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I . I - 1 ' SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Alva Y. Williamson, of Atlanta, is spending a few days with relatives in town. The hunting season of 19091910 closed Monday and quite a . number^of gunners were early afield to take advantage of the "last day of grace," as one cx_ pressed it. The Rock Hill Herald is authority for.the statement that W. B. Wilson, Jr., will not be a candidate for reelection to the house of representatives in the primary next Angus*. Mr?. A. B. Williams, of Charlotto, daughter o>" R. Y. Williamson, of Fort Mill, underwent r surgical operation in a Charlotte hospital Monday afternoon. Mrs. Williams' condition is satisfactory. Reduced rates have been granted by the Southern railway to those who attend the exercises incident to the presentation of the silver service to the battleship South Carolina. The tickets will be sold on April 11 and 12 and the final limit is April 16. * Capt. J. W. Ardrey recently sold in Boston, Mass., a bale of long staple cotton for which he received $102.24. The cotton was grown on the plantation in the'rear of Capt. Ardrev's home and from seed furnished by the agricultural department in Washington. The 12-year-old son of Henry Gordon, an employe of the Fort Mill Mfg. Co., died Monday morning. . The little boy had been afflicted with epilepsy several years and his death was nnovnonhw 1 TVw, 1-; VV J I1VJ UVMIV N1. interred in the town cemetery Tuesday afternoon. M. J. Porter, of Charlotte, and Miss Callie Sears, of Concord. N. C.. came to Fort Mill Sunday afternoon and were married at the Palmetto hotel at 7 o'clocl by the Rev. Mr. Hair, pastor of the Baptist church. They were accompanied l y Miss Mannie Sears, sister of the bridej The board of tax assessors Fort Mill township as recently appointed by Governor Ansel, upon the recommendation of the York delegation in the General Assetnblv, is composed of S. H. .Eyps, Sr., W. L. Hall and D. G. Kimbrell. The work of the board will be begun early this month. Clark Robinson, a well known citizen of the Providence neighborhood, has announced himself a candidate for sheriff of Meck* lenburg county, N. C., and his friends are hopeful of his success. Providence township enjoys the distinction of being the banner Democrat ic township of Mecklenburg county. It is said that there has never been a white Republican vote cast in the township. Mr. Jos. Parks is the oldest citizen of thjs community. On last Friday Mr. Parks celebrated Pic QTt 1-1 llil*tllil<?\* 1 I It ic i?/im n i.L VM Ull "H ?.?!? IH,T 1 J V IP I V- 111(11 rvabl*r active for one of his years and seldom a day passes in which he is not seen on the streets of the town. He is a veteran of the Confederacy and enjoys the distinction of being1 the only citizen of this.section who not only fought, for the Southern cause himself but also had a son in the army. Fort Mill township is to be divided into three census districts instead of two districts and the number of enumerators will be increased accordingly. This information was sent out one day last week from the office of the census supervisor for this congressional district. At the examination for enumerators held by Postmaster Massey some weeks ago, five citizens of the township stood the test and it is expected that the names of the successful applicants will be announced within two weeks. Evidently the farmers of this section are impressed with the sapient saying that fertilizers cost less than labor. During the last fortnight scores* of farm 1 ~ i.A 1 waguns nave uume iu tuwn ana returned to the plantations of their owners loaded with commercial fertilizers for the coming season. This, too, notwithstanding the fact that the public roads are in bad condition from the recent rains. Ail which indicates that the use of fertilizers hereabouts this year will be in excess of the amount used in any year in the past. It seems that the farmers have decided to increase the amount of fertilizer used per acre on a smaller acreage, with the hope of a better yield per acre. Q * ? ffHiii f Honor Roll for February. The honor roll and names of the ' pupils who attained first rank at the Fort Mill graded school for the month of February is as follows: Tenth Grade?Honor roll, none; first rank, none. Ninth Grade- Honor roll. Aline ; Barber; Julia Boyd, Sam Lee, | Esther McMurray; first rank, ! Julia Boyd, Sam Lee. 1 Eighth Grade?Honor roll, ; Ruth Meacham, Monroe White; | first rank, Monroe White. Seventh Grade No report on I account of teacher being sick. Sixth Grade?Honor roll, James Gaston; first rank, Zenas Grier, i 1. r' * I I uotner ivieacnam, violet Liulp, James Young. Fifth Grade- Honor roll, none; j first rank. Lillian Potts, Cornelia f Harris, Marjorie Mills, Alice Bradford, Willie Sellers, Mary | Sellers. Fourth Grade ? Honor roll, {none: first rank. Agnes Link, William Ardrey, Odell Kimbrell, t Lewis Hutchison, Julia Armstrong, Mary McLaughin, Ola Creighton, John A. Boyd, Andrew Hafner, Alfred Jones, Sam Hutchison, Luther Belk. Third Grade Honor ^oll. none; first rank, Malcolm Link, Mary Spratt, Ruth McLaughlin, Johnsie Branson. Second Grade?Honor roll, Andral Ferguson, Beatrice P^irks, Paul Summerville, Maude McKain, William Grier, Aileen Merritt. First Grade?Honor roll, Ladson Mills, John Robert Harris, j Vernie Plvler, Ruby Plyler, | Johnnie Wilson, Harvey Wagner, i Blanche Moser. I Esther McMurray's name was left oft' the honor roll last month through mistake. >- cnR.'