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SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST i to TIMES READERS. Mrs. J. K. Roach and little daughter, of Rock Hill, visited relatives in Fort Mill the past week. ' John McClelland, of Charlotte, was a visitor Sunday at the , home of his brother, V. B. Blankenship. ** Miss Aileen Harris has been reelected a teacher in the St. j George graded school for the j 1910-'11 session. i Prof. L. M. Bauknight and I Miss Minnie Yarborough at- j I tended the high school con- j ference held in Columbia Thurs- ! day and Friday of last week. Times readers will find some interesting reading in the advertising columns of the paper this week. Several merchants are offering strong inducements to the buying public, At a meeting of the trustees of the Fort Mill graded school <( Monday night Prof. L. M. Bauknight was reelected superintendent for the session of 1910-'ll. Prof. Bauknight's services have been entirely satisfactory to the patrons of the school and he is considered by many one of the best superintendents the school has ever had. Another meeting ing of the trustees is to be held ; Friday night, at which the other teachers for the ensuing session will be elected. Dr. J. T. Kell, a well known 1 resident of the Providence section of Mecklenburg county, died last Wednesday afternoon after an illness of many months. He was 76 years of age. Dr. Kell was a native of Chester county, but had resided in Mecklenburg since the war, in which he served as a member of the Thirtieth N. C. reeriment. For manv years he enjoyed a large practice I and became widely known as a I professional man and as a citizen. He is survived by six sons and two daughters. A. N. Morris, an operative of I the Millfort cotton mill, was se- 1 verely cut in the neck by some one whose name he refuses to divulge Monday night. Morris and a party of friends had gone on a fishing trip to the Catawba river and a difficulty arose in the party. A man named Knox is suspected of doing the cutting, but as Morris refuses to talk about the affair and as there seems to have been no eye witnesses to the assault no one is likely to be arrested. Morris' wounds are not considered dangerous. Closing Exercises of Graded School. ? Superintendent Bauknight of 1 Fort Mill graded school does not | think it wise to devote days of valuable time at the close of each i session to the preparation of 1 elaborate exercises with which to { conclude the year's work, but he J i-L-^ * uoes mum inai a snort programme of the exposition of the ; school's progress should be arranged for the benefit of the j patrons. With this end in view the present session of the school will be closed by public exercises on the 19th inst. It is the desire of the school authorities that the public attend the exercises. The following programme has been arranged: Thuridajr, May 19, 10 A. M. Chorus by the music class. Prayer by Rev. J. K. Hair. Address by D. B. Johnson, president of Winthrop college. Song by the children of the ; first grade. Prize-winning I). A. R. essay read. D. A. R. essay medal presented i to the winner. Diplomas awarded to the graduates by Rev. W. A. Hafner. / Song by children of the second grade. Thursday, May 19, 8:30 P. M. Literary exercises 01 the Literary Society of the Fort j Mill Graded and High School, Carey Epps, president; Miss i Annin Rnssoll spprflnrv Prayer by Rev. T. G. VVhite. j i Roll call. I Minutes read and approved. * Chorus. Recitation by Miss Mattie Epps. Solo by Miss Annie Russell. Debate ?"Resolved that coin- J pulsory education should be en- \ * forced in South Carolina. Af- ' firmative, Monroe VVhite; negu- i tive, Elizabeth Spratt; (Duet bv i Misses Annie Link and Annie Russell.) Affirmative. Julia Boyd; negative, John Blankenship. Recitation by Ola Crowder. Recitation bv Lessie Epps. Awarding of medals. I y i You will find that in the long run it will pay you to do business at Ardrey's drugstore. GO TO 'Haile's on the Corner"! For pure, delicious Ice Cream every day, the product of A. O. Jones' fine, well-fed Jerseys. All the leading Iced Drinks dispensed from our fountain. Headquarters for Tobaccos, Cigars, Cigarettes, Smokers' Articles, Headley's Pure Chocolate Bon Bons, fresh and delicious, on hands all the time. Our stock of Drugs and Medicines is complete. Come to see us. -ort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Mgr. leach Baseball Goods JHfKaoSan Leagu?F <??<<<{<? &i^PPB The Reach trademark is a guarantee >f satisfaction and perfection. We are confident of the quality of these goods ind will replace any defective Keachnade article (except baseballs and bats :osting less than $1) with a new one. Baseball clubs will find it to their inerest to correspond with us about uniforms. Call at The Times office for a Reach >ascball catalog. S. B. McMASTER, OIVK11JNU UUUUS, Columbia, - - S. C. hO(Oonoxx?OH> J BEACH-IHRIE'S Q ] Attention, Ladies! ? s - 0 J We want to call your attention W j to our swell new line of the latest Q K in design of jK J| Long Hat Pins g J Just what you want for that M ? large hat. We have them in solid ? | gold for $2.00 up; highest grade fcj j gold filled, beauties, at 65c, 75c, M * $1.00, $1.25 up to $4.00; sterling 3 silver at 25c, 35c, 50c, $1.00 to Q j $2.00. S 5 Mail orders attended the same wr day received. V ? Beach-Ihrie