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(BPS SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Mr. John W. Elms and family have moved from Rock Hill to their former home in Pleasant Valley. Mrs rVms \f Rrnurn nf Salisbury, N. C., was the guest; the past week of Mrs. J. T. Young. The next meeting of Kanawha chapter. D. A. R., will be held with Miss Zoe White on Tuesday, June 7. Patrons of the rural free delivery routes need not expect the daily visits of the mail carriers Monday, as the 30th will be a national holiday, Decoration day. Past Chancellor J. H. McMurray is the representative of Electra lodge. No. 87, at the meeting of the grand lodge, K. of P., in Bennettsville. Mrs. E. P. Gatling, of Charlotte, was the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Belk, last week. Mrs. Gatling was formerly Miss Mary Belk. Monday morning John Archy was fined $50 in the mayor's court for violating the dispensary law. Frank Carter, charged with the same offense, was forced to leave town for a year. Only one Fort Mill young lady will graduate at Winthrop college in the class of 1910. That young lady is Miss Annie Crook, daughter of Mr. C. T. Crook. Mr. Crook's youngest son, Elmore, will also graduate, from Trinity (N. C.) college, in June. The grandstand and fence at the local baseball grounds are about completed and the manager of the ball team is arranging for several games to be played at nome in me nexr iortnignt. it is probable that a game will be played with the Carhartt mills' team, of Rock Hill, Friday afternoon. A squad of 15 members of the Catawba Rifles, Rock Hill's military company, visited the Fort Mill Light Infantry rifle range, two miles south of town, yesterday and spent the day in target practice. The officers were well pleased with the scores of the marksmen and pronounce the range a good one. Beneficial rains have fallen in this section during the last week and the second planting of cotton necessitated on many farms by the unseasonable cold snap of three weeks ago is coming up to a good stand. Consequently there is the prospect of a better yield than many thought some weeks ago would be possible. Murray Mack is expected to return to Fort Mill the first of next week after an absence of several months at Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y., where he has been taking the agricultural course. Mr. Mack will be in New York city Saturday to attend a reunion of his brothers. Dr. Wm. Mack, Dr. Edward Mack and Harry Mack. tfftbsual interest was manifested in the closing exercises of i tt * **:ii i i i 1 tne ruri ivmi graueu aciiw.M hi the town hall Thursday. The hall was crowded at both the morning and evening exercises. Thursday morning helpful addresses on subjects pertaining to school work were delivered by Dr. D. B. Johnson, president of Winthrop college, and Prof, James H. Thornwell, superintendent of the Winnsboro public school. Little Frances Smith, the 11year-old granddaughter of Mr and Mrs. A. A. Young, was taken to the PreshVterian hospital in Charlotte last Tuesday where she has since undergone an operation for appendicitis. The condition <vf the little girl was critical for several days and there urns grave fear that she would not recover, but for the last 4$ hours there has been a change for the better and the attending physicians now say that the child is on the road to recovery. Must Report Contagious Diseases. A bill of considerable interest to the citizens of this State was that enacted at the last session of the Legislature requiring | physicians practicing in the cities and town to report to the local boards of health the existence of contagious diseases within 54 hours after the appearance of such disease. Physicians practicing in the country are reSuired to report such cases tc ne State board within a like time. Failure to comply with the law is punishable by a fine ol $25 for eacn case. ^ . GO TO |"Haile's on the Corner" J For pure, delicious Ice Cream every day, the product of A. 0. Jones' fine, well-fdci Jerseys. All the leading Iced Drinks dispensed from our fountain. Headquarters for Tobaccos, Cigars, Cigarettes, Smokers' Articles, Headley's Pure Chocolate Bon Bons, fresh and delicious, on hands all the time. Our stock of Drugs and Medicines is complete. Come to see us. Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Mgr. 00000) 004' 0 BEACH-IHRIES 0 | Attention, Ladies! | W We want to call your attention Q to our swell new line of the latest 0 j X in design of ft Q Long Hat Pins g ft Just what you want for that ft w large hat. We have them in solid ^ Q gold for $2.00 up; highest grade Q ft gold filled, beauties, at 65c, 75c, ft a $1.00, $1.25 up to $4.00; sterling g Q silver at 25c, 35c, 50c, $1.00 to Q jjj $2.00. Q 9 Mail orders attended the same day received. JR f Beach-Ihrie Jewelry Co., ? Q Reliable Jewelers, Q ft Rock Hill, - - - S. C. ft { oooooo9 L j You will find that in the long run it will pay you to do business at Ardrey's drugstore. ! I Mullen's i | Hornet's Nest Liniment I j For Cramp Colic, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea and Pveontoru And Oother Bowel Complaints. Externally, "As Good as the Best and Better Than the Rest." ferSold by all Druggists and Country Merchants. I W. N. MULLEN'S SON, Proprietor, No. 313 Weit Eighth St., Charlotte, N. C. \ I NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby Riven that an elec, tion for one alderman from Ward No. 3 will be held in the town of Fort Mill, S. C., on Monday, June 6, 1910. I All qualified voters residing in said ward are entitled to