P|? . W
5s?- v . 5J t.
And the Part Played in it By Senator
Benjamin Ryan Tillman.
*'In ResltitlesH * Force of Character
* lien Tillman is the Cireatest Man
Knii<li ( Jirolimi Kvor I*ro?lurc?I
rjid One of the Most Extraordinary
Men Our Country Hus Produced."
The following; is taken from the
Washington Post, and may bQ said
to be a fair outside estimate of Senator
Until Benjamin R. Tillmm rose
to $mlte it, the State of South Carolina
was dominated by an olVa-chy
made of illustrious lamilles This
regime was partly political and partly
social. It was a pure government,
frugal and honest. It was never
guilty of extravagence, and neve,
accused of graft. But the greatest
families ruled, though the form was
a representative commonweal h.
In the Revolutionary period was
Butler, Gadsden, Izard, Laurens.
Motte, Pinckney and the Ruiledges,
to say nothing of the heroes of Moultrie,
Summer and Marion. Aftn the
adoption of the ! deral consu utlon
came the Butlers, the Calboutig,
Gaillard, Hayne, Legare, P.-eat in,
Pickens, McIJuffie, Barnwell, the
Rhetts, Chestnut, Hamilton, Hammond,
Hampton and others. There
wuss cuiuiuui?ieu me uiouu 01
Scotch-Irish and the Hugeunt and
perhaps it was the climate that made
it so fervent and so Impetuous.
It scorned Ik*. spoils of olli .<?, did
this o'igarchy, or a glance will show
that since the federal gov?:nmtnt
was established but four citi-sens of
South Carolina have been callel t<i
the cabinet, and but two have sai
upon the supreme bench. Th State
furnished but cue minister c (England,
Thos. Pinckney, appointBl l>y
Washington, for four year, an 1 or.e to
France, Charles C. Pincaney also
appointed by Washington, serv'ng
one year. No South Carolinian ever
represented the United States at the
the court of Austria or Germany or
Under Washington our minister to
Spain was that same Thomas Pinckney
for two years, and later Jefferson
appointed Charles C. Pinckney
to Madrid, where he remained four
years. Three South Carolinians rephesented
the United States at the
court of the czar?Henry Mlddleton,
one year, appointed by Monroe;
^ Francis Pickens, two years, appointed
by Buchanan, and Jainea L. Orr,
one year, appointed by Grant .
Thus it will be observed that thi-s
obligarchy or aristocratic families
was no vulgar association of political
bosses intent on otlicial patronage.
And therein was its vitality and its
Leas than 2.r? years ago Benjamin
R. Tillman determined to destroy
this aristocratic regime. It was a
battle of the giants. Hampton and
Butler were representatives of it
Both were of illustrious families;
uuiii iiad tongue ami Died lor tinSouth
011 many a stricken Held; botli
were men of unblemished honor.
There rallied on them the scions ol
the old families, and they were intrenched
in the traditions of centuries.
Even Ben. Tillman's elder
brother, who had displayed conspicuous
abilities in congress, spoke and
voted against the policies of Irs
But the "Craker" was aroused.
II' had fouhd a leader as brave as
Caesar, as devoted as Hampden, impetuous
as Hotspur, resolute, earnest.
honest, invinicble. After a tre
mendous struggle Tillman was elect
ed governor in 15?f?0, aid tw ? years
thereafter he was reelected
was an "architect of ruin, ' :n that
eb held in contempt the trafiUons
ot the past and smote the ol'garccj
un:il it trem.ded and fell.
Wane Hampton was the fir3* cl.isen
>! the State, a hero and a sta.a-sman,
the heir 3t a great name at^d ol
an immense fortune. No more gallant
soldier dre* sword in l>ig
war, at the "lose of which ne could
have said with u.o.c truth than dhl
'he crowned Valor is on the 1 \v ol
Pavia, "All is I09I save honor "
Hut wi:V?u* hesitation th" new
champion of popular government
stripped Wade Hampton of his tog.
and gave it to another. Only a lit
tie while and he defeated M. C. Hut
ler for tlie Senate, in which lie toot
his seat in 1S9">.
