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'^^?feasaBaBsi*?KS5SBH?a=aH5?M The Port Hill Times.!: DEMOCRATIC. ] P jblishevl Thursday Mornings. _ . ' < B. W. & W. R. BRADFORD... FUBI.ISIIFKS ( W. R. Bradford . Editor B. W. Bradford Manaof.b ' Subscription Rates: One Year $1.26 Six Months... 66 ' On application to the publisher, advertising rales arc made known to those interested. 1 The Times invites contributions on live subjects, j but does not agree to publish more than 20o words on any subject. The right is reserved to edit ' every communiratiort submitted for publication. ( Telephone, local and long distance. No. 112. FORT Mil.!,. S. O.. JANUARY 27. 1!?10. ] ????????????????? Deplorable Asylum Conditions. < ? While the press of South \ Carolina had prepared the pub lie to expect disagreeable re vela- ] tions in the report of the committee appointed at the 1909 session of the Legislature to investi- gate conditions at the State I Hospital for the Insane, the public was not prepared for the: astounding disclosures of the j ' inexcusable state of affairs which the committee alleges exists. The grossest violation of the ordi-; nary rules of decency and sanitation are pointed out in the committee's report. In the negro wards, where the death rate is is abnormal, filth and squalor abound everywhere and there is little pretense of treating the pa- _ tients. They are simply herded j ^ like so many cattle in a slaughter pen. The report is illustrated with photographs of various departments of the hospital and these photographs depict more impressively than the language of the report, plain and unreserved as it is, the horrible situation which has come about as the result of mismanagement, crimi- i nal carelessness and incompe- e tency. F The regents of the hospital seem to have had little regard a for the welfare of the institution, e doubtless exercising more care in F collecting the mileage and per diem allowed by the State for * services which were not rendered J than in conscientiously perform- j ing their duty. It is outside of reason to conclude that the in- j ~ decent, filthy and brutal con- i djtfons which the committee points out grew up in a day, a year or five years. This being (rue, there is no escape for any member of the board of regents1 who has served during the last half dozen and more years from a share of the opprobrium which the report carries. All seem to have accepted the State's pat- | ronage under false pretenses. j; They have not earned the com-. pensation the State has paid them for faithful service. If the present board of regents do not resign at the earliest possible moment, the governor should rise to the occasion and remove them. Such a course would be in the | interest of humanity and the 1 governor would be generally(' commended. Superintendent J. W. Babcock is to blame not one whit less for the state of affairs at the hospital "than are the regents, past and present, and if he does not lose his position it will be surprising. The friends and apologists of Dr. Babcock may rush into print with appreciations of his worth as a physician?none will be brave enough to claim any executive ability for him?and allege that he has remained with the institution at a great personal financial sacrifice, but all this will hardly offset the bald statement that he has allowed the affairs of the institution to drift along regardless of the health and comfort of the inmates, upon the specious plea of economy, and has come precious near destroying the usefulness of the hospital by failing to attend to his du . ,>S LJIi W:"' ? - * ;ies. He seems to have spent to( much time searching for rare old pieces of Chippendale furniture ind running to and fro over the country proclaiming the direful things threatening from pellagra, this last phase of his wasted energy resulting in untold damagt to the South, with accompanying neglect of the patients undei his care. Of course it is imperative that the Legislature make financial provision to pift the hospital ir better condition to care for the 1,500 inmates. It is of no great moment whether the money foi the purpose is raised by taxation or a bond issue. It is unthinkable that present conditions be allowed to continue. The public demands that immediate steps be taken 10 relieve these unfortunate and helpless wards of the State. To refuse thorn the consideration they deserve, would be inworthy a humane people. FOR SALE -One horse, one mule am a one-horse wagon. Cheap for casl or will sell on time. Also, I will bu\, 100 bushels corn, in ear. L. A. HARRIS. t.OST?On Tuesday, Jan. 11th, bate! of notes, aggregating in amour I $1,900. Reward for return to Times office. J. L. ADKINS. Come one and all and see "CJrippIed Jim" for your Cabbage Plants. Also fresh Oysters and Hot Lunches for sale by J. H. Patterson. ro our friends and customers: HERE'S OUR HAND. We thank you for the gen:rous patronage given us the >ast year. Trusting to merit a continuince of the same, and wishing :ach and every one of you a )rosp'erous New Year, we are Very truly yours, ?ort Mill Drug Comp'y T. R HATT P / ' "'S* ' IMBMHnWHHil Beach-Ihrie's We have the most up-to-date lines of Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Class, China, Clocks, and many other useful and ornamental (foods to be found in this section of the country. We shall be glad to hear from you when in need of anything In our line. Repairing and Engraving a Specialty |*?5' I?cal Watch Inspectors for Southern Railway. Rcoek.lliiria laufaiirw fn Iuvuunm it i/u.9 Reliable Jewelers, Rock Hill, - - - S. C. tmmmmmmsmB mmmmmmmm mmammmmm Touring Car $95' FORD AUTC . 