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?zL_^ SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST < to TIMES READERS. !J < j The time for the payment of ] city taxes without the penalty j expires with next Monday. i An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Steele died Thursday and was buried Friday afternoon at the city cemetery. 1 Mr. D. A. "Lee a few days ago 11 i ., w?u niij );iaiiu?uv/ii tit ivy n ci r ui t \ v Mill to his son, Mr. B. M. Lee. j E Consideration unknown. ^ j ] Mr. B. F. Massey, Jr., of j Greenwood, spent several days j1 of the past week at the home of J; his parents in lower Fort Mill. Miss Rebecca Caldwell, whose I home is near Charlotte, is visit- t ing her cousin, Miss Isabelle t Grier. on Clobourn street. c The best price paid for cotton ^ on the local market today (Wed- " nesday) was 141-2 cents. Cotton seed sold for 40 cents. t j1 W. H. Hawkins, of Bessemer t City, N. C., has accepted a; t position as overseer of spinning j a at the Chadwick Mills No. 5, at I Pineville. t f Rev. S. P. Hair, the new pas- c tor of Fort Mill and Flint Hill s churches, will preach at the lat- t ter church next Sunday morning a at the usual hour, and at Fort q Mill Sunday evening at 7:30. 11, The census bureau on Monday , " issued a report showing that. [ 7,012,317 bales of cotton had |1 been ginned from the growth of |J 1909 to Novemberfkas compared j ith 8,101,557 bales for 1908. * SifKon>5^tiobT, in upper Fort a xill township, will open on next r Monday with Miss Louise Dye, a of Kershaw, as teacher. Miss t Dye, who is a relative of Mrs. f T 11 TT_M_ _ J* a1 Ml I ?j. iv. naue, 01 mis cuy, win ! s Krobably board at tlie home of h [r. W. H. Jones during the a school term. t g Governor Ansel has ordered an election for December 14 for the proposed new county to be formed from the northern half of Marion county with Dillon as j. the county seat. This will give \ the new county advocates if c they succeed at the election op- importunity to get their new county ^ bill through the next legislature. % MissMattie Barber, of Rich- . burg, Chester county, a sister of f Mrs. E. R. Patterson, of this jcity, was happily married October { : 31st to Mr. R. L. Gooch, of Fort J Lawn. Mr. Gooch is the agent 1 of the L. &. C. Railway at Fort jt Lawn, while his wife has had . charge of the telephone office for 1 j several years. I ? Mr. Ed. H. DeCamp, one of t the best known newspaper men e in South Carolina, was a visitor q to Fort Mill Thursday. Mr. De- t Camp is the .editor of the Gaffnev c Ledger, the Clifton Chronicle r and Grit & Steel. The latter | paper is published in the interest ? of the game chicken industry and c has a world-wide circulation, t While here Mr. DeCamp paid 1 The Times a pleasant call. V s Through a sale consummated y the past week. Dr. T. S. Kirk- I patjrick is now the owner of the : j Blankenship farm in upper Fort a Mill, having bought the place lc fromV. B. Blankenship. Another r deal between Dr. Kirkpatrick 'j and Mr. Blankenship was the v purchase by the latter of the! t premises on Clebourn street j formerly owned by J. T. Young. t The consideration in either deal, t was not made public. j v Miss Janie Hamilton Smith * and Mr. J. Oscar Neely were ? quietly married Thursday after- l\ noon at 2:30 at the home of the c bride's sister, Mrs. E. W. Haight, 5 in Charlotte, the Rev. H. II. j i Hulten officiating. Miss Smith 1 is the youngest daughter of the ' c late Hamilton D. Smith of Steel ? Creek, and Mr. Neely is a popu- t lar young resident of the same g section. There were only a few * of the near relatives present at the ceremony. ? < Train No. 29 arrived in the m city yesterday morning about ; picrht' Vinnra lalf> Tim mmmn 4 O"" ??.vw. VI15IIIC I was bedabbled with blood, hair, < horns, etc, and the report was 4 that the engine had