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P w-'' THE DRUG HABif How and Why People Become Addicted to the Use of Narcotics. THE SOFT DRINK HABIT Soothing Syrup Contain More or Ijths Morphine.?Cocaine for Children. Most Soft Drinks Contain Coral n and Caffein, Two of the Worst Drugs That We Have. One of the most interesting bul jetins issued by the United States Department of Agriculture, recently, is that on "Habit-Forming Agents" by L. F. Kebler, chief of the division of drugs, of the bureau of chemistry. One reads it and wonders that the mortallity record for children is not greater, and that so many person? llv?* three soore years and ten. withstanding the fact that legislation, federal, state and territorial, adverse to the Indiscriminate sale and use of opium has b^en enacted during the past decade, and most physicians aro using greater circumspection than formerly when prescribing it, Its preifurations. and derivatives, the amount of opium, exclusive of smoking opium, which is denined entry in'o this co'tucy, c -nsumed In the United States per capita, has been doubted within the last forty years," declared Mr. Kebler. "Not only has there been this increased consumption of opium, aut large quantities of other habit forming agents, introduced chiefly for medicinal purposes, haw been used. For example, cocain has been used for about 25 years, and th? amount consumed at present is estimate 1 at approximately 150,000 ounces pe. annum. Under the head of "soothing sirups, baby sirups, colic cures, children's anodynes, teething concoctions, and the like are discussed. It has long been known to the medical profession, the reports says, that these products, hi a rule, contain hanit-forming agents but the majority of mothers have been and are still Ignorant of the fact. In some instances babies have been pit to sleep never to awake again by such drugs. ^Numerous cases if this character are on record. Sometimes there are dove'oped cas^s of drug addiction. The chief active ugents of socMiing sirups are well known to be opium, morphia heroin, corietn, choloroform. and chloral hydrate ia some combination "Th^ following," asserts Mr. KeLler, "are representatives of tbi3 class: "Children's Comfort (morphine sulphate). "Dr. FaJiey's Pepsin Anodyne Compound (morphia sulphate). "Dr. Fahrney's Teething Syrup, (morphine and chloroform). "Dr. Fowler's Strawberry and Pvppermint 'Mixture (morphin). "Dr. droves' Anodyne for Infants, (mtorphine sulphate). i"Mts. Winslow's Soothing Syrup morphine sulphate). "It is hardly believable that anyie for the sake of a few dollars, >utd concoct for infant use a percIour mixture containing cocain, but ^ veral such mixtures have been found during ihe last year. One was ? offered for importation, under the lame of 'Espey's Syrup for Children's Denition,' which contained ?ne-?half grain of cocain hydrochlorid to each bottlo of about an ounce." "During the last twenty years a larg" number of soft drinks containing cuffein ami smaller or greater quantities of coca leaf and kola nut products have been placed ujkmi the market," reports Mr. Kebler. "Preparations of this class on account of Insufficient information, were formerly look d ujion as harmless, but they are known to be an Impending evil. "Cocain is one of the most insidious and dangerous habit-forming drugs at present known. Many lives have been wrecked and many crimes a.hve W en committed as a result of its use and strenuous efforts are being made to curtail its employment. It is known that very small amounts of tnorphin or cocain, or even a suggestion as to their presence, w'll tend to d'-etroy the equilibrium of reformed addicts and bring buck the former craving." "A number of so-called solf drinks now on the market contain both of the habit forming agents, cocain and cafTein. It is not uncommon to find persons addicted to the use of medicated solf drinks. It is also a wellknown fact that many factory employes, stenographers, typeWriters. and others, subject to mental or nervous strain, spend a large part, of their earnings for drinks of this character. "It Is veil known that parents, as a rule, withhold tea and coffee from their children, but having no knowledge otcocain, caffein, or other del- ' eterlous agents in