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The Fort Hi Times. ? DEMOCRATIC. . | Published Thursday Morninjrs. B. W. ft W. R. Bradford Publishers? W. R. Bradford Editor j B. W. Bradford. Manager ? I Subscription Rates: j One Year $1.25 Six Months .66 I I On application to the publisher. advertising ^ rates arc made known to those interested. ^ The Times invites contributions on live subjects, i but does not airree to publish more than 200 words ! ^ on any subject. The rijrht is reserved to edit t every communication submitted for publication. | ? Telephone, local and loner distance. No. 112. 1 ? i' FORT MILL. S. C.. FEBRUARY 24. 1910. i 1 \ . A contemporary announces its ? intention to install a new press. r The installation of a little gray f matter would help some, too. ... in ' 'The old story of a good man j. gone wrong," observes an exchange. Now and then, how- a ever, one hears of a bad man o gone right?when he lands in 1 the pen. Sing me a song of ^ Seminole. * * j p If Congress is to present Peary t) with a gold n edal for his alleged fi discovery of the North Pole, / why not a banjo for Mat Hansen, s the negro who, it is claimed, ac- [, companied him? n The man who believes the Re- !] publican party over intended to t pass any legislation in the inter- a est of the people is standing on ? the street corner waiting for !( some one to come along and {. c i e: iuui mill. t . . . | j If the voters of South Carolina ^ are not a hit exacting in the ? election next August, 'brass" ^ may answer the call for brains, j in which event there v ill > e no i doubt about the initials ol the v next governor. t * * * Wringing money from the pock- 0 ets of the people at least pos-' S sesses the virtue of affording ex- 1 ercisc, which ought to be a consideration in these days of d strenuous campaigning for the ? health of the count 1 \. \l Sure, there's many a slip 'twixt v the cup and the lip. Likewise j] many a voter 'twixt the perspiring candidate and the executive t mansion. Call to the bar Richard j; I. Manning, C. C. Featherstone J and Cole L. Blease. s * ^ If State Senator Clifton, of (j Sumter county, had been paid one cent for each word he uttered r during the recent session of the ;c Legislature, he could back John j D. Rockefeller into a corner and ; c make the old he trust magnate s look like a rag-picker. t * | s A Yorkville correspondent says 1 that business has been dormant ( in that section for the last six ( weeks. Others add that the ; { sound of a hammer or saw in the i staid old town is heard so infre- ' quently that the noise is feared N lest it produce heart disease in the natives. I * * I The VVinnsboro News and Her- ; * aid is certain that Senator Till- 1 man dug his own political grave when he attempted toehold his two little grandchildren against the wishes of their mother. We . are not informed whence the Winnsboro paper secured its in- I formation, but it must know what it is talking about, as it has the reputation o;' being unusually accurate in citing the senior senator's obi i navies. Charter Granted Brick Concern. rl ho senrcturv <n' ?- - ^ vv? '* owutv u?ir> commissioned the Catawba Press Brick company of Rock Hill with a capital of $50,(H)O. The company will manufacture and sell pressed brick. The petitioners are W. N. Ashe, J. L. Sowell and S. N. Sowell. This is a! combination of three large brick plants near Rock Hill. h^bbbsb n CRIMINAL SLAUGHTER OF BIRDS. 1 ] In his annual report to the ^ -.egisiature, James Henry Rice, ( fr., secretary of the Audubon \ Society of South Carolina, writes i >f many matters concerning the " )ird, game and fish laws of the state. With reference to the lestruction of birds, Mr. Rice ! ;ays: ] "In South Carolina the Audu- ] >on society has made a marked , lifference in the observance of he laws, and many communities low spare valuable birds that 'ormerly shot them. In some daces violations of the act for . he protection of insect-eating lirds continue, and these violaions for the most part are comnitted by boys who have not >een properly taught. This will >nd with a further spread of knowledge of the birds' value. But there is another class of 'iolators to whom no appeal can iver be made, and that is the nan who shoots birds for their tlumage. He is in a business, orbidden by law, for the money o be made out of it, and no such nan ever listened to anything iut a heavy fine or a chaingang entence. "A few general facts may ssist to put the vast dertruction f bird life more clearly before he reader: "Europe uses annually one undred and fifty million birds 11 the feather trade and formerly imerica used as many a total f three hundred million, oroneifth of all the birds in North America. Lately a good many tatemcnts have gone forth to he effect that native American lirds are no longer used in the nillinery trade. These statenents are made in good faith on greements entered into between he heads of the millinery trade nd the Audubon society; but the tatemcnts are not true! Dealers 11 Columbia, at least, have sold <\.ti -l.i. .. -i- ...l. - I^icucn mi.