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PNEUMONIA Mia 1% tat *1 Otaaad*. COWAN'S PREPARATION kills pneumonia by destroying the congestion and iofUmcnatioo. Ouick relief (or cold*, croup, c oaths. (rippe pain* and soreness la lung* and IhrM*. External and hannlesa. All drulfis <. $1.00. 50c. 25c. BO!! BEST COTTONSEED Increase your yield 100 to 000 gnnds Lint por acre, by planting Slmpklrv* " roliHe" absolutely the best. Our guara>- je tilth every sack, put up In 2 1-2 buishe1 -ags. Price $1.20 per huKhel f.o.b. Kalely*- Ordqr nulck. If you want the best .selc-' .seed. CiliAKANTEB 8KKDOOMP*** . T. On van. Hen. M'gr, BALKIOH. N. O. Makes BIGGER CROPS Because It mixes the guano with the noil close under the seed so that the cotton Is nourished from the time It sprouts and Wrows oft Mi rone and 'I'lirtliy. A farniersays Knmt of (hsiio applied wlih (lie le Planter la equal to 'iOO pounds put out In lite iibiihI w?t," tT INCUEAHE8 TJIE 1'IKl.D A BALK OK MOKKTO EACH ONE-HORSE CROP. SAVES TIME AND MONEY One man and one horse at one trip prepares the seed-bed. puts in the mat. i. opens again, dropn and covers the seetl. all In Just the right wa.v for either Corn, Cotton, Peas. Sorghum, Peanuts. Etc. The COLE PLANTER, bents the world in gelling a quick, even atsnd. It puts one seed after another In a straight line, thick or llilu. so that It snvcs seed, costs less to lIIIii, and less to cultivate. Mr. nearn of Georgia writes "I wonr.D not MISS PI.ANTING MT CHOP WITH TRl COI.B Pl.ANT*U n?H 1200.00." IT MEANS MONEY TO YOU. write at once for fllKk catalogue and nameof merchant who sells and guarantees Cole Planters. I nt lyVJLL MFG CO., BOX 50. CHARLOTTE. N. C. Restores Cray Hair to Natural Color; REMOVES DANDnUFF AND SCURF InTijorst,* and prfvrnU Iht- hair from falling off for Salt by OruRflitt, or Sffnt Olroet by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia ?<k? V r?* SoltW: Sampl* Sottl* )ic. S?nd Iw Circular' Rural Prosperity. Conditions shift an?l shift again, No more Ave frame those hayseed jokes, The farmer liow is lauirhinpr, when lie thinks about us city folks. Occasionally a man thinks he is quite popular with the jrirls. when the facts are he has proved himself a useful servant. It is as difficult to transplant people as it is to transplant trees. TRIALS nf the NEEPEMS ?ERTAINL>^OPl'^?sHrMPTOMS) -* tOF IN^ANITY^ - ' - J firmas . .. Ttuj jrfB? NEXfl^R- ??.ORDER A1TEWE DA^P^^^GOV/N TOCO WITH I RESOLVED: THAT WHEN THE STOMACH AND UVER ARE. NOT RIGHT ONE FEELS BLUE AND STINGY MUNYQN? PAW HAW LAXATIVE PILLS KF.EP ONE IN GOOD SPIRITS. lOFuR tCX MoiTM'al'aw I'nw I'llln w.uthcllvfrl?to Activity bv tenth- method?. Theydo not scour,grip? or wnsrwn. Ttaey arc a ionic to the stomach, llvor end rervns; Invigorate Inktomi of weaken. TlieT onrich the blood ami enable the stomach to net all tho nourishment from food that, Is put Into it. These pills contain no culoiurl, they are ..oothtng, healing end rtlmulatiny. for sale by all druggists In 10c and 20c aires, ll you neod medical advice, write Muujron's Doctor*. Ttiey will advise to the Itost of tnelr oil I lit- absolutely free of Charge. .111' N YON' h A3d Hd JeOrrson Sis., I'hliiidt-I pliia, I'm, lluriyen', Cold Remedy cures s eold In one dsy. Price 25c. Munyon'* Hhetimnllsni lU-uicdy relieves la a few boars and cures In a few days. Price 25c. So. 8-'10-(6fo Wealth. f A do?en of cgjrs in the icebox, A porterhouse over the tire, A peck of potatoes and seven tomatoes? What, more