The Fort Mill Times,
Under the Decision T. A. Crawford
Cannot be Forced to Pay for
Valuable Rock Hill Lot.
The supreme court of South
Carolina has handed down an
important decision involving a
part of the estate of the late
Turner Barber, of the Pleasant
Valley neighborhood of Lancaster
county, who, before his
death 22 years ago, was one of
the wealthiest men in the upper
part of the State. A number of
Mr. Barber's sons still reside
in this section and are well
ine title 01 tne case is i.
Emeline Barber et al., appellants,
against Thomas A. Crawford
et al., respondents. The
supreme court has decided in
favor of the respondents, affirming
the judgment of Judge
Memminger in the lower court.
The effect of the decision is that
specific performance of contract
cannot be enforced against
Crawford et al., who bought the
land in question, a valuable Main
street lot in Rock Hill, at
sheriff's sale, the court holding
that as "it cannot be ascertained
until the death of Turner
Henderson Barber who will take
as the surviving heirs of the
testator (the late Turner Barber),
the plaintiffs are not in
position to demand specific performance
of the contract of the
defendants, Crawford et al."
The question in the case arose
from the seventh section of the
second codicil of the late Turner
Barber's will, by which it was
provided that in case any of his
children named in the will (of
whom Turner Henderson Barber
is one)should die without bodily
heirs, the property devised to
them should be divided, share
and share alike, among his surving
heirs. Turner Barber died
about 22 years ago.
The supreme court further
held that the conclusion of Judge
Memminger was erroneous in
certain particulars hut that the
m iV i. il l
VMAH s uiu IIUL uiiect Liit; general
question as to specific performance.
Spencer & Spencer represented
the appellants and Wilson
& Wilson, the respondents.
Little Boy Killed by Train.
Craig Settermeyer, 8-year-old
son of George Settermeyer, an
employee of the Manchester cotton
mill, located a mile north of
Rock Hill, was run over and
instantly killed by passenger
train No. 28, from Columbia to
Charlotte, at 5 o'clock Saturday
afternoon. The accident occurred
at a crossing near the
Manchester mill and was due to
the carelessness of the little boy,
according to the verdict of the
coroner's jury. The boy was
crossing the railroad track to
a neighbor's to get a pail of milk.
The engine struck him, crushing
his skull behind the left ear,
breaking his right shoulder, his
?:?Li i ~i 1.1? ?i-i- 1
ii^ni ie>; ituuve me cuitue ana
crushing his ankle. The train
was in charge of Conductor
Boney Chase and D. G. McAllister
was the engineer. This is
the same crossing. j\t which a
woman was killed two years ago.
It is a dangerous place, being on
a curve and near a cut which
obstructs the view of approaching
northbound trains, and should
be guarded bv a watchman.
Young Man Kills His Wife.
Mr. A. A. Young received the
distressing news one day last
k week that his nephew, Claude
I Young, 25 years old, had shot
L and instantly killed the wife of
^ the latter at their home in
B Rockingham, N. C. From the
A meager information which Mr.
Young was able to obtain of the
tragedy it seems that the young
man had become suddenly in
Psane and in a fit of anger shot
his wife with a shotgun. Claude
Young was the son of Mr. A.
A. Young's youngest brother,
the late James L). Young, who
moved from Kershaw county to
. Rockingham about 20 years ago.
It is understood that Claude
. Young has been committed to
the asylum for the insane in
Morganton, N. C.
Charlton Younts Leaves Colombia. (
Charlton P. Younts, general
secretary of the Columbia Y. M.
C. A., has signified his intention
to go to another field of labor, '
and the board of directors of the
association has accepted his
resignation to take effect June
1. It is said that there has been
some friction between Mr. Younts '
and a number of the members 1
of the Y. M. C. A. and that this
is the impelling cause of his
resignation. ?
Mr. Younts was well known in
Fort Mill some years ago, fifing (
a native of Pineville and a frequent
visitor to this place during
his residence there. He left
Pineville when he was quite a 1
young man to engage in Y. M. C.
A. work and was for a time secretary
of the association in Monroe,
La., whence he went to Columbia
to engage in similar work.
Mr. Younts has been regarded
as a verv skillful ortranizer. savs
The State, having rehabilitated
the Columbia association and
having instituted and caused to ;
! be observed a number of rules
and regulations which put the I
association on a business foundation.
