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SWt Item of Loaifctereit. Tho ruling price for cotton on this Ynarket today (Wednesday) was 13.35 cents. Mr. and M?s. W. I.. Adkins. of Great Palls, visit*.d relatives in the township . the past week. Mf*. J. H. Sutton i3'reported to be dangerously ill at her home 2 miles west of Fort Mill. Miss Nettie Bradford has been ill for several days at the homeof her parents on Confederate street. The*bird season does not open in this State Until November 15. Hunters ahoutd bear this fact in mind. Miss Kitty Kirkpatrick returned to Winthrop Thursday, after a short visit to her parents in this place. J. T. McGregor spent yesterday in j Charlotte with nis father who is ill at one of the hospitals in that city. Mr. J. A. Withers, of Worthviile, N. C., spent Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Withers, in this city. Mr. Allison Thomwell, of Atlanta, and Miss Frances Thomwell, of Rock Hill, were visitors in Fort Mill the past week. Mfft. M -T XI nr**ia anrl r. i Mico Ellen Harris, of Albermarle, N. C., I are guests at the home of Mr. R. F. I Grier, on Booth street. E. E. Thornwell, Ercp, of the Darlington bar, was a visitor Friday at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. B. I Elliott, on Confederate street. State Senator W. H. Stewart was in Fort Mill Saturday getting statistics for the census department of the cot- j ton ginned to date by the several gin- | neries of this township. Clemson College has received from ths privilege tax of twenty-five cents on fertiliser during the past year, ! $189, WO.75. This is the largest amount evsr turned into Clemson College from this source. The Times is in receipt of an invita- l . tion to be present at a barbecue to be i given in Spartanburg Friday. October 1 29, in celebration of the completion to j hat city of the Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio railway. Rev. Edw, S. Reaves left yesterday I morning to take up his duties as pastor of the Baptist church at Ilonea Path, Anderson county. Mrs. Reaves and children will remain here a short time before going to their new home. Presiding elder R. E. Stack house held his last quarterly conference in the Fort Mill charge on Friday. It has been a great benefit to the Methodist! church to have such an able man at the head of affairs here and it is desired that he could have four more 1 years in the Rock Hill district. The new 3teel bridge over Broad rivert in Western York, which wu? built jointly by Cherokee and York counties, has been completed and uc- ! cepted by the commissioners, of the two. counties. The bridge has two central spans of 140 feet each, with j approaches aggregating 560 feet, and cost $9,500. Three of the eighty handsome all- I steel-construction coachds recently ac- | quired by the Southern railway are in service m this territory now on trains 29 and 30. Each of these cars is equipped with its own electric light equipment, the current being derived from motors driven by the car axles. The cars are luxurious vehicles and coat a great -deal more than the standard coaches. Mr. arid Mrs. J. D. Fulp, whose marriage took place at Ridgeway Thursday evening and who have since visited .Washington.and other points of interest -North, were expected to return to Fort , Mill today (Wednesday) to spend sev- j eral days at the home of Mr. Fulp's mother, Mrs. A. O. Jones, on Booth 1 street, Mr. and Mrs. Fulp will make j their future home at Winnsboro. At a meeting recently of the Confederate veterans of Lancaster county a resolution was adopted in effect that the Soqith Carolina legislature be me- I morialized at its next session to amend tht pension laws so as to make any i surviving soldier, now a citizen of the 1 State ana not already receiving a pen- 1 ^ sion, elligible to the benefits of the < V pension laws who has reached the age of 64 years* ^ A demson College subscriber of The Times'writer that the Clemson cadets will attend the State fair at Columbia, i orders to that effect havinor ia. Rued a few days ago. The cadets will leave the college on the morning of the 2nd of November and return tne following Saturday. The encampments at Columbia are occasions of much pleasure to the Clemson boys and they are anticipating another good time there* next month. What was probably the largest bale of cotton ever sold on the Fort Mill market was that brought in Saturday by Mr. J. H. Helms, a farmer who worked a portion of the Scott place in the upper part of the township. The bale weighed 764 pounds. Tnc price paki for the staple was 13 1-5 cents and | for the bale Mr. Helms received $100.85. ! Besides this the seed from the bale, at 33'cents per bushel, brought in $15.42? a total for the cotton and seed of $116.27. Mr. and Mrs. J. II, Thornwell have ; had with them'this week auite a number