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SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. I? Gratifying progress is being made in erecting the bank building in Pineville and it is the hope of the officers to open the institution for business within a few days. Miss Estelle Massey, second daughter of Postmaster B. H. Massey, has accepted a position in the millinery department of a ladies' furnishing store in Charlottesville. Va. After being out of the service for three vears. Robert R_ White. son of Mr. A. S. White, has again enlisted in the United States army and is stationed in Atlanta, being attached to the hospital corps. Mrs. Addie Odell. of Concord, i N. C.. was a visitor to Fort Mill Tuesday. Mrs. Odell was formerly the wife of the late Col. John M. White and resided in Fort Mill until her marriage to I J. M. Odell about 15 years ago. Elsewhere in The Times is published a liquor ordinance adopted at the last meeting of council. The provisions of the ordinance are strict and it would be well for those who are likely to run foul of the law to read it carefully. One of the crying needs of Fort Mill is more residences for rent. Within the last 30 days a number of good citizens who would have made their home here have located elsewhere because of their inability to secure suitable houses in which to live. The annual supper of the Fort Mill Light Infantry was given at the club house of the company, two miles south of town, Thursday evening. The weather was somewhat inclement for a j - ? i- ? .4-1.- A- i ' " unve into me country, out an who attended report a pleasant ?? occasion. President Johnson has just contracted for six large iron fire escapes to be placed on the dormitories and main building of Winthrop college. These will be placed as quickly as possible. The fire escape selected is considered the safest and best on ] the market. Monday morning \V. B. Meacham sold to J. C. McLure, a Pineville merchant, the 2-story brick building which was erected by the former on Main street in Pineville last fall. The first floor of the building will be used by Mr. McLure as a store room and the second floor will be used as a lodge ball by Pineville secret orders. This is the season of the year when the itinerant patent medicine faker begins his annual game of swindling credulous negroes. The negroes of this j section, al least many of them, have been the victims of these | sharpers in the past, but it is to . be hoped that experience has taught them that they have all to lose and nothing to gain by dealing with these people. An unusual sight for this season of the year was the appearance on Main street Monday morning of live wagons loaded with cotton. The cotton, 1(.) bales, was bought by the Mills & Young Co. from \V. J. Carr, i 1 Tnmn nnnnlu \I i % c % \ UIIMVY, J ^ . \ , I c 11 11 11 I , whose plantation is in the Marvin section. Mr. Carr received 14 1-2 cents per pound for the cotton, or a total of $1,437.02. The cotton could have been sold on January 1st for 161-4 cents per pound. There is considerable complaint by citizens of Fort Mill over what seems to them the unnecessary annoyance to which they are subjected in the early morning hours by the continued blowing of whistles. There is an ordinance on the statute books of the town making it a misdemeanor for the blasts of locomotive whistles to continue beyond a specified time, but the ordinance does not apply to the blowing of the whistles of local industries. Mrs. S. J. Patterson, of the Pleasant Valley section of Lancaster county, was bereaved Friday night by the death of her mother, Mrs. W. J. Bynum, in Waxhavv, N. C. Besides eight ? other children, Mrs. Bynum is survived by the liev. H. C. Bynum, a well known member of the North Carolina Methodist conference, who is pastor ot a church at Kernersville. Mrs. Bynum had always resided in w Waxhaw and was a good woman, whose death is deplored by the entire community. P. H. Stallings' Store of Low Prices You will find here a comnlpfp linp of Drv fiooHs 1 Notions, Shoes, Clothing, Etc., at prices that are sure to please. 36-inch all wool blk. Serge$| AA worth $1.25, our price.. l.UU 36-inch wool blk. Cashmere 1 AA worth $1.25, our price., l.vlv AH wool Serge Shadow HTLg* worth $1, our price I 36-inch black Taffeta Silk 1 AA worth $1.25, our price.. i.UU 36-in blk D. J. Taffeta Silk ?7C worth $1, our price I vC Tussah Silk worth 65c, CAp our price, per yard uUC 36-inch Henrietta worth OCp 85c, our price, per yd LtDL Wash Silks worth 60 cts., CAp our price, per yard Jl/C Soisette Silks all colors, yd..25c Mescotta Poplin, per yard 25c WHITE GOO^S I At prices to suit all 10, a 12A, 15, 20 and 25c the yard. I 26-inch bleached dress I.inen a I at. the yard 50c 5 Linen Suiting at, i . r > nrd 50c w R Q IPhenix Linen at, net- yard 1 "c E Saxony Clothnt, p< . yard 12e Panama Cloth at. per yd 20c I Big values in ladies' Fancy and I - Plain Tailored Waists from 50c up. . Bleaching 5c, OJe, 8Jc, 10c and I 12c. LAD1ES' 11 ()S1 EHY The best \ that can be had for the money, I pair, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c and $1.50 CLOTHING. Our line of Clothing is complete. We can save you 20 ix*r cent by buying your suit here. We handle the well known "Griffon Brand" Clothing, every suit of which is guaranteed. You take no risk in buying this clothing. See our line of Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Half Hose, Suspenders, Etc., before buying. We can save you money. We guarantee satisfaction or youranoney back. P. H. STALLINGS. I J | Garden Seeds | May's and Ferry's | ? m m'-nrnTCvr.