soft drinks, they < unwittingly permit their children to ' be harmed by their use." * Treatments for the nose and the i lungs, asthma, catarrh, colds, con- t sumption, coughs, headaches and d various cures are considered at d IMMORTAL DEN RAIDED IV TMM DAT.irfD AVn 1TC BP CKKT8 MADIC PUBLIC. A Young Mail, Wlio Claimed to Be From India, Is Charged With Abducting New York (iirlH. It was a 8trange story which Detl ctive Callahan told in the New York police court Thursday In describing the raid on Sunday on the Mystic Temple of "Om," a young man who Is entered on the police records of Pierre A. Bernard, a native of India. "Om" was arraigned on the charge of abductiou after the detectives had found him in his luxuriously appointed house, he taught physical culture and languages, surrounded by a number of pupils, mostly young women. Some of his girl pupils said Bernard represented himself as a "swarni" from India. iMi-ss Zela Hopp, a 19-year-old milliner, who had been one of Bernard's "students" told the police the secret signal at the door to obtain admittance. "When I pushed open the parlor doors." Cullahan testified, "I saw B> rnard. He was standing on a glass globe that was on a hair mattress in the center of the room. He was going through some peculiar motions and gyrations as he stood on the globe. Five girls and several men. all in bathing suits, were gathered around him trying to repeat the covenients." .Miss Hopp said she went to Bernard's place last October and consulted him about a method of curing her of heart weakness. Ber nard told her she must come to the place and stay for a time, wJilch she did, first paying him, she testified, a fee of $ 1 00. *Mlss Hopp told the magistrate that Bernard had a peculiar influence over her and that she believed he had hypnotized her. She described things which perhaps happened after she went to the house and made grave charges against Bernard. While she was in the. place she met Miss Gertrude Levy, of Tacoma, Wash., another student", and when she got out she thought she ought to advise Miss Levy's sister, a Mrs. Hanford of Tacoma, of what was going on. Her letters brought Mrs. Hanford to New York and the two women complained to the police. Bernard was held in $15,000 bail for another examination. DKSKRTKl) I1K11 CHILDREN. And Left for l'arts I'nknown With Her Affinity. A supposed tragedy that had put the tongues of many in Rocky Mount, N. C., to wagging, when the report that Mrs. Whitfield, young white woman, had drowned herself in Tar river, has resolved Itself into a situation entirely different from was first reported and after a thorough investigation by the police of the city it was learned that the woman had not gone near the river but that first reported and after a thorthe fact t.hat she had run away from home with an "affinity," leaving her four children, the oldest 12 years old, to the care of any person into whose hands they might fall. The woman wrote Mayor Thorne. a letter stating that she was going to take her life and after mailing the samp she left the city with a man who had been paying her attention heretofore. The executive of the city placed the children under the care of a kind neighbor, while the father of the children, who resides in Nash county, was notified of the proceeduse and told to send for the little ones. The cause of the woman's actions it is thought are due to the fact that her husband had practically deserted her and that their domestic relations had been far from pleasant. T,sill...r k:.......I. At Urban, Othio, two men were killed, two men seriously injured and eleven others received minor hurts early Wednesday when a car going south on the Ohio Electric railroad collided headon with a passenger car coming north from Springfield on a hill Just south of this city. Fifteen Year Old Hoy Hung. At I)e I>and, Fla., Irving Hanchett, the 15-year-old Connecticut l>oy, convicted of the brutal murder of Clevie Tedder, a 13-year-old girl, ou February! 