of friends and relatives, who stopped over with them on their way to or from the. Wilson-Kulp nuptials at [ mqgeway 1 nursaay evening. Amon^ these were Mrs. J. B. Elliott and Miss Ladybird Thornwell 6f Fort Mill, Misses | Marion McCrcry, of Clinton, and Elizabeth Bean of Atlanta, Messrs. E. E. i Thqrnwell, of Darlington, and E. A. ' Thorn we 11, of Atlanta.?Winnaboro i News and Herald. While on a visit to her daughter, Mrs:" j.' W. NYylie, at McColj a few days ago,. Mr^; J. H. McMurray, of this township; was the victim of a very | painful accident. * 'In descending the stairs at the home of Mrs. Wylie, Mrs. McMurray stumbled and fell, breaking both bones of her right arm just above the wrist. Dr. W. S. McMurray, a son,'.'was present when the accident occurred and immediately reset the broken limb. Mrs. McMurray returned to her home here on Monday of last week. .. Cecil Broom, the yonng business man *bf Waxhaw, who was charged with. having criminally assaulted a white, woman in the Belaire section of Lancaster county-some time sgo, and who Was later captured in Atlanta anil brought back to Lancaster, was tried at the latter place Friday upon the charge and acquitted. Botn the proseeutiotf&nd defense put up a large number of witnesses ano th? taking of the testimony of these consumed the greater part of three rUya. The verdict of acquittal wasThe cause of little surprise, it is said, to those who heard the trial. 1 __ . .. .... Mayor L. A. Harris is seriously ilL$ his home on White street. Mr. F. E. Ardrev, of Columbia spent Monday at the home of hi. parents here. The Southern Power Company I erecting a large sub-station in the out skirts of Green rille. Notice has been issued by the post oftice department that <n and afte: November 1st the registry fee on al packages of mail matter will be 1< cents, instead of 8 cents, as hereto fore. Mr. J. ?. Russell, assistant cashiei ' at the Savings Hank, has rented th< i Norman cottage at the corner of Bootl | and Forest streets and, with hi: daughter, Miss Annie, will in the neai future begin housekeeping therein. I Monk McKee, colored, was halc< before Magistrate McElhaney Monday on the charge of attempted burglary. McKee, it was alleged, on Saturday became thoroughly intoxicated anc against the prosest of Pat Rogers, the clothes cleaner, attempted to open u trunk in the home of Rogers. In hit efforts to eject McKee from his house, Tii?cr?>rvi found if rionuooiii-.r fn o J ? "? negro's left arm with a knife. Sc drunk was McKee that when arrestee soon after he disclaimed any knowledge of the affray with Rogers. Magistrate 1 McElhaney imposed a line of $12.50and, besides this, the negro paid a fine of $5.00 to the town for drunkenness. Two Rork Hill prisoners were taker down to Chester the past week and placed in jail, along with other York prisoners confined there while the jail of this county was undergoing repairs, and there are now in Chester jail a total from this county of 15, two of whom have murder charges against them. These prisoners are awaiting trial at the November term of court which will convene at Yorkville the latter part of the month. The repairs on the York jail have been completed and it is probable that the prisoners will be brought back from Chester during the present week. Presbyterian Synod in Charleston. The Fort Mil! Presbyterian church will be represented at the Presbyterian Synod of South Carolina, which will convene in Charleston Friday night, by Rev. W. A. Hafner and Mr. J. A. Boyd. The meeting will be in the First Presbyterian church and will probably be the largest and most successful session that the South Carolina synod has held. Indications point to a large attendance of ministers and laymen. The sessions of the synod will take to Charleston many representative men and the sessions will prove the more attractive for the proposed commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the death of John Calvin, who founded the Presbyterian church. The attendance will not be confined to members of the ? r n ? r-s ? ? Luuieii ui ouuiii Carolina, out a number of prominent Presbyterians from beyond the State are expected to attend. At the meeting last year in Sumter the attendance reached 151 ministers and laymen and the attendance at the Charleston meeting this year is expected to be still larger. The synod will be in session from Friday night to and including Tuesday and during this time a number of very interesting papers and discussions will be considered. There will be many papers read on Sunday school work, church societies and guilds, home and foreign missions and in fact all the departments and phases of aggressive work of the church of the present day. The exercises will be all tne more interesting for the observance of the Calvin anniversary. Seven homicide cases are to be tried in Bennettsville this week. f*? i +4 <? %'* ' ' II a m ami 0^^^^ I ttt B8, SbbBrl I. < <?. n i ttt III ttt We solicit ttt HZ HI ance of ABS || TREATMEr ? ! THE P! * > v*/ v?