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in "^5 j PUBLISHERS* NOTICE. Some weeks dku t Va? unn?inc?nMnt ?M mude in these columns thaklt was th* purpose of the publishers of The Timea to mak- mtlorinl improvements in the paper. The Improvements contemplated have been under way for some time and next week The Times will appear in an enlarged form. After this issue The Times will be n six-column, eight-pas# paper, thus supplying its readers with practically twice the reading matter the paper has heretofore carrii-d. Along with thy improrad paper which the publishers are pleased to babe v e w ill be issued, extra expense is involvedw hich cannot Is- eliminated. For this reason ^ the snbscription price of The Times will be Inc rear oil from $1 to $ 1.2.0 the year after January 1.191b, the new rate not to apply to those who have paid for the paper in advance until their subscriptions expiie. The publishers of T?... T;~ .. . iii> ? -in i'ss i n?- nop* I not the nmall increase. which will no more than offset the ad<1 tional co.-.t of the white paper, will not result in the loss of a simile subsrriljer. nnd the u?snrance is sriven thut the inert-use would not is- mode were it not necessary. PUUI.ISHEI18 THE TIMES. SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. The best price quoted for cotton on ?ltis market yesterday was 15 1-4 cents. Seed sold for 48 cents. The installation of the W. O. W. officers, elected recently, will take place the lirst regular meeting night in January. Siins Clay and Miss Ada Starnes, a youthful couple from Harrisburg, N. C., I were married by Magistrate J. W. | RlcElhaney Sunday afternoon. Sc\eral interesting communications are crowded out of this issue through i lack of news space, hut it is hoped j that these items can he printed next j week. I). O. l'olts, of Pleasant Valley, was in town Friday and stated that it is his intention to begin the erection of an eight rooi11, two-story residence on the i Gibbons plantation which he bought in thai neighborhood some weeks ago. W. Charlton McGinn has accepted a la virion as salesman for I> W i Stalling.*, the Columbia merchant who will open a store in Fort Mill the first I of the new year. Mr. McGinn has been employed by the I'arks Drug company during the present year. The annual supper of Catawba lodge No. !><!, A. F. M., was given at tne Central hotel Monday evening and was attended by a large number of the lodge members, all of whom were greatly pleased with the menu which had been prepared for them by Mr. Culp. \V. A. Roach, salesman for the firm of Kind sell & Co., was considerably burned about the face Saturday night by t i e premature explosion of a Roman candle. At first it was feared that Mr, Km-. n'< eyesight had been injured by the r\plosion, but later developments indicate that the burns were not so j serious. The announcement is made that there ! v ill be no services next Sunday at Fort Tt"ill. Rl -asant Hill and Philadelphia ' Methodist churches. The Rev. Mr. I Widle, the new pastor of the circuit, [ ren ached in the Methodist church here S e day night, hut found it necessary To return to his former home to attend to moving his family to Fort Mill. Dealers in live stock say that Fort Mill is ordinarily a good market for the salt- of mules, but the market was de- j ;>r. .ssr 1 Monday morning. One mule | aft. r being given to a boy as a Christ- | mas present was sold for 50 cents. : The purchaser was assured that the! rnule was a good eater. Notwithstanding the decreased shipments of Christmas liquor to this place * as compared with former shipments for the holidays, there appeared to be tin- usual amount.of drunkenness in the community. Happily, however, there w ere reported no acts of violence resulting in serious personal injury to anyone. I . 