University of South Carolina Libraries
oEbLTIC. ]'ubl^^^^^^HB|^irnin(rM. B. W. & W. K. HK^Hgfc.'. r...PUB(.I8HF.RS W. R. BEDFORD - - .^Mrr- ..EDITOR I^IAOBR , . $$?ierui!TioN KATES: '." >f 'Ono Year S1.26 nVfeSBBW" Months .65 UtSfSsSrOn application to the publisher, advertisingt ij'fS WjEfi&tea are made known to those interested. / FbwwiWp The Times invites contributions on live subjects. K but does not ajrree to publish more than 200 words on any nubjvct. The rinht in reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. Telephone, local and lonir distance. No. 112. FORT MILL. S. C.. FEBRUARY 17. 1910. In most sections of the State chicken-fighting is looked upon as a violation of the law?there being a statute prohibiting the "sport"-but the game goes merrily on in this township. Chicken-fighting, though, isn't much more obnoxious than the presence of blind tigers, and since the governor has refused to act upon the petition of the mayor of this city to send constables here to break up the traffic of the latter class of law ravishers, there are those who justify these cocking mains because of the governor's indifference to the operation of the liquor joints. But we are progressing, nevertheless and all the same, ana it is aoubtful whether a negro detected in raiding a henroost could escape the heavy hand of the law. The Democratic party of South Carolina cannot afford to continue in the office of State chairman a man accused of grafting. General Wilie Jones should send in his resignation. If he does not do it, then the State executive committee should meet and elect I another chairman. Speaking of j General Jones, it jls not without j interest to recall that on the, front of the bank over which he ; presides there was displayed the only large picture of President Taft to be seen on any of the Main street buildings in Columbia during the week in which the president visited Columbia last fall. Looked good for the Democratic chairman to thus testify to his admiration for a Republican president! President Taft made a speech in New York city Saturday night in which he pointed out the preelection promises of the Republican party to revise the tariff and said that they had revised it. Certainly the tariff has been revised?in the interest of the, trusts. There #vill be some more > revising next fall when the peo- \ pie get a swipe at the hypocrites who have betrayed them. f In the recent election for a successor to Congressman De Armond, the Missouri Democrats showed the Republicans a thing or two by electing Mr. Dickinson by double the majority usually given the party nominee. This is but a precursor of what will be done generally in the congressional elections next fall. The price of meat and sundry other things is too high. If the people of South Carolina have to go to hell for permitting the passage of the statute allow ing the father to deed to a thirtf party his children against the mother's wishes, we may confidently expect to make the acquaintance of all North Carolinians down there the Old North State has a similar law. If anybody should drive up in a one-horse wagon and jump out and then ask you about it, take it from this paper that the people of South Carolina will have little reason to regret the adjournment of the Legislature. \V -5| ^ f' f |r t ' The Charlotte News of Sunday had some "Iditorials on Sports." It is the consensus of opinion that The News often publishes "iditorials." LOST?Tuesday, a pocket memorandum; green backs, with rubber band around it. Reward for return to A. L. Parks, at Mills & Young's. LOSTOR STOLEN Jersey cow, with black head and shoulders and crooked horns; light fawn color; disappeared about January 25th. Liberal reward for return to J. D. Withers. WANTED?Several good, fresh milch i cows. L. A. HARRIS & CO. FOR SALE One horse, one mule and a one-horse wagon. Cheap for cash or will sell on time. Also, I will buy 100 bushels corn, in ear. L. A. HARRIS. i???