corn _ Pocahontas Corn Old Process Corn __ Primrose Corn, old and mellow RYE WHISKEY. Gibson 4 50 8 60 12 75 1 Old Times 3 75 7 10 10 50 1 Old Prentice (case goods) Cascade Old Taylor 4 00 7 60 11 25 1 Mellwood (bottled in bond) 3 75 7 10 10 50 1 Overholt .. Jefferson Club 3 75 7 10 10 50 1 Old Henry 350 660 950 1 Savage Mountain Rye 350 660 950 1 Old Grand Dad 3 50 6 50 9 50 1 1. W. Harper Paul Jones Rye Rose Valley Rye... .. Sherweed Rye Excelsior 2 25 4 25 Hoover's Private Stock Rye _ . Mellwood 4 50 Wilson Rye Green River 4's Calvert. MALT WHISKIES. Hoover's Old Malt 3 25 5 90 8 50 1 Rooney's Malt. 3 50 6 60 9 50 1 Duffy's Malt GINS, j Booth's Old Tom I Turkey Gin ... . 3 50 6 60 9 50 1 ] Swan Gin .. 2 50 4 60 6 75 ! Miilln mt fiin AA il CA c or NO CHARGE FOH^Jlibs'OR*PA W. H. HOOVER & CO., Inc., 522f I Are Y ou No Doubt Your Liver and Kid More than half of all sickness is < caused by inattention to these vital Don't neglect your liver and kidn< nothing." as you say. The trouble You f It is a thorough curative agent in pepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, E Disease, Dropsy, Gravel, Rheums t 1: J U1UV.IO uiioill IIUI1I a U13CUSCU CUIlt Kidneys and Urinary organs. < >. Prolonged Her Life. i "I have used Dr. Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys for a good many years, and feel that it has prolonged my life. It is the best Liver medicine I have ever taken, and I I could not get along without it. " Mrs. S. C. Haynes, Glendale, S. C. Your druggist can Supply yoU for the Liver and Kidneys is Dr. H never fails to cure. Prepared and i Life Medic THE Ml Have The Times do f t ... ( ::^r ' SB-5,-r* An 3 to look carefully nd. There is only I OS We 1 le how much you OCOUOV! pend. An account . iny ways. For in- I Tll0 < for any amonnt y of sending money (ill : great f buildim OUR MOTTO Pure Goods. Honest Dealing. 1 Gal 4 Qts OQts 8Qts 12Qt > 85 $2 35 $.2 25 $4 25 $7 OO 7 35 .... .... J 00 3 00 4 50 5 50 9 00 8 25 2 75 3 75 5 25 7 25 yAl P j - 3 00 4 25 5 00 9 00 \^ ( 3 00 4 25 5 50 9 00 3 25 4 00 0 00 9 25 1 ^ _ 3 50 4 90 6 25 9 50 tclK0 C2 6 90 5 50 7 50 .... 13 50 3 00 4 00 6 00 12 00 12 00 <-Ard=k e/vK .... 5 50 7 50 ... 13 00 W0 SOU 5 00 6 75 12 75 4 00 5 00 6 75 ... 13 25 3 00 4 75 6 75 13 25 O /> 4 50 6 85 ... 12 50 CHICC U J 3 00 4 00 5 80 ...10 00 2 00 4 00 5 75 10 00 If |oo 400 575 ... iooo |r yQ 5 00 7 00 ~*I~ 12 25 .... 4 00 5 75 7 50 10 00 * w 4 00 5 75 7 50 10 00 lIlVlt0 1 .... 4 50 6 85 8 50 12 00 J .... 2 25 3 25 4 50 6 50 4 00 5 75 7 50 10 00 ---- 5 (H) 7 50 !!!! 12 75 5 00 6 75 13 25 T1! 4 50 6 85 .... 12 50 I 1^ g-y 1 00 3 75 5 50 7 50 9 50 * 2 00 4 00 5 75 . 10 00 .... 4 00 5 75 .... 11 00 5 00 7 10 . 13 oo OA I 'I * 2 00 4 00 5 75 10 50 O AP 8 50 ' 10 00 CKING. e. broad street. i Richmond, va mbmnbani Feeling Ou' Ineys Are Out of Order. Take Dr. Hiltoi :aused by a derangement of the liver and 1< organs. sys. You feel tired and worn out, have nc is that your liver and kidneys are not worl leed Dr. Hilton's Life For the Liver anc all cases of Dys- If you are w biliousness, Bright's Dr. Hilton's Life itism and all dis- lates the entire s lition of the Liver, the blood, puts y mild and certain SOME IT HAS BENEFIT! Has Sold It for Years. "I consider Dr. Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys the best Liver medicine I have ever taken. Have sold it for years and have never had a complaint yet." T. A. Lockman, Glendale, S. C. Rhode Island Testimony. "I pronounce it the best I have ever used. Please send me two (2) dozen of the large bottles. " J. N. Pearce, Providence, R. 1. at 25c, 50c afid fcl,00 ft bottle. Don't lilton's, a distinguished physician's prescript i juaranteed by :ine Company, (Formerly Spartanburg, S. C.) JRRAY DRUG CO Columbia, S. C., D your Job Printing. HW- * nouncer beg to announce that ing our new home, public is cordially in ly time and the offic deasure in showing g. Better Prepar are better prepared 1 ire of old and new cu cit your business wit F safety and fair treat iu are not already a < rou to become one. Peoples Natior ROCK HILL, - - SOUTH CARi SUCCESSFUL, r n . n t or ^orts; n's life for the Liver and Kidneys :idneys. At least half the deaths are energy and little ambition "good for cing as they should. I Kidneys eak and debilitated, or nervous, take for the Liver and Kidneys. It reguystem, invigorates the body, purifies rou on your feet. It is pleasant to take, in its effects. ED From Afar Delaware. "I have used your Liver and Kidney medicine for indigestion and feel that it did me lots of good. It is safe, pleasant and a sure laxative, and I get quick relief from it, and commend it to all my friends." Edward H. Beck, Middleton, Delaware. : accept anything "just as good." Life :ion for a specific purp09e; old and tried; ^.1 L!- C P VAHUIIlUia, J. itftributera. Telephone No. 112. nent. we are now r* vited to call ers will take von nvor II ed. I than ever to I istomers and I h the assur- I ment. I customer we I ial Bank, I 0L1NA. SECURE. I GO CARTS Js, AND CARRIAGES. We can suit you in anything you may want in the I ! way of a Cart or Carriage and it will pay you to get our prices before you buy. rw Only $6.50, delivered. We will sell 50 of these up-to-date carts for the remainder of April at the special price of $6.50, delivered anywhere in South Carolina. Send us your check or money order and you will get the cart by the next i j fipicsa. W. G. REID & SON ROCK HILL, S. C, * MITCHELL HOTEL, (Formerly Nicholson Hotel) CHESTER. - - S. C. Rates, $2 Per Day and Up. S W. MStohell, Proprietor / I / M