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The Fort Mill Times. DEMOCRATIC. Published Thursday Mornings. B. W. & \V. R. Bradford Publishers W. R. Bradford Editoi B. W. Bradford Manacei 4- ?' Subscription Rates: One Year.. .. .. ? $1.2 Six - ..... ... .A FORT Mll.L. S. C.. MARCH lain. T. G. McLeod, Candidntc for Governor. in me uemocratic primary t< be held next August the voters of South Carolina will have the opportunity to select an exceptionally good man for governor in the person of Thos. G. McLeod, the present lieutenant governor. Mr. McLeod has an absolutely clean record; he is far and away above the average man in ability; he is a strict party man, being unwilling to concede that anything good can come out of the Republican Nazareth; he is honest and will enforce the laws of the State so far as in his power lies. He does not think that one rule of conduct should be applied to one class of citizens and a different fule to another class. He is no dreamer of Utopian dreams wandering after the strange and (in South Carolina) untried god of prohibition. Were he a seeker of this ptiiuinbra, these lines would not be written. Mr. M r* T QArl f Lah/vL ATJLVJUWU| itilUU&Il tUIiipcll clll Vt'l V young in years, is old and wellgrounded in Democratic principles, and this being true, he will, so far as the liquor question is concerned, ask the support of the voters of the State on a local option platform- the one safe platform touching the question upon which any Democrat can go before the people as a candidate and be consistent with the principles of our party time out of mind. In his position on the liquor question Mr. McLeod stands wirh the greatest living exemplar of Democracy, William Jennings Bryan. He is otherwise before the people as a candidate for the governorship on equally safe ground. He believes in the enforcement of the law with an even hand, which means equal and exact justice to all. If he is elected?and the voters of South Carolina will favor themselves more by electing Mr. McLeod than they will favor him?our people may confidently expect a thoroughly honest and economical administration, with a strong elfort at retrenchment, and the conse quent lowering of taxes?, in every department of the government. The Charlotte News is one newspaper with high ideals of the ethics of journalism. Last Sunday The News erroneously attributed to this paper an edi% torial relating to the liquor situation in Charlotte, with a yardlong editorial comment thereon. No such editorial ever appeared in The Times and the editor of this paper wrote a courteous note to the editor of The News, requesting that it be published in justice to The Times. The disclaimer sent The News has been ignored. It is not enough that The News publish an al most unuiscoveraoie paragraph stating that the mistake was made. Why did The News refuse to give the communication of the editor of this paper the publicity it deserved? For nc other reason than that The News is a makeshift of a newspaper. Imaginerthe Columbia State or the Charleston News and Courier holding up such a communication to try to hide a similar mistake! If it were not a waste oi lather to shave an ass, we should have something a little more strenuous to say on this subject. > #> , SENATOR TILLMAN -AN APPRECIATION. Chatt&noom* News. While there is some improvet ment in the condition of Senatoi " Benjamin R. Tillman, of Soutl Carolina, the general impressior Ts that his active days are numbered. It is doubtful if he wil ever appear again in the senate, even should he be able to leavt his bed. His public career i; 1 I-uvjuciuij VIU3CU. Senator Tillman is a man ol great native ability, undoubtec courage and honesty of purpose, His speeches, though lacking ir polish, are full of good, hart ? sense. No matter where he J finds an abuse in government, he hits it hard and fearlessly. If ho sees an abuse by the president of the United States he does not withhold his condemna' tion. The higher in authority > the official is who may have com; mitied an improper act, the harder Senator Tillman strikes him. He spares no public official. high or low. At times we may differ from him in point of ; method, but in almost every instance we are compelled to admit that he is right. He has native ability, plenty of it: he is courageous as a lion: we believe that he is always sincere in what he does as a senator of the United States. His place in history, therefore, will be among the able, fearless and honest men that the South sent to Washington to represent her. i It is doubtful if the death of i any Southern man would cause ' more general regret than that of Senator Tillman. More than any other man in public life he represents the valor, the integrity and the ideals of the old South. He stands for the ideals of the South and is always ready 10 chamnu n i':;cuKonf n n...