Nobody who witnessed the seem
when Tillmnn delivered his nit'drs
speech in the *?r>?te will eve*- ?">igc
it. His fellows appeared to b? awe<
and certainly nothing Ilk > tt eve
before transpired in that the it re. I
recalled the p*f?ence of thi rud
C?au! in the Roman senate as ro.-ird
ed in ancient story. Tillman wr.
fierce in his denunciation of the thoi
Democratic president and se3-etar
of the treasury. Nor was he com en
with that. Ho assailed everythni
political then in existence, and talk
ed as though he felt sure that ther
was but one honest man in publi
life, and he a senator from Soul
Carolina with but one eyj an'*
j: _
v 7'
There Are Three Thousand Dollars
in Prizes Offered to the Successful j
The Corn Growers' association y
will be orRanized in every county in
South Carolina on March 26th. ac
cording to a letter addressed Monday
by Ira \V. WilliamB of the United
States farm demonstration to all of
the agents in the State. This is a
most important step.
These associations are to be composed
of farmers, merchants and
business men and all who are interested
in the intelligent growing of
The Boys' Corn Clubs in the State
are under the supervision of Mr.
Williams. Over three thousand boyB
and girls have been enrolled as members
of the clubs. The sum of $3,000
in prizes will be offered. These 1
prizes are in addition to the $5,000
ofTered for the corn exposition.
All of the coru clubs and prize
acre contests in the different counties
will come under the supervision
of the county association and the
farm demonstration agents will be in
immediate charge.
The following is the letter calling 1
for the meeting:
"I think it would be well for you
to call a meeting of the citizens of 1
your county, as many as you think '
would take an active interest in
the matter, and organize what would
, be known as a Southern Corn Grow>
ers association. This could be composed
of farmers, merchants, bankers,
and every man who is interested
in growing more and better
corn in South Carolina. If we grow
corn we protect the price of cottop
and make the farmer more independent.
"Hy growing corn intelligently it
makes for the farmer one of the
most profitable farm crops. Should
we increase our production as we
should we could in a very short
period of time stop the importation
into our State of any corn whatever.
This alone would save several mil(
* ?
null uuniWH ior me Slate. You can
readily see that if we raise our corn
we will have all of the fodder, hay j
and peas needed. This would mean
that we would he able to raise oiii1
mules, hogs, cows, chickens, and live
stock in that there wolld be plenty of
food for them. This would save
many millions more dollars and the J
farmer would soon come to his own (
in South Carolina.
"So let us help the people to organize
the local association in every
county. These associations can hold
hold fairs and corn prize contests
and in less than five years sto4t the .
importation of coin into the State
and all other things will be added
unto us."
_ I
Bride Takes Her lltihhy to Court for
Keeping Thirty Cents.
' "When 1 married Sam," said Mrs.
Fanny Bookbinder in a New York
police court, "he promised to pro
vide for me and Saturday night his
i pay envelope was 15 0 cents short."
Mrs. Bookbinder is a bride of eight
' days. Although she has a personal
bank account of $1,000, which she
refuses to share with Sam, she liaul1
ed him into court on representations
that he had treated her cruelly.
1 "Sam make $20 a week," she conr
tinned, "and 1 want every cent of it.
if he needs anything I'll get it for ,
him. 1 know what's due a wife and
rlint'o ?..???. i i? ? ?-??
i ...... .. ...... i inuugiii. mill nere.
"Suppose your husband wants a ci.
gar?" suggested the magistrate.
"1*11 buy it for him," repeated Mrs.
Bookbinder firmly.
. The magistrate laughed outright.
_ "Then go home and make up your
mind," he said, "to do as your husband
tells you and take what he
'r gives you. And don't you come hefore
me again with such rediculous
charges. Case dismissed."
The pair left court, arm in arm,
. and there was no sign of a cloud to
dim their honeymoon. *
I North Carolina Pensions.
I State Auditor Dixon of North Carr
olina, says that last year 1,200 pensioners
died, yet there is an increase
r of about a thousand in the total
t number, this being because the last
i legislature increased the number of
. widows who could receive pensions
j pitchfork in his hand.
Hut Tillman got bravely over that.