1). Lee has bought the Sellers property on Forest street and will not at once erect a residence on the lot he bought from T. B. Spratt some days ago, it being the intention of Mr. Lee to move into the Sellers home within a few days. This property has changed hands twice within the last fortnight, T. M. Hughes having bought it from the Bank of Clarendon a few days ago. S. L. Meacnam, owner of the local telephone system, has sold the interest which he has held in the Steel Creek Telephone company since the orgnnir^ation of that company some time ago, and the Steel "Creek system will hereafter be operated as an independent line, with a central office at the home of R. H. Porter. Connection between the local system and the Steel Creek lines will be continued as heretofore. Use of the 32 phones in that neighborhood will still be open to the subscribers of the Fort Mill phone system. Mrs. Sadie Kiinbrell, wife of J. T. E. ' Kimbrell and daughter of W. H. Giles, all of whom are known in this place, having moved from here to Rock Hill some years ago, died suddenly at the home of her father in that citv Mondav morning. Kimbrell, the husband of j the dead woman, is said to have run H\va> ami deserted his family some time iigo. It will be recalled that he was tried and acquitted in the Charlotte court a f? w years ago for killing a man named Slinson, who lived near Fort Mill. Rev. A. L. Stough Dead. Aft r a h-nyr and eventful life in which he hi rally endeared himself to all who knew him. I lev. A. I. StoURh died at his home in Pineville. N. C . Tuts.In j ninhtnflor a short illness, in the dh year of his nRe. Mr. StoURh hurl been s minister (if the Itnptisl church since his young n.anhmd anil was pastor of Flint Hill churrh, in Fort Mill township, for 20 year*, thuuirh hia service n pastor of that church was not conI inlioiis. Seine years hro he Rave up tho pastorate of Flint Hill church, heeatise of the intirmities of j.dvan inR years, anil built a ehupcl in Pineville. pi wuich ho hnd i.ince Riven hia entire time. Mr. StoiiRh was the chaplain of a North Carolina I M Vmojit In .lie War Ilctween the StAtea. For | . vorul year:-, after the war he hold the poaition j k ,1.1k of court in an eastern North Carolina j L & wi twice married, hi* last wife, Mary Walker, iwunti He left no children, his onto HOE ,-tiild. a U?y, hy his first wife, having lieon killed fallinc from a barb |,.fi. It I walled hy Mr. SlouRh'a friends that to mourn the tragic death of hta m. to whom he would often refer with tears in DHI Mi Stough was n native of Germany and came ill country lonir liefore the War Between the He wn educated for the priesthood of HH, Itoman Catholic church hy an uncle, hia ^r^^^Hsyits being dead. He could not subscritie to K tMA..i|BMMk^fihureh and ran .Ai i.d. Aft.- UuidiiiR in America u nuiUv j n > rh Mian he N . amc i? <iuninted induced ' to tteiitl Welte Visr.t colleire and prepare ep for the Rupti-1 jinn try lie has since' .I that denomination with a fidelity and seat ? i a Wd hy none of its minister*. Mr. Sp Rh t wa ? atretic him. intellect unity and was kindand considerate of everyone. He will be ' ' 'erf Wr the people of Pineville, by nJI of I known meni ? ill Is- in Isiurelwopl cemetery. J fgtamsjhhbhhbiday. J *' . * ' ^ - '' F6RT MILL'S PROSPECTS. It is doubtful whether there is another small city in South Carolina Which will enter the new year with Utjghtor prospects of a substantial, steady growth than Fort Mill. During the year which is now drawing to a close there have been many evidences of the progressive spirit which has all along been here but which, unfortunately for the growth of the town, has been dormant. Now that there is a general | awakening to a recognition of the fact : that the future is fraught with great . possibilities for the town, there is no 1 I reason to doubt that the year 1910 will | show more marked improvements than i any one year aince the vilin.r,. ?f Vnrt I Mill wasincorporated .something more ! than 30 yr?ars ago. r. i The year 1909 has been the most | prosperous year in the town's history, as is indicated by the building activity and the increased cost of real estate. I Not one failure of any kind has been ' recorded, and without exception the ; merchants have had the largest trade j and made the best collections in the history of their various businesses. The ! deposits in the local bank and other | \ banks which are patronized by citizens ; of this section have been larger than heretofore and the freight receipts at the Southern depot have been 50 per cent, greater for the year than in any