-. 1.Ml, (III III HI 11 WIIC'll onvicted in court they claimed o be ignorant <>f the law. Both 'hiladelphia and New York were rlutted with nonpareils last sum- \ ner, said to have been sent l'rom j 'harleston and Savannah. There loes not appear to be much v rinciple involved in the millinery >usiness, nor does it seem worth chile regarding- any statement hey make. "This has led to the destruction 1 T more birds than all other c auses combined and civilization j tself is menaced. t "Next in importance comes the gg trade, which still goes on. lespite the efforts of the United t Itates and of the Canadian ( fovernments to stop it. These ggs are generally shipped to 1 iurope and their contents are J ised in the refining of sugar and n glue factories. "Twenty years ago there were housands of the rookeries or reeding places of the snowy lerons around Charleston. To- t lay but two remain, having some ixty odd birds in both. They cere shot into and partially lestroyed this year. "In this contest for the birthight of a nation every good itizen must take a hand; it will lever be won by anybody else. The politician and the man bent, >n selfish ends are of no use in iuch a contest. The appeal is to he citizen who loves his country md means to save it from hreatened ruin. "Within twenty years South Carolina has lost more than half if lt? liir/l< (if oil nlncfdc o ,wl ' . IV */i! vik', v/i (ill ViaoOVP, CAIIVA he invasion of insects, greater tnd more menacing than ever )efore, is a sign in the sky, ,vhich the wise man will heed ind be governed accordingly; 'or the condition is pointed out >\ no soothsayer, no visionary. > 11 by the highest scientific 1 utthoritie of the nation; tiie men ,vho know." More Pay for Constables. The Y irk county section of the general magistrates' bill which was passed by the Legislature hist week contained a provision tht magistrates' constables shall i paid C( ids per mile for taking prisoners to ail, the compensation to up, , lo both the constable uno pri- >ner. but for only one way. This provision was inserted in the i.:n i... o vo him uy ot'iiaior f>i?'wari, WHO recognized the fact that the annual salary of many constables in the county was small ami that it often entailed a hardship upon them to take their prisoners to jail without extra compensation. Hereafter when a prisoner is committed to jail from Fort Mill the constable will be paid $1.10 for mileage, the distance; to the jail being 22 miles. Mr. E. A. Smith, of Charlotte, las made the hearts of the Baptist people of Pineville rejoice by liberally donating them :he nice sum of $900 towards the erection of the commodious and jp-to-date church building which is now going up at that place. STOCKHOLDERS* MEETING. Vntif'P is horohxr muon n .W >IV? v k/j ^I?ru iliac tt IUUVI" np of the stockholders of the Mills & Vounp Company will be held on Friday, February 25th, 1910, at 4 o'clock p, m., for the election of officers and the '.ransaction of any other business that nay come before them. J. B. MILLS. J. T. YOUNG, W. D. WOLFE, Board of Corporators. February 23. 1910. HORSESHOEING. I would call the attention of the farmers and others or this community to the fact that I have in my employ the best horseshoer ever enpaged in this section. I am also pr< pared to do First-class Repair Work of all kinds, both in wood and iron, and I guarantee all work done at my shops to be the best. I thank the people ol' Fort Mill and nearby communities for the work entrusted to me during the 30-odd years I have been here and 1 hope to be accorded the same liberal patronage in the future. h. A. YOUNG; V our V egetable Garden It is now time to bo getting t in order. Every family should lave one. Not only profitable, >ut a pleasure to grow your own ,-egetables. As to Garden Seeds We are now receiving our an-1 mal fresh stock consisting of :orn, beans, peas, turnips, pepper, tomatoes, watermelons, caneloupes, etc. 15uy your garden seeds from is and make a success of gar-' lening this year. Port Mill Drug Comp y I. R. HAILE, Mgr. ANNOUNh A. C. I During the past week T ha1 ness in one of the Meacham s and respectfully solicit a shan and community. I am confi* with one order, you will favor orders with me in the future. Il is my purpose to carry a ! Fancy Groceries, Feed Stuff, shall not try to make a fortun sales. This business will he 1 will he satisfied with a small i live in town telephone me yo wagon will he at your service. T?U? TV r wciii-ii me iimes irom wee I shall offer. A. ? 