> As he came to know the senate he
! respected it. Blunt to vulgarity, he
t was honest to the core, aud the sen1
ate came to respect him, and sonators
to love him. Perhaps had he
t been a great intellect and a thorP
oughiy cultured scholar he would
. have made for himself a smaller
s place. Certainly he would not have
n been the picturesque figure he bey
t Not In breadth of intellect, n it in
q learning, not in eloquence, but in
_ resistless force of character, B?n
^ Tillman Is the greatest man South
c Carolina ever produced, and one of
j; the most extraordinary men our
a country has produced.
Ye man Pardoned Who Has Been ia Prison
For Fifteen Years
Pannle Carson is Her Name and She
Was Convicted of Complicity in
Helping Two Men, Who Are Now
Serving Terms in i*rlson, Minder
Her Husband.
Gov. Ansel has pardoned Mrs. Fanlie
Carson, who. with two men
olanned the death of her own husoand
over fifteen years ago, and she
tias been In the penitentiary ever
dnce. She may go back to that
home now, where still lingers the
memory of a dark night when J. O.
Larson lay asleep in his bed and was
murdered bj Ed Green and John
Page, while the wife stealthily left
the home, and abandoned here husband
to hiB cruel fate.
A humble woman now is Fannie
Carson. Out at the penitentiary
they say that she has repented of
her sins. Conducting a Bible class
among her fellow prisoners, it is
prolvable that she has seen the error
of her way and it truly sorry for
what she has done. Pity and the
opinion that she has suffered much
are the moving powers in the securing
of a pardon for this woman.
Frail of body, a physical vr>rk according
to the written statement of
physicians, Fannie Carson is not a
fit person, in the opinion of those
who considered her case, to serve
out her days in the State pruon.
CIovs. McSweemv and Hey,vat>1 refused
to pardon the woman that now
goes free.
Mrs. Carson will leave in the pen
ttentiary serving life sentences John
Page and Ed Green, the two men
with whom she conspired to murder
here husband. It was by thj con
imoiuii uii mi- niunii ui ruuiue Marion
th.it it was possible to couvlet
hese two men who are now serving
ife sentences in the prison. The
planning of that horrible murder was
old by Fannie Larson o'.i tl.e witness
stand, and she also told of the acual
On two occasions, before the two
nen took the life of her husbaud,
ihe and they had discussed the plan
ind on the second occasion poison
vas suggested. The first time that1
Page and Green came to the house
o kill Carson, the wife Informed the
nen that her husband was not sound
isleep. This saved his life that
The next time, when strychnine
vaB suggested. Mrs. Carson said she
'did not have the heart to poison
ny husband." thus failed the second
[dot to kill her husband. Then came
:he third and successful plot.
Ed Green and Page came around
to the Carson home. Whit to do
with the little baby was the first
matter discussed. The men who
were about to become murderers did
not wish to wake the baby, and it
was agreed that Mrs. Carson xvould
takv the child out into the yard.
With no mention of the killing itself.
but in words that carried conviction
with more force than if there
had been another eye-witness, the
two men who killed Carson, the wife
told of the happenings of the next
few minutes.
After describing the passage of
Ed Gre n and John Page through the
dining room, one with an axe in his
hand, Mrs. Carson said, "well, I went
out and went to the well, but I did
not stay there nit a few minutes
1 went around to the front yard and
stayed there until they came out.
When they came out John stooped in
the kitchen and Ed started towards
mo, and I motioned my hand to him
not to come to me, that the babe
was awake, and he never came, and
they went and I went then to Mr.
Jackson's." And in those few minutes
her husband had been murdered
as lie lay asleep.
Some of those in Spartanburg
County, who recall the killing of
Carson, say that Ed. Green exerted
a hypnotic influence over Mrs. Carson.
Green had been received into
the Carson home and had very probably
planted himself in the affections
of Mis. Carson. When her
husband came home drunk and
abused her. Green would take up for
the wife. This attachment must
have become closer and closer, judging
from the matters hinted at in
the papers tiled in this case.
Worn out, perhaps, by the drunken
debauches of her husband and
day by day becoming more and more
under th>> control of Green, Mrs.
i arson readily lent herself to the
scheme to rid her home of the husband.