previous year. The mail matter handled at the local postofficc has also I exceeded in volume the outgoing and incoming mails of any year in the past, and the local cotton mills are said to have had a fairly prosperous year, notwithstanding the high price of raw cotton and the comparatively low price of the finished product which they manufacture. There were more live stock, buggies, wagons and farm implements sold here during the year than in any two years of the past. The hotels have enjoyed a good patronage as have the livery stabies. And the farmers, upon whom the town depends in no small degree for its prosperity, I have had an unusually prosperous year with the cotton crop selling a greater ; part of the marketing season beyond 13 cents.. Hut evidences of the growth and prosperity of Fort Mill are not to be found only in the business enterprises of the town. There has been a material awakening all along the line, and in no way is this better illustrated than in the municipal improvements that have been made by the council during the last twelvemonth. Where formerly there were muddy sidewalks for the peupie co wiiik upon one now finds splendid concrete paving extending over more than a mile of the town's sidewalks. And this work of civic improvement is yet in its infancy, for regardless of the result of the election to be held for city officers within two weeks, the people wish the concrete paving continued until it covers all the principal sidewalks and will not look with favor upon a discontinuance of the work, now that they know of the convenience and comfort which it affords. With the coming of the new municipal government it is confidently believed that steps will be taken at once to better the sanitary conditions of the town. Fort Mill needs a scavenger department whose duty it will lie to see that the premises of every home in the municipality are cleaned at least once a week. JThis department of the city government can he established at Brnall cost to the individual housekeeper and will greatly promote the health of the community. By the opening of the next fall session of the graded school the trustees promise to have the new school building completed and ready for occupancy. Ten thousand dollars was voted in bonds for this purpose hist April. The new building will mean a marked advance in the town's educational facilities. The present building has long since outlived its day of usefulness anil , the voters were wise in providing the funds necessary to erect a modern ' building for the school's needs. The year 1910 is full of promise for i Fort Mill. Specials for w MENTOR UNDERWEAR For women a: for the money. Women's Vests and 1' and Pants, 2l)c, 25c and 30c. Ladies' Suits, 50c. A good Vest and Pants, bl A few Women's Coat Sweaters, 30 incl Men's and boy's Sweaters, $1.00 to $2. Hoy's heavy Vest and Pants, 25c. CLOAKS -A big cut in prices on Long C blue and brown. If you expect to buy BKANKETS -Cotton and Wool, $1.00 am SHOES? We sell nothing but good Shoes be worth the price. Our shoe business the past few years. We have sold nun Quality will tell and quality will bring Thanking you, one an I all, for your kit continuation of the sain , ws wish you a meachaS III ^ ' i-a 'JkSS Bid OK T ttt We solicit ttt 111 r a nn ||| ance ABS( TREATMEh Hi ? | THE PI o > ? lI>9-19K^ $5** ' Commence the New Ifear with the resolution that you will put yonr faith in Ardrey's <Trtlfc* store and feel that you will get good satisfaction for your money and your health and that of all those dependent upon you. * Our eleven years' experience, seven- | teen thousand prescriptions filled, and ^ many faithful and satified customers should commend itself to you. We have done business with more different people than any store ever in Fort Mill and we cheated many when we stop md^Hnsider. Gkn9Tyour business all your busin'VMjHnr 1910. If things seem to fjo wrong at times, fojtret it and rest assured that everything will come ri^'lit in the "long run." ARDREY'S. COMMISSIONERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the County Commissioners of York County will Infield in their office in Yorkvillo, S. C.t on Friday, December 31, liWJ. All