'Uv'" ^SSBTT^ i | There is more | :| to a Fertilizer jj Ilium analyses p The mere mixing of p materials to obtain analy- P* sis requires no special if knowledge. The Value 1^ cf a fertilizer lies in the P source from which the l plant food is obtained. | Each ingredient in r Royster goods is selected ? with a view of supplying 'i\ the plant from sprouting \ until harvest. The plant 3 is not overfed at one time and starved at an- ? other. T went y- five years experience goes with K every ba# 6 TRADE HARK H I a -mr a 0*1 REGISTERED BR y Sold by reliable dealers throughout y j H the South. Q F. S. Royster Guano Co. U M NORFOLK, VA. M | Special Table j IWe have just bought a large stock of solid Quartered Oak Top Dining Tables like cut and offer them for the ? next 30 days at the following reduced prices: 54-inch Quartered Top 8 feet long $30.00 4N-inch " " 8 " " $24.00 H 145-inch 44 44 8 44 44 $20.00 42-inch 44 44 8 44 44 $17.50 45-inch 44 4 4 6 44 44 $18.00 42-inch 44 44 6 4 4 44 $14.50 Q I We guarantee these tables to be in perfect condition, to ft work well and give satisfaction or your money refunded. I a We pay the freight. jS W. G. REID & SONS, I | ROCK HILL, S. C. ft j =i , Lumber For Sale. ________________ I We are prepared to fill orders, large or small, for all kinds of Dressed and Rough Lumber. Our mills are located near Fort Mill in the finest tract of timber in this section, and with improved machinery and years of experiI ence we guarantee satisfaction with every order. Phone 1-a. ; HOKE, MASSEY & COMPANY. 0?Fully Equipped. Roadster $?00?Fully Equippt ^mobiles Syleec and ACCESSORIES. GOOD EATING | | EVERY DAY AND SUNDAY, TOO. j 6 Yes, you can afford to set a good table every day 8 6 if you will make our store your headquarters. Pay 8 8 us a visit ea?h day and you will find a warm w el- * H i H j&j come, a clean store and congenial company, for we ft * have many of the most particular housekeepers g ! jfij who fine? that our store is a ^feasant apd profitable K | ^ M j.j place to spend a half hour every day. Phone g ^ 15 for anything you want in our line and your jflj orders will be promptly filled. Our quick delivery g service cannot be excelled. jj J n g 6 Stewart & Gulp, rclephN0umber is. 9 9! Jfi ? *3* CK tc* i 3> ?C#ctCji SO* ^Os Xlfct iOfc ?2ZKH r&G?????<2 <3 {?@? ?g q<2: ?<S ?? ?3?? Cotton Futures ? I are certainly of interest to you, ? Mr. Farmerman. ?. You are anxious ar.d eager to know how your ? ? cotton crop is going to turn out. Fertilizer thoughts jc? come to^your mind and you want the best. Do X you know xj ? Royster Fertilizers? ? a If you do, you know to come to us again. If you a (g) don't^know Royster's goods, come to us and we @ will'introduce you to a "Fertilizer Friend." And 0 then, too, we have a good stock of Cotton Seed ? QP Meal at a price. ? Farmers' friends always help them. A Vulcan, g Oliver or Chattanooga Plow will help you. They )<* ? are'your^friends. Come and ask us. (g) ? Supplies Supplied ? i QO To you at low market prices, and besides, we 5p ' ? try to be courteous, kind and generous. Seeing is ? v believing?See. V | E. W. KIMBRELL COMPANY. | W. H. HOOVER'S PRICE LIST, "M"? CORN WHISKIES. 1 Gal. 2 Gal. 3Gnl. 4 Gal. 4 Qts. C Qts l-?Qt? New Corn >2.00 >3.60 >6.25 > J j " One Year Old 2.35 CIO 6.00 # .... Two Year Old 3.00 6.60 8.00 Three Year Old 3.26 6.00 8.26 . Hoover s' Old Mountain Corn 2.60 6.00 7 00 ?*60 *3 60 'oVi Hoover's* Private Stock 3.0 4 6.00 7.50 ..!!! 300 4*25 9 00 RYE "WHISKIES 3 ?? 6 ?? ~> b? 3:?? 4'2B Hoover's Choice...* 3.00 5.50 8.25 2.00J5 3 00 Jloover 2 75 4.75 6.75 Southern States ; 2 60 4.25 6 75 rv* Kxeelslor 2.10 3.60 5.25 ....! ? yf GJhson 4.60 8.60 12.75 16.00 4.75 ' 7.00 i.i.Vo Old Times 3.76 7.10 10.50 13.00 4.00 6.00 12.00 Old Prentice 4.00 7.60 1 1.25 4.25 6 25 12 uv Pennbrook (bottled In bond) 3.75 7.10 10.50 13.00 4.25 6.35 12^00 Cascade 5.00 6 75 12 75 Green River (bottled In bond) 5 00 6 75 13 ?6 Old Taylor (bottled in bond) 4.00 7.60 11.26 14.00 5.00 6 75 13 25 Me 11 wood (bottled In bond) 3.75 7.10 10.50 13.00 4.75 6.75 13126 Over holt ... 4.50 6.85 12.60 Jefferson Club 3.75 7.10 10.50 13.00 4.00 6.80 10.00 I omi Henry ;t.6t? c.fio 9.50 12.00 4.00 5.75 10.00 Old Grand Dad A 3.5o 6.50 9.50 12.00 I. \V. Harper 5.00 7.00 12.25 Vu. Valley 2.50 4.00 6.75 S.50 NO CHAROK FOR JUGS OR PACKING. If you desire to pay the express charges, deduct for 1 or 2 gallons CO cents: 3 gallons. 75 cents; 4 gallons. $1.05; 12 quarts, $1.10. Special prices on large quantities. W. H. HOOVER & CO. Inc. I Order your Job Printing from The Times. UM PRICED QUALITVA ^ ym* IN A LOW PRICED CAR id. Tourabout $950?Fully Equipped. :au Manufacturing Co. Rock Hill, : : South Carolina. ?