can my sweet heart de-I? a wrr ! A roan pursues bad luck oftener than bad )m*k pursues him. 1x?ve truth, but pardon orror. WHEN YOUR RACK ACIIK8 SUSPECT THE KIDNEYS. Backache Is kidney ache In most rases. The kidneys achft and throb with dull pain because there la ln0lamination within. Il'ou can't be rid of the ache until you :ure tho cause?the kidneys. Doan'sKtdney Pills cure sick Union St., Jackson"Dull, nagging backache and Irregular action of the kidneys bothered me for five months. Doan's Kidney Pills proved Just what I needed, driving out the pain and restoring the kfd'' * uvyn to normal condition. Remember the name?Doan's. For ?' sale by all dealers. 60 cents a boi. Foater-Mllborn Co.,. Buffalo, N. Y. I 'AFTER FOURYEARS OF MISERY Cured by Lydia-E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md ?"For four years my life was a misery to me. I suffered ......Mm,, from irregularir,', ties, terrible dragsensations, extreme nervousi {?y ness' that all :!;!' gone feeling in my ilfjfl t?? piiu stomach. I had pa V',- given up hope of :&flv ">?* ? ever being well iiS&k/ . " when I began to take-Lydia E. Pinkhsm's Vegetable i/Y/y/i /? Compound. Then ''/// / ' / I felt as though ?I I' ' 1? new life had been given me, and I am recommending it to all my friends."?Mrs. w. S. Ford, 2207 W. Franklin St.. Baltimore, Md. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has i stood the test of years and to-dav is more widely and successfully used than any other female remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, and nervous prostration after all other means had railed. If you are suffering from any of these ailments, don't give up hope until you have given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special advice write*to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for it. She lias guided thousands io health, free of char ire. TAKE A DOSE OF 5 m tut *wwu (sttasM>($u>s Sit will instantly relieve that racking cough. 1 ; Taken promptly it will often nr.,.., St ? A?thma, Broccbitis and serious throat and |H I lung troubles. Guaranteed safe and very ;8j m palatable. M Al! Drucciiti, 25 cent*. ODDS AND ENDS. Kansas has a law which provides lhal fruit-tree agents may he sent to jail it' they misrepresent (lie brand of trees they sell, hut probably no very strenuous effort is muade to enforce the law, else the jails would be bursting open.?The Farm World. , It's always impossible to tell where an orderly woman will put things. I ] Murk the perfect man, and behold the upright.?Psahn xxxvi, i$7. The best way t<> make time fly is to borrow money for ninety days. Why most of us really wish to visit, is to have some one listen while we talk. One way to keep boys on the farm is to hire more pretty dairy maids. Men often swear to keep from cry- ; ing, and women often cry to keep from swearing. j There's one advantage about tight i shoes* They make you forget all . your other trouble. i A cyclone cellar won't protect you I from domestic, tempests. The farmer who is well aide to> buy a motor-car certainly auto. , The best way to ascend steadily in the .world is to keep on the level. | Some, people's geneorosity consists in giving away everything you tell j them. ! n is trno that we all want a [ * square deal? Honestlv now. isn't it a 1 fact tlint most of us want .just a little | the host of it ? j t Brave men were living before ( * Agamemnon.?Horace. | \\ The stomach is a larg< suit of happiness" than can withstand