persons holding claims against the county will present them to tinundersigned or to the supervisor on or before said day. All claims against the county must be itemized and contain an affidavit to the effect that the account is just and true, due and owing, and no part thereof has been paid by discount or otherwise and that the supplies were actually furnished or the labor and services actually rendered. Claims not presented the year they are contracted or the subsequent year are forever barred. All persons authorized to administer oaths are required to probate claims against the county free of charge. by order of the board. HAZEL NEIL. Clerk. nnwB Bm MMMB J IBeach-Ihrie's j We have the most up-to-date 5 ! I lines of I I Jewelry, |? Silverware, Cut Glass, V , B g China, I Clocks, and many other useful and orna- I mental goods to he found in this | I section of the country. I | We shall he glad to hear from I j you when in need of anything in I j our line. g j Repairing and En- j ' graving a Specialty F i I 8 Local Watch Inspectors for I I Southern Railway. I j . IBeach-Ihrie Jewelry Co., { Reliable Jeweler*, Rock Hill, - - - S. C. j inter Weather. nil children, the best garment on earth ants, 50c; misses' and children's Vest Union Suits, $1.00; children's Union cached and unbleached, at 25c. lies long, at a bargain. 00. loaks. We have thein in tan. black, a cloak, now is your time. 1 up. A nice line of Com forts. Every pair we sell is guaranteed to i has hail a big increase in sales during re shoes this winter than ever before. you back. i - id patrouaix.', and earnestly soliciting a | happy ami prosperous Now Year. { A & EPFS. i A . A. . . ? . * . ^ * + . * . + . ? 4 ^ * ' ' ^ > ' ' v * - ?? > > < p3 Q L.? fcSQ": BBKtn . cv*r ? U>J irjk.-KdWN i I . 4 vnilV Kncir?ooo A - j v/ui y~J VIOi A A* OO V DLUTE SECUR1 JT. iOPLES N T. L JOHNSTON, Fres in the Gity The recital which is to be giv< night will consist of a number o teacher of expression at Peace Haskin graduated with highest Fayette, Missouri; afterward from Kelso School of Expression, Chicago. Za In child dialect Miss Haskin can not .39 be surpassed, and shows rare ability in heavy numbers. She is very attractive and winsome and knows the art of highly entertaining 4 her audience. Besides Miss liasli * I * * ' ' ' Kin s numncrs there will be other interesting featuies on the program. Miss Mattie MeNinch, daughter of ex-Mayor MeNinch, of Charlotte, will add to the pleasure of the evening by rendering several solos. Miss McNim . graduated with honors from Fence Institute last year, and s has delighted Charlotte audiences with ' ^ . her sweet voice. The Fort Mill orchestra will r< necessary to tell the people of F from these musicians, as they h; with their music. The recital will begin prompt! 25 cents, will be charged. | $ ^ I want to thank all 1115 ^ helping mo to moke the have had since entering ! hope to sec you ofte ^ and desire that you mak ^ store when i;i Fort Mi!!. ^ it is my purpose to m: ? Ihc year just closing, if prices unci courteous ire jjj^ I wish you aii a inerry I JONES, W. H. HOOVER'S PI i ? IKN' W 111SK 1 KS. I ( New >"orn $ <?ne Yi- ir old Two Yon old Three Y?-.?r < >M : lloiivri Y i thl Mountain Corn I Imiv it's' I t i \ ato Slork l'ni n lit >n I a.- t m il mi. WHISKIES. II no\ er'i 4'liolee I lom ?-r : ; Son i l.i-i u Si a ti - ... I ... I iillHllll < 'i.i rjmo ; < thl I 'rout i I "oil ii III ook I bottled ill ItOllil I Caso.l, <!iitii Hivcr (hotth-il ill lion.I) .thl Tit \ lor in Imiul) Ml II wood i hot tied ill liiituH ' (tv i rindi iblTfrson Club < ?hi llenry : < lid I !l*n lid I tad I \V Harper Ya VjiII.-v no cilAitoi: i-'<ti: .ires oi: i*.\ci i-liaiKa - . ili-ilii> I Cor I or - nallo s till # I ? ... I" t|ii t . SI.In Slte.-ia I iirii:i>? W. H. HOOVER Oft*' m . .A>Va?N II YOU WANT \ Steak or Roast that is tender, <\veet and juiey, I can furnish it, I have Steaks. Roasts, Chops, Ham ai'ol S:e.isae;e, the F.-st thai money can huy. I also handh 1 reveries and all kinus of ('anne* Hoods. Pens. Roans, ('??>! ;iyr< md Rot does oti hand at al times. See i e, it 's my tn. t. W. Eh ) IIAM-, L ... j & <t -> *> < ,* V v < 4 , v v v C i c* ? 11 *1 SM \aJ csaKtvan.