killed sever- i a! cows in the neighborhood of . Lewis, although residents from ' that section who were here today 1 i knew nothing of such an oc- < currenee. Mr. W. E. Sledge, < who was operated on a few days < ago in Charlotte by Dr. A. W. Moore, of Chester, is getting < along nicely, and will be able to j return home in a few days.? < Chester Reporter, Monday. j 4 Rev. Mr. Hair Accepts Call. < ? . < The congregations of the Fort 4 Mill and Flint Hill Baptist i churches were greatly pleased < Thursday when they- received < word that Rev. S. P. Hair, of;} Blackville, had accepted the call extended him to the pastorate of 4 these churches. Mr. flair visited { Fort Mill some weeks ag*> and < preached to the congregations of < Flint Hill and Fort Mill and so ! i highly were the churches pleased j with his sermons that he;, yvas at once asked to take the: < t .... :harges. The Baptists have eagerly awaited Mr. Hair's inswer and to know that he had iecided to come was to them a source of much pleasure. Mr. Hair and wife are expected to irrive here the latter part of the week. ___ School Bonds to be Re-Sold. ft. p. J.L. r>! xvcan tv v^o., me ^mca^o brokers, will not be the purchasers of the $10,000 worth of school x>nds issued by the Fort Mill khool district several months igo. It will be recalled that iCean & Co, were the highest )idders when the bonds were ofered for sale and the firm was luly awarded the purchase, rhen began a long drawn out :orrespondence between the irokers and the school board as o the validity, etc., of the bonds, his feature of the transaction :onsuming more than a month vhen it seemed that the matter ihould have been closed in a nuch shorter space of time. The dea dawned upon many that Cean & Co., had failed to re-sell he bonds and were holding oft' he closing of the transaction in in effort to place the bonds. Anally, when all questions as to he validity of the issue had been urnished, the bonds were printid by the Chicago brokers and ent here for the signatures of he trustees. The papers were .t once signed and sent to a ftiieago bank with instructions 0 deliver them to Kean & Co. ipon payment of the amount of he firm's bid. Here the mater hung fire for several weeks, r until the local school board ecaire thoroughly disgusted vith the manner in which Kean 1 Co., were dealing with them, nd ordered the Chicago bank to eturn the bonds. The papers rrived here a few days ago and he board will again offer them or sale. It is understsod that everal reputable bond dealers tave inquired about the bonds nd it is believed that little rouble and delay will be further xperienced in effecting a sale. Game Bird Season Opens Monday. I ' 11 1 ' ' Next Monday, the 15th, ushers 11 the open seaspn for the huntng of wild turkey, partridge, luail and woodcock, and the >ang of the sportsman's gun will hen be heard until March 1, vhen the season again closes. The weather is yet a bit warm or good shooting, but as soon as he temperature drops to a suita>le figure, local shooters will get >usv. Sunday shooting is prolibited by a statute passed to his end. It is unlawful to sell or export or sale any of the birds mcnioned above, and the Audubon lociety will doubtless see that his law is enforced. It will be incumbent upon any one selling luail, or woodcock to prove that ne birds sold are imported, as inly imported birds of this class nay be legally sold in this State. Game birds may be shot in >outh Carolina at any time, exepting those especially proected, but the laws are strict in elation to non-game birds, and >rohibit both the killing and elling of non-game birds, either esident or migratory. Non-residents of South Caroina must procure a special license it a cost of ten dollars, plus the 1 ~ -C A- ? * I* lein. vi court, s ieo, ior tnc >rivilege of hunting in this State. Phis license