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? 1 SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. i W. T. Sellers returned to Fort Mill a few days ago after a two weeks' visit to his brother, Nathan Sellers, in New York city. Friends of the Rev. and Mrs. S. P. Hair will be pleased to learn that Mrs. Hair's condition is improved after an illness of ^ several days. The State convention of the Baptist Young People's Union, which is in seseion in Lancaster, is being attended by the Rev. S. P. Hair as the representative of the Fort Mill Baptist church. The Fort Mill friends of Col. Leroy Springs, of Lancaster, were pleased to learn that Governor Ansel had appointed him a member of the commission to enlarge the State Hospital fori the Jnsane. Fort Mill could be made more healthful and attractive if the many unkempt yards, back lots and streets were cleaned up. In many towns there is a general cleaning-up day and much of the rubbish and trash that is I unsightly and unsanitary is carted away to isolated places. Fort Mill could profitably follow the example of these towns, and a good beginning could be made by the council putting a force of hands to work on the streets. A party of mischievous boys broke into the club house of the Fort Mill Light Infantry a few days ago and made themselves very much at home by cooking a meal on the company's stove. Capt. Spratt was indignant when i,i .> J J lit: ii'di nc-u ui tnir email uiiu thought of prosecuting the boys in Magistrate McElhaney's court, but agreed to drop the matter upon the promise of the boys that there would not be a repetition of the lawlessness. A great deal of sympathy is felt in Pineville for Mrs. Rena Cunningham over the loss of her 8-year-old daughter, Fannie Rea, who died Thursday afternoon. The little girl had been ill only 24 hours. She was a bright, attractive child and was a general favorite In the town. She was the daughter of the late B, F. Cunningham, who died about two years ago. The little body was interred in Harrjs<?n cemetery beside the v'e other father. I Vegetation of all kinds in this; section is suffering greatly from the lack of rain and many farmers have discontinued the work incident to the spring planting, the ground being considered too dry for plowing. Very nearly a month has passed since a seasonable rain fell in upper Carolina. All kinds of garden truck is showing the need of moisture and the town streets and country roads are so dusty as to render vehicle travel over them uncomfortable. For the last ten days of March and up to this time in April the mercury has been playing around the 80s and 90s, indicating remarkably warm weather for this season of the year, The seckpnd Meeting of the Mothers* club, the recently organized woman's club whose aim is to promote interest in the graded school work, will be held in the town hall Monday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock, instead of Tuesday afternoon as was announced some vlays ago. At the meeting a lecture is to be delivered on . "Hyg'ene" by Dr. Jones, resident physician at Winthrop college. Miss Minnie Macfeat, head of the kindergarten department at Winthrop, will also address the club, her subject being "Cooperation of the Home and School." Both these ladies will discuss subjects of interest to all the mothers of the town and it is hoped the meeting will be generously attended. The postofifice department has sent out a request to all patrons of R. F. 1). routes that they paint their mail boxes and posts white. It is stated that if this r course is pursued it will not only result in benefit to the patron in serving to protect his box and post from damage by the weather, but will give all boxes a uniform color and serve to fix their identity in all parts of the country as United States mail boxes, and will give them a much neater and