Mrs. Younts has also been j
I a successful worker for the
Y. M. C. A.
Resigns Chairmanship.
James A. Bell, for several |
years county chairman of the
Mecklenburg Democracy, has
tendered his resignation to the
I executive committee and it has
been accepted. Mr. Bell is well
known in Fort Mill. He is a
nephew of Capt." J. W. Artlrey
and was raised in the Providence
section of Mecklenburg county,
a few miles from this place. Mr.
Bell's service to the party had
been entirely satisfactory and
much regret is expressed in
Mecklenburg eounfly over his
resignation. Recently there has
been considerable talk of making
Mr. Bell the party nominee for
Congress, and his friends in this
section would be greatly pleased ,
to see him thus honored, for the
nomination will mean election
regardless of what the Republicans
and near Republicans say
about nominating as their <*mdidatea
Representative of the "business
interests." There are not
as many gullible voters in the
Ninth North Carolina district as
some people profess to believe
there are.
A Bale of Cotton.
The Hon. Charles R. Pendleton,
writing in the Macon Telegraph,
pays the following crosseyed
tribute to a hale of cotton:
"This is a bale of cotton, a
j lifeless, inanimate thing; and
yet it is worth about sixty-five
dollars-equal to a big steer, a
good cow, or a fine coop of
chickens. But the three acres of
land and labor and the commercial
fertilizer required to
| produce it would make three
1 big steers, three fine cows and
dozens of coops of fine chickens.
"Cotton is undoubtedly the
money crop of this section, but
' the money in the staple can be
doubled by dividing the area of
the' farm between the stock,
grain and root crops and cotton.
"The problem of the farm is to
keep up the fertility of the soil.
! All good farmers agree that
there is nothing equal to a plenty
of barnyard manure, but how can
you get the barnyard manure
without raising the stock.
I * * T V* O A!/1 n??Anv*^l t
i nv. umi i uii-aiuuuu nets It
thus: 'Plant more cotton to buy
more fertilizer to make more
! cotton to buy more fertilizer.'
J But the better plan is to raise
I more stock to make more
manure to produce more cotton.
Cotton is kin#, the monarch of
the field, when it is made a surplus
crop, and rotated with oats
and corn and peas and stock. A
model farm should be divided
into four parts, and under an
immutable rotation law the same
field put in cotton only once in
four years, and once in four
years that field should rest.
|'Cotton is a pood crop when
it is made at a profit. It can be
made at a profit when it is a
surplus crop takinp its turn in
the rotation and barnyard fertilization
scheme. But is not
profitable when the planter sends
to Chicapo for his meat, to Kentucky
for his mules, to Ohio for
his prain and anywhere beyond
his barnyard for his fertilizers."
Former Fort Mill Citizen Who Was a
Veteran of the Gallant TwentySixth
N. C. Infantry.
The hearts of many of the
Dlder residents of this section of
the State will be saddened to
learn of the death of Capt.
Thomas J. Cureton, who passed
away at his home in Winnsboro
last Tuesday afternoon. Capt.
Cureton had been in declining
health for some time, but the
immediate cause of his death was
heart failure. He was 72 years
old and is survived by his wife,
who'was Miss Rosa Wallace, of
Pineville, N. C., and two daughters,
Mrs. J. W. Mayo, of
Philadelphia, Pa., and Miss
Elizabeth Wallace, of Winnsboro.
The interment was in
the Winnsboro cemetery Friday
Capt. Cureton moved to Fori:
Mill from Waxhaw, Union county,
N. C., in January, 1873, and
became a member of the firm of
Cureton, Massey & Co., which
did a general mercantile business
until 1875. The firm was then
reorganized as Cureton. Ardrey
& Co., but did not meet with the
success its promoters had hoped
+V.V. 4\,11 10-7T
1UI 111 11IC lclll U1 XO I < J clllCU.
In the failure of the firm Capt.
Cureton lost practically everything:
he possessed. He then
moved to Charlotte, but lived
there only a few years, going:
thence to Winnsboro, where he
had since been engaged in the
cotton business.