2, was hanged Fridov. * length by Mr. Kebler. The number of drug addicts in the United .States, it is estimated, is somewhere between 1,000,000 and 4,000,000. Concerning tobacco-habit cures Mr. Kebler says: "All are ineffective, ind some contain cocain in one form >r another, which at once Indicates :he purpose of the promoter of the emedy. Instead of eradicating what s commonly believed to be comparaively harmless habit, there is grave langer of fastening a pernicious rug habit upon the user." A Few Reas( Why It Is I 3 Gives relief for all Nerve, Bone a SJ Aches and Pains more quicklj ^ other remedy known. l\ Its peculiar penetrating- pron I most effective?NOAH'S LI1 May be used with absolute confic purity for Internal and Exter. It is Triple Strength. A power! and sure Pain Remedy, then effective in producing result Not only contains the old-fashio dients, but also the latest t date discoveries?NOAH'S LI Recommended and sold under a for the following: Rheumal forms, Sciatica, Lame Back, ? and Muscles, Sore Throat, Col< Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Bruises Colic, Toothache, and all Nt and Muscle Aches and Pains, Drug stores in cities and town stores in the country, 25c, 50c the bottle, and money back : I * isfied. Isn't this fair? CLASSIFIED COLUMN Our $1 Adding Machines save time and worry. Guaranteed. Thousands sold. Agents wanted. Haynes Mfg Co., Rutherfordton, N. C. Kden Watermelon Seed for Sale a 75c. per pound. The beet flavor* shipping watermelon grown. J M. Farrell, Blacksvllle, S. C. For Sale?Milch cows Jersey'*, gr*:d Jerseys and Holstelns. All of th best breeding. Registered Jeraa male calves. M. H. Sams, Joaw vllle, 8. C. Teachers wanted for excellent posl tions now vacant. Trustees sup plied with Teachers. Attractive booklet, 'A Plan" free. Southern Teachers' Agency, Columbia, S. C White Wyandotte Kggn, 10c each Hig bloeky birds, snow white Fishe strain, trio buffs, trio whites pair Columbian's. S. A. Fernell R. 1, Columbia, S. C. Agents Wanted.?JS3 to $f? dally assured selling our harness attachment line holder. Lightning seller; cheap; exclusive territory given. Write today. National Specialty Co., Dept. S., Lexington, Ky . Agents Wanted for household commodity guaranteed under Pure Food law. Pig commissions. Send 10c. for sample instructions, etc. No risk; money refunded. San Alco Co., 29 N. 13th St., Philadelphia. Pa. Wanted?Hardwoods, logs and lumber. We are cash buyers of poplar, cedar and walnut logs. Also want poplar, ash, cottonwood, cypress and oak lumber. Inspection at your point. Busy cutting. Write us. Savannah Valley Lumber Co., Augusta, Ga. Late Seed Potatoes for sale, "New Dixie." Good keepers and croppers Practically bug and blight proof I made 970 bushels on 5 1-2 acres nldtitoH T ii I v 1 .1 ntwl 1 a In at vniir Price 75c per bushel f. o. b. Claremont. Va., if ordered on or before May 15. J. M. Hughes, Clareiuoul Va. Bargains in Ihiro Bred Stock?rlci and rare Berkshire Boar Pigs, 4V> months old from regular stock a $15 each. (One Bred Sow (Chin. Betsey No. 119177) Due to far row In April, at the small sum o. $75; has farrowed twice, first lit ter 10 pigs, second 11. S. C. B Leghorn Eggs?15 for $1; 30 fo * OA* 100 for tr? In nnnwArlii this ad mention this paper. A. E ! Sloop, China Grove, N. C. I'fdijpwd English Setters, Puppies and Pure Gordons. Setter Puppies at prices that will please the lov- , er of bird dogs. Also Barred Ply- t mouth Rocks and Rose Comb , Rhode Island Red eggs from best v of pure stock. $1 and $1.50 for t 15 eggs. Write B. H. Middle- j brooks, Yateeville, Ga. 1 up-to-date goods has spread far out p mi his j Best j ind Muscle 7 than any |^S?5 erties are * MMENT. lence in its V nal Uses. ful, speedy k IW jfore most SEI nea ingre- T" ""HV, ind up-to- MAN / [NIMENT. ? OUAMANTICD DRUGS A guarantee FRICti th ;ism in all *,J {tiff Joints "? AHV Richmond, V is, Strains, mm* i, Cramps, irve, Bone impo The genuine Noah's above. Look for Noa trade mark. rcglstere< IS, general your protection. Npa _ - red Ink on the orlglni and SI.00 side container. Accei It la the onlv Pain B if not sat- guarantee. If your <1 25c in atainpa and we fund money If not p fraud; accept no sub; For Sale.?500 bushels fine cottoa seed, Laten strain. $2.00 per bu f. o. b. R. E. Edward's, Elloree S. C. IMPORTANT NOTICE. For a short while we have decided to save our future customers agents' expenses. This will save about twenty per cent, on Organs, and about ten per cent on Pianos. Organs, from $7."