hunger hu peptic "is fit for treason jt| who goes to the front f mBEfp' J? will he a weak soldier ai A sound stomach mak )[health and happiness / JHHH Diseases of the stoma ( JKxfffimm nutrition are promptly i \ Dr. PIERCE'S CO I A I It builds up the 1 Ay I aolld muscle. t J The dealer who offers BY yjSj only seeking to make tl grab | >M sale of leas meritorious j Dr. Pierce's Comm?n *fcS3 on receipt of stamps to Mr 21 one-cent stamps for t! pSjy for the cloth hound. A Association, R. V. Pien " PINK IOf3 Jlil Cures the sick sm! 1-rU I Iff J JUJj civen on the tonpne. \U"A^ **JQ] kidney remedy; 50 cer V^vV y^/ Sold by all <lraKipst? \^>MVrV/ M / puid, by the miumfaot SPOHN MEDICAL ( MMWourit One of the best equipped school* In the .South MORF. GRADUATES IN POSITIONS than all othc IITG SHORTHAND and KNO'I.l.xil Wrlto foi BU8TMMSS OOLf.XOB, lUita+jk, A' C. or Charla hand, PvHmomshfp. ?tc , tv mall. 5na for Borne : ? < Asleep. I He knelt beside her pillow, in thel dead watch ? the night, j And he heard her gentle breathing; but her face was still and white. And on her poor, wan cheek a tear told how the henrt can weep, And he said: '' My love was weary? God bless her! She's asleep." lie knelt beside her gravestone in the shuddering autumn night. And he heard the dry grass rustle, and his face was thin and white, And through his heart the tremor 1 ran of grief that cannot weep. And he said: "My love was weary? God bless her! She's asleep.'*' The T>wn Of After Ten. 1 I wislit I was as big as men. To see the Town of After Ten; ( I've heard it is so bright and gay, i It's almost like another day, But to ray bed I'm narked n(T mio-nt . A. ~ ??m MtgUV J When that old clock strikes half past eight! It's awful hard to be a boy And nayer know the sort of joy j That gfcown-up people must have i when i They're in the Town of After Ten. ' I'm sure I don't know what they do J For shops are closed, and churches too. Perhaps with burglars they go 'round 2 And do not dare to make a sound! I Well, soon I'll be a man, and then J I'll see the Town of After Ten! FtrHKADACII K?Hleka' CA PITDINR Whether from Colds. Heat. Stomacn or 1 Nervous Troubles. Capudlne will relieve you. It's Iiqnld? pleasant to take?sets immediately. Try It. 10c.. 25c.. and 50 cents at drue , stores. J The evangelist is not the only man 1 disposed to send to hell all those who fail to agree with him. Itch cured in J#) minute* by Woolford's * Sanitary lotion Never fail*. At drnvrist* Let a wise man have good luck a few years and he will do as foolish f things as anyhcwly. lt Piles Cured in (i to 11 Days. J Pazo Ointment i* guaranteed to cure any ' case ofltohinir, Blind, Bleeding or LTotruding H Piles :n 6 to 14 daysor rn<-rev refunded. 50c If the difference between two i opinions is wide enough, it is safe to bet that both are wrong. The Natural Laxative acts on the bowels just as some foods act. Cascarat3 thus aid 1 the bowels just as Nature would. < Harsh cathartics act like pepper in the nostrils. Soon the bowels jj grow so calloused that one must : multiply the dose. m f ^ Vest-pocket bo*. 