_ Come one and all and see "Crippled Jim" for your Cabbage Plants. Also fresh Oysters and Hot Lunches for sale by J. H. Patterson. mmmmamtmm m Beach-Ihrie's We have the most up-to-date lines of Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glaaa, China, Clocks, and many other useful and ornamental goods to be found in this I section of the country. We shall be glad to hear from you when in need of anything in our line. I Repairing and Engraving a Specialty hafc" Local Watch Inspectors for Southvrn Kail way. IBeac'n-lhrie Jewelry Co., || Reliable Jewelers, Rock Hill, S. C. I WOMM OHBIHia CKWB e STICK OUT YO Are you satisfied with the sf We Sell: For men, Ralstons, $3.50 j For women, the famous "D E. W. K Touring Car $950? FORD AUTO] ________ I Are You p | Honest? Jj R With your land when for the H m sake of saving a few dollars U you use a fertilizer whose li m only recommendation is its U analysis. It requires no spe- U J cial knowledge to mix mate- M m rials to analyses. The value ??* % % m ? i i ot a fertilizer lies in the ma- M J time and starve at another. U $ This is why Royster brands are so popular. Every in- v gredient has its particular years experience in making ^ goods for Southern crops has enabled us to know what is required. See that trade mark is on every bag Q J TRADE MARK U J -flfcr B REGISTERED 1 F. S. Royster Guano Co. Q NORFOLK, VA. UR FOOT AND LOOK AT IT. y ? 'j: v ,C s raSHT BK? ' /^jfl clH M ? ^.<V-: -^mkbu^t P '^y ''* S^Sl^SSP^-r ^%1mbBEHI^^^^^ _ yf<Myy^*^'*~^^?aiy 6 tape and "feel" of the leather it's wrapped up in? We Sell: and $4.UU. For boys, Everwearing "Faullless" $1.75 and $2.25 rew" $2 to $4. For children, Cityknown "Lenox" 75c to $1.75. imbrell Company. &us& ^ Fully Equipped. Roadster $900?Fully Equippe mobiles Syleec and ACCESSORIES. * # * ? ' / i f WE POINT WITH PRIDE \ i I. o 3 x To our splendid stock of Fancy Groceries, including the n ? most reliable brands of canned meats, fruits, fish, vece- fi ' ~ * jj| tables, etc. We handle none but the purest products?the Q kind of goods having a guarantee of quality. In ordinary Q g or loose groceries, like tea, coffee, sugar, butter, cheese, jaj w spices, etc., we also carry the standard qualities only. W 2 Prices are always fair.* Phone us an order. Shipment of fresh Kalamazoo celery each Tuesday. * 0 . ... ..... fi 0 Stewart & Culp, lelephN?umber 15. 0 51 8 W. H~ HOOVERS PRICE UST, "V" CORN WHISKIES. 1 Gal. 2 Gal. 3 Gal. 4 Gal. 4 Qts. C Qts. 12Qts. . 2 New Corn $2.00 $3.60 $5.25 $.... $.... $.... $.... One Year Old 2.35 4.10 6.00 Two Year Old 3.00 5.60 8.00 Three Year Old 3.25 6.00 8.25 Hoover's' Old Mountain Corn 2.50 5.00 7.00 2.60 3.60 8.25 Hoover's' Private Stock 3.01 6.00 7.50 3.00 4.25 9.00 Pocahontas Corn 3.00 6.00 7.50 3.00 4.25 9.00 RYE WHISKIES. Hoover's Choice 3.00 5.50 S.25 2.00 3.00 Hoover 2.75 f 4.75 6.75 "l Southern States 2.60 4.25 6.75 I Excelsior 2.10 3.60 6.25 t Gibson 4.50 8.60 12.75 16.00 4.75 7.00 13.50 Old Times 3.75 7.10 10.50 13.00 4.00 6.00 12.00 Old Prentice 4.00 7.60 11.25 4.25 6.25 12.00 1'ennbrook (bottled in bond) 3.75 7.10 10.50 13.00 4.25 6.35 12.00 t Cascade 5.00 6.75 12.75 Green River (bottled in bond) 5.00 6.75 13.25 Old Tavlor (bottledHn bond) 4.00 7.60 1 1.25 14.00 5.00 6.75 13.25 M ell wood (bottled in bond) 3.75 7.10 10.50 13.00 4.75 6.75 13.25 Overholt 4.50 6.S5 12.50 Jefferson Club 3.75 7.10 10.50 13.00 4.00 5.S0 10.00 till! Henry 3.50 6.60 9.50 12.00 4.00 5.75 10.00 Old Grand Dad 3.50 6.60 9.50 12.00 1. W. Harper ' 5.00 7.00 12.25 Va. Valley 2.5o 4.60 6.75 8.50 NO CHARGE KOR Jl'GS OR PACKING. If you desire to pay the express rharRes, deduct for l or 2 Kullons 60 cents; 3 Kallons, 75 cents; 4 gallons, $1.05; 12 quarts, $1.10. Speeiul prices an large quantities. W. H. HOOVER & CO. Inc. Order your Job Printing from The Times. j Special Table a I Sale. I ' I We have just bought a large stock of solid Quartered g Oak Top Dining Tables like cut and offer them for the next 30 days at the following reduced prices: 54-inch Quartered Top 8 feet long $30.00 I 48-inch 44 44 8 " $24.00 145-inch 44 44 8 44 44 $20.00 42-inch " "8 " " $17.50 45-inch 44 44 <? 4 4 44 $18.00 42-inch " " 0 " " $14.50 fg| We guarantee these tables to be in perfect condition, to A work well and give satisfaction or your money refunded. g* We pay the freight. ? W. G. REID & SONS, I H ROCK HILL, S. C. j| ? I Lumber For Sale. We are prepared to fill orders, large or small, for all kinds of I Dressed and Rough Lumber. Our mills are located near Fort Mill in the finest tract of timber in this section, and with improved machinery and years of experience we guarantee satisfaction with every order. Phone 1-a. HOKE, MASSEY & COMPANY. \ v^v hTgm pricedquality\ / in a low priced car \j~ d. ? Tourabout $950?Fully Equipped. :au Manufacturing Co. Rock Hill, South Carolina.