At the outbreak of the war
Capt. Cureton enlisted in a company
which was organized in
Union county, N. C. Upon being
mustered into the Confederate
army, the company was assigned
to the Twenty-sixth North Carolina
regiment of infantry as
Company B, the regiment being
a part of Pettigrew's brigade,
Iieth's division, Hill's corps. The
first colonel of the regiment was
Zeb Vance. This is the regiment
whose bravery and heroism at
the battle of Gettysburg has been
the subject of nation-wide comment
since the memorable July
days in 1803 when it was reduced
from one of the finest and
strongest commands in the Confederate
army to a mere skeleton
of what it was when the fight
began. No other regiment 011
either side lost as heavily during
the war as did the Twentysixth
North Carolina infantry at
Gettysburg. The muster rolls of
the regiment on June 30, 1803,
the day before the fight began at
Gettysburg, showed 885 men and
officers present for duty. At the
end of the third day's fighting
708 of this number had been
killed or wounded, over 87 per
cent. Thirty-four of the 3(J
officers of the regiment who had
entered the fight were killed or
wounded. Capt. William Wilson
was me commanding omcer ot
Company B when the battle of
Gettysburg opened but was
killed in the second day's fight
and was succeeded by his first
lieutenant, Thos. J. Cureton,
who continued in command of
the company until Appomattox.
Another officer of the Twentysixth
North Carolina regiment
who was a citizen of Fort Mill
some years ago was Capt. N. G.
Bradford, who was desperately
wounded in the third day's fight
at Gettysburg. Capt. Bradford
was carried from the battlefield
to one of the Confederate field
hospitals, in which he was shortly
afterwards captured by the
Yankees. He was held in various
Northern prisons until the
close of the war f'unf
ford was one of. the 000 Confederate
officers who as prisoners of
war were taken by the Yankees
to Morris Island, S, C., and
placed on the Federal breastworks
to keep the Confederates
from shelling the Unionists lest
the gray-clad soldiers kill their
comrades. The act was considered
a violation of civilized warfare
and was the subject of bitter
denunciation throughout the entire
South. Capt. Bradford died
in Leesburg, Fla., on Sept. 24,
Thirty-two alleged blind tigers
have been arrested in Lancaster
during the last few days. Three
of these were convicted and fined
$100 each.
Effort of Mecklenburg Republicans
Recalls Visit to Charlotte of Tillman
and Daniel.
In connection with the more
or less serious effort which apparently
is on foot to send a
Republican to Congress from the
Mecklenburg district, a North
Carolinian who is now residing
in Fort Mill recalled yesterday
, an incident of thb Red Shirt
campaign in Mecklenburg county
in 1898 which is of particular
interest at this time because it
relates to two men, at present in
the public' view, of national
prominence. Both went from
| their respective States to assist
the Democrats of the Old
XT....4U 4-U- ~n- ... x
a > v/1 111 OUILC III LIIU fliuri 10
disfranchise the negro and thereby
establish permanently in that
Commonwealth white man's
The men referred to were
i Senator B. R. Tillman, of South
Carolina, and Senator .John W.
Daniel, of Virginia, statesmen
who have reflected credit upon
the country and who have performed
lasting service to the
Democratic party, but men of
different types who do not employ
the same manner of addressing
audiences. Both are now
ill and it is doubtful if either
will again be able to take an
active part in the work of the
senate. Senator Tillman is a
patient at an Atlanta sanatorium
and Senator Daniel is critically
ill at a winter resort in Florida,
little hope being entertained for
his recovery. The two senators
had been requested by the party
in North Carolina to visit Charlotte
and address a mass meeting
to be held in the interest of
party success. Both responded
cheerfully to the request, and
when Senator Tillman rose to
make his speech to the thousands
who had assembled at Latta
park for the meeting pandemonium
broke loose before he had
uttered a hundred words. His
sledge hammer blows in behalf
of white man's government set
i the audience wild with delight
and it was with the greatest
effort that he could make him'
self heard, so great was the
After Senator Tillman had
finished his speech Senator
Daniel addressed the meeting
and his speech also did great
gooa in sonanying the party.
The campaign resulted in an
overwhelming majority for the
Democracy in Mecklenburg county
and much of the credit for the
victory belongs to these twc
| great men who had gone to their
sister State to help in the fight
i for decent government.
Not a Constitution Specialist.
, i Columbia State.