siprhtlier appearance than they now possess. It is also desired that patrons be induced to imprint their names and box numbers on boxes ir black block letters about twe * inches high. u ? & i . * * KEEP POSTED On prices. Don't waste your hard-earned cash. Buy where you get best quality at lowest prices. If you do this, L. J. Massey will get your business. Save 10 to 25c on every dollar you spend by trading at Massey's. Our fourth shipment of Millinery has just arrived. Never sold so many hats before. There is a reason for this and it will pay you to investigate. New stock of Window Shades just arrived, 25c up for all colors. "Black Cat" stockings are the best on the market at 10c, 15c 25e and 50c, for ladies, men and children. Every pair guaranteed. Harrisburg Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps are better than ever. We sell the best calico at 6c, best ginghams at 10c. Sewing Machines, $2.50 to $35.00. Dollar Watches, 75c. We have about 200 Men's Hats at half price. It will pay you to get Massey's prices. THE SALE IS OVER. We are gratified with the results and wish to thank the public for their patronage. In not a single instance did we have a complaint from a customer! They fall say they never received better treatment at a store and we intend to continue this treatment to all who patronize us. \V e will continue the Sale Price on all Dry Goods. Remember our motto: "Your money's worth or your money back." P. H. STALUNGS, The Store that Saves You Money. I GO TO "Haile's on the Corner' For pure, delicious Ice Cream every clay, the product of A. O. Jones' fine, well-fed Jerseys. All the leading Iced Drinks dispensed from our fountain. Headquarters for Tobaccos, Cigars, Cigarettes, Smokers' Articles, Headley's Pure Chocolate Bon Rons, fresh and delicious, on hands all the time. Our stock of Drugs and Medicines is complete. Come to see us. Fort Mill Drug Comp I J. R. HAILE, Mgr. I : MITCHELL HOTEL (Formerly Nicholson Hotel) ? CHESTER. - - S. ( | Rates, $2 Per Day and Up. i S W. Mitchell. Proprietor A third of a century ago ed out to make the best clo ica?today they are still ma rnents. This house is the Suprem always producing new thin no competitors. In each garment the repr is safeguarded in every incl We've a splendid lot of tl The "Clothe* McElhaney Summer S' for the Shirt We have opened a lot of Li neatly tailored and such a barg miss them. Only 98c. See our beautiful line of Lad and plain effects, white, tan am It beats making them. But if you prefer to make White goods of every descripti 36-inch "Flaxon" 20c per ya 30-inch "Linaire" 17 l-2e pel 36-inch Luna Lawn, 22c per Satin striped and fancy che 15c and 25c per yard. Plain White Lawns, 5c, 7"1-5 25c per yard. Lovely "Baby Irish" allover ery Bands for Shirt Waist fron Call in now. JE. W. KIME 9 Order your Job Printi M IT 8l N 1 : if ' A' & ?iv~" I ^ ^ The most interesting, i The most useful, The mott fascinating amusement ever known. Now is the time to buy and record the pictures of your home, your va* _ cation and the beautiful scenes , of nature. They speak louder . than words. $1.00 and upwards. Ardrey's. Better Styles f Values i: in Sell loss Bros. ? Clothes C Scliloss Bros. & Co. startthes of any house in Amercing better and finer garie Past Master of the craft, * gs. It has imitators, but | itation of the Sehloss Label 5 1 of material. 5 tie New Spring Models of i 3 Beautiful/' j & Company j uggestions | Waist Girl. j idies' White Wash Skirts, ! ain that you ought not to ies' Shirt Waists in fancy i stripes, at 50c and $1.00. I them, we have the stuff, on. rd. fyard, yard. eked White Goods at 10c, Ic, 10c, 12 l-2c 15c, 20c and Embroideries and Embroidts. &RELL CO. ng from The Times. STATEMENT Of the condition of the Saving* Bank of Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at the close of business March 24, 1910. RESOURCES. I,oans and Discounts $S2.202.04 Overdrafts 7II9S1 Bond* and Stock* owned by the Bank 7,000.00 Furniture and Fixture* 1.236.50 Duo from banks and hanker* 4.612.4H Currency 4,700.00 Silver andtminor coin. 1,333.14 Total 1101,798.97 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $20,000.00 Surplus Fund _ 7,500.00 Undivided Profit*, less Current Expensed and Taxes Pakl ... 