Ity securing the aid of Pag",
this was found easy to do by Green.
In a review of the case by the pardon
board. Green is called the instigator
of the plot and the one
who used the other two to carry out
the plan. It was Green who brought
Carson strong drink from his farm
across tho way, it was Green who
saw the need of getting Carson out
of the way.
One of that trio goes free. Ed.
Green was found guilty of murd'-r
and sentenced to be hanged. His
. .
Her Brother Hears Her Screams, and
Went to Her Assistance, Hut the
Fiend Escaped.
Miss Louise Willis, of Walden.
Ga., was savagely attacked by an unknown
man in a room at the home
of her brother, Mr. Emmett Willie,
in a fashionable residence section of
Macon, Ga.. Thursday nicht.
The man was frightened away by
the approach of the young iady's
brother, who, hearing her screams,
rushed to her assistance, and the
young lady was thrown violently
from her bed to the floor, a handkerchief
being tied tightly about her
mouth. The intention of th?V intruder
waB criminal assault.
The man made hiB escape through^
a window and made his escape by
he means of lightning rod.
The police department are making
a determined search and from
the description given by the young
lady, it is believed her assailant will
be captured within a few hours.
The citizens of that section of the
city were quickly aroused and they
are aiding in the search.
At midnight tne police department,
had thrown out a dragnet
citizens, had thr<own out a dragnet
which, it is believed, will result in
the arrest of Miss Willis' assailant
A light burning in the room occupied
by the young woman aided her
in getting a good description of the
man. Ho is described as being
young and well dressed.
The Willises are prominent in social
circles in Macon, and at Walden
and the attempted assault has created
a decided sensation.
In one of the most fashionable residence
sections of the city another
criminal assault was made the same
night upon Mrs. J. C. llanberry, a
young matron, who with her husband,
bohrds at the home of Dr. William
Cleveland, on Washington avenue.
Mrs. llanberry was alone tin
a room in the rear of the house when
her assailant, a young white man,
suddenly jerked open a window
blind and attacked the woman. Exexcising
unusual presence of mind,
Mrs. Hanberry succeeded in freeing
herself from the grasp of her assailant.
Several occupants of the
house were attracted by the woman's
screams and hurried to her assistance,
only to see the departing form
of the intruder as he beat a hasty
exit through the window he entered
The Fiend Was Pursued by a Posse
Hut He (Jot Away.
An unknown negro man made a
desperate attempt to criminally assault
the 4-year-old daughter of \V.
C. Hearn, a prominent citizen of
Belleville, Ga., Thursday afternoon.
The negro was frustrated in his desperate
attack by a man named lienton.
who drove him away and rescued
the fainting and dangerously injured
A large posse of enraged citizens
was immediately formed, and it is
thought that if the negro is caught
he will be lynched. Bloodhounds
traced the negro to a swamp near
Pembroke. He later escaped from,
the swamp and made his way toward
Daisy. There he was sighted and
(\ ...v.l > - " '
mm mum iij a citizen. it is believed
the man was wounded, but he
managed to again escape.
I>c?th of Dr. Sinkler.
Dr. Wharton Sinkler, the noted
physician and specialist on nervous
diseases, died in Philadelphia, Pa.,
on Wednesday. He was a brother of
Hon. Charles St. George Sinkler of
Berkeley, who up to 1890 was State
senator from that county. He was
62 years of age.
M akes Good Showing
The second report on the North
Carolina State high schools shows
that at the end of the last school
year 160 were in operation, having
f?,282 students. At present only nine
counties have no rural high schools.
co-defendants, Fannie Carson and
John L. Page, were found builty, but
recommended vo the mercy of the
Court, and were thereupon sentenced
to imprisonment for life in the Stat'*
Penitentiary. The defendant. Green,
appealed and was granted a new
trial. At the second trial he was j
iwuiiii Kuuiy 01 murner, wit n recommendation
to mercy, and was thereupon
sentenced to life imprisonment
in the Penitentiary.
The case was first tried before the
late Judge F.arle, who shortly after
died before the first petition was
filed in behalf of the prisoner. O.
