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w|Hyilinia{e License in This State! South Carolina senate passed to third reading Johnson's bill providing '^Stt'fl^riage licenses shall hereHffinSn^Quired in South Caro> sentiment in favor of th* mfasitofe loomed up strong, aiut contrary to the opinion expresSpcKxhat this was an entering wedge toward divorce, it was conclusively shown that such a bill v k in the other direc. The bill requires a license to be , taken out by those contracting matrimony and if this license is I not obtained the offenders are subject to a fine of not more than $100 nor less than $25 or im1 prisonment for not more than 30 J nor less than 10 days. The M Afinrinol nf Ivi i^tiiat uui ii acu 111^ rv vi court's fee at 25 cents, but this was amended to $1 and the clerk of court would receive a dollar for recording the marriage and issuing the license. The fines imposed are to be turned over to [the school fund. The committee iamendment was adopted as I "Provided, that nothing herein contained shall render any marriage illegal without the issuing of a license." The effect of the law should the bill pass the house will be to stop the numerous runaway marriages and to have a record of all marriages. It would be a criminal offense for a preacher or law officer to perform a ceremony without the license. Once married, however, the couple would remain married, this being the effect of the eommmittee amendment. W. F. Harris & iSons are opening up a new stock of buggies, harness and fixtures about which they will tell you in an advertisement in next week's Times. IN MEMORIAM. Our society, Foreign Missionary, is called to mourn the loss of one of its most earnest members, therefore we resolve: 1. That by the death of Mrs. Dora McDowell Grier we have lost a faithful i rni t i? menu. i no ior years a suuerer, sne never lost her interest in the Master's work, and was ever in her place at the meetings, when her health permitted. 2. Tnat her "patient continuance in well doing," her unswerving devotion to duty, and her gentle uncomplaining spirit may serve as an inspiration ana example for us all. "I ask not, take away this weight of care; No, for that love 1 pray, that all can bear. And for the faith that whatsoe'er befall Must needs be good, and for my profit prove; Since iroin my Father's hand most rich in love And from His bounteous hands it cometh all." 3. Unit a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, be recorded in our minutes, and sent to the Fort Mill Times for publication. Mrs. J. W. Ardrey, Mrs. A. O. Jones. Mrs. C. S. Link. FOR SALE?Elms property in Fort Mdl. Two-story, 7-room dwelling, 1$ acre lot, with good barn, orchard .and well. For price and terms, write W. L. Plexico, Rock Hill, S. C. List your property with me. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate < f Mrs. T. E. Barber will make payment to the undersigned at his home at Barbersville, S. C., and all persons holding claims against the said estate will present same, sworn to and in itemized form, to the undersigned at his homf at Barbersville, S. C., on or before thw 6th dav of January, 1911. T. H. BARBER, Administrator. Barbersville, S. C.. Jan. 29, 1910. v. br airan CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates furnished for buildings of every description. Prompt and satisfactory work at fair prices is my motto. Phone 1-e and let me figure with you. Why Pay Rent When $2.50 a week will Buy a Home? For Particulars see L. A. HARRIS. Opening of Books of Subscriptioj to the Capital Stock of Mills & Young Company. Notice is hereby given that the booki of subscription to tne capital ^ock o Mills & Young Company will be openei in the office of the store of Mills 6 Young in Fort Mill, S. C., on Friday February 11, 1910, at 10 o'clock in th< forenoon, and will remain open at sai< place during the day, or until sai< stock is subscribed for in full. J. B. MILLS, J. T. YOUNG, W. D. WOLFE, Board of Corporators. February 9, 1910. J ? Clothing, Clothing. Our line of Men's Spring and Summer Clothing is now ready for your inspection. We have all the latest weaves and designs, in prices ranging From $10 Up. We will take pleasure in showing you through the line whether you are ready to buy or not. A look will convince you that we have the right goods at the right prices. Let us show you. Respectfully, P. H. Stallings i CLERK'S NOTICE. Office of the Clerk of Court of York County, S. C. Yorkville, S. C., Feb. 2, 1909. To the Public: Please take notice that the fee for recording Deeds, including Auditor's #e, is reduced from $1.25 to $1.00 on and after Feb. 1st. For the last three vears the fee h.-?s been $1.25 and several years ago the fee was $1.50, and $1.75 with dower. This fee applies to Deeds of usual form and length, and if the Deed is unusually long, the fee is in proportion to the length. Yours truly, J. A. TATT, C. C. C. Vis. 1 Building Wood ? Cast i ? ;o We are prepared promptly for all kirn uj terial at very lowest j i S t carried at all times, ' ?? happen to have in st in our planing mill : gft Write or phone us at I* S or give your orders t< I B your local dealer, anc 1 Syleecau Mf LRock Hill, SVSWS?jmJ3Kfii93tV$EVSRfiE$ffiti V??TO?TWV^ ?Swh!3$IW?M] I Of Interest I To Working ' I It's a migl in the ba when you ; Better lay i j | or month * s receive 4 ] f i deposits ir t jj The Savings Bank ( W. Meacham, C > ' LICENSE ORDINANCE. An Ordinance Declaring and Fixing a Special License Tax to be Paid by Person. Firm. Company or Corporation engaged in any Business. Profession or Vocation Therein Mentioned. Within the Incorporate Limits ok the Town of Fort Mill. S. C.. and Providing for Collection of Same. Sec. 1. Be it ordained bv the Mayor and the Wardens of the Town of Fort Mill. S. C.. in council assembled, and by authority of the same, that on and after the 1st day of January. 