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IMP*.' Advocates Election of Postmaster*. Congressman Norris of Nebrrrka evidently has ideas on more than one subject. He gave convincing proof that he knew something about conducting an aggressive political battle when he waged a successful fight on Cannonism in the house, even if the mistake was made of quitfinn* inof ti?mi tui5 juov wviui v; t nu JUkJ ?ttO made complete. Now he comes forward as a champion of the idea to lop ofT a lot of federal patronage which he is certain impedes the usefulness of the men elected to serve the best interests of the people and embarasses the executive who is charged with the responsibility of dispensing it. Mr. Norris argues that the change should be inaugurated by making all postmasters elective officers. He contends that no good end is gained by continuing the present plan of making these officials the creatures of an executive influenced by the recommendation or dictation of the local party boss. The senator or representative does not even frequently have the final word in making these recommendations. In fact, he is usually but the mouthpiece of the man or clique to whom he owes his own nomination and election. But even were his word final, conditions would not necessarily be improved. He is controlled almost invariably by a matter of political policy or the necessity of paying a party debt either owing or to be owing before the next election. "Postmasters," says Mr. Norris, "could be elected quite as easily as other officers, and tirUnri fKntr or*/-l ^^ tv 11Vs11 i/iic%y auu uuiiri uiliccr^ arc elected by the people, the man in politics who is absolutely honest and conscientious will have a far better opportunity than he now has to exercise a wholesome influence. Under present conditions, every candidate, as a rule, must have the approval of the local 'machines' or 'powers that be' if these agencies are clean, of course, the matter is very simple. But if, as frequently happens, they are tied up with questionable interests, their influence cannot be for the best good of the local community, the State or the nation. > "If the pie counter were abolished men could vote their convictions at the polls without being pilloried. And men elected to State or national legislative assemblies would be much better able to act wisely and follow their honest convictions without fear or favor. Such an arrangement might interfere to some extent with party lines, although it need not necessarily do so. Certainly it would work for the good of the entire country, since men would not then support candidates for office with a view to obtaining reward for services rendered, but for the sake of Erinciple only. Much of the itterness of politics would be eliminated in tnis way.'' The River of Time. I sat on the bank of a river At the dawn of a beautiful day, And gazed on its shimmering water As it silently glided away. Then, thoughtlessly picking a flower I cast it to float on the stream And quickly it passed from my vision. As phantasies fade in a dream. I sat on the bank of that river When the sun in the heavens was high, And it threw back the beams from its surface As warm as they fell from the sky; Then a tempest passed over its bosom And its billows rolled grand like the sea, But the wind and the waves and the thunder Made only sweet music for me. I sat by the side of that river At the close of a long weary day. And, madly, I yearned for the flower I had cast, in the morning, away. But never again could I hold it, With its fragrance and freshness of bloom? Then night, like a pitying angel, Bade me sleep 'neath her merciful gloom. ? ?John Goodman. Winthrop College. SCHOLARSHIP and ENTRANCE EXAMINATION The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of new studenta will be held at the county court house on Friday, July l,at 9 a. m. Applicants must be not less than fifteen years of age. When scholarships are vacant after July 1 they wilt be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination. Applicants for scholarships should write to President Johnson before the examination for scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open September 21, 1910. For further information and catalogue, address Pres. D. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C. "Rock Ha We are the Fort M bra ted "Rock Hill" ] to ride in the best an< on earth buy a "RocI of money could buy y buggy. As to its dun the hundreds of users Farm \ 1 One- and two-horse I sizes and of the best such as Studebaker, Thornhill. See us if Fort Mill M Are Y< No Doubt Your Live More than half of all si caused by inattention to t Don't neglect your livei nothing," as you say. T1 ' It is a thorough curativ pepsia, Indigestion, Cons Disease, Dropsy, Gravel orders arising from a dise Kidneys and Urinary org Prolonged Her Life "I have used Dr. H Life for the Liver and Ki for a good many years feel that it has prolonge life. It is the best Liver cine I have ever taken, could not get along w it. " ? Mrs. S. C. Haynes, dale, S. C. Your druggist can si for the Liver and Kidne never fails to cure. Prep Life M FOR SALE ? Elms property in Fort Mill. Two-story, 7-room dwelling, 1 i acre lot, with good barn, orchard and well. For price and terms, write W. L. Plexico, Hock Hill, S. C. List your property with me. 1" Buggies. * ill agents of tlie celeBnggy. If you want (I easiest riding buggy v Hill." No amount on a more comfortable ibilitv, we refer you to i. Ask your neighbor. Vagons. _ li e J 1 ? in ail 01 ino different makes manufactured, Carver, Nissen and you need a wagon t ule Comp'yi 3u Feelin r and Kidneys Are Out of Ordc ckness is caused by a derangeme hese vital organs. and kidneys. You feel tired am he trouble is that your liver and k You Need Dr. Hilton's Life e agent in all cases of Dvq _ ? - - ? J w tipation, Biliousness, Bright's , Rheumatism and all disased condition of the Liver, ans. SOME IT HA: Has Sold It "I consider Di ilton's for the Liver ai i^neyS best Liver medic taken. Have s< a and have never 1 'd my yet."?T. A. I medi- dale, S. C. an(| j Rhode Islanc "I pronounce ithout have ever usee me two (2) doz u,en" bottles."?J. N. dence, R. I. lpply you at 25c, 50c and $1. ys is Dr. Hilton's, a distinguished >ared and guaranteed by edicine Cor / r _ ? ? vrormeriy spar THE MURRAY DRUG CO., LOST Friday afternoon between the residence of R. F. Grier and the Presbyterian church a brooch with the letters U. D. C. and a Confederate flat? on the face. Finder will please return to R. F. Grier. Announcer \ We beg to announce that occupying our new home. The public is cordially in in at any time and the offic< great pleasure in showing ; building. Better Prepar We are better prepared t take care of old and new cu we solicit your business wit) ance of safety and fair treat W i* ^ - It you are not already a c invite you to become one. The Peoples Nation ROCK HILL, - - SOUTH CAR( SAFE, SUCCESSFUL, ~ g Out of Sorts? :r. Take Dr. Hilton's life for the Liver and Kidneys nt of the liver and kidnevs. At least half the d^ath q ^ rf* J worn out, have no energy and little ambition?"good for :idneys are not working as thev should. For the Liver and Kidneys If you are weak and debilitated, or nervous, take Dr. Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys. It regulates the entire system, invigorates the body, purifies the blood, puts you on your feet. It is pleasant to take, mild and certain in its effects. 3 BENEFITED for Years. From Afar Delaware. r. Hilton's Life id Kidneys the "I have used your Liver and ine I have ever Kidney medicine for indigesild it for years nad a complaint tlon a ^at did me ,ots jockman, Glen- of good. It is safe, pleasant and a sure laxative, and I get 1 Testimony. quick relief from it, and comit the best I 1. Please send mend it to all my friends." ? eIpearce?eProvi- Edwa,'d H" Beck- Mi<ldleton' Delaware. 00 a bottle. Don't accept anything "just as good." Life physician's prescription for a specific purpose; old and tried; PAlutnkio Q P iipttiiy, ? tanburg, S. C.) Columbia, S. C., Distributers. P Phone 112 for Job Printing.! . 4P) nent. we are now vited to call ers will take you over the ed. han ever to stomers and h the assurment. :ustomer we ial Bank, }LINA. SECURE. GO CARTS AND CARRIAGES. We can suit you in any thing you may want in the way of a Cart or Carriage and it will pay you to get our prices before you buy. Only $6.50, delivered. We will sell 50 of these up-to-date carts for the remainder of April at the special price of $6.50, delivered anywhere in South Carolina. Send us your check or money order and you will get the cart by the next express. W. G. REID & SON A ROCK HILL, S. C. M MITCHELL HOTEL. 1 1 (Formerly Nicholson Hotel) " CHESTER, - - S. C. Rates, $2 Per Day and Up. S W. Mitchell, Proprietor. 2 . 'M