vote in this dec, tion. ' The polls will open at 8 a. m. and ' close at 4 p. m. L) A. Lee, J. H. Patterson and T. I). ! Faulkner have been appointed man1 agers for said election. . I By order of council. L. A. HARRIS, Mayor. i SPECIAL SALE OF ENAMEL WARE j Friday we shall offer a window full of High-grade Onyx Enamel Ware, triple coated, at less than half price. The assortment contains 6 only 14 Rinsing Pans 12 only 220 Pres. Kettles 2 4 4 40 Duchess Kettles 6 44 20 Mixing Bowls 12 44 120 Cov. Sauce Pans 12 44 20 Wash Basins 2 44 3 Covered Buckets 12 44 20 Pudding Pans 4 44 20 Sauce Pans 6 44 Coffee Pots 2 44 Tea Pots 12 44 32 Wash Basins 2 44 03 Berlin Kettles 12 44 21 Pudding Pans 12 44 6 Milk Pans 2 44 1 Water Pitcher 12 44 412 Dippers 6 44 Covered Bakers The housekeeper requires in the kitchen the best grade of Enameled Ware at a moderate cost. It is a waste of ' money to buy so-called imported wares at an extremely high price, or the many miscellaneous brands of unknown value, mostly worthless. Onyx Ware stands the test, and we guarantee it to please you. It costs no more than poor ware. Look for the Onxy label before buying. u mi a n rictinaney & company _ Meacham & Epps. Bostonian Oxfords for Men In all leathers and a dozen different lasts at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. There is not a better shoe made at the price. Call and see our Korn Killer last for corns and tender feet. Selby Oxfords for Women. A beautiful line of lasts in all leathers, at $2, $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Remember, we carry a big line of shoes nothing but good shoes. Shoes for the whole family the old, the middle-aged, the young and the baby. Millinery. Call on Miss Frank and let her show you what she can give you for $3 and $3.50-a splendid and stylish hat. Millinery is cheaper now, Meacham & Epps. J Our Invitation to You g 0 9 w Kindly allow us to give you this personal invitation to come to our grocery store and make it your place for buying the best of everything in the grocery line. We will V take great pleasure in waiting on you promptly and cour- * ft teously. We will take great pains to give you every ad- ft K K * vantage that we can at any time. We try to make our u grocery a pleasant place to trade, pleasant because it is completely stocked with thoroughly desirable goods, * * pleasant because our prices are always reasonable when- w 0 ever there is a chance for variation in price, and pleasant 0 ft because we are always willing and eager to do all we can $ Q to please and accommodate our customers. Please accept Q this as our personal invitation to you to come here to trade. m g J 0 Stewart & Culp, Te,ephrC,ber is. \l qi : so Lumber For Sale. We are prepared to fill orders, lar^e or small, for all kinds of DRESSED and ROUGH LUMBER. Our mills are located near Fort Mill in the finest tract of timber in this section, and with improved machinery and years of experience we guarantee satisfaction with every order. Phone 1-a. HOKE, MASSEY & COMPANY. * * ! ' ii '*.> *' ... - J-"-''. i Wedding For June Sterling Silver, Cut Watches, Diarn< Clocks, Cu1 Eyes tested free. Glasses Fine Watch Repairing a spe anteed as to quality as well L. J. M/ Jeweler and Optician. I JONES, T1 Ufc I dunno zackly ho jp) seems ter me as evyb a down to our place of b ^ weuns is got ter sell, c in heavy groceries, 'cli W jinger snaps, en krout; jB groceries, sich as kanc kowcumber pickles, b'leve whut I say, des see fer yo'self. I JONES, ' <X/X/XX/X^IX/X/X/^X FLOUR^ Best Patent Flour, per sack Next Lard, per pound.. Cooking Oil, per gallon Molasses, per gallon, 30c to COFFEE, 50c Pails Coffee, now 25c Cans 44 44 10c 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 for... 3 packs Soda, 44 FEED STUFF-Corn, Oats, h ton Meal at lowest prices, j All Canned Goods at the same .A.. C. I | ACME 1 QUALITY I i is our way of saying perfect paints, enam- Jjk I els, stains, //fly not y what you material in one of the "ACHE QUALITY" kinds. "The Selection and Use of Paints and Finishes" is yours with even the amallcat pur. ~~ chase. Ask for it. I PARKS DRUG CO., 1 _ Presents Brides. Glass, China, Etc. >nds, Jewelry, tlery, Etc. i fitted at very low prices, eialty. Everything guaras price. VSSEY, Established 1884. he Grocer ? w it is, but it des ody ought ter cum izness en see whut in see ebrything in jp| idin black lasses, all kinds uv fancy ^ lies, kanned-korn en jR Ef youuns don't C give me er kali en ^ The Grocer, g FLOUR. $3.15 $3.00 12 l-2c 90c . 50c COFFEE. 40c 20c 15c - 10c [ay, Shipped Stuff and Cotprice. riTE. 1765 1910 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON 126th Year begins September 30. Entrance examinations will be held in the county court house on Friday, July 1, at 9 a. m. All candidates for admission can compete in September for vacant Boyce scholarships, which pay $100 a year. One free tuition scholarship for each county of South Carolina. Board and furnished room in dormitory, $12. Tuition, $40. For catalogue address Harrison Randolph, President, I Reach Baseball Goods i;;Jj5ocSan Uaji W-jftk '4;y* .- (<f^ /yyy *'"Xr >v- v+i wf' -rf,,.. - f*i : - . _. j * ? J--: / {. . - ' - V i I ,' V^Ti > " -* v/ * : < '" * - ' r /' v' - " :;'Li ' The Reach trademark is a guarantee of satisfaction and perfection. We are confident of the nnalitv of theco irnn/la and will replace any defective Reachmade article (except baseballs and bats costing less than $] ) with a new one. Raseball clubs will lind it to their interest to corres|* nd with us about uniforms. S. B. McMASTElt, COLUMBIA, S. C.