-.* ?' mm ~??v 'V \/ L U MW.I tiiV I. II State, and every maligner of the South fears him. If the South was assailed and a reply was necessary, Senator Tillman could always he relied upon. He never disappointed his constituency. When he arose to speak we knew substantially what he would say and how he would say ! it. His policy was to drive straight at an adversary and tell the naked truth. He frequently seemed harsh and unnecessarily bitter in debate, but that is his way of rep'-lii >g some insinuation that had tilled his soul with con, tempt. He knows the South and its people, is their friend, and he resents any remark in the senate that does not comport with his knowledge of Southern conditions and the ideals of his people. The bitterest speeches that he has ever made were in combatting the ignorance that exists in some quarters on the race issue at the South. He has no respect for a white man who entertains opinions contrary to his own on this question. I Senator Tillman has never been regarded as a great consti, tutional lawyer. He prided himself on the fact. He has said on a number of occasions that Ue is a plain country lawyer -a Cornfield lawyer, we believe, was the way he expressed it. How ever, Iiis speeches on leg; dation involving: constitutional pa s ions show that he had a fair and correct knowledge of the spirit ofour constitution. An examination of The Congressional Record will doubtless reveal the fact that Senator Tillman has tdways voted on the side oi' the common people. He believes in the people and respects their rights. It gives him pleasure to oppose and denounce the plunderers of the people. He has no patience with an administration that will ! not enforce the laws against great combinations of capital | that he believes are making life ; burdensome to the consumer. His speeches against trusts and combines, thieves in high places i and official dereliction made him the special target for the agents of the plunderers in Congress or through the public prints. But tney never hurt him in the public ! esteem. He held his ground ' manfully and until disease struck him down the people felt that 1 they had a champion in him. South Carolina has given , many able men to the nation. Their places in history are secure. Senator Tillman is not the 1 scholar that some of them were; > he lacks the polish that great i South Carolinians in the past have shown in the public service, , and he is below the standard of his State in training, but he is as honest and brave as any of thern. When time has softened . the prejudices and given the ? country a better view of the j stricken senator, we believe that he will be honored as one of the ! South's greatest men in public , life since the war. * i . _ i Behind My S i You will find a reasonablene 1 the most economical to us I will be eaten and nothing w an order and you'll see how store, and how far the groc are certain to be pleased wi F I mi ? ? ? ** inis wcck l am ottering as ! Karo Corn Syrup, the i Golden Glory Cookinj Granulated Sugar, 17 I Arbuckle's Coffee, th< ti 'i? 'giinnym Jt i ? _ ; : Buggies, ? liar Just received a new li Side Sprii All kinds of Harness?ai Cracker up. When you need anythin we'll try to please you. A few Lap Robes left th - Blount's Tru Are the best. Sold by W. F? HARK M EACH Al No Nan We have ttfe agency for the ; Swell line both in black and color Three Dollar Hat on the market Kim 25 or 'AO short and long Kimoni a price that will move the lot: All 75-cent Long Kimon< All 50-cent Short Kimon< All 25-cent Short Kimon* I Pats Ladies' Home Journal Patterns style book, just out. The book i: you get both for 20 cents. MEACHA Lumber We are pre pared to fill orders, Dressed and F Our mills are locate?! near Fori it this section, and with improve ence we iruaranlee satisfaction HOKE, MASSE | What do | you think H Long established in one locality, I catering to and satisfying hun dreds of customers, it seems rea sonahle that others can depend on us for medicines. Equipment, | experience and training make our I store particularly inviting for all I drug business. LET US FILL YOUR PRF^rRlPTIftNS I Bring every prescription direct I I to us and it will be filled with I accuracy and care, with stanI dardized drugs, by men with the "know how," assuring both doctor and patient the good results expected. Doesn't this appeal to you? : I Ardrey's. ' FOR SALE?New lot of froet-prool Cabbage Plants of the Early Jersej Wakefield variety. B. M. Faris. WANTED?Several good, fresh mile! ' cows. L. A. HARRIS ft CO. n A/ ' I V . I ' s elect Groceries' ;ss in price that makes them e. Everything you buy here ill go to waste. Try* me with far your money goes at this eries go in your home. You th both, specials : gallon,. .... 40c. g Oil, the gallon 35c lbs. to the dollar, e pound ... 