?wn anotanm ? ijj Beach-Ihrie's I ? i ? We have the most up-to-date I I lines ol ' Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Class, J China, Clock: , I B and mm y ether useful and orna- I mental good to be found in this 8 I 2 section of tl country, i 8 We hall bo glad to hear from B j 8 you when in need of anything in B j 8 our line. Repairing and Engraving a Specialty j Local Watch Inspectors for Southern Railway. Beacli-lhrie Jewelry Co., Reliable Jewelers, Rock Hill, - - - S. C. ! mwammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmm HORSESHOEING. I would c-nll the attention of the farmers an 1 others or this community to the fact that 1 have in my employ the best horseshoer ever engaged in toll is section. I am also prepared to do First-class Repair Work of all kinds, both in wood and iron, and I guarantee all work done at my shops to be the best. I thank the people of Fort Mill and nearby communities for the i work entrusted to me during the 30-odd years 1 have been here and I hope to be accorded the same liberal patronage in the future. h. a.'YOUHG. Your Vegetable . Garden i T f i o 4-1 ?/v 1 AL ib 10 uuvv time w UK geiunp i it in order. Every family should have one. Not only profitable, hut a pleasure to grow your own vegetables. As to Garden Seeds We are now receiving our annual fresh stock consisting of corn, beans, peas, turnips, pepper, tomatoes, watermelons, canteloupes, etc. Buy your garden seeds from us and make a success of gardening this year. Fort Mill Drug Comp'y ). R. HAILE, Mgr. % ' 1 oc i t ; ' STYLISH SPR1 . -IN Howard -ANI Soft I NOW ON DISPLAY FOR All the Popular Shades in i Tan, Gray a WE INVITE AN EAP I McELHANEY & The /I ?, And <l:> be p1 NFW Si A 1 JUfl V T k^A We are handling the fashionable "Sirrah" Skirts made by I, A. Harris & Bros., New York. "Sirrah" Skirts areMost fashionable, Most beautiful, Most durable. $5.00, $6.00, $7.50. E. W. Kirr t ... Ordor your Job Printii : Blacksmith Shop, j Horseshoeing is a specialty ^ with me and I am prepared to 4 do all kinds of repair work. If ! vou need anv Harrows. Harrow i 4 Teeth, Painting, Etc., see me ! and I will save you money. < When you come to town hitch \ your team in my lot. J Fred B. Kimbrell. 1U U--1 -.X . - L 1 FOR SALE?Elms property in Fort * Mill. Two-story, 7-room dwelling, < 1| acre lot, with good barn, orchard < and well. For price and terma, write ( W. L. Plexico. Rock Hill, 8. C. Liat < your propertyfwith me. < ___ *? nf: ] , 4 NG SHAPES | <n ? Derbies * i + )iats L YOUR INSPECTION } f 0 5oft Hats?the new Lead, ^ nd Fog. I ILY INSPECTION. = I l COMPANY. ji T - - - -i- - - - - e < Beautifully, \ 1 we know you will ~ eased with these j CIRTS. tbrell Co. 4 fill rai ii? iron* The Times., % / ' %.%.-%.%. -V5J | THE BES The best move for you to ma > self and cease paying rent. Ir ! pay it off and then you will ha > most inportant point is to see t ( is up to the highest [mark. T > secure your material from me. > l DOORS, SASH, BUI V. B. BI ( Promp ? ? $ <$*?> <$ ?> $> <$> <?: <?> <$> .> * &*?>+<?>+<$?*? : $ < * - > ? ? i > $ ? $ || i| ?1 11 gJ444ij_i_^/^Si!^ ft . T BfK q, >e ^ Kfc ? i. lil^i ( fo , * ; v ? C| A + ll limn liiy^r ;;iifll * 4 "J ft 1 r '? , , . ^ i ou have heart.! of the follow who built his house * .* on the Sand, and the one that built on a rock. , ^ The sand applies to fences. A good iron fence . will las'. . '. : , I 1 v nrs < : a vb- verv * V* ? * little more than a wood fenc li .it will last only ^ about ten years. Besides the iron fence improves tlv.' lo As of your pi rtv and makes it more valuable.- We sell Stewart's Iron Fence ** r , ' which is the best on the market, h'ou will be : surprised to know how low the prices are. Call A and let us show you. Styles?suitahle? lawn or cemetery lot. :t L. J .~MASSEY. H xxitexx&XM&xiKt I JONES,TheGrocer I * ?? 1 Fresh lot of molasses just received. S ^ Try our Ponce-De-Leon Georgia-Florida Cane ^ ? Syrup. It's fine. JR ^ Use Eagle Thistle Soda. You get sixteen ounces ^ for five cents. Just four mo-e ounces rhar. any V v other kind. If you have a ticket, come g^t the JT J- free package. ^ Plant Red Bliss Seed Potatoes; 45c r>er peck. ? Home-raised Rust-proof Seed, 75c per , ^ bushel. ^ f JONES, The Grocer. 1* s B2c^is^>CTja??i,^T:saa6 ss^is^sase.' ^ . .. r-. .n-^anB Wood's Liver Med tie (In liquid form, pleasant to la"' e) For Chills, Fever and Malaria I Headache, Biliou i ^onstipalion, and all other symptoms of deranged liver quid- * ~ overcome. A tonic to izie sy.-r liver, kidnev. h?ad !-r < I fy j r\ J " ./-v.- ',. ' All the now faces of tyjic .* * 'a Job Printing at The Times ofeoo. %/%, -fw-% -% %/%'% % ^ ^ * -* - - v ^.?r ~it T MOVE $ ???- |fl M \ ke is to build a home for your- * 1 a few years you will be able to ^ 1 i jl ve your own home clear. The fc. I ' f | J hat the quality of your lumber hp: ; p: j ^ his will be guaranteed if you ^ I j ? IDS, MANTELS, ETC. MEl'^ \ -^P^i $ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmamammmmmmmmmmmmmmmaammmmmmmmm i iw n i mm 'mmmmcamrmvmrwmmammmrwmrmmmmmm ^ LANKENSHI P. j t delivery of Coal and Wood) <| ****** **!* ********************** **^ I i