*: vw v; r, rszra.v*! * aftiajtixai-fct.. vi^-swa* S&M rxmv )ta* "N '#*.ViAvr? vith the assur- ! ITY and FAIR ! I j I 1 wmmmm _?- ,J - > J^'ivK'.crv> ?n? ? \rv, ATIONAI. iidenl. C <t t 4 * <? v C < ? * 0 *..... ? ... ^ > c < ' > - o > c ,v o , c i . i Flail, at 8:15. ?n in the city hall at 8:15 Friday ' f readings by Miss Ethel Haskin, Institute, Raleigh, N. C Miss I ! i! ! v: ":kK nder s v? ral numbers. It is not ort Mil! what is in store for them aw so often charmed the people v :u N:l~>. A small admission fee, New Year. | r customers and friends for 'J*, year 19Of. the best year 1 'J& business in Fort Mill. r: during the coming year, c yourself at home in my vLe 1910 even better than S i gaods o! quality at right 'v? >?.? ...:u u i 1 r.iuiv (>. mil oi.LOllijJllSil II. jfl anci prosperous New Year. ^ The Grocer. | MX! n?T EXPRESS CHARGES UtL, LLM, PREPAID. * > i ;:.! i; ; ; <: l i . i r. <JI l 2?jis. - <? > ? i ; m ; n 1 >" ' . . . 2 no .s 25 i. in .... ;;mi iy.oo i ti n" . in .:.ini i 25 y.oo ii 5 v 2 00 !! lift 2 7. i . . . 0 ' . -'In ; i. 11 ... I .. i i.'i I 11. mi 1.7 5 7.0H 1 ;:.50 . I I i II . I I nil ti mi 1 2 no i" i. -11 n.'jr, 1J on . ; ? ..n i:: on i j.. 12.00 . T. nil 1; ,12.75 5 On 7.. is 25 1.11 1 . n 1 i II mi 0.75 1:1.25 : . . 1 1 .. 1 : n.i 1 .5 ?;.71 ::.25 150 r,.s5 12.50 . 7 m l'1 n | .i nn I mi 5 mi Iii 00 1 I 2.00 I.nil 5.75 . ' I J.oo . in? 7.dO 1",ri i i;.7f> s.r?o \i l! >?? i .Icmk- to p.iy tin* I I : I ! < l: . I I II i. . i y, .11 tollS, ii :i in.. <i h i ii 111 li'h. p/v >: 522 E. Broad Street, C LU. inc. RICHMOND. VA. . Why Pay Rent When $2.50 a week will i Buy a Home? For Parti' ulni s see L. A. HARRIS. e . >? . $ % . ?, ^ . '? i- 4 - i' > < ? . . * . * V ?> *. v ? !> '> <' 4 $ ?,. O . ^ . . SFI' I Wt&Ml TTSS&SSBi3 taw m v i*^?rar,i?mmmmi(atacn fjir 1 ' " Ii! Money clepo; i}. I j n ient draws inte jl| d ii leit three mon ANK o! ( > c : > bih^mmmmmmmmmmmmM < <?4s??????c???4-^^^?i>?4. 14.4. Imany t tt ^ For your libe> patronage leads us to believe that you f 44 perience and efforts to gi\ ff goods at the very lowest pric 44 you will find us striving mo you faithfully and honestly. ^ you that your patronage is f remember that you lake no ^ here, as everything we sell is as well as price. We wish you a happy and tt L. j. MA, <, * ^ < MTTVWT- Trr "VPTirffiY trUHS^VI TT The Parks Drug Co fvil to all its friends lor tli I which it lias received dmin$ extends to each of them th During the year 1910 we stock of Drugs, Etc., obtain a continuance of the liber has been bestowed upon tl the present year. I Horses, Us Ml I vvtt&uus nm I ?MM IBUMIBMi I Mil -*t- m -r - , jst . We are now In to ii ready to do business. < t he host of every! him Ins cheap as can ho he A11 we ask is t hat yen before purchasing an we can do business w wo sell the celeli HA K Kll and \ KSS rook hill, rou i j or HI (jKH KS. Our is compiet.e. (omo t ?>! ! n??.-??fca^Dir?riii i tjv.rv-came*no. S. J. Kimball & JOHN WHITI i> ? ? <> ? '.m* a iM3?rrrik . aMve w? #?. sited in our Savin; :rest at the rate of tns or longer. f? ! rmtmmmcyy..i n ' -v** f Rock Hill C. L. COBB, Cashier. <> 4 t * <> * o . > . ^ . v O 4 4 4 ? ? o > 4 4 r i HANKS ! if t* the past year, which || appreciate our long ex re you the very best ^ A > es possible. In 1910 re than ever to serve It is needless to tell lighly appreciated, and ^ ? ? chances when you buy guaranteed in quality iT ? prosperous INew Year. || SSEY. | ^ ? 356K3. W^383WI?*0?RieBBB e impany is gratee liberal patronage y the year lcH)() and e season s greeting. shall carry the best able and we solicit al patronage which lis business during i, teles,] fi B k mess. ii our new stable We sell only ; \\ e handle and p ni^bt anywhere. " i look at our line d then we know i 111 v o n. rated STl'DK>1 N WAGONS, LA \ 1) and othIIAUNKSS line o see us. Jit: L> ' V V. : Sons, Mi^c. ... ^(>AND HIDES fctlteK niGHEST MARKET riica lM v TAiD you RAf ruts - ^ A*D u,m\ " t $r Wool OotnmUfiU*. Write fcr ]'.wc-list ineniicnlac tela ?4 ESTX.WU8H8D 18# 7 ? <L CO. , Lrouiavu*!,*. Ka . a . . ,$ . . + . + . + .+ .. R $ ?~~? + -4* J s js iJepart- ?tt * } at 4 per cent, 4* * X * " . . ^ . MflHM 9 i ^ r nt ' vv c. > > > ^ > * ? t * v -> ?<