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j? , _| SHORT ITEMS of INTEREST to TIMES READERS. Vuss Alice White, of Black Mountain, N. C? is visiting relatives in this city. Mwttr Link Moore, of Plnevillc. has accepted a position in the freight offices in this city. Mayor T. M. Hughes and little daughter of Lancaster, were amonji the visitors to Fort Mill Saturday. Tho best price for cotton on tho Fort Mill market today (Wednesday) was 151-6 cents. Seed sold for 40 cents. Mrs. D. G. Kimbrdl. Mrs. A. A. Bradford and Miss Sue Bradford are spending; the v.eek with I relative.! in Columbia. Miss Lillie Hamilten. of Winthrop. wan the ; Ruest Sunday und Monday of her sister, Mrs. Osmond Barber, of Barbcrsville. _ Mr. W. J. Stewart, senior memberof the firm of Stewart & Culp, is. we arc pleased to note, able to be out again after a paint ul ilinuss of typhoid fever. * Mr. Charles Mngill of Grattan. has rented the new Barber residence en Booth street and it ia presumed .will occupy the house in the near future. aiiv uvw iiuinc gi j nr. urour.a inc corrflr on Booth street" is nntring completion and the paper will in all probability occupy its new quarters within ten days. Contrary to the announcement recently that the Winthrop students would uttend the State fair this week, it is now stated that it will be impossible to take the girls to Columbia. A force of Southern railroad pninters are in the city encaged in painting the depots, both passenger and freight. They arc improving the appearance of both buildings very much. It is just ten days until the open season for hunting birds comes on. one the hunters are anticipating great sport during the season. The bird crop this year is said to be larger than for a number of years. Mr. Drew. an experienced brick maker who comes from New York, is the new general superintendent of the plant of the Charlotte Brick company at Urmttnn, having taken the position bout ten days ago. Petit jurors for the first week of the approaching term of York court were drawn Tucsdny. and the names of the following Fort Mill men are found in the published list: T. K. Merritt, J. B. Milts, J. H. Bailes. W. E. Whiteside. It la the opinion of the farmers hereabouts that t least three-fourths of the cotton crop has been harvested, and that the 15th of November will see | little unpicked cotton. As a rule the cotton has been marketed as fast as it was picked. Something like 100 looms at the Millfort mill have been vtiut off during tho past ten days on account of the walls of one section of the mill showing signs of giving away. These looms are i located on the second floor and it was considered , unsafe to operate them longer without repairing the walla. The report in the papers a few days ago that J. H. Duke and others would erect a $600,000 cotton mill at Great Falls In Chester county, has, according to a later report, been olticially confirmed, and J. E. Slrrine. of Greenville, has hjen engaged , to draft the plans. The mill will be known as the Kcpublic cotton mill. Tho annual Statu fair at Columbia opened Inst Monday and will continue through the week. President Taft is to visit the fair on Saturday and It i? exi>cctod that the crowd present on tliut occasion will be the largest of the week. A num- j tier of Fort Mill people will go down to see the fair and the big boss of the hepublican party. There has been talk on the streets during the past few days of the organization of s stick company for the erection of a public ginnery, and possibly nn oil mill in connection, in lower Fort MilL If built the ginnery will likely he located on i the "Kimbrell corner" ut the intersection of tho Barbcrsvillc and Doby's bridge roads. 1 mile south of town. Fort Mill people will read with interest the announcement of tho approaching marriage of Miss j Hisndma Springs, the accomplished daughter of | tar. ana airs. nrcvara IJ. springs. ol Charlotte, to Mr. Joseph Jones, n popular Charlotte business man. The marriage is to lake place at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sprint.a tlie evening of Wednesday. November 17. The supreme eounrt of South Cnrolinn on Friday aflirrmd the decision of tho court in thu case of B. M. Foris et al. respondent, vb American Telegraph and Telephone Company, appellant, the opinion lieins rendered by C. A. Wood. A. J. This was a nuit to recover dnmsgc* from the A. T. & T. Co. for cutting timber from the premiums of Flint Hill Bnptist church, in upper Fort Mill, the lower court allowing the church dunuigcs in the sum of $1,600. A show which will doubtless attract a large crowd to the ball ground thla (Thuraday) evening is Frank E. Grtswold'n production of "Ten Nights