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^ .. $?/- (. - r SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Mr. C. H. Branson leit Monday morning on a business trip to Lexington, N. C. T. N. Lemmond, a salesman in the store of McElhaney & Co., is confined to his home with % measles. The 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McNeely is dangerously ill at the home of its /\*\ ?- 4- haa 4 istiivriiia kjxi lJUVJLIi MI CCU The firm of Fite & Hoover on Saturday opened for business in one of the new Meacbam storerooms on Main street. The firm carries a line of general merchandise. A North Carolina couple, Jas. A. Reaves and Miss May Bell Barre, who hailed from Jamestown, were married in th?s city Sunday, February 5, by Magistrate Jno. W. McElhaney. The firm of Davidson & Potts, j Pleasant Valley merchants, has been dissolved by mutual consent and the business will be conducted hereafter by Mr. Potts. Mr. ! Davidson will devote his time to i his farming interests. S. E. Boney, some years ago principal of the Gold Hill acade-1 my, in this township, but for the j last year editor of the Laurens ' Advertiser, has accepted the j position of news editor of the Charleston News and Courier. The Mills & Young Co. has I rented the Mnin street hnildincr ? ~ i which was recently occupied by j McElhaney & Co. and will open a dry goods department of their business therein later in the year. For the present the building will not be used. According to a recent ruling of the postoffice department, the shooting and hunting of game by rural mail carriers while they are officially employed on the service of their routes, or the carrying of guns for that purpose, is prohibited in the future. The club house of the Fort Mill Light Infantry, on the rifle 1 range two miles south of town, is being thoroughly overhauled and will be greatly improved by the work that is being done. # This is one of the few militia companies in the State owning a c club house. Monday was St. Valentine's day and the local postoffice did a swell business passing out the missives which passed through the mails as an incident to the observance of the day. Most of 1 the so-called valentines were travesties on the old custom of sending to the opposite sex some taken of admiration or alfection. Julian S. Starr, architect, of Rock hill, has prepared plans for the remodeling of the residence of V. B. Blankenship on Booth street and work on the building 1 will begin in the spring. It is Mr. Blankenship's purpose to enlarge his residence by the addition of several rooms and to spend about $2,000 on tbe im% provements. Among the bills ratified at a joint session of the senate and house of representatives of the I General Assembly Saturday at1 noon was a joint resolution to require the county supervisor of York county to draw his warrant on the county treasurer of York county in favor of the board of commissioners of public works of the town of Yorkville in the sum of $200, and to require the county treasurer to pay the same. The 33rd annual convention of the South Carolina Sundav srhr?nl association, inter-denominational, began its 1910 session in Rock Hill Tuesday and will adiourn today. The meetings are be:ng held in the First Presbyterian church and an interesting program is being carried out. Mrs. J. H. McMurray is a delegate to the convention from the Fort Mill Presbyterian church and is being entertained at the home of W. W. Boyce. The Peoples National bank, of Rock Hill, is making a generous offer of a $20 cash prize to the boy or girl who will form the greatest number of words from the letters in the name of their institution. This is an offer which should prove attractive to all the boys and girls of this section, for it not only holds out the inducement of winning a substantial prize but will be the l means of acquainting all who enter the contest with man> words which are now unknown to them. The conditions of the contest appear in another column of The Times this week. ^ /. . ... ' v ' ' \ . May Paroled by Covernor Ansel. Without precedent in the State's history is a parole which was granted Friday by Governor Ansel to Charles S. May, former city treasurer of Rock Hill, who pleaded guilty to embezzlement at the April term of the court in this county and was sentenced to serve three years in the York jail. May was paroled for six months, and he will be taken to Columbia to be treated in the tuberculosis hospital at the State penitentiary. What do you think ? Long established in one locality, catering to and satisfying hunfl dreds of customers, it seems reaI sonable that others can depend on us for medicines. Equipment, experience and training make our store particularly inviting for all drug business. LET US FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Bring every prescription direct to us and it will be filled with accuracy and care, with standardized drugs, by men with the "know how," assuring both doctor and patient the good results expected. Doesn't this appeal to you? I Ardrey's. Y our V egetable Garden It is now time to be getting it in order. Every family should have one. Not only profitable, but a pleasure to grow your ^wr vegetables. As to Garden Seeds We are now receiving our annual fresh stock consisting ol corn, beans, peas, turnips, pepper, tomatoes, watermelons, canteloupes, etc. Buy your garden seeds frorr us and make a success of gardening this year. Fort Mill Drug Comp'j J. R. HAILE, Mgr. Thinking oi Building! If so, let me figure with you. I cai save you money. At any rate, let m< furnish you estimates. I use the bes grade of