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' ' ^Hb? Eveaiog Prayer. HWtt^wilight of my days, ' Ul ^^ning of the years, i ; l ^lin Unto my saddened gaze ^ F v<8oe?hs a vision veiled in tears. ^wS^Er*^ knowledge fades away ^^gtT^Bhat I vainly thought to keep; SBWS^MW^tfe child I pray: Now I lay me down to sleep.;^1iave wandered far from Thee i Since that childish prayer I-said, ? A?d the Hps that taught it me l Have been gathered to the dead; (Yet her face I seem tr When the evening c-eep, ; And again, as at 1?Pray Thee, Lord, iuj dou. keep! Softly fades the lingering light: . Lof the last beam leaves the skies; Ana i watch, amid the night, For the evening Btar to rise. ? ' Far beyond the bounds of space I may drift ere day shall break; Let me see my mother's face If I die before I wake! Darker grows the gathering gloom. While my soul its vigils keeps With the memories that loom Up from Lifa's unsounded deeps. When upon a sunlesB fttrand I shall hear the surges break, v Ere I near the Nameless Land, Pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take! ? Marie Conway Oemler. Printing Offices Win Contention. If the senate adopts the house amendment to the postoffice appropriation bill, there will be no sucn thing after June 30, this year, as the government sale of stamped envelopes with return addresses printed on them. Many printing housts throughout the country have taken the view that the government has no business entering into competition with them in the printing of return addresses on envelopes and their activity against the practice has resulted in the house amendment, which is as follows: 'That no part of the foregoing sum [appropriation for stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers] shall be used to print or nave printed, or sell or offer to sell, any stamped envelope bearing upon it a printed direction > orivinor nnmn omr vidual, firm, or company, or any number of any postoffice box or drawer, or any street number or the name of any building to , > which it shall be returned if uncalled for or undelivered." m ? The Man Who Runs and Tells. If you have a brick handy, prpspnf- it without ceremony to the man who is always telling you what other people say about you, says London Answers.. You , will injure him with the brick, and you will doubtless be locked j up for the assault; but you will &ain in the end. I am a man who adores peace with the heartiest adoration?I revel in it?but when I meet the | man who tells me in confidence of the ruffianly things that some i one has said of me I feel like I indulging in war. I feel like letting him have one of the best under the chin. Know, my dear reader, that everybody talks about you when your are not nresent in nnitn n different way from what they would talk were you face to face with them. It is human nature. We are all critics of one another. Even your dearest friend knows that you have little faults. And when the occasion comes he speaks to others of these little faults. He does this even though lie i<t your best and most reliable friend. And you do the same by him. We all speak of one another's faults.* We . 't help it. We w ere horn t it. way. We don't really mean ..nything by it. Hut we do it. And there's an end of it. It is alleged, to be sure, that there are some perfect p i s<-: s who ne\er say behind a ma; \s hack what they wouldn't s.iy before his face. I say alleged, because 1 must confess that in a somewhat wide experience of ' life, I have never had the for-v tune to meet these persons. And I am driven to the conclusion that if they exist at all thev are as rare among us as white blackbirds. My experience in life has shown me that human beings find it the finest and most stimulating fun going to laugh at the failings and oddities of others behind their backs. In fact, I woulu go so far as to assert that this trait in our common humanity is the root and foundation of our social life. In the good old prehistoric days men laid down their flint clubs and indulged in humorous comment concerning the way some acquaintance escaped from, or was gulped up by, the sporty animals with the long names. Ann they lound this comment i upon the fortunes or misfortunes of others so delightful that they made a habit of it, and thereby laid the foundation of social intercourse as we know it now. # mmmmmmmwmmmmmmmm?mmm Beach-Ihrie's We have the most up-to-date lines of Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, China, Clocks, and many other useful and ornamental goods to be found in this I section of the country. Wo shall ha V,...,- f-..... I you when in need of anything in our line. Repairing and Engraving a Specialty POT Local Watch Inspectors for Southern Railway. Beach-Dine Jewelry Co., Reliable Jewelers, Rock Hill, - - - S. C. HORSESHOEING. I would call the attention of the farmers and others or this community to the fact that I have in my employ the best horseshoer ever engaged in this section. I am also prepared to do First-class Repair Work of all kinds, both in wood and iron, and I guarantee