Jewelry Co., jjj j| Reliable Jewelers, f) j Rock Hill, S. C. g i-OOOOOOOO'* NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that an election for one alderman from Ward No. i will be held in the town of Fort Mill, 3. C., on Friday, May 20, 1910. All qualified voters residing in said ward are entitled to vote in this election. The polls will open at 8 a. m. and :lose at 4 p. m. D A. Lee, J. II. I'atterson and T. I). Faulkner have been appointed managers for said election. By order of council this 2nd day of May, 1910. L. A. HARRIS, Mayor. THIS I! VI Improved SteelThis new model been on the market and the many nov perfect satisfaction, freezer before buyin Is the standard of assortment in stock. McElhaney Meachan Attention < Do you know we have as large | Furnishing Goods as can he foun< Lion Bra One of the best made at the pr sizes, 14 to 19, $1.00, $1.25 and $ 1 Drawers. Balbrigan Shirts, 2i Elastic Seam Drawers, 50c. Hcs All kinds and colors. Gauze Pillings and Red Raven, 25c. A Special 50c. Mill! We are having one of the best I of our business. Express brings Call to see Miss Frank. I Meachan | ?" ?Ji=]' I l erraCo I have just rece Cotta Piping, all 24-inch. If you putting in any kin ( well, it will pay piping from me. - 1 V. B. Blc H=ji= = ?=i i Political Announcements. For Cotf iy S ip rvi?or. I hereby anno nee : self a candidate for reelection ? the office of Supervisor of York com v, subject to the rules of the approaching Democratic primary election. CLEM F. GORDON. Mullen's Hornet's Nest Liniment has been used for years and remains the same. Friends may go back 011 you but Hornet's Nest Liniment never does. f ' ' ' V* '" . 5 NEW t I Frame Freezer cream freezer has only a short time, v in use are giving Call and see this giterprise amel Ware perfection. A full & Company 1 & Epps. Gentlemen. and nicely selected line of Mens' i in the county. nd Shirts. ice. White and neat stripes. All L.50. B. V. D. Shirts and Knee 3 and 50c. Pepperals Bleached iery. black, blue, brown and p;ray, in l1! Silk Hose black and all colors, nery. seasons in Millinery in the history us new j?oods nearly every day. n & Epps. 'Ill tta Piping ived a car of Terra j sizes, from 4- to j are contemplating d of drain or bored you to buy the i iiken ship. I =-=it=-i- -???!m WARNING. All person are hereby warned against Hut ig, Fishing, Boating, Trapping, Cu' ing Timber > -espaasing in any rtanner upon ii. intls of the undersig ?d. All violators of this warring win be prosecuted to :he full extent of the law. J. L. SPRATT. Mullen's Hornet's Nest Liniment , cures burns and old sores. For sale by I all druggist^ and country merchants. SELLING at 80c on tl For one week, commencing Thurs back our customers 20c in cash for e they buy from us for cash. We do to test the advertising value of the 1 and main reason is to sell more goo? bills. No goods will be marked UP a dollar's worth of anything in our j cepted) for 80 cents. Of course, t goods, so this sale will last only one Come early and get first choice. L. J. MAS I Your F< When you feel down heai W kind of Groceries and Mea ask you to call at Jones' 1 ^ find a combination of grocer please the most fastidious o Jk We have this week th< Cherries. Pears. Crvst.nliy.od U Pineapples. S In the vegetable line, we ^ Beans, Beets, Squash, Pum ^ Kraut and others too numei Fresh Potatoes, Tomatoee | JONES, Watch Fit* White Fro?t Patent Flour, per O. K. Patent Flour, per sack . Five Gallon Keg Molasses Ten Sugar House Molasses Karo Corn Syrup . All 25c Cans Coffee now All 10c Cans Coffee now two f< Arbuckle's Coffee, per package North State Loose Coffee Chic Feed 35c per peck, or per Soda. 3 packs for Cotton Meal per bag We still have Can Fruits at: O. IE . LananaBOBnaBaBMi I NO TREASURE-LADEN Is likely to come Your surest way tc after what you ear one best way to do DEPOSIT YOUR MONE And you'll know a make and how mi here heips you to s stance, you can ma for two cents. No is so cheap or nearl TV, n 0 Anin<vn me savings oaiiK ui W. R. Meacham, Cas Lumber F We are prepared to fill orders, h DRESSED and RO Our mills are located near Fort W, in this section, and with improved i ence we guarantee satisfaction \ HOKE, MASSEY G OUT le dollar. >day, May 12th, we will give (very dollar's worth of poods this for two reasons: One is Fort Mill Times, and the other Is, sc we can pay our spring for this sale. You simply get :tnrp (Phfknnnpranli \ * xvuv^i L V.V. V/l UO C A" his is less than cost on most week. iSEY'S. selings 1 :tcd and sad about the W ts you are getting, we 4R where you will always ? ies and meats that will nes. e White Cherries, Red ^ Cherries and Crystalized yt can give you Stringless S plcin, Pimientos, Sauer ^ ous to mention, i, Beans and Cabbage. The Grocer. % ;'s Prices. sack $3.15 3.00 2.00 3.90 .40 .40 ... .20* 3r .... .15* 5... .15? 15> bushel. ...$1.25 10 $1.70' same price. nITE. SHIP to make you suddenly rich. ) wealth is to look carefully n and spend. There is only this. Y WITH US I 11 the time how much you H ich you spend. An account I ave in many ways. For in- n il a check for any amonni I other way of sending money ft ly so safe. I Fni't Mill i * Wl k mill ihirr akJ&^WBCi-iW II !! ? [ ror Sale. irge or small, for all kinds of UGH LUMBER. [ill in the finest tract of timber machinery and years of experivith every order. Phone 1-a. & COMPANY.