10 cents?at druc-atore*. Each tablet of the genuine Is marked CCC. Your Medicine Closet Should Contain J an emoryeni'v remedy for unite lielli;osfion. mod | polvoulu* or |?lisl 11 gripes, For any stumaeli ilutri-n a liberal dose of A CREAM OF CASTOR OIL, t promptly administered, will ullonl relief, and by eleaifslioc the system remove a cause for Illness. | l'alatal U tasty, safe and erteotl\? . The Ideal eutliurUc.ltJc., druggists or Murr iv l>rug< t.'oluinhla, S.U. Powerful indeed is the empire of iubit.?Public Syrns. p 1Io\t to Keep Baby's Skin Clear. Few parents realize how many estimable lives have been embittered tnd social and business success pre/entod by serious skin affections vhicli so often result from the neglect )f minor eruptions ir infancy and ( hildhood. With but a little care and he use of the proper emollients, mby's skin and hair may bo preerved, purified and beautified, minor iruptions prevented from becoming rhronic and torturing, disfiguring ashes, itchlngs, irritations aud chaf)>&? dispelled. To this end, nothing is so pure, so tweet, so speedily effective as the lso of Cuticura Soap, assisted vhen necessary, by Cuticura Ointnent. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. 2orp., sole proprietors, Boston, Mass., 1 or their free 32-page Cuticura Book, s* elllng all about the care and treat- ^ nent of the skin and sealp^_ H< Facts are stubborn things. Sj Exposure to cold and wet is the first step ? o Pneumonia Take Perry Daciu' Jliiii ~ ;iller and the danger is averted. _ No path oil llowers lends to glory. I -jt?cn - Patriotism ;r factor in "life, liberty and the purmost people are aware. Patriotism 1 t not dyspepsia. The confirmed dysi, stratagems an' spoils." The man or his country with a weak stomach id a fault finder. ' cs for good citizenship as well as for ^ ch and other organs of digestion and v tnd permanently cured by the use of LDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY, body with sound Itesh mail I a substituta for the " Discovery" is ^ ic little more profit realized on the > reparations. i Sense Medical Adviser is sent fret pay cxpease of mailing nty. Send he paper covered book, or 31 stamps ? n: " ? ... ? v. <> 3 i/i.iinrnturY :>1 CU1CU1 5e, M. D., Pr?id?nl, Dtitfolo, N. Y. ' m* a m wm distemper En V 8? catarrhal fever L If IF AN0 ALL ' os5 i AND THROAT DISEASFS I acts aa u pr?-v<ntivc Tor L-.jnid Safe for brood mares ami all otl 'Th. fu??t itn and $1 h hottla; AT. and A10 the dozen, and hors- goods houses. or s?*nt, expnow ;orer?. :0., Chemists. GOSHEN. *NDIANA i"A School With a y/S/?// R?P<^'ionf?r x / Doing High Grade Work." ~ . THK LARGEST, The Sirongr.t faculty. ! r buainrti srboiiU la th? <Utr. Bl)Ol K XF Mr r hsndiiiunr catalogue. Aridree* KISO'S Wf, .V, C. Its alto urncA Bookkrrping, SAurt- OMi Study Circular. mat y >> A Good Owflnlnw. Ton will get rid of all akin Memiah? and Simpia if roo thoroughly purify the blood jr taking Kheumacide. Kbeuaaacide ia put up in liquid and tablet form, and ia aolo in 26c and 60c bottles by your druggist. Or, we will mail yon a 25c bottle of tableta on receipt of price, 25c. (Coin or stem nr.) Booklet free. Eobbitt Chemical Co., lfil* timbre, Md. Much of the "art" and "culture" you hear so much about is simply loafing. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative > Brorao Quinine Tablets. *siuk)cuiis renmu money il h fails to curs. K. WTOrove's signature is on each box. 25c. If you keep right, other things will keep right. Harp tou a rough or cold* If no, take at diioo A Hen's Lnna Baisstm and watch results. Simple, safe, effeetn e. AD dealers. Knowledge and timber shouldn't je much used till they are 3easoned. Nothing Mure Daagorom Than a neglected cough," is what Dr. J. F. Hammond, professor In the Ecleotic Medlsal College says, "and as a preventative remedy and a cuartlve agent, 1 cheerfully reoommend Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. Tested 60 years. Nothing better for whooping cough, croup ?r consumption. At druggists, 25c. and 60c, According as the man is, so must ,*ou humor him. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children :eething, softens the gums, red arm inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c. a bottle. Progress is the law of life; man s not man as yet.?Browning. F#r fOI,D? and (JKIP Hick's CiPHriNi Is the best remedy?relevea the aching aud feverlshuess-cures the ^old and restores normal conditions. It's Iqufd?effects Immediately. 10c.. 25c. and 50c. it drug stores. The greater the i'car the nearer he danger.?Danish. In Winter Use Allen's Eoot-Ense. The antiseptic powder. Your feet fed u ) omfortable, nervous nnd often cold ir.d lamp. If you have sweating, sore feet or ight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease, bold by ill druggibts and shoe stores, '25 cents, sample sent free. Address Allen S. Olniited, La Roy. N. Y. Our life is what our thoughts make t.?Mercus Aurelius. Rheumatism Cured In n Day. Dr Detchon's Relief for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its tction is remarkable. Removes the cause ind disease quickly disappears. First done _ jreatly benefits. 7">c. nnd $1. Ml druggists. , Children are the anchors that hold .mother to life. So. 8-MO. Constipation causes and seriously nggrarates many diseases. It is thoroughly :ured by Dr. l'ierce's Pellets. Tiny sugarioated granules. A favor becomes old sooner than nv other thing.?Modern Greek. MiKSTS \V aNTKI' To sell ? tir Famous "MiikI" ('Icanlni' Fluid." lteniovy* all kind of urcuse spots rom Ixilles' mid ?.ont?' OiothliiK. Illg profits. I >,uui|iwij mn SSI pine Blair, Ark This is Cynis O. V. iates, the man who HF gB idvcrtises Mother's <>y huiJ Goose Irease Liniment, " woof the greatest 5fe "w' hints known to rr BROWN'S RtCSg^TW^-s-nunr * w T w?? ? ? ivc the voice in all kind* of weather. Singers and blic speakers find then invaluable for clearing the ice. There is nothing so effective for Sore Throat, Mnrnea and Coughs. Fifty years' reputation, ice, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00 per boa. niples mailed on request. JOHN I. BROWN & SON. Boston. Mass. sn.rpuRS To Richmond, Virginia, CLARENCE COSBY, j ?ays Market Prices and l>eals Fulr link $7.00 each. Grey Fox $1.35 each laccoon 1.70 " Opossum .80 )k n ilk 3.25 " Musk rat. .da " Rabbits 16c pound. Ve Man 1 express charges on all shipments ot Fnr whose value exceed* $10,00. Dropsy 11 V Rrmovm nil swelling in 8 to ao days ; effects a permanent cure a\ jJ in yoto 60 dnvs. Trinltreatment < 'hi1 li^D^ri-'-iif?- i Wrhe Cr. H. H. Green's Sons, ? Vf !?rarip?cUIUt?, Bo* a Atlanta. Qa. j Wo Buy FURS V5?Yy&M Hides and Faatlitn. T(Slow, Bitiwaz, ClaMDt. Vj Gold a a Seal.) Yellow Root). May Appla, Wild Gi.iirf, etc. U'e are dttUrt; nail ?Hre! ia ISS6-"Orrr lialf a century ia I l^?iiWi!t""uJ emdo b<tt?r for rw dua 9 ?;f 111 or foaimivioa iarrc'-an,i. Reiermc*. any Back ia LouimlW. Wrila for weakly H peic* W.I and ini; ving li]t Rl. Sabci A Bens, ^sBanoBMKnEtssnBaKBHsa# I 'UTN AM >r mora roc,** t>rH;li">waai1 faster eolora rhaa aay ottaai Ujr? may garaiuai without rfppia* apart. Writ* for * SULPHUR?, Llfium UMLtl-A UALLIk. il UfWWi DltcUn (W Icmm. 1M, Rlaiwera, i1 Poison Otk. lurct Stings, etc. All Skin Kruptioa., > B ud Mp Allmratt. lai Tou M*d net so to tkt Sulphur Springe; thtoilTN S b< ^et^a perfectSuiphur Hath aad laTlgoratlag Tonic si OIMTIIPMT LAROK JAR, 90c. SMALL. 23c. A 1 Win I RES I Swelling!, Inflamed or Chafed Parte. Splendid for the Complexion; keepa the skin soft and re For Sale bJ Druggists. Manffd by HANCOCK LH Seat by Mall or lipno, prepaid, i VOU CAN GET THIS Nl LABOR-SAVING DOUB1 ACTION HOE IN ANY YOUR FAVORITE SIZ AND PATTERNS. The "John R< The Hoe With Keen < <| Requires one-fourth less Q Never skins or brnlses tl q CUTS Instead of pushes required for the cotton stand. q More than 120 thoosam twice as many will he used thlt When you buy hoes this **Johu Relly" hoe. MANUFACTURED BY THE AMERICA! ASK YOUR DEALER, OR THE JOHN REILY HOE C MR. GINNER! Have you ever seen the W it cannot use the other plant M supply. Take no chances. Tic m uui iu mcurics. many sons need or M to raise big crops. All soils nee I sooner or later. Begin to use it 1 i crops starve. Do it now, for Y POTASH PAYS Urge J'??r fertilizer dealer to carry Po in stock. You ami lie will have no di buying them if you will write to us ul* Write to Sales Office : GERMAN KALI WO Cootincnlil Bldg., Baltimore, At As we get rtlder the blood be cles and joints stiffen and ac easier. Sloan's Liniment qu up the muscles "and joints anc with astonishing promptness. Proof that it is Best Mr*. Daniel H. Diehl, of Mann's CI " Please fnd me a bottle of Sloan's Linimi It is the -st remedy I ever knew for I can Also for Stif Mr. Milton Wheei.f.r. 2100 Morris *' I am glad to say that Sloan's Liniment joints than anything I haw ever tried." Sloan Linirn is the qickest and best remed) tism, Sciatica, Toothache, Sp and Insect Stings. I'riro 23o., oOc., ?u<l $1.00 at i Komi for Sloan'* Frw Hook on Iloi OR. EARL S. SLOAN, BOS FAD ELES r Om IBr. pankaao color* all IUmm. They d yo 1 fir** fco*kl*t-U?w (* ??7*, iiiMctt and Ml* Color*. M , i J HANCOCICS iULPHUR COMPOUND 'AH ETC HmoIu are nn*(W4. for URIO ACID Correct I ?*. Uw lood, Ton Ids lk? itnntot. ?d in the trMlani 4 prerentlon or INDIGESTION. Dyapopela. I mm. i|?, Catarrh. RheumatUm. Gout, KtpkrMe Code, lone In tbo (Mat; and Blnddar, and moet-Klduoy. I*er and Stomach Allmaata (AOIC WONDER for Hemorrhoid*. POea. Inn. Burn a, Brulora. Sprnlna. ete. amoves PImpica. Blemlahea. Blackhead*, etc. Try It. JU1D SULPHUR CO., Baltimore, Md. Write for booklet on Sulphur. l/AAJ UUL V| Cutting Corners p| ; labor. le cotton stand. away tbe stalks not 1-7'^ 1 In use last year; ^?fl 9 year. sprlns call for the KflSl <i FORK AND HOE CO. WRITE TO 0., New Orleans, La. N ( LUMMUS R BLAST GIH SYSTEM? 5 you want to increase your profits nt the same time lessen your labor? e have spent 40 years perfecting a tystcm that would meet the actual irements, and now we've pot it. I'our tumo and nddrrs.i on a tK>:-t card v.'ill brins you full information. 1. LUMMUS SONS CO, ColuiT.bus, Ga. ^ >? the ulant in the plant. L nlcss )luble form at the right time ^ food you or your soil may B to facts, ^. ?**>( ily Potash [ J d Potash I 1 before the i 1 Lp ~ * tasli salts i ? (fruity in F \ or heumatic ain-s \ icomes sluggish, the mus:hes and pains take hold ickens the blood, limbers 1 stops any pain or ache for Rheumatism. mice, R.F.D., No. i. Pa., writes:? ent for rheumatism and stiff joints, 't do without it." f Joints. Ave., Birmingham. Ala., writes:? has done me more good for still IS JL cut n 1 r for Rheuma- I I rains, Bruises | 1 \I1 Doalors. 1 j| TON, MASS. V"fiftiJ S DYES 1 n cold Witrr botuv Uua wr ntlwr<lj*k Jq ON RUB UKl'tt UU.i Outoer. inin?jk