Among the newspapers ir
South Carolina that often exhibit
; intelligence and information ir
regard to public questions is the
Yorkville Enquirer and one
, despairs lest some impenetrable
gloom has settled upon it, wher
it affirms that "Under the presenl
organization of the Federa
government, that government
can not levy a direct tax of an>
kind on the citizens of the
State." That is precisely what,
- under ?he Federal constitution,
the government can do; that is
' what the constitution declares ir
1 so many words. But, under the
constitution, as it is now written,
' such a tax would necessarily be
apportioned according to the
! population of the several States,
so that South Carolina citizens
; J would be compelled to pay inte
w??v nui/tviiai tl ca^Ul ^ clUUUL UIU
| half as much as Massachusetts,
' were an income tax law to bt
enacted, though Massachusetts
has about nineteen times th(
wealth of South Carolina. The
adoption of the pending amend
ment would take from Con
gress the existing power U
oppress one State at the expenst
of another. The statement ol
> The Enquirer "that the Federa
government must derive it.'
revenues altogether from indi
rect taxes" would be absun
; were it not pathetic.
W. T. Steele, head carpentei
1 at Winthrop college, died Fri
day night of paralysis,
Only Confederate Coin.
A silver half dollar of the Confederate
States, believed to be
the only extant metallic coin of
the lost cause, was offered for
sale at a public auction in New
York a few days ago by its
owner, Edgar Adams, of Brooklyn.
The coin was struck at the
New Orleans mint soon after the
beginning of the war. For a
time it was in the possession of
President Jefferson Davis, from
whom it is said to have been
stolen. Subsequently it changed
hands several times, and for the
past 28 years it has rested in a
1 safety deposit vault in New York
| city.
The design on the observe of
j the coin is exactly like that of
the United States half dollar of
i 1861, and as a matter of fact one
of the recrular obverse dies wns
used in making the coin. The
reverse design is distinctly originally
and emblematic of the
Confederacy. Numismatic experts
estimate the present value
of the coin at $5,000.
To Hurt Your Town?
Fight on the streets.
Oppose improvements.
Run the town down to strangers.
Go to some other town to trade.
Refuse to advertise in your
Do not invest a cent; lay out
' your money somewhere else.
Lengthen your face when a
stranger speaks of locating in
. your town.
If a man wants to buy your
property ask him two prices for
If he wants anybody else's,
interfere and discourage him.
Refuse to see the merit in any
scheme that does not exactly
benefit you.
Run down your newspapers.
Run down your officers.
Run down everything and
> everybody but No. 1.
> Talk in the barber shops and
loafing places of how bad times
are, of how everything and
everyboby is going to the
demnition bow-wows.
; l|g~l
| j^|
i 1
> "Princess" ranges are clifferc
turers have departed from the w
( ing and constructed a simph
? practicable improvements in con
F.very lady in this section is
; ment and inspec* this range.
w e sell them for cash or on
Considerable Interest Stirred Up in
Fort Mill Over Misleading Greenwood
News Item.
Considerable interest was felt
in Fort Mill a few days ago over
a news item sent out from Green- g
wood statin# that the first marriage
license under the new act
of the Legislature had just been
issued a couple in that town.
Several marriages have taken
place in this section since the
Legislature adjourned in February
and no licenses were issued
the couples,' the impression being
! that the bill failed to nnss
house of representatives after
successfully running the senate
gauntlet. Naturally these newlyweds
at once evidenced concern
lest all might not be well as to
their marital relations if they had
failed to meet the requirements
of the law by securing license.
The effort to pass an act requiring
persons wishing to be
married in South Carolina to secure
a license attracted considerable
attention in thissection
of the State at the time the matter
was under consideration in
the Legislature, as there are
perhaps more marriage ceremonies
of the Gretna Green
variety?performed in Fort Mill
township than in any other township
in South Carolina, the
, township being on the border
and convienent to many North
Carolina couples who, for one
reason and another, prefer to be
married in the Palmetto State.
Inquiry of Magistrate McFlhaney,
the principal marriage
artist of the township, failed to
shed any light on the subject.
He remembered that the senate
passed a bill requiring a license
of those \Vho wished to be married,
but had not been informed
[ that the bill becametm act.
Unless the law passed as a
I "joker" to some Greenwood
5(local bill, applicable to Green1
wood county alone, it is practically
certain that there is no
! such law.
'=? "? "
1 if
nt from all others. 1 he rnanufacorn-out
traditions of range build;,
beautiful range, full of new,
invited to call at our stove departthe
easy payment plan.