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v**"*" ? * &,*"#* ?"* -? ; -V,. J ?.,* I SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST I to TIMES READERS. I S. L. Hoover, one of Pine< vilie's enterprising merchants, ' was a visitor to Fort Mill MonI day. Miss Christine Mcllvvaine, of 1 ' Columbia, is the guest of Miss i ' A- Lillie Massey at her home on Booth street. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart McMiir-! ray, of Sharon, were guests at t 'the . home of Dr. McMurray's !(father, J. H. McMurray. Sunday 'and Monday. Halcott Pride, assistant pestle master at Rock Hill, died last: Pfiday afternoon. Mr. Pride was a son of the late Halcott1 Pride and was well known throughout the county. W. F. Harris & Sons have * added an automobile to their | livery stable. The machine was secured by a rather unique trade with a Lancaster dealer, five horses being: exchanged for it. J. C. McElhaney, assistant postmaster, is in Cnarleston attending the exercises incident to the presentation of the silver service to the battleship South Carolina by the Commonwealth. At a recent meeting of Electra lnHtrw Mn K7 kr nf P tkn fnL I XIV. V_> I , XX. VX X . , UXJV_ X V/l ? lowing delegates \vere elected to , the grand lodge, which meets in Bennettsville May 10: J. H. Mc- ! murray and J. L. Spratt; alter- 1 nates, T. S. Kirkpatrick and W. B. Meacham. I Mrs. Emma Sledge, wife of James Sledge, a well-to-do citizen j of the Steel Creek section of Mecklenburg county, is critically ill at her home and little hope is entertained for her recovery. Mrs. Sledge is the mother of Mrs. W. M. Kimbrell. ' - . I ) Monday morning Messrs. Edgar Jones, A. O. Jones, J. D. ; Fulp and Richard Fulp left Fort; Mill in the touring car of the i former for Walnut Cove, N. C., to spend a few days with relatives of the Messrs. Fulp. The party is expected to return the j latter part of the week. The Fort Mill Presbyterian church w being represented at . the spring meeting of Bethel ^ presbytery by the pastor, Rev. W. A. Hafner, and Elder J. H. McMurray. The presbytery is meeting with the Ridgevvay church. The first session was held at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday evening. The Fort Mill boys who went to Rock Hill last Wednesday afternoon to play their first baseball game of the season did not faie so well - they got beat, the score heino" K to 4 in fnunr nf Rock Hill. Both teams were composfd largely of players who will not be members of the clubs when the real games of the i season begin. The first South Carolina built automobile was seen on the streets of Fort Mill Saturday afternoon. The automobile, a "Rock Hill 30," was the output of the Rock Hill Buggy company, which recently began the manufacture of "gasoline buggies." It is said to be one of the biggest and handsomest cars in the country. Considerable interest is manifest throughout the county in the sale of East Main street lots in Rock Hill on the 19th instant by the real estate department of the Peoples Trust company. The sale 01 tries*1 lots will open for improvement a hitherto undeveloped portion of the city and the indications are that buyers will not be lacking. 8j|s> J. W. Wylie has leased the Lynwood hotel, at Elizabethton, gj&. Tenn., and he and Mrs. Wylie ig^R ; will leave Fort Mill the latter S&pPI part of the week to assume the management of the hotel. ? Elizabethton is 10 miles from f: Johnson City, Tenn., and is a small mountain town on the East Tennessee & Western North Carolina railroad. ^r* an(^ Mrs. Fulp, of g| Winnsbora were visitors at the home of Mr. Fulp's mother, Mrs. jKplgl^k A. O. Jones, Sunday and Monda\ . Mr. Fulp is the captain of the Winnsboro military company and has been unusually busy rejV cently drilling his company for M^"\ the annual inspection. He does H not anticipate that the company m will fail to pass the inspection, B not\ ithstanding the fact that H practically the entire membership of the company was recruited M less than a month ago, the term B of enlistment of the old men SI having expired some weeks ago. KEEPFOSTED On prices. Don't waste your hard-earned cash. Buy where you get best quality at lowest "prices. If you do this, L. J. Massey will get your business. Save 10 to 25c on every dollar you spend by trading at Massey's. Our fourth shipment of Millinerv . has iust arrived. Never sold so many hats- before, i There is a reason for this and it will pay you to investigate. New stock of Window Shades just arrived, 25c up for all colors. "Black Cat" stockings are the , best on the market at 10c, 15c 25c^and 50c, for ladies, men and children. Every pair guaranteed. Harrisburg Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps are better than ever. We sell the best calico at 6c, best ginghams at 10c. Sewing Machines, $2.50 to $35.00. I Dollar Watches, 75c. We have about 200 Men's Hats at half price. It will pay you to get Massey's prices. THE SALE | IS OVER. We are gratified with the results