L. Shumpert was at that time solicitor
of that circuit and prosecuted
the case. A petition in behalf of
this prisoner was presented in 1902
to M. R. McSweeney, then (Governor.
This petition was refused. Another
petition was presented in her
behalf to D. C. Heyward, then (Governor
in 1903. Again the petition,
although the solicitor recommended
, the pardon, was refused.
ery One of President Taft's Cabinet Bat
One Under a Charge
The Cabinet Members Say that They
Are Not Raffled, as Public Offl- i
rials Must KvimmI OniMisition h?t
the Republican I/eaders Fear the 1
Effect of the t"hnrgvs.
The ending of the first year of j
President Taft's administration develops
the peculiarly unfortunate
situation of having every member
of his official family under charges
from the opposition with the exception
of Secretary Nagle of the department
of commerce and labor.
Secretary of the Interior Ballinger
is now being investigated by a
joint committee of the senate and
house?an inquiry that has been and
will to the end continue to be replete
with sensational charges of
misconduct and incompetency, including
not only the secretary but
Gifford Pinchot, the former chief
forester, and other officials of the
interior office.
Secretary of War Dickinson is now
explaining to a senate committee his
side of the issue, growing out of the
charge that he has given a monopoly
to the Pacific Mail Steamship
company in the carrying trade between
Panama and ports on the Pacific
coast. The original arrangement
gave the steamship company
TO per cent of the rate, when they
shipped through freight to the Atlantic
coast by the Panama railroad
it also gave the company the privilege
of buying coal at Panama at
cost. The protest against this privilege
has recently prompted the secretary
to promise similar favors to
a i?rupos"(i competing line lo tne
Pacific Mail.
Postmaster General Hitchcock has
heen charged by members of congress
with using his office simply for
politicul ends, the efficiency of the ^
postal service having deteriorated
in consequence.
Secretary of the Treasury Mac- j
Veagh has been attacked for promotiug
the Chicago packers' proposition j
to have the 10-cent per pound tax (
on cotoned olemargarine reduced to ^
a fraction of a cent.
Secretary of the Navy Meyer is in
trouble over his naval personnel
proposition. He has been accusel in
service publications and by officers
of the navy of attempting to build ]
up the power of the social set in the
naval establishment to the detriment
of the best interests of the navy.
Secretary of State Knox, as a re
stilt of his endeavors to force upon
China and the interested powers the
right of New York capitalists to
build certain railroads in the Orient, '
has been charged with using the influence
of his office and his department
to promote the financial business
of J. P. Morgan and his asso
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson is
being attacked for his defense of the
use of henzoate of soda as a food
preservative. He has also become
involved in the Hallinger-Pinehot
controversy, having heen called as a
witness before the investigating committee.
Attorney General Wiskersham has
heen bitterly assailed by the Kepub
lican progressives. They charge that
his ruilroad rate hill, which proposes
amendments to the present in
terstaV commerce law, will undo all
the good accomplished l?y former
President Roosevelt in curbing the
They also charge that the attorney
general has used his morvl influence
to prevent possibl prose<a
tion of the big men in the sugar
trust as a climax to the sugar trust
frauds in New York. Anti-Mallinger
Republicans are also claiming that
the attorney general suppressed and
presented facts in distorted condition
to the president when the Ballinger-Plnchot
csise was before him.
The cabinet which was held together
for a year is constantly the
subject of rumored changes. Secretary
of Agriculture Wilson, Secrj
tary Rallinger, and Postmaster General
Hitchcock have all been reported
as about to resign Those familiar
with the conditions do not b lieve
that any change is cont >r>pia?ed.
The men affected by the u pon?
emphatically deny thern.
President Taft is carefully watching
the situation and is loyally supporting
each member. lie is i.ni
* *i tiled by the changes, baring implicit
confidence in the integrity of
the men he has chosen to aid him in
I making his administration a success
Neither to eaiitiwo ma... - -?
.. iiiv. ii \j*v -5 3iiuw
:.M?h of worry, but Him ! *.-?pnlji!?..?n
I- adcrs tro wo?\>ed over ill3 sitiatli
Christian Science llrult-rs Failed.