material at the lowest prices xr? :.u- .? ? i>u juus iam itir^f, nori<? too small. A. A. BRADFORD Builder and Contractor, Ft Mill. S. C If 9,896 and planters told you of cotton, corn, tobacc rice, sugar cane and t increased and even doi By Virginia Fert and which they thought tfr ducers on earth?wouldn't justice to yourself, try thes increased yields on your thousands of un-asked-for the day they bought Virgin of these letters are in our 19 can be had free of your deal SALES Richmond, Vi. Mail a* thii Coupon Norfolk, Va. Virginia Carolina Chemical Company. Durham Pirate ?end me a copy ol your igio ^ initon Farmer*' Year Book Iree o( coit. Chariest Baltimo; Nlroe C olumbi Town Monrjor Memphi Snrr Shteyepi 1 * , I AdolpiiGii I "Tailors on I Will be with us and 26th with 50C terns, colors and si: I domestic woolens i and from which to or summer suit. C mediate or future c These tailors unc you properly and ; their measurement Itate to guarantee a Remember the a sure to look this lir Prices, $ McELHANEY I MEACHAI COR! See our new R. & G. long skirt Corse & G. makes with medium bust and hip i r Vigilant Corsets, long and short, with Corset at 25c. White This will be the greatest linen season 36-inch Butcher Linen, 50c. 3G-inch dr< long fold, the very best for waists and 90 inches, special at 98c. 10-4 Union Li 4-O-Inct Very sheer and fine, 12J and 15c. aprons and skirts, 20c. Beautiful line ] Checked Dimities, 10, 12J and 15c. C White Soisette and Poplin, 20 and 25i Our second shipment of Spring Gingh quality, 10 and 12Jc. Kim All short Kimonos must go. Nice f . now :55c. ' Ladies Home Journal for February, 1! MEACHA1 t All the new faces oft Printing at The Til Farmers that their yields per acre :o, wheat, fruits, peanuts, ruck crops were greatly lbled Using -Carolina ilizers le best and biggest crop prot you feel that you should, in e fertilizers and get the same own farm? We have many 1fltf?r? frr?m ^nrmerc hlpccinnr ia-Carolina Fertilizers. Many 10 Farmers'Year Book, which er,or hy mailing us the coupon OFFICES. Atlanta. O*. Savaonah, Gi. a. S. C. ____ k I ?> v , r - r I i isberg Co., y the Sqnare" r i _ZZZ^ZZZZZ on February 25 th ) of the latest oat lades of foreign and I or your inspection K select your spring I * Orders taken forim- I 1 lelivery. I \ lerstand measuring I i accurately and with I 5 :s we do not hesi- I f perfect fit. I !j ibove dates and be I i ie over. I \ 13.S0 Up 1j & COMPANY. ||| S/l & EPPS. J SETS. t. The very latest at $1.00. Other R. at $1.00. supporters, at 50e. Splendid nursing Linen. ever, both for fancy work and dresses. _>ss and waist Linen, 20 and 25c. 36-inch suits, 50c. 10-4 Linen Sheeting, full | inen, 90 inches, special, 48c. i Lawns. 10-inch Check Muslins with border, for India Linen, 10 to 25c. hecked Nainsooks, 6, 8J, 10 and 12Ac. E. am in neat stripes and checks in, best onos. lannellettes, nicely trimmed, were 50c. M & EPPS. ype for first-class Job ( lies office. J THE BES f The best move for you to ma ? self and cease paying rent. Ir ? pay it off and then you will ha I most inportant point is to see t ^ ip to the highest mark. T # secure your material from me. J DOORS, SASH, BUI ?1 \ V. B. Bl | ? ( Promp t\ f / ' ' ' " r . . \..5 . . _ -IS ' .' . <e4'?4:e>4<r4<?^4'$>4>fN4i-* 4-S4-S4 ? v-^ ?> . **v : v I DON'T TAKE CHANCES g | ft When you can get the benefit of other people's experi ence free. If you need a sewing machine, why rot buy ** 4 the best? The New Home Sewing Machine has been on ** the market for over 50 years and is improved each year. tt. 4 We have been selling them for 25 years, while our compet4 itors are still experimenting and changing every year. We stick to the New Hnmp hooanco i iU - - .. wv?uov >> v nuutv WC 11 ciVtr Lilt? very best machine on the market. There is no other like ** 4 it, and no other as good. The rich people buy the New 4 Home because they can afford the best. The intelligent people buy it because they know it is the best, and the ** poor people buy it because we sell them at reasonable ^ 4 prices. You can always get needles for the New Home. 4 Any machine is worthless if you cannot get needles to I ; Cash or easy terms. 4 1 L. J. MASSEY. H . ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ \ lONFg The Grocer $ 1 * jj Still leads the procession with everything in HEAVY and FANCY GROCERIES, g 5 of the freshest and best grades to be had. g 5 Our DAN VALLEY FLOUR does its own jg talking. Give it a trial. We carry a line of ^ 5 the very best brands of ^ 4 TOMATOES, CORN, CHERRIES, S I PTJAlffi MfYPU Xli-' t'r i/'ivi ? ^ J. HAXil ViJ iTl UJ/1 1 , ril\_ , Our Tennessee STEAKS, ROAST and STEW ^ BEEF cannot be excelled. Give us a trial, S j| don't pass us by. 'Phone 14. ^ | JONES, The Grocer. I * * Wood's Liver Medicine. I (In liquid form, pleasant to take) For Chills, Fever and Malaria I Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, and all other symptoms of deranged liver quickly overcome. A tonic to the system, ! 1*1 11 ii * ? ' nver, Kianey, Diadder and blood. Parks Drug Co. j ~~I ' ~t*! llt;/:.KAr:D HIDES agasalltf) i&hv.. eiotlest market price 1 fry v \ fail- for raw furs r irw? vi abides. 18 BLJ Bj VW v^. > Wool Commission. Write for xx{ "l?"* I'rico-liat mentioning this ad WHITE <L CO.? "I/oaisvii*i.?. 1!l T MOVE, gs f ? m in \ * ?WU ike is to build a home for your- * 1 a few years you will be able to ? ve your own home clear. The ? hat the quality of your lumber ?p E ? his will be guaranteed if you l^L * IDS, MANTELS, ETC. ilTEV- * I J I ? ?^???r vwrm. - -r* 1 ^ LANKENSHiP. jl t delivery of Coal and Wood ) * \\ ^ "%< *V X. ? *V ? *r V ? v 4 4