> ill s Horses We are no thing we han> line before pi We sell th< I and other Bu S. J. * 1. State S. S. Convention at Rock Hill. ^ 1 Announcement is made that the next a i State Sunday School Convention, which is to be held at Rock Hill, will meet on February 15-16-17th, 1910. Early this b year it-had been thought that the con vention might be held during the spring of next year, but the central committee of the State association after full con" sideration of the matter decided that it r was best to held the convtntion during ' February. General Secretary Way is J already working on the program and it " is anticipated that the coming convention will be one of the best ever held in the South. ,| ? * Most women are troubled with Kidney b ' complaint, and you know very many r serious mid even fatal diseases result | from these neglected Kidney troubles. If yiU will take DeWitt's Kidney and * : Bladder Pills as directed, you may be ' r I confident of good results. Try them i and see how really good they are. Be| i ware of imitations, pills that are in' ! tended to deceive you. Be sure you 1 get DeWitt's. Sold by Ardrey's drug i 1 . store. a ! - - _ ? [ | The? Daughters of the Confederacy of ' | Oconee county will erect a monument I : at Walhalla to the memory of the Con, ' federate soldiers of that county. | For a clear head, a stout heart and ' strong mind, DeWitt's Little Early Risers, gentle, safe, easy, pleasant . little pills. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch ! Hazel Salve is unequalled for anything ' where a salve is needed, and is especially gocd for piles. Sold by Ar1 drey's drug store. i -> ? i The city of Florence has been en- > joined by the Supreme court from 1 . issuing bonds in the sum of $80,000 for I enlarging the waterworks plant. You need not be troubled in any way . with the stomach, if you will simply , take Kodol at those times when you feel that you need it.* Kodol is guaranteed to relieve you. If it fails your money wiil be refunded to you by the ^ druggist from whom you purchased it. Try it today on this guarantee. Sold by Ardrey's drug store. ^ 1 1 "?Sa mi i TITB sai.*J^-m E5SSSSS9 FB ftiVi'I. PwwHnfFi 1 I# I'l'HL W.J Cut the Coupon from PuImo'?ve page advertisement and get a cake of the daintiest toilet ^ soap made, absolutely free. 181 c ARDREY'S DRUG STORE. S We will have an extra quantity of J the Ladies' Home Journal on sale on i *1 oriL -# *.? -?i *- ? uiu ?Men ui me monui. n win De an " especially good numder and the price is 15 cents per copy. The price of Palmolive Soap, which we have already introduced and needs no introduction, is r 15 cents. Pay us for one and take both. We will also redeem coupons from those who have the Home Journal on sub1 sciption through us or give us a renewal ^ of their old subscription. f Ardrey's Drugstore : your business v\ OLUTE SECURI NIT. EOPLES N T. L. JOHNSTON, Prea - + i + $ 14 < ? ?, Mules, w here in our new die and as cheap < irchasing, and ther 2 Celebrated STU1 ggies. Our HAR1 LIMB ALL FOUND-On the street* Monday, one Fountain Pen. Owner can secure same by calling on Rev. S. J. Bethea aitd paying 25c for thiMiotice. "Meet me at Haile's On the corner." The season for Chills and Fever is on and we handle the following standard cures: Groves' Tasteless Chill Tonic, Ramon's Pepsin and Iron Chill Tonic, and "Oxidine"?the kind that is' used in the malarial districts of the Southwest. We also carry a full line of Drugs and Patent Medicines. Pnni1 UN11 HAMtwln i run mm mug uuwp y J. R. HA1LE, Mgr. ... . I Tax Notice. Notice is hereby given that a levy of J I mills on the dollar has been made for j nunicipal purposes on all property : vithin the incorporate limits of the : own of Fort Mill, S. C., for the year j L909, and that the same is now due and ; payable at the ofliee of the town ! reasurer. Penalty will be attached to all unpaid axes after the 15th day of November, 909. By order of Council. A. R. McELHANEY, Treas. Why Pay Rent; WTiert $2.50 a week will Buy a Home? For Particulars see L. A. HARRIS. ' MEACHAA Shoes, Womens' Shoes in all leatherslun Metal, from $2.00 to $3.00. ] Childrens' Si See our line of Godrnan Shoes ! >est shoes made for hard wear. ] :an Boy school shoe, 2's to 51-2, 2 ;ervice. Every pair guaranteed. Bostonian and \ For men are given up to be the md $4.00. All leathers and nobb; Millii The best and most satisfactory 1 nore and nicer hats than ever bel Picture One hundred Pictures, 25x27 in< le cheap at one dollar, but Saturd or 59c. See west window. MEACMAh ucces: nth the assurTY and FAIR ATIONAI ident. Harness, r stable, ready as can be bought 1 we know we c DEBAKER and MESS line is con