all work done at my shops to be the best. I thank the people of Fort Mill and nearby communities for the work entrusted to me during the 30-odd years I have been here and I hope to be accorded the same liberal patronage in the future. t. i. YOUNG. FOR SALE Fresh milch cow and Jersey bull. Apply to J. F. Boyd. FOR SALE One horse, one mule and a one-horse wagon. Cheap for cash or will sell on time. Also, I will buy 1 AA I L I- _ urn uusneis corn, in ear. L. A. HARRIS. FOR SALE ?New lot of frost-proof Cabbage Plants of the Early Jersey Wakefield variety. B. M. Faris. FOR SALE?150 bushels choice Providence yam seed sweet potatoes. J. L. KIMBRELL. STAR BRAND Shoes are better. Try a pair Mills & Young Co . Shoe dept 1 Building :c !! * II'IBM I IUHS |g Wood - Cast We are prepared promptly for all kin> terial at very lowest j carried at all times, happen to have in sti in our planing mill ^ Write or phone us at 85S he* or give your orders tr mt your local dealer, and 1 Syleecau Mf: *SK Rock Hill, rysma?w i im i n 11 ozzsmzsss \ NO TREASURE LADE! 11s likely to come Your surest way I after what you es one best way to d DEPOSIT YOUR M0N1 And you'll know make and how n here heips you to stance, you can n for two cents. N is so cheap or nea I The Savings Bank o W. B. Meacham, C Reach^^^MJoods The Reach trademark is a guarantee of satisfaction and perfection. We are confident of the quality of these goods and will replace any defective Reachmade article (except baseballs and bats costing less than $11 with a new one. Baseball clubs will find it to their interest to correspond with us about uniforms. Call at The Times office for a Reach baseball catalog. S. B. McMASTEK, SPORTING GOODS, Columbia, - - S. C. Blacksmith Shop. Horseshoeing is a specialty with me and I am prepared to do all kinds of repair work. If you need any Harrows, Harrow Teeth, Painting, Etc., see me and I will save you money. When you come to town hitch your team in my lot. Fred B. Kimbrell. I Why Pay Rent] When $2.50 a week will Buy a Home? For Particulars see L. A. HARRIS. i FOR SALE?C. B. Kimbrell's Ranales- 1 burg store is now open for two weeks, j Lots of goods at cost. Shoes, Dry Goods, Drugs and a general assort- | ment of goods. C. B. Kimbrell. ; Iron ? Steel j | j to fill your orders ds of Building Ma- ! trices. A large stock [o'C i and what we don't ock, we can get out at once. No. 115, Rock Hill, > V. B. Blankenship, I he will send them in. $$ ?$ g. Company, || c p ' v$ ; 9 I I I SHIP i ( i to make you suddenly rich. | Lo wealth is to look carefully i irn and spend. There is only ) o this. ! ( EY WITH US | j all the time how much you luch you spend. An account ? save in many ways. For in- i lail a check for any amonnt . - t u uiiier way 01 sending money g J rly so safe. ft < f Fort Mill Jj ashier I | ? K?T 'V- ? : ?? - ' I A TWENTY D v The Savings Departmen Bank will place $20.00 tc girl under sixteen years the greatest number of i "THE PEOPLES I I Subject to the following cond: 1. No proper names shall be use< 2. Each word must appear in W 3. 'The Peoples National Bank" 4. No word shall contain a letter letter appears in 'The Peoples Nations 5. Each list when sent in must therein. 6. The lists of words will be rece first day the Bank occupies its new bu nounced later. 7. This deposit of Twenty Dollai other deposits in the Savings Departmi it will draw interest at the rate of pounded quarterly. The Peoples P ROCK HILL, - SAFE, SUCCES: I I | When Buy i i?? There is much to ^ Iji be said when it comes to buying a ??? buggy. Of course |j HI there are all kinds /\\ ^ || of buggies, but if it Ill is a Rock Hill BugJ gy you can rest asJ|g surecl that it is a good on Hi careful as to the material w! *t|j that leaves their factory. R ||j higher in price but"?the we the thing to consider 1 ' j . . -TV- (111(1 IK H| what they want. Wo still In j|fg also some nice driving horses I FORT MILL / -i OLIAR PRIZE. I it of The Peoples National i the credit of the boy or of age, who will form words from the letters in IATIONAL BANK." itions: J. ebster's Dictionary. may be counted as four words. a greater number of times than the il Bank." state the number of words contained ived, and the deposit awarded on the ilding, the date of which will be anrs may be withdrawn at any time, as all ent, but if left three months, or longer, 1 four per cent (4) per annum, comNational Bank, SOUTH CAROLINA. SFUL, SECURE. | in ?i sin mm wmKmnmammnamammammmm?mmB?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmamaBammMi ing a Buggy 1 bbmbbb??B???? tsks 3}i ' . ^.^7*'*"'"" ^ ... _ p ^^^HOCK Hlk.L BUGCV C(L f ' I HILL.S J ' J ^ e, for the manufacturers are ??1 lich goes into every vehicle ||| ock Hill Buggies are "a little aring qualities are there, and ||| in buying a buggy. ||1 ave left a few of the good ||$ and mules we bare been telli about. They are going to and tbat rigbt away, for stock i)t stay long in our stables ||| Our customers conic from far >ni\ for they know we have |i? ive some mighty fine mules, ||i . See our stock before buying. |i| MULE COJ