permits hunting vithin the law, and expires at he end of the shooting season, t limits the holder to take from he State fifty partridges, or welve ruffled grouse, or four vild turkeys, or fifty beach >irds, or fifty wild chicks or jeese, or two deer in one season. lost women are troubled with Kidney omplaint, and you know very many erious and even fatal diseases result rom these neglected Kidney troubles, f yeu will take DeWitt's Kidney and lladder Pills as directed, you may be onfident of good results. Try them rnd see how really good they are. Berare of imitations, pills that are inended to deceive you. Be 9ure you ret DeWitt's. Sold by Ardrey's drug tore. WM I || tt We solicit tl ance of ABS TREATMEt .tt || ESSE THE Pi . . > tt ;T r- ""J Route Suggested for Trolley Line. ( ! Editor Times: I saw an article . in yoiir paper of Nov. 4 in regard to the building of a trolley line ' from Rock Hill to Charlotte by ! The Carolina Traction company. Knowing some of the gentlemen behind this proposition, I am sure that the road will be built , in the near future and would like to suggest to the company I that they tap Fort Mill and then I take the Tuckasege road to Shopton, in Steel Creek township, and then to Dixie and on to Charlotte. The distance would be something like 22 miles from Fort Mill to Charlotte and the road is comparatively level. Besides tapping the towns of Shopton and Dixie, it is the most densely populated route they | could find and would split ?the ] country about half way between the railroad and the river. By this route it would be necessary to bridge only three branches and one creek. I hope to see the) j people along tne route suggested i go to work and sec what induce J ; ments can be offered this grand I i enterprise in the way of grant-1 ling rights of ways, etc.. and don't stop working and talking until the road is buiit. W. H. W. Gold Hill, Nov. 9. Harris-Bailes Nuptials. Times Correspondence. Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock the brilliant marriage of Miss Rebecca Harris-find Mr. Eldridge Bailcs was solemnized in Pleasant Hill church, the interior of which had been transformed into a bower of beauty with decorations consisting of bridal white and green. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. J. Bethea, pastor of the bride and groom. Maids and groomsmen were in the following order: Miss Emma Elir.s with Mr. Ranks McGinn, Miss Bleeker Bailes with Mr. Frank Pott"-, Miss Carrte Powell with Mr. T. W. Gulp. Miss Banna Hodges with Mr." Will Crane. The maids wore dainty dresses of white suesine made with artistically draped tunics and lace trimmings. They carried pink chrysanthemums. Mr Will Crane, of Wofford college, was best man. Miss Lizzie Harris, who was maid of honor and sister of the bride, wore a soft white silk dress cn Princess and carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. The bride wore a handsome Princess grown of ivory white satin en train. She carried the brides boquet of white roses and ferns. Her veil was caught with lillies of the valley. Just prior to the entrance' of the wedding party, Miss Wharton, of Columbia, s'-tng very sweetly "O, Promise Me." Then came the bridal party, while Miss Sunie Elms, presiding at the piano, took up the ever beautiful strains of Mendelsohn's wedding march. During the ceremony Schubert's Serenade was played very sweetly by Miss Elms. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party with a number of guests were entertained at an elegant rccepj tion by the father and mother of the j bride. The home was beautiful in its decorations of white and green and ! many potted plants. An elegant salad | course, followed by ices, was snrved, ! Misses Sunic Elms and Inez Culn prej sided at the punch bowl. The collection ; of wedding presents was numerous and f handsome and h. 2-peak the popularity of the bride and groom. Mr. Bailes is a successful young farmer of this community, while Miss Harria in nnn ti-n mncl nnnu lov U, nn.r ...vuvjruuuioi ladies of this section, and the best wishes of a hcct'Of friends follow this young couple. FOR SALE?Good Horse and Buggy and One-Horse Wagon. Also some Farming Implements. Apply to D. A. Lee, Fort Mill. S. C. 1 WANTED?Several good Cows, with young calves. L. A. Harris & Co. FARMERS--I am making a specialty of Ceiling for tenant houses at $1.00 per hundred. V. B. Blankenship. I FOR SALE ?One Combination Horse, One Rubber-Tire Top Buggy, One Rubber-Tire Cart all nearly as good as new. Will sell cheap. E. K. Garrison, R. F. D. No. 15, Pineville, N. C., or Phone 133-a. For a clear head, a stout heart and strong inind, DeWitt's Little Early Risers, gentle, safe, easy, pleasant little pills. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled for anything where a salve is needed, and is especially good for piles. Sold by Ardrey's drug store. ATTENTION WOODMEN! The annual banquet of White Oak Camp, No. 41, W. O. W., will be held in the city hall on the evening of Friday, November 26. All members of the lodge will call upon the clerk and secure tickets for the banquet. A. R. McElhaney, C'.erk. V CBSfci E5P1 KB mm mm mmmmumx, fi ?%m-*u^ ya. ^?nr. ? l your business ? OLUTE SECUR MT. :-: :-: WIWU.??n>-WMir. . Iti V. EOPLES is T. L JOHNSTON, Pre O- O --if - ??v vi * ? ? - * ?? - Lumber For Sale. When in r.eecl of Lumber call at our mill at Watson place, where Mr. J. T. Cornwell will serve you, or write me and we will deliver it anywhere. Quality first-class, original pine. Prices reasonable. Jim A. Barber, Rock Hi)?, S. C. "Meat me at Halle's On the corner." Delicious and refreshing Fountain I Drinks. Headquarters for Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco ami Smokers' Supplies. HEADI.EY'S CHOCOLATE BON BONS, PURE, FRESH, DELICIOUS. A full line of Drugs and Patent Medicines on hand at all times. Drop in and see us. Fort Mill Drug torap'y J. R. HAILE, Mgr. e- <%/% -?:.<*> n, <4 ft For This Monj \ ! will To: j ^ (sl USSCS lit regular p $5.00 Gla: $3.50. <)t coi'dingly, i ? p ii nAii; j i>r. vx. !T7l. V * 120 1-2 E. Main St. Bai'K3s GL;; Wagons ai awi*vvrr i'*j?olj iuuiapfiin,ww,wii mi inr ft AVc are now her< ready to do businc | the best of everyt:h ? as cheap as can be I All we ask is that before purchasing, we can do business We sell the ce I BAKER and NI ROCK TlILTi, CO II er BUGGIES. On is complete. Com S^a v xr w f% ?? | ?>. J. Kimball agMMBBSgMLStBy^tf-SB !T15SrKJaUi^fiBri > c < o?<& * - *: < :* < + ii tppfq 111 IlllllilliWI ! illl II III III EPK3?S3E31 arerwTHir" y? ?! > 'if \%m >xiir -^<mceenv - , - ~. w. 4 with the assur- j JTY and FAIR I *""' ? 'I'M., * 'iv . ? -'. . > isident ? -V'? > * ? o v -c * < ? i : ; 1h a l f! of tlie CURE fj | is the y 1 - QUALITY! I l v ^ re Unless the drug3 are of ;.j perfect quality, fresh, po- j>l L' * W M tent, and pure, the modi- ?5 U cine is not going to produce S j the results expected. Let ki 1 ? j u j us nil your needs am' satisvj 9 faction is assured von. a J ' p Facility and knowledge? .1 with th'i right kind and ^ class of drugs -invito all I , your business. There's j! safety, too, in trading ^ | ARDRE?S ] j ax Notice. Notice is hereby given that a levy of 2 mills oil the dollar has been made for municipal purposes on all property witliiu the incorporate limits of the town of Fort Mill, S. ('., for the year | 19y9, and that the same is now due and i payable at the office of the town [treasurer. Penalty will be attached to all unpaid taxes after the loth'(lay of November, . 