Oliver IT. Church, a leading business
man of Springfield, Mass., died
last week after a long and painful
illness. He was attended by no physician
as Christian Science healers
declared he would get well.
% ' /
To B? Export*.*? Easter Week and
the Balance of the Yea.?Fruit
Crop Will Suffer from Frost.
Mr. W. P. Houseal, "the Dutch
Prophet," says he has heard It Intimated
in certain sections that a
forecast is expected from him JuBt
at this period of the year, when
springtime is supposed to be ushered
in and banish winter with her
sombre trappings. The forecast had
already been put into shape, and
could have been given weeks ago,
but it conies now at the time when
the period of year affected by the
predictions is soon to arrive.
The vernal, or spring, equinox occurs
on March 21st. It is usually
accompanied with storms of more
of less intensity. The central period .
of the storm for 1910 is March 27th,
which is Easter Sunday. The storm,
however, need not necessarily occur
on that date. This year the day
most likely to be effected during the
spring equinox is March 24th.
Occurring on March 24th, the disturbance
will be severe in the Mississippi
valley, the storm moving northward
from the gulf, with percipitation
in the form of rain and changing
into snow in the Alleghanies and
eastward into the middle states with
high wind's on the Atlantic. This
period will be followed by clear and
cclder weather, with East-r Sunday,
in all probability, in the clear period.
The danger of severe frosts will
extend into April, and even in May
the weather will be unseasonably
cell. It will be at least six weeks from
March 15 until the cool periods pass
into summer heat.
The peach crop will be damaged
by frost to a consideraole extent, except
in the Kidge Spring section of
South Carolina and the sandy regions
of Georgia. The red clay sections
will suffer most from these spring
These conditions will cause the
summer of 1 it 10 to be similar in
temperature of its predecessors of
1908 and 1909, when few excessively
high records were recorded.
A special forecast will soon be
iiven concerning the periods of precipitation
for the spring and summer
md extending into the fall and including
the state fair week. The
farmers need have no fear that the
rainfall in South Carolina will be
Insufficient ??>'.
Port jr-Eiglit Thousand Tons More
Sold This Year.
The farmers of tlie State, according
to the number of tax tags sold,
are using more fertilizer this year
than in the past, says the Columbia
State. The hooks in the State terasurer's
oflice show that since the first
of the year the smu of $ 1 f?4,4 G7.38
has been received for tags.
This is over $12,000 more, than
was received at this time last yer.
The amount received to date last
year was $142,147.37. The total
amount r? ceived from the fertilizer
tax tags last year was $202,74 1.31.
This money goes to Clomson college.
There is a tax of 25 cents on
every ton of fertilizer sold in tho
It was said Thursday that the fertilizer
companies aik rushing all
orders and the fact may account for
the increased sale, hut it is believed
that the growth of intensive farming
is the real cause. According to
the amount of tag tax money received.
it shows that over G 0 0, * 0 0 tons of
fort i libera i.
.?- ... <-ii niihi in ino
State since the tlrst day of the
i>.\\<;kic or DKKKAT.
ciiIIoiii Says Republicans Must Stop
Their I tow.
United States Senator Siielliy M.
Culloni, repulilican. of Illinois, in a
letter to 'he republican editors convened
at Sprinvfl Id, 111., declared:
"It seems strange to me. but the
republican party .vith a magnificent
record, is in danger of defeat unless
we harmonize our differences
and pr sent a solid front to the eno
my in the coming campaign. If wo
are victorious in the coming election.
attacks by republicans on republicans
must cease." Senator
Cullom believes that the party success
is In danger. |
~~ (
Safe Was Robbed. 1
A naval board of inuuirv is at
work at the Charlestown navy yard
near Boston investigating the theft
of $3,500 from the paymaster's safe
on board the United States gunboat
Castine. The theft was discovered
last Thursday but did not become
generally known until Monday.
I,o?s of Wife Is Worfli !jt5,(H)0.
Frank Hale, of Toledo, Ohio, was
awarded $5,000 last week in a damage
suit against Frank C. Harrison,
in which the latter was accused of
eloping with his pretty wife. Hale
sued for $25,000. *