in a Barroom." Tlie> show will be given under canvas at 8 o'clock. "Ten Nights in a Barroom" is acknowledged a play possessing the strongest temperance moral of any yet produced and those f our people who fail to nee the show this evening will miss a couple of hours of uxcullent entertainment. Fort Mill will likely get n new resident in the near future in the person of Mr. J. T. Huntley, n prominent citizen of Reubens. Chesterfield county. Mr. Huntley wns here the pant week looking the town over and investigating real estate, ami in said to have been favorably impressed with local conditions. He is seeking primarily better church and school facilities thun he now has. and It is hop??d that he found conditions here such as will cause him to become one of the town'u citizens. "Jones, the Grocer" the past week received two cars wf hogs and cattle from Tennessee and for | the next few weeks, at least, will have little trouble in furniHhiug bis customers with fresh meat*. The cattle and hogs, nuinliering 39 and 106. respectively, were taken to the Jones stock form. 1 mile west of town, where they will be cared for by the maanger. Mr. Ctius. Carter, and slaughtered as needid. Mr. Jones expects another car of cattle to arrive from Tennessee Lhia week. The new order of the postoflice department of the United States, by which the fee for the registration of mall is increased from eight to ten cento, while at the same time the liability of the government tar indemnity in rase of loss, theft or destruction of a registered article in transit is in- j < creased from $2b to $60. went into efTect Monday. | The increase of the registration fee wns ordered i by I'ostmanter General Hitchcock upon the rec- | ommendution of the committee which has made ! * an investigation of the registration m>rvim nnH haji found that thin divimon h.-ut been conducted at a considerable loss to the government. J. II. Yates, a white man who on the 10th of last May wu married by Notary S. H. Epps of this J township to Miss Daisy Tidwcll. of Charlotte, has j gotten himself into a peck of trouble, by reason of hta having had a wife and child at Orangeburg when his mnrrlage to Miss Tidwell took place. ; Yates has been living at Concord, N. C., and as 1 soon as relatives of his first wife learned of his second marriage they swore out a warrant charging him with bigamy and his arrest followed. He wan bound over to court in the sum of $1,000, and In default of bond was committed to jail at Concord. The Tjmfs extends thanks to those of its friends who have responded to the request recently made for the payment of subscriptions due. And especially does the |>aper feel grateful to the friends who have paid a year's subscription In advance. The installing of a modern cylinder press, by which it is hoped to enlarge and otherwise improve the paper, will be ma<lc within ten days and the disposition shown by its readers to help the publishers bear this extra expense is indeed gratifying. There are, however, a number who are still due the year's subscription and it is hoped that they will call ut once and settle. Smallpox Near Town. Dr. T, S, Kirkpatrick, one of the town's physicians, called at The Times office Tuesday morning and gave out the information that Kitoh Campbell, a j negro man whom he had been called j upon to attend, has a genuine case of smallpox at the home of the negro's j father, Jim Campbell, 2 miles west of Fort Mill. The Campbell negro has been living in Charlotte, where small- > pox has been prevalent for some time, I and came home sick the past week, though the disease did not develop 1 until Saturday, and a physician was not called until Monday. During Saturday and Sunday numbers of negroes are said to have visited, the Campbell house and were of course ex posed to the disease. The case of Campbell is the first smallpox that has been reported in this section in a number of years, and it is to be hoped that proper methods will be adopted to prevent a spread of the disease. Fort Mill is at present has no active board of health, we are told, and it is not known what, action will be taken in the case of Campbell. The city authorities have been notified of the appearance of the disease and will at once take the matter up with the State authorities awl will do everything possible to prevent an epidemic of this dreadful malady. Pineville Lady Passes Away. Mrs. Martha Brswn died at her home at Pineville Sunday morning, -after an illness of several months of dropsy. She had been twice married, her first hus band being1 the late J. K. Carothers who waa for many years a well known farmer of the Flint Hill neighborhood. In May of thi3 year she was