- 'tnrrj?owira--iwi?vi t | | ^ We have more confidence in g ? May'.- Seeds than any gr-wn, 8 $ much that we guarantee every I | package. If they don't come up, I | just say the word and we will I give you another package to re1 place it. r, cji Card Domino Cards to play | 2 "42," 2o cents. <3 Trail Cards, ">u cents. All the 5* rage and the latest craze. 1 I Now is the time to use Bed- f ^ bug exterminator. We have it f J and you can depend upon it to do ? ,4 the bu dness. j rucmMii if i. M?rg-ir'?r,.->s-? i i t Ardrey's. 1 i -JU w r II11 i IWWIII.R This Wee! at F Lima Beans, per quart Patent Flour, per sack Fancy Patent Flour, per sack 2 1-2 pound can Coffee, 50c kii 10c can Coffee, 2 cans for Possum Brand Coffee, 25c kind Arbuckle Coffee, package Fancy Green Co*fe. pound 15c Beets, can Eagle Thistle Soda. 3 packs Prunes. 12 l-2c kind Seed Irish Potatoes, peck Ealino " " Karo Corn Syrup, gallon N. O. Sugarhouse Molasses, ga A WANTED Several good, fresh mile cows. L. A. HARRIS & CO. FOR SALE Eggs for setting froi pure-bred Wycaw White leghorns $1.00 for 15. D. A. LEE. Spring are R Now you are just as an are to have you. Schloss Baltir 1 he line that is undisputed! Ready-1 o-Wear Clothes foi j All tl ic other Ne\% Wear is ready froi ## YOU] Z( CjShould confori W ner as to brin \ fUSUTe' pW"V / ^Some corsets r :// is to it. Cjl he feshiors f . lines instead ( 1 _ n I I ^ p hus you are Jir J' PROOF cors< | jc ttoslF/wg^ not be uncom a CSomehow or other the mani j WARNER'S RUST PROOF cot the knack of making corsets th? binding, and that means so nethi II j CjjWe are selling th'se BEST cors 4 and $1.50. K ItJAnd when you come to buy a RUST PROOF, ask to see a "E it's a new kind of band that li ure shapely. . ! E. W. KJmbrel il i :t (i \ 1. A DIES! Bijt line of Embroidery, ! aces ^ and Ribbons at Mills & Young Co's new s store. ??????^ II ?M??? *'s Specials! ITE'S 10c $3.15 $3.35 id. for 45c 15c 20c 15c 12 l-2c 10c 10c 10c 35c 25c 40c ll^n 40c J.- r** m * wr ^ FITE. ^ FOR SALE Elms property in Fort Mill. Two-story, 7-room dwelling, 1J acre lot,, with good barn, orchard n 1 and well. For price and terms, write j i. W. L. Plextoo, Rock Hill, S. C. List your property with me. : X ? A A CMIOM I MM. C*. ! T T +* Ctrtkn a. a MIImm u< Mm Ywft . . Suits H eady i * xious to see them as we nore Clothes j? y pre-eminent in American r Men ana l oung Men. y"_ Spring Men's ^ m Shoes to Hat. ieu & X?o | | It CORSET I m to your body in such a man- ^ g out all the best lines of your are tight and that's all there ^ _ m 1% or this season are running to >f curves. able with a WARNER'S RUST it to get the correct shape end I ifortr ble. facta rers or s?ts have o it fit without ng, do-sn't i ? ^ ;;ts far $1 03 ?- 4^\ WARNER'S IRASSIERE," n | ik l \ ;eeps the fi rv.A I r ' i l Co. MESl I * F01M) Special bargain Ginghams, .1 ml IVr. nl.>c nt Mill* X. \ ... .... Co.'s new store z THE BES The best move for you to mal self and cease paying rent. In pay it off and then you will hav S most inportant point is to see tl ? is up to the highest mark. Th t secure your material from me. * * J DOORS, SASH, BUN * * ii__ 1 - \ \ V. B. BL J (Prompt m * .. i . ' ... ; 1 ? . Ill . ' COME SEEi OUR NEW SPRING GOODS! tt which are arriving daily. We have the largest and <j>4* best stock of 4^ MILLINERY | we have shown in several years, and our new plan of hav- j>? ingour hats trimmed in Baltimore eliminates the tremen dous expense of keeping a high-priced milliner all season, j|<| and enables us to furnish UP-TO-DATE MlLLINERY at about half the usual prices. Will be ready for your inspection March 24th. L. J. MASSEY. | y t The Gr ocer j| & "We may Five without i'ri- nds. 0 We may live without books, ?$) But civilized man Cannot live without cooks." 55 And the most successful cooks derive better results 55 when they buy their eatables from Jones. So fall in line with the successful ones and try our Tomatoes, Stringless Beans, Van Camp and Campbell's Pork and Beans, Hamberger Steak, Sliced Chipped Beef, Corn Beef Hash, Pot- ^ ted Ham and Roast Beef. JR New shipment of Celery Salt. White House. Tetley and Lipton Tea, choice Evaporated Apples, Lemon Cling V; and Pie Peaches. Car load of Dan Valley Flour just in. ? Fresh Meats at all times. & Phone your orders to No. 14. Prompt delivery and ^ satisfaction guaranteed. ^ JONES, The Grocer | Wood's Liver Medicine I (In liquid form, pleasant to take) For Chills, Fever and Malaria I Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, and all other symptoms of deranged liver quickl^ overit ? come. A tonic tG the system, liver, kidney, bladder and blood. Parks Drag Co. ^ msr&sx&mmsnFZKr -- rr'-rvasams til the new fa<-es oftvpr lor Frst-clnss Joh Printini>' at The I into oT?ce. 15 T MOVE, [ ;e is to build a home for your- * a few years you will be able to S jj j e your own home clear. The ?s I ^ ^; ? lat the quality of your lumber r j ? OS, MNTELS, ETC. | ! <* nitw?M?m?WBWWWWMw?rx<ttgwwwwa? ? -.-? " .ANKENSI- i ^ 5 ? . - 5 ? yP : delivery of Coal and Wood ) I# _ I*