and wish to thank the public for their patronage. In not a single instance did we have a complaint from a customer. They all say they never received better treatment at a store and we intend 0 to continue this treatment to all who patronize us. We will continue the Sale Price on all Dry Goods. Remember our motto: "Your money's worth or your money back." P. H. STALLINGS, The Store that Saves You Money. GO TO "Haile's on the Corner" For pure, delicious Ice Cream everv dnv. t.he product of A. 0. Jones' fine, well-fed Jerseys. All the leading Iced Drinks dispensed from our fountain. Headquarters for Tobaccos, Cig ars, Cigarettes, Smokers' Articles, Headley's Pure Chocolate Hon Bons, fresh and delicious, on hands all the time. Our n**n/?o r? vwl iJVWVU v/l 171 u^o anu Medicines is complete. Come to see us. Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Mgr. MITCHELL HOTEL, i (Formerly Nicholson Hotel) i CHESTER, - - S. C. Rates, $2 Per Day and Up. 8. W. Mitchell, Proprietor. J ' '4 V ' . J % %? ^ i C'jl| Values V 1 Schloss Bros. SCHLOS* MOi *CO. ^"^1 - M U r?--- . & saf9 i^lotnes ' L. .Ukiwr* *.iJ r.?w 1 am w A third of a century ago Schloss Bros. & Co. started out to make the best clothes of any house in America?today they are still making better and finer garments. This house is the Supreme Past Master of the craft, always producing new things. It has imitators, but no competitors. In each garment the reputation of the Schloss Label is safeguarded in every inch of material. We've a splendid lot of the New Spring Models of The "Clothes Beautiful." . j McElhaney & Company j=ii ' h =ii =ir=r ~jl 1 T r* _ n n*_ _ i erra \^oua riping | 1 have just received a car of Terra Cotta Piping, all sizes, from 4- to 1 24-inch. If you are contemplating putting in any kind of drain or bored well, it will pay you to buy the piping from me. V. B. Blankenship. li=g= II=II ?i I=ii ? ii=l Order your Job Printing from The Times. i ^mwmm???mmmmmm^^mmm^m??m9mmmm??mmmmmmmmm?????mm |ai5H5a5a5H5H5HSBSa5B5H5H5a^5H5H5Z5gS55I?SBga5HSagaSE[a I MULES, MULES! j H We have in?t rprf*iv^rl nnr ^ I stables in Rock Hill a fresh car of fl nice mules, some of the best we jj have shipped this season. Call ? and see them. S S. J. KIMBALL & SON. S B I iBgsgssgsBasasesasasasrggasfesasEsasgsasagagaszsasaslE '0 f V. *rV. ' v V V . . Meacham & Epps. SPECIAL SALE OF FANCY PARASOLS. Twenty-four Parasols, all colors with long handles and Paragon frames, worth up to $1.75. We have marke l the whole lot down to $1.25 each. Big bargain. Others at $2.50 and $2.75. KIMONOS. Short Kimonos, 25c and 50c. House Dresses, white ami black Percale, $1.00. Kia^eiD, uiactv, wnit *, gray ana uarK blue, 51.00. Long Kimonos. Lawn, 75c. Long Kimonos, Challic patterns, $1.00. All fast colors. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Skirts, 50c. 75e, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75. Gowns, 75c, $1.00, $1J25, $1.50 and $2.00. Drawers, 25c and 50c. Knit Knee Drawers, 25c. Knit Union Suits, short sleeves and knee length, 25c. Children's Drawers, 10c. Children's Waist and~Sk.irt, 25c. DRESS GOODS. White and black striped Mohair, 50c and 75c. This is the latest, washes nicely. BLACK RAVEN HOSIERY Is the only gauze hose we ever saw at 25c. We could recommend every pair. Guaranteed. For men, women and misses, 25c. Meacham & Epps. 1 Don't Worry | About what you are going to have for the next meal, just call at Jones' store and you will find a ^ variety of the best things 011 the market for the yb Ub table. S rJk Try our Puffed Wheat, Puffed Rice, Granulated Uk ^ Grits and best Corn Meal. ^ ^ We carry a line of Canned Goods that cannot be ^ 2 excelled. ^ Nice lot of Hams just in. g ^ Phone your orders to No. 14 or come yourself. ^ J We are always glad to show you the good things |R jK we carry. ^ JONES, The Grocer, jjj &X&X<X>X1li>X*V\A?' XXX When you are blue and all out of sorts, I Just go to the best of all pleasure resorts. The minute you enter you feel like a lark. 'Cause, listen my friend, there's 110 place like 8 IP! Parks'. I For cigarettes and cigars, soda and fun, There isn't a better place under the sun, So take good advice and go everyone? To Porks'. I | HERE'S AT YOU! Best Corn $ .95 Best Oats .. 70 Cotton Meal 1.70 . Hulls .75 Sugar House Molasses .40 Karo Corn Syrup .40 Lima Beans, per quart .10 Canned Tomatoes, per doz. cans .95 Bell's Farm Molasses, per gallon .40 Fine lot of Evaporated Fruit at .10 Nice Salmon, 3 cans for .25 15c Beets, now .... .10 Hominy, 3 cans for .25 String Beans, 3 cans for .25 Apples, 3 cans for .25 Pie Fetiches, 3 cans for . .25 Lima Leans, one dozen cans for . .95 ? O- FITE. I , - - - . Lumber For Sale. We are prepared to fill orders, lar^e or small, for all kinds of IJKESSED and ROUGH LUMBER. Our mills are located near Fort Mill in the finest tract of timber in this section, and with improved machinery and years of experience we guarantee satisfaction with every order. Phone 1-a. HOKE, MASSEY & COMPANY.