married to Mr. J. "Smiley" Brown, who died suddenly at Pineville last July. Since then Mrg. Brown had been in declining health and to those who knew her condition her death was not unexpected. She was about 65 years of age and had been a life-long member of Flint Hill Baptist church. The interment was at Pineville cemetery, where the remains were placed by the side of those of her first husband. Mr. W. R. Carothers, of Fort Mill, was a nephew of the deceased. "Graft" Cases in Chester. A press dispatch sent out from Chester says that at the court of general sessions in that city Monday morning Solicitor Henry handed to the grand iury the following bills, prepared by Attorney General Lyon: The State vs. Jodie M. Rawlinson, Joseph B. "YVylie, John Black, James S. Farnum, John T. Early, M. A. Goodman and H. Lee Solomons?indictment for conspiracy: the State vs. James S. 1< arnum?indictment for bribery. The first bill, after reciting the fact that Rawlinson, Black and Wylie were the duly elected representatives of the people of South Carolina to purchase liquors of the old State dispensary, charges that they did, at Chester, on March 6, 1906, agree to accept certain rebates over and above their salary, in a manner not allowed by law, from the other defendants named in the bill. The second bill charges James S. Farnum with having on the sixth day of March, 1908, at Chcste;, corruptly given, offered and promised to Joseph B. Wylie a gift or gratuity of the value of ?1,575 to influence his vote as a member of the dispensary board in the purchase of liquors for the State. The attorney general does not hope to have any of these cases tried at this term, but some of them will surely come up for trial at next term, at least at a term during the year. FOR SALE?200 Bushels Fall Sown, Rust-Proof Oats, 75c now?higher later on. C. B. Kimbrell, Pineville, N, C. FOR SALE?One Combination Horse, One Rubber-Tire Top Buggy, One Ruhber-Tire Cart?all nearly as good as new. Will sell cheap. E. K. Garrison, R. F. D. No. 15, Pineville, N. C., or Phone 133-a. MEACHAI Clo; 100 to 150 Women and Childrer Coat We are still receiving express Dresses. Doing a nice business. Swei For men, women and children, Hoa A big shipment of womens' Eh best for winter, 15c, two for 25c. 15 and 25c. See also our 10c Chi Linen 3,000 yards Linen Laces and Ir bagging kind, but real line Linen price, 5c. Finer match sets wori * Dom 36 inch pood Domestic at 5c. ! 36 inch bleach " 8 l-3c 3 The above goods are worth tod MEACMA1 S * <*> <s.> ===========2= ::: 77 ttt We solicil <><> tt* ance of ABS II TREATMEI tH Ithe p: til hi i + . + i + . + i+i+ +4 j Horses | We are nc I thing we han I line before pi 1 We sell th | and other Bu f j, n 3 s. f Most women are troubled with Kidney complaint, and you know very many serious and ev^Vi fatal diseases result from theBe neglected Kidney troubles. If y^u will take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills as directed, you may be confident of good results. Try them and see how really good they are. Beware of imitations, pills that are intended to deceive you. Bo sure you get DeWitt's. Sold by Ardrey's drug store. * The bureau ot chemistry of the department of agriculture has, according to a Washington dispatch, completed the analysis of a snmple of Coca-Cola, seized at Chattanooga, and fcund that the beveraee contains caffeine^ a I harmful ingredient. The fact that it contains caffeine is not shown on the label of the package, thereby constituting a violation of the pure food law. At the department of agriculture it was said that the report of the analysis had been sent to * the departi ment of justice for such action as it ] may see fit to take. You need not be troubled in any way with the stomach, if you will simply take Kodol at those times when you feel that you need it. Kodol is guaranteed to relieve you. If it fails your money wiil be refunded to you by the druggist from whom you purchased it. Try it today on this guarantee. Sold by Ardrey'8 drug store. Ardrey's. Renew your Magazine subscriptions through us It is safer. It is cheaper. It is more convenient. No matter what rate you see printed, we will duplicate it or better it. Ardrey's. CD0S UC E^cL ? ?J. aks. is' Cloaks going at a big sacrifice. Suits. shipments of Coat Suits and aters wool and cotton, 50c to $3.50. iery. iece-Lined Hose, the warmest and See our boys' Bear Skin Hose ldrens' Hose. Laces. isertions to match, not the coarse i Lace worth up to 10c, all at one Lh up to 15c, at G and 7 l-2c. estics. 36 inch good Sea Island at 6 l-2c. j 5 inch Bleached Domestic 10c. ay 1 to 2c more per yard. I M & EPPS. I -0; 4 -4 r ; ?