% up. Pianos, from up. Less the discount as stated above Write at once for catalogs and terms. to the old established. MALOXK'S Ml'SIC HOUSE, Columbia, S. C. f WE CARRY I o < i ; OHLEN, ;; ii HOE, and j| SIMOND'S \\ \\ INSERTED ? ;; TOOTH SAWS \\ * > < > < > Columbia Supply Company, < > ! 823 W. Oervais St., <! Columbia, S. C. ?? ? ?? ?< i WHITE SEAVE THADE. Georgia Judge Charges the Jury on the Subject. As a result of the1 charge of the grand jury at Columbus, Ga., Monday, by Judge Gilbert of the supetior COUrt. indictments of tvhitn traffickers are expected to be handed down. .Judge Gilbert told il.t jurors that New York city was not alone in its horrible examples of the sale of young girls into a life of shame and made it plain that 'he court exepected indictments return- j ed against several Columbus people Some Petty Spite. Bryan was booked to deliver an address at Nebraska City, Neb., on Thursday night In favor of the initiative and referdum, but it had to, be |>ostponed, because the county commissioners of Otoe County, two or three of whom disagreed with Bryan on the refundum idea, refused to allow him to speak on that subject in tile Court House ( round to Ih-Hth. iRussfll A. Welch, of Thomasville, (la., was crushed to death in the yards of the Atlantic Coast Line, at 11:30 o'clock. He was in the employ of the road, and had just thrown a switch for a train, and was walking on the track, when a switch engine struck him. He was ground 10 a pulp. Cleaning (las Kxplodcs. At Atlanta, (la., D. A. Bentley, manager of a local dry cleaning esabllshment, and two negro helpers were serl nisly buriped Wednesday vhen their clothing caught flre as h>e result of an exploding of gas n the plant. The Interior of the >uildlng was wrecked bv the explosion. i * Vi 1 _ Noa a H 1 h' nnk Sod I ki 19 L III! I: boti , ONE AND MUlOiD I*. fed B MID PAINO IN p Pol VND BEAST f ial no. uim. I; wit l UNDO THE rOOD AND I llbo CT, JUNE AO. 11OE I*' and Ijj Pol IS Size, 26 CENTS I if II*. 60c. AND tt.OO I (| REMEDY OO. \\ njeI i-,A Boston. Msss.. li ft.AL I jt | con rtant Notice Ta?nrd for i Liniment looks exactly like the Tra h's Ark on every package, our 1 In the U. S. Patent Office, for h's Liniment always appears In " il, both on tliD label and or. out- met pt nothing but Noah's Liniment. and emedy sold under a positive tlve lealor will not supply you, send goo will mall you a bottle and re- tha erfectly satisfied. beware of per stltute. Tra Charlotte, N. C., i A 1V^[ ^ -? muud lVJLd^ t>y declaring herself free and thus arousing the other twelve adelphia Declaration followed a whole of the depressing elT is becoming more and more Lee's Headadh gia Re enabling every Aineriean by its from the yoke of all kiuds of h also giving to the Burduco Lr The use of which so arouses a once throw oil the yoke of hil sour stomach, dyspepsia, loss troubles aud thus enabling one the depressing and dangerous < Price 2.V each. Mfg. by Hurw< REFUSED TO ANSWER. Census Questions and Wurrnnts Have Been Issued. The Columbia Record savs Census r? * ? wujicitioui may in a rew QSyi II cause warrants to be issued against 1 four persons in this district, who are 1 refusing to give information to enumerators. Three of t-hese live in Col- ( uniihia, and the fourth in Orangeburg. ? In all four cases, the only reason 1 given for refusing is that the persons 1 "just didn't want to bother wit i answering questions." j Mr. Dui're has idi-esse 1 a letter . directing the!- attention to section ( 2.1 of t.he cens'n aw. wbiih mi ih? s t refusal to give iuiornia'in i a misie- , meaner subject *o fine of ? i in). One of those refj'iit is a l.idv of sune prominence Columbia She referred the mm.* to her husband, who also refuses to give tao information. The Record does rot name the parties for whom warrants have been issued net the question they refused , to answer. N'or do we whow who the Orangeburg party is b;.i >' will all come out when tiie warrant is ' served. The government Imc good ' reasons for asking the questions it , i does or it woul<l not ask Lhem m: I < all will save themselves iioiilu-> ly i answering them as !