190i?. o I 13y order of Council. A. It. McttLHANEY, Treas. t tin Only j d Lves and Lit the ^ <? One-Third Less than ^ <JV rice. Lor instance, ? v' sses will be sold for ? her quality goods ac- ? =7=. . .. l JVg Eyesight Specialist, a Reck Hiil, S. C. ? -.7^if..rL-J""-_ - . C^?rn^*'~ m. Hiioro'ip^ I ?p ij fesJ ^ C?r^ - Vu; iji r trB Uarnsreo SU il&IBii&dd: || ___ ^ \ e in our now stable i*i r*: jss. We soli only 1 iin? we handle and i hough! anywhere, i! H 1 von look at our line i 1 and then we knew ( with yon. lobrated STUDE- j 1SSIN WAGONS, ; UT LAN I) and oth- 1 r HARNESS line j c to see ns. rr? vr ' v ?v: j ? * : >. ^ . -ft - * - i . c -V -*V ? u'Ja * aFg%Tg35gafflaiL fjuxsaoa ?J-liSSSS!!!SBSBS^SSB800B rr " ??1 | Money clepc ; ment draws inl< k I ? ,if left three mot !_ . ' ! cw ~ v- ;* - . +>* . ir?m r v#?? n , BANK o ?> ' v * *: i <t > * v * <5V >' }> <+ * . * * < ; <* <r *> r ? i * f> r !! Special - i ,=>1 4 a ** Ladies' $15.00 Cloa tl " 10.00 " H " 5.GD " " C'ir V.-<* ->r> ? > V v,Vr ' u" ->t> Fcr ten days only to ?*< ' Vest and Panes 25c. $3.5 V > ' now $2.75. $35.00 5: e\v n New style Hats and Caps our prices wit'i any cr.talop ^ - can save by giving us the c <$ h ! .. .| | L.J. MA *: :< C -C- C V O C- * J YOU LOOK ,| DA L . Ar?d you v/ant to look goos | has a good deal io do wit fl clothes have mere. Get a guarantee of how y morrow. Wear J :1 A 1 C* AIco hyrsei And you will have no to rjj jj Arnold Loucheir fy (i iicit maize ; 10 dollars, 12 and 1 -2 dcllai .j 1G and 1-2 dollars ami 13d . { suit you a.nd we guarantee L jjj and tit to a "Tee-Y-Tee.' Dres3 your feet Irs a pair < r? or a pair of FELLOWCRAr 1 Then get a MILLER-ALL , be satisfied with -.our locks 1 ? H Proverb No. 4: ti A ' lea.- cc "X'cnco ic the bo< 1 E, W. K1ME s?:-v .2'-^' " v--v, MEACHA1V 1*. f ? i>iew ivaai .lust received a big express r.hipn tion in prices, llats at One Dollar to see them. Everj shape swell. Table X Get ready for Thanksgiving. Tw worth $1.25, special at 85c. Napkii inches, at $2.25 per dozen. House!' lor you. All linen goods will go up Other Linen at 50c, G5c and $1.0< Lace Cu See our Ecru, Red and Green Cur green rooms, at $1.50. Other Curtains, 75c to $5.00 per ] 0* ,o iVh?;"? C The best makes for Men, Women MEACMAIV . V - V * ?* *. ? %' ' V : ^ V &*? - -> j- ') - A - ^. <> o a c ; <5 , v o 3B \ &S [ 4 i sited in our Savi: srest at the rate oi lths or longer, , - v" y* * r -"* / " Kock rii C. L. COBB) Cashier, - *. f- Z i > ( * . t O t ? ; -t > '-fr i ?? * r ?; A . x . v \x ,.. .'.- a . ?, - . s -, V - 4 v V- { '-*' ~i ^ B&nrnoiSc:! C.r.? ' ' fS k.?, Now - v 7.50 1 v<v " - 5.00 ^ ,' - 2.S0 <$ j r>__ x_ sv < * .'J.IICC stock, Mi33C3 dCc - -> 0 Oi'esn Ouality Shoes r'O ^ Machires $17.50. *-<> ilcst arrived. * - <*, ; and sec I s v/ .Xiich you < * % >rder. " 4 vSSEY. r < > . ;> << . * . . f.; ,>; <> , > ; $, <>, I. ' -<3 . i <> T <$ ; 5 <* <f ^ ? j^rssfrssst G ; TO-! _ I I 1 tomorrow. Your face *>, h your looks, but your I our will loo-- to- ;'J 1 ? 8 it Clothes . I morrow-clodtcs-worries. i 1 >i r-> ? A -! ~C - h ill. ?.. d .A -i_i 4.' li 3 ALCO) p 3, 15 dollars, 1G dollars, r.j oliars. These pr'ces will 7 hat the cloll.cs will suic re ii': r' c RAI.SGN3 i or $4.01) Z-TS for $3.50. fj AIRE Hat end you viH h ri h !t liver trcnic. ?J , *% ?5~*s BR?* PJ a ,<"> M C?Qa | aSKSSTv; . ::: -V.-if '<? J FPP^ a A~c'l AJ. ;..'s [imery. lent of Shapes at a Li r re?lucLess than original prices. Call Jriciia pieces all Linen 72 inch wide, is lo match, all linen, 22x22 coopers, this is a money saver 27 per cent on January 1, 11)10 Lrtams. tains for dining rooms, rod and w ir. and Children. * cc fcrlro. ; V . ' <> ' > * > ' < -> ', O ' <? <V 0 - - * V c. * V '/*T v > v C> k p* rrVT! <->* q u . i If' < '.i /,"> , ?J ... "itiyU'fe k; 3 ^ L| I' -'j ' 71-" ] r.: : -. ] "? i w 6 KS? rv V. Rffs iJeoarl;- ' t .r> i v; > Sy . f 4 per cent, : v A i w > ^V; > ? ? ? ? ' /+ fc? ?r. v f ? ?* O 6 % f> v% v% > 11 Q r9 :-> l&a %*> ??$ * <>*<> * > < <> A * A iV V v ; s. $. . ..S . *. ?<?> /; o : ^ v > < 3 *