1,570.42 Individual Dejxwit* subject to check 72,466.36 Cashier's Checks 257.19 Total ... $101,793.97 STATE of SOUTH CAROLINA. i County ok York. I Before me came W. It. Meacham, Cashier of thu above named bank, who. bcinir duly sworn, say* that the foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, an shown by the hooks of said lutnk W. B. MEACHAM. Sworn to and subscribes! before me. this 30th day of March. 1910. JOHN W. McELHANY. Notary Public. Correct?Attest u. n. ornAI J | J. B. Mack - Director*. A. O. JONt-s ) FOR SALE?Three Oliver Chilled Plows, No. 13, at $5.00 each. OSMOND RARBER. > r Meacham SPECIAL SALE OF FAI Twenty-four Parasols, all colors with lon? p to $1.75. We have marke I the whole lol tthers at $2.50 and $3.75. KIMONO Short Kimonos, 25c and 50c. House Dre Wrappers, black, whit , gray and dark l> 5c. Long Kimonos, Challie patterns, $l.lK MUSLIN UNIH Ladies' Skirts, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 atu 1.50 anil $2.00. Drawers, 25c and 50c. Ki luits, short sleeves and knee length, 25c. Vnist an*I_Skirt, 25c. DRESS GO White and black striped Mohair, 50c an* icely. BLACK RAVEN Is the only gauz^ h;>s * we ever saw at 25i iuaranteed. For men, women and misses, Meacham | In the ! V You should take special n 4 your stock and poultry. R Try Dr. L^Gcar's, Dr. He ^ ty's Stock and Poultry Fo< ^ good results. r Use "Corno" hen and c] R horse and mule feed. We have for seed Irish P R bier and the Bliss. Seed S R Yam. See us before you 1 R ments and Poultry Wire. I JONES, " IWlien you are blue ar Just go to the best of The minute vmi enter 'Cause, listen my friei Parks'. For cigarettes and cig There isn't a better p] So take good advice a To Parks'. LOOK A Best Patent Flour Second Patent Flour Corn Meal _ . Best Corn Best Oats Cotton Meal ... Hulls .... Sugar House Molasses Karo Corn Syrup Cooking Oil. per gal. Lima Beans, per quart 15c Canned Beets _ .. Eagle Thistle Soda, 3 packs fc Two 10c cans Coffee for All 25c cans Coffee, two cans Seed Sweet Potatoes, per busl Seed Irish Potatoes, per bush< Eating Irish Potatoes, per buf Canned Tomatoes, per doz. ca 121-2c Prunes, per pound r? i ? i A. O- H Lumber 1 We are prepared to fill orders, . DRESSED and RC Our mills are located near Fort in this section, and with improvec I ence we guarantee satisfaction HOKE, MASSE! . . i "V v &Epps. MCY PARASOLS. j handles and Paraxon frames, worth t down to $1.2r> each. Big bargain. S. sses, white and black Percale, $1.00. lue, $1.00. Long Kimonos, Lawn, ). All fast color3. JRWEAR. I $1.75. Gowns, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, nit Knee Drawers, 25c. Knit Union Children's Drawers, 10c. Children's ODS. 1 75c. This is the latest, washes HOSIERY e. We could recommend every pair. 25c. & EppSo f Ik Spring | lOtice of the health of iss', Pratt's or Dr. Pet)d. They always give fR hick feed and "Corno" ? otatoes: the Irish Cob- ^ >weet Potatoes: Norton ^ 5uy your Farm Imple- tn rhe Grocer. | id all ou l. .1 sir "is, all pleasure resorts, you feel like a lark, id, there's no place like ;ars, soa .tnd fun, Lace under ihe sun, nd go everyone? cgrsrs gj **~~S3 i jail I $3.25 . ... . . 3.10 95 ? ? .'j5 .70 1.70 .75 .40 Ai\ .'*1/ .90 .10 .10 >r .... , .10 .15 lor .45 id 1.00 el 1.25 ihel 1.00 ms .95 .10 B.XVTM 1 i J s ; hi F r Sale. larjre or all for all kinds of 3UC H . JN. 5ER. Mill in tho finest tract of timber 1 machinery and years of experiwith every order. Phone 1-a. ( & COMPANY.