>est they can * We hope all the cases will he a.l- ?' Justed. f Made a (Juick Change. t Immediately after Susie R. Har- f oldson was granted a divorce from ' her hushanl, Samuel Haroldson, In I Muskogee superior court at Columbus. Ga.. Thursday, she was married In the court room to Joseph Debrabant, who was in waiting, license in C hand. The judge who signed the di- I vorce decree performed the wedding ' r ceremony. , r i Proof Positive Cirfd of Doar llhrtimn t l?m. had been Buffering with bone rheuism for three years. I have been ig Noah's Liniment, and can Bay t It curod me completely. Can walk er than 1 have In two years. Noah's Iment will do all you claim. Rev* I. Cyrus, Donald, 8. C." Pain In Side and Neuralgia. Por five years I suffered with neu;la and pain In side. Could not p. 1 tried Noah's Liniment, and first application made me feel betMrs. Martha A. See, Richmond, Couldn't Ilnlnc flight Arm. ' t caught cold and had a severe atc of rheumatism In my right shouland could not raise my arm wlthmuch puln. I tried Noah's Llnlit, and In less than h week was enly free from pain. A. Crooker, Dorstor, Mass." Stiff Joints and llnclcnche. [ have used Noah's Liniment for umatlsm, stiff joints and backache, 1 can say It did me more good than pain remedy. Rev. George W. th, Abbeville, S. C." Sprained Ankle. t have been benefited greatly by I# .h's Liniment, using It for a sprained le. Mrs. W. D. Robertson, West p tervllle, Mass." 1'nliiM In the Itnok. M I suffered ten years with a dread- p y sore pain In my back, and tried 1\' eront remedies. Less than half a I tie of Noah's Liniment made a per- ? cure. Mrs. Rev. J. D. Bllllngsley, nt Eastern. V*." NrurnlRln nml Tnllinrlip. My wife suffered for several years T h neuralgia and 'oothache. Site tised p ut half a bottle of Noah's Liniment I got immediate relief. J. S. Fisher, B Iceman, Hodges, S. C." It hrtimn t Ism In the Neck. [ received the bottle of Noah's Lint- I it, and thlr.k It has helped me great- I I have rheumatism In my neck and elleved it right much. Mrs. Martha B Lambert, Beaver Datn, Va." For Ilorsos. Wo have never used a liniment wo jig slder tlio ennui to Noah's Liniment B bruises, sprains, strained tendons B to use on throat, sides and chest distemper, colds, etc. Kichmond nsfer Co., Richmond, Va." Ilelter Tlmn Remedies. We cheerfully recommend all stable i to give Noah's Liniment a trial be convinced of Its wonderful cunt> properties. We have obtained as d If not better results from Its use n we did from remedies costing $!>.00 bottle. Norfolk and Portsmouth nsfer Co., Norfolk, Va." First Became Fa 20, 1775 independent of Great Britain colonies to uetion and the 1'liil-? July 4th, 17711 ridding them as ect of British Domination. She famous liy the manufacture of ie and Neuralimedy. use to declare themselves free eadaches and neuralgiu und by irer Powder. torpid liver as to cause it to at iousness, constipation, jaundice, of ap|M*tite and all similar to declare themselves free from effects following such diseases. *11 & Dunn <*>., Charlotte, N. O. COMMITS SllCIDK. \ Young .Man Hangs Himself for Unknown lteason. Frank Suilt-h, a highly esteemed roung man, 2.r> years old, ended his ife at Liberty Wednesday afternoon >y strangulation. He was a son of I. P. Smith, former president of the Liberty cotton mills. No other ause than despondency can be assigned, as he left no message. His friends believe that despondency produced temporary insanity. Mr. Smith is of a very prominent finely ind .his sad demise is greatly deplored. He graduated from Davidson in 1009 and taught in Narlh [Carolina last season. Ho lenvoa ? 'nther, mother, brother and fwj sisers. CLAIMS DIG l>\ MAGKS. I'lie Columbia State Sued for Fifty Thousand Dollars. A libel suit for $.">0,000, filed Saturday against the Stato Company Mils attention to tlhe fact that there 1 s no ltbel statute in South Carolina M ind only law applies. V 1 years ago tin- Staite Press As iociatir n framed a libel law, hut it was not passed by the General As- k lemhly. Th $.".0,000 suit is filed ittorneys for Joihn R. Black, and crows out of the recent local politl- jU al election. The complaint alleges 'JM hat the plaintiff was damaged on ac- 1 ount of publications in tJhe State luring the recent municipal cam aign in Columbia. Two Die In Sewer. A sewer ditr,h in West Winston, N. I., cave;! in at noon Monday, killing Iarry Stockton and William Nash, ie?roe8 Three other men had narow escapes.