0? _ H iuggies, V-i Hari Just received a new lo c:j_ oiue oprir All kinds of Harness?an Cracker up. When you need anything we'll try to please you. A. few Lap Robes left th< Blount's Tru Are the best. Sold by i W. F. HARK LOST OR STOLEN Jersey cow, with I ] black head and shoulders and crooked i horns; light fawn color; disappeared about January 25th. Liberal reward ' for return to J. D. Withers. WArsi?,u several gooa, iresn mucn cows. L. A. HARRIS & CO. I What do | youthink Long established in one locality, catering to and satisfying hun- j dreds of customers, it seems rea- ; sonable that others can depend on us for medicines. Equipment, experience and training make our store particularly inviting for all drug business. LET US FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Bring every prescription direct j| to us and it will be filled with g I accuracy and care, with stan- | dardized drugs, by men with the 3 "know how," assuring both ffi | doctor and patient the good re- K j suits expected. Doesn't this 0 appeal to you? B Ardrey's. III! BIWHHi WWW 1 ?lf ii1 IB?f JE Come one and all and see "Crippled Jim" for your Cabbage Plants. Also fresh Oysters and Hot Lunches for sale by J. H. Patterson. IBeach-lhrie's ! \\'i' hav? th most up-to-date 9 I lines of K Jewelry, Silverware, I ( Cut Glass, ICliitia, Clocks, I | | an 1 many other useful and orna- I | mental goods to be found in this B section of the country. We shall he glad to hear from I you when i:i need of anything in I I our line. B I Repairing and En- ? I graving a Specialty I ! -/' I.oeal Watch Inspectors for I Southern Railway. I IBeach-lhrie Jewelry Co., i Reliable Jewelers, I Rock Hill, S. C. i HnBM HHHn HRBWi CEMENT ^ITE. vc opened a mercantile busitore-rooms on Main street p of the trade of this city dent that if you favor me yourself by placing many select line of both Staple and Shoes and Notions. And I ie on any one or one hundred un on a cash basis and I >rofit on each sale. I f you >ur wants and my delivery tk to week for the specials Tr"nTn m ? - * r'i.wawNJo am fagons and mess. t of those Reinfo" ed ig Buggies y piece or part from Whip S in this line come to see ui; *t we will sell at cost. e Blue Plows is. US & SONS 1 ll WF PRINT WITH DDinc It g ?? . i uiin Willi I IIIUL g e x^tr/ 0 i i 8 8 k lo our splendid stock of Fancy Groceries, including the n ? most reliable brands of canned meats, fruits, fish, vege- ? g tables, etc. We handle none but the purest products- the g g kind of goods having a guarantee of quality. In ordinary g g or loose groceries, like tea, coffee, sugar, butter, cheese, g X spices, ytc., we also carry the standard qualities only. u a Prices are always fair. Phone us an order. S Shipment of fresh Kalamazoo celerv each Tuesdav. 8 a 8 8 8 Stewart & Gulp, Number 15. 18 8 8 0?6Ho'@??@@??S) 0? ????????0?Q? 0 T y m New q <g i ISllSy styles P (p just re- g | Hats, Hats, ?*-* g | Well | ?? Hats., Ha*? Hats, known ^ ^ "Bonar ^ ? Hals, Hats, lats, lats, ? ? Hats. iv* v_y 1 Hats, Hats, Hats, $3.00. ? 2 Others 0 | Hats, Hals, * g p $1.00 ^ |j $2.75. ? * i E. W. Kimbrell Co. 1 wTH. HOOVER'S frnim^m COItN WHISKIES. 1 Gal. 2 Gal. .1 Gal. 4 Gal. 4 Qts. 6 Qts. 12Qt?. Now Corn 42 On 4:1.00 $5.25 $.... $.... 4 J.... One Year Ol<l .. 2.35 4.10 0.00 Two Year 01?1 3.00 6.60 8.00 Three Year Oh! 3.25 0.00 8.25 Hoover's" Old Mountain Corn 2.Go 5.00 7.00 2.60 3.60 8.26 Hoovers' Private Stock 3.0? 6.00 7.60 3.00 4.25 0.00 l'ticnliontns Corn 3.00 fi.00 7 r.n 1 "" * "r " ^ i HSK IKS. """ "-vw ^.uu Hoover's Choic e Art r c. ^ Hoover ^ ;'2 2 2.00 3 00 Southern States oil? ;At' ?-.I5 '' Kxcelslor A ,2 4-26 6.76 Hlhson *: !'! ??.60 5.25 Old Times V. 07? 2 ?!? 16.00 4.75 7.00 13 60 Old 1'rentbe i;;" ?'o - n 13 00 4 00 e-00 '200 I ennbrnok (bottled in bond) " -i - 2 IrSS 4.25 6.25 12.00 < asrtidc ? 1,0 1050 13.00 4.25 6.35 12 00 Jifoen River (bottled In bond).'.' i? 6.75 12.76 Oldi liaylor (bottled in bond).. ' 4 on rn iJVc ; : V2 5ft? fi-7.r> 13 26 Millwood (bottled in bond) i" 37? -C,?n '' r*j J4?0 r'"? 6-75 13.26 Overboil ''0 10 10.50 13.0o 4.76 6 75 13.25 Jefferson Club '. -> ~r 'i'.'A i;v; '1 r'? 6.85 12 50 <>ld Henry ' l,n 1"..?0 13.00 4.00 in 00 Old Grand Dad or? J.' ?? 12 00 4.00 6.75 lO^OO I W. I larper...!!!.!!! 6 50 !'-50 12 00 . Va. Valley !!!'." o e _ 5.00 7.00 12.25 NO OilAllfJK I OR J1TOS (In pVrifivn 4 '.?. s-50 W. H. HOOVER & CO. Inc. 522R^Z^. I Special Table jjj E We have just bought a Ian-'' stock <>' >1 i?1 (Quartered ffl Oak Tup Dining1 Tables like cut and offer them i'< . tie V next I?(i days a1 'h following reduced l'rico : K : 1 ' " " i ' I ' " Kl 'A e ; t l" i. ' w i bv / * I We pay the freight. W. G. REID & SONS, | ROCK HILL, S. C. g mmmzmmmmmmmmm?mmmmmmmmrnmmmm i (?