<; Emz S BBS am?iBjnufTurnnw? t your business i OLUTE SECUR MT. EOPLES IN T. L. JOHNSTON, Pre 5, Mules, ?w here in our npi die and as cheap nrchasing, and the e Celebrated STL iggies. Our HAF UMBAL] . 9 ??ha ffrrnii r mc?mmw ?.* - . ? - ? - - - ? ? v *..' " ,c "V THE BIG SI FRANK L GRISWOLD'S &1AM1 TEN NIGHTS IN A E Under a Big Water Pi Grand Opera r : >: ' vN f r- a! -?-\ai\n \^A/' j Srv -S I mxmmmi! l lWf/f < > i v x; Ki '/'" <: : - v v 'l ' ' ||fB|P fei |\i Ifffii Will Exhibit at the 1; THURSDAY, N 8 O'CLCX This company carries 30 people. A Calcium and colored lire effects. One o ten pieces, and a Megaphone Quartet makes a specialty of this Grand Old Ten with any other attraction. Nothing Civ Admission 15 COME and DKINO t! Prof. E. D. Hayworth'a Military Bi noon and 7 P. M. Don't fail to hear "LITTLE MARC. MORGAN." She has no Equal. REMEMBER IF YOU WANT A Steak or Roast that is tender, sweet ana juicy, i can furnish it. I have Steaks, Roasts, Chops, j Ham and Sausage, the best that money can buy. I also handle | Groceries and all kinds of Canned I Goods. Peas, Beans, Cabbage and Potatoes on hand at all i times. See me, it's my treat. YV. LEE HALL, r *< iUCCES 8*HlEEHDB8HBHSSei?i'!Si52H88CGB?2BLv^RS *vith the assurJTY and FAIR IATI0NAL ;sident. > Harness, w stable, ready as can be bougb ;n we know we < JDEBAKER and INESS line is coi L & SO! ?win? mum) : t SOW GOi!NO< VIOTII RAILROAD PAVILUCN. :ar room company. roof Tent, Fitted up in House Style. .-4j Aimkm ' y \ I 'iM ' * ' "'A \ i rugs--- J '. "N '. r-T? Jl >Vr>i VrAf>T I-" r^'rl v.;i r ?>. - ^5* J '-.vSVIi 'I ?1M i#1 QKuEaJtT. ort Mill 15ali Ground OVEMBER 4th CK, P. M". car-load ??f all Social Scenery, with f the best bands a superb Orchestra of te.' The 'only company traveling that iperance Play, and has no connection cap but the price. and 25 Cents. ie WHOLE FAMILY md Will give two popular Concerts at UERITE," the child actress as "MARY THE DATE. Tax Notice. Notice is hereby given that a levy of 2 mills on the dollar has been made l'or municipal purposes on all property 1 within the incorporate limits of the town of Fort Mill, S. C., for the year liftiy, arid that the same is now due and payable at the office of the towr treasurer. Penalty will be attached to all unpaid taxes after the 15th day of November, i i9oy. By order of Council. A. R. McELUANEY, Treas. ' {-iiibserlbo to The Time*. > -s> -o * o &-9 v r5- : > ^ > ^bff Jj'rTi^ fiali r *" 1 Money dep< jj ment draws ini \ if left three mo ; i -xrm. . "--v.>". *? . - . -*r>jr e-ct nr ?, BAM1 c . A --<s . >K . . ->.. > > <V <; eyawaaaafc-*;xrruatsaixi** 1 i to do business, it any where. A1 :an do business i i NESSIN Wagoi nplete. -Gome t NS TT s+; -*0-r r 4 * * . ?t A *1 t: bpecial tt *> i tit Ladies' $15.C0 Clo i $ ? + + " 10.00 " tt " 5.00 44 V..^ " 50c Vest a fit > > For ten days only to 1 : * Vest and Pants 25c. $3, >-* now $2.75. $35.00 Sewi New style Hats and Ca] <!r O _ 00 our prices with any catal? ^ i. can save by giving us the 1 L. J.IVL ; ^ ^ . $> . <t $ $ < <? O |f a" WAN = | Cut this out and b E. W. KIM] t Mens* Suits, _ $9.00 to $18.00 Ladies' Suit ;, Special, at lf>.00 Men:;' Tr> user s $1.50 to 6.00 Ladies' Skirts, $2.50 to 7.50 s Mens' i ndersiuls, .'.Hi to 2.00 Ladies' Undcrsuits, ..50 to 1.00 ? Mens' Hose,.. .10 to .25 jj Ladies' Hose,... 05 to .50 This list will remind you J if you cannot think of wha I ' 4 y remino you. ki We take pride in beinf . * family; makes no differenc 3 . i Proverb No. 3: A mi.-s in as good as a mill E? W. KIM1 ? <6 4 s> V <* 4 G -V* , t v > O J ;> / '. i-jrvj u m?i. . wmj?yeiMMi Dsited in our Sav :erest at the rate c nths or longer. L" A " C* - ' WL'JTI >? Hock H C. L. COBB, Cashier. i ' : i < <> * and We sell only the 1 we ask is that y< with you. is. ROCK HIIJ.. o see us early anc Fort Mil ' i.?. ^ ... 4 Bargains, if If aks, Now - $7.50 ?t 44 - 5.00 $$ w* > ,' - 2.90 nd Pannts, - 39 || u reduce stock, Misses 40c $+ .50 Queen Quality Shoes || ing Machines $17.50. ik ps just arrived. Compare ^7 >g and see how much you order. I* *r * \SSEY. | T LIST. I ring it with you to | BRELL CO. | Mens* Shoos, $1.50 to $4.00 Ladies' Shoes $1.25 to 3.00 Mens' Suspenders,....15 to .50 ^ Ladies' Supporters, ..15 to .25 Childrens' Shoes, 25 to 1.72 Mens' Sweaters, 50 to 1.00 Beys' and Girls' Caps, .10 to .50 I Baby Sw.aters, 50 to 1.25 of other things you need; it you need we will try to 5 able to shoe the whole | :e if you have a house full. ! e, but don't quit aiming. F. BRELL GO J ^ ^ # * * ^ ^ ? ^ -^ i ^ < h? ' HI . pv tH ings Depart- ?*| r H HI >r 4 per cent, ttt ? < / *?'> - m ===== tti ? ? +++ ww > A A ill, S. C. 81 ' m ragons. I best of every- I du look at our I CORTLAND 1 often, 1 11, S. C. |