15c MHW^iiii iii'i W , k'tfsui e,r n? >*t . OJV /agons and ness. ot of those Reinforced ng Buggies iy piece or part from Whip g in this line come to see us; at we will sell at cost. ie Blue Plows us. MS 3 SONS rgvrwvtnjty -r. jt;w. jfyjr^y,uman?-tnanvjwwnin i r 1 M&EPPS. tie Hats. ibove Hat and have in stock a s. This is without doubt the best today. Call to see them. onos. ds left. We have decided to make js, now 49c. :>s, now 39c. :>s, now 19c. :erns. j carried in stock, also the new s worth 20c but with a 15c pattern M & EPFS. For Sale, large or small, for all kinds of lough Lumber. Mill in the tint st tract, of timber (I machinery and years of experii with every order. Phone 1-a. Y & COMPANY. Reach Baseball Goods |?r/yjtoericaii Lea ftlSflli <al? ) The Reach trademark is a guarantee of satisfaction ai>d perfection. We are confident of the quality of these goods and will replace any defective Reachmade article (except baseballs and bats fiAfltinff looa than \ ft nour Ano Baseball clubs will find it to their interest to correspond with us about uniforms. Call at The Times office for a Reach baseball catalog. S. B. McMASTER, SPORTING GOODS, Columbia, - - S. C. ^ FOR SALE?C. B. Kimbrell'a Ranalesburg store is now open for two weeks. Lots of roods at cost. Shoes, Dry i Goods, Drugs and a general assortment of goods. C. B. KimbrelL I g?CKO<CKCIICKg?C??>tt Si WE POINT I II Iffl fi K j To our spkndkl slock of Fnn most reliable brands of canned j|jI tables, etc. We handle none I g kind of j/oods having a guaran fe| or loose groceries, like tea. coll Sl ices, etc., \vc also cany tl ? j Prices are alv- ays fair. Pla ne Shi' rrent of fresh Kalanw. C!| < 9 g Stewart & Cul fi 0? ??0000000? 0? I An Up-T< | Hardwc s Where yon will always (inc 0^) little things that are never at 0 well as everything in Mechar vO Farmers' Implements of snpe quality, is the store that is al ?-;> don't want to waste time and line we are offering the peopl (jg) over our stock of I lardware. P $ Groc< Kg _ We have also added to out &? well selected stock of Heav Vv ? Tl >c stock is all fresh and we (;;l every purchase. Phone us y ? will make prompt delivery an 1 McEihanev ? ? ???????????? ?8 w7 H. HOOVER'S PRIC CORN WHISKIES. 1 0;<l Now Corn <2.on one Year old 2.35 Two Year Old 3.On Three dear ol<! ::.2"i llm vrrV old Mountain Corn 2.5>? Hoover's' l'rlvate Sto<k 3.o > C.u al.ontiu- Corn 3.00 KYK WHISKIES. I loovi-r' Choice l.Oo Tioover ' SoutS urn Slates 'J l.\e?-lsior 2.1'? UIbsen 4.50 Old ITont ! c 4.0 ' 1'.>i <iok (bottled in bond) 3 (1 ven River (bottb-d In bondi Old V.ivlor (bottled In bond 1 4.0" A! i 11 .(1 I hot I It'll io I'-owl I Ov of holt Jotro:-.,ti t'l :!. a.7:. oi.i lliMiiv ( (>1.1 Cnmil 11. t! :;.!*<) I. \V Harper Va. Volley _'.r.,? NO CI J AIM3K KOIt .M'CS OTt l'ACIvlX. chiii^is, deduct for 1 or 1! gallons >' ? oeii 1J quarts, jl.lo. Special prices on W. H. HOOVER & ( I We have just bought a large Oak Top Dining Tables like ci next 30 days at the following 1 54-inch Quartered Top 8 feet lonp J 48-inch " 8 " \\ Im-incn " "8 " 42-inch 44 "8 44 " 45-inch 44 44 6 " " 42-inch 44 44 6 44 44 We guarantee these tables to work well and give satisfactior I We pay the freight. W. G. REID | ROCK HI1 t iiiit?M " *~-Y * withTrTde! b r 8 ?b *cy Groceries, including the ?? meats, fruits, ?\sh. vege- |Q >ut the purest products?the In tee of quality. In ordinary IK I JK fee, sut ar, butter, cheese, K e stillli : a.' on: liti. c jO i us an order. 15 0 cekrv each Tuesday. 8 _ 5 J 1 elephone i 1 Number 15. B i 1 ??????<SHS)?? ?6) >Date ?: ire Store | 1 the thousand ancl one x> hand when wanted, as Q tics' Tools, Builders and 60 rior manufacture and best ? ways sought when you j? that is just the kind of e today. Call and look ]o[ Vt9 ==?? @ *ries | business a complete and a y and 1 ancy Groceries. guarantee satisfaction on CO our wants and our wagon (2) * ywhere in the city. ? t P ? ? it company ? 0 ?QQQQQ?????Q? T I [CT EXPRESS CHARGES L101, PREPAID. 4 Gal- 4 yts. G Qts. 12QtK 2 *? -? *? $? J.... 1 l it fi.oo a.*;o s.uo ..... ..! ii. mt ?s. jr. I*?rt - * s 25 ' "" r'" 3.110 ] ,j5 ?i qij ' "" ' "?<> ::.itu i 2:, j. K.I V25 2.00 3.00 2 ' : 1 ' O-i"! 1.75 7.on ] i.5o ' 1-t lit J 5.tut 4.0(1 r. ltd i" di) r'"' 1 1.2d d.L'.. 12.011 ' ' 10. dO 1:1.0(1 (.25 (>.35 12,0(1 5.0(1 ti 75 12 76 _ 5 00 0.75 I:: 2f? ".On I 1.25 1 I.on 5.I1 ' 0,75 1 ; 25 7.10 10...0 1.75 0 75 i : 5 i Y" : v O.v., 12.7.(1 .. 1 o 10.50 1 3.00 I (Id l o ii i 0.50 12.00 I.oil 5 7 5 ]ii iiO 0 50 9.60 12.00 5.00 7.0(1 13.25 1. (* i 0.75 s. 5 o : Ii V?ni desire to pay the o\pres* is. :: l illons, 75 i.-His: i koUoiis. lorKo quantities. It 522 E. Broad Street, IIIC. RICHMOND. VA. A pecial Table j Sale. I i stock of solid Quartered I it and olfer them for the W educed prices: : ,$3o.oo ... $24.00 $20.00 $17.50 $18.00 $14.50 T i ? be in perfect condition, to i or your money refunded. I \ & SONS, X, s. c. f