1910. every person, lirm. company or corporation then engaged or that hereafter may become engatred in any business, profession or vocation hereinafter mentioned within the incorporate limits of the town of Fort Mill. S. C.. shall take out a license therefor from the town council for which he. it or they shall prepay to the said town council. for the public use of said town, and for the purpose of meeting in part the current expenses thereof, a special License Tax as follows: Telephone company or agency. ench. for toll business done between the town of Fort Mill and any other point without the incorporate limits of said town, within the State of South Carolina (not including that done without the State and not including that done for the government) per year $10 00 Telephone Company, or agency, each, for local business done exclusively within the town of Fort Mill, (not including that done for the government) per year 2 00 Express Company, or agency, each, for business done exclusively in the town of Fort Mill, S. C.. (not including that done without the State, and not including government business) per year 25 00 Railroad Company, or agency, for business done exclusively in the town of Fort Mill. S. C.. (not including that done without the State and exclusive of government business) per year 50 00 Telegraph Company, or agency, each, for business done exclusively in the town of Fort Mill. S. C.. (not including business done without the State and not including government business) per year ' l'H*) Kerosene Oil Company, or agency, each, receiving, storing, selling or delivering oil to merchanLs either by wag -n or otherwise, per year 25 00 Fire Insurance Company, or agency, represented by either local or transient Agents, for either soliciting or selling insurance. each, per year 2 50 Life Insurance Company, or agency, represented by eithet local or trail lent agent for either soliciting or selling life insurance. per year. 10 00 Transient dealers in fruit or produce, provided this license shall notapplv to people living within the surrounding country who make their own fruit or produce, in the town of Fort Mill, per day 1 00 Magic Lantern Shows, for each performance 5 00 Opticians nnd dealers in eye glasses, per year. $1. non-resident, per day. $5.00, per year 1000 Theatrical performances, for each performance . .. . .. 5 00 ' Palmistry, for each and every person plying such vocation or calling. per dry. 5 00 Lightning Hod Compuny. or agency, each per year 100 00 1 Itinerant traders, vendenp of any kind of wares, merchandise or patent medicines, worm medicines, or patent rights, each, per year . .'.em Circus or Equestrian shows, or menagerie, or carnivals, per day. (in the discret.on of the mayor) $5 00 to....... 100 00 Sewing Mnchine Companies, or their agents, selling machine- within the town of Fort Mill, per year 10 00 Photographers, per year 5 00 sec. 2. No license shall lie transferred from one person, firm or corporation, to another pt with the sale of the stock of goods, or business. | and with the consent of the Mayor. All licenses 1 shall be paid by the 1st day of Murch. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation re- j fusing or neglecting to pay any license required bv this ordinance shall la- fin<al in the onm ..f nnl loss thun $10.01). nor more? than $100.00. or im- ! prisoned for a term of not less than ten (10) days. ' nor more than thirty (3o) days. SEC. 4. The charires for licenses for any business not enumerated in any of the above sections shall bo determined by the Mayor. Sec. 5. All Ordinances, or parts of Ordinances, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Done and ratified in open council this the 1st day of February. 1010. L. A. HARRIS. Attest: Mavor. B. W. BRADFORD. Clerk. MITCHELL HOTEL, = (Formerly Nicholson Hotel) j CHESTER, - - S. C. 5 Rates, $2 l'er Day and Up. | 3 S W. Mitchell, Proprietor. ; S Materials i j Iron ? Steel ^ i to fill your orders ds of Building Ma3rices. A large stock f<? and what we don't ock, we can get out jttj at once. IS j No. 115, Rock Hill, 3 V. B. Blankenship, I he will send them in. j g. ^ ^ ^Company, j ; : Men I lty good thing to have money I nk when dull times come or I are out of work for any reason, aside a few dollars every week ind be on the safe side. You'll I per cent, interest on all your i our Savings Department. il Fort Hill I Cashier I TWENTY D( t? The Savings Department Bank will place $20.00 to r girl under sixteen years the greatest number of w "THE PEOPLES N, Subject to the following condit 1. No proper names shall be used. 2. Each word must appear in Wei 3. "The Peoples National Bank" m 4. No word shall contain a letter a letter appears in "The Peoples National 5. Each list when sent in must st therein. 6. The lists of words will be recei\ first day the Bank occupies its new buih nounced later. 7. This deposit of Twenty Dollars other deposits in the Savings Departmer it will draw interest at the rate of pounded quarterly. The Peoples N ROCK HILL, - - S SAFE, SUCCESS [ HHK .HIBBi'' THT3XI I When Buyi |j| There is much to ^ sk be said when it ||| comes to buying a ||| buggy. Of course |jl there are all kinds Ny j ^ ||j of buggies, but if it ^ is a Rock Hill Bug Igy you can rest assured that it is a good one careful as to the material wh that leaves their factory. Rc higher in price but"?the we< that is the thing to consider ii ? L \ ^ t,r ' , II 1 iwiiiiL mey wain, we sriu na also some nice driving horses. FORT MILL . * " 1LLAR PRIZE. Ill m ^ The Peoples National I credit of the boy or I of ege, who will form E ords from the letters in I ATIONAL BANK." I ions: jster's Dictionary. lay be counted as four words. greater number of times than the Bank.'* ate the number of words contained red, and the deposit awarded on the ding, the date of which will be anmay be withdrawn at any time, as all it, but if left three months, or longer, four per cent (4) per annum, com[ational Rank. OUTH CAROLINA. FUL, SECURE. n^a&iggy J i, for the manufacturers are g|? ich goes into every vehicle ||| )ck Hill Buggies are "a little m iring qualities are there, and ||| n buying a buggy. ? ive left a few of the good pis iid mules we have been tellabout. They are going to ||| and that right away, for stock ??: ?t stay long in our stables |g| )ur customers come from far ? ar, for they know we have ||? ive some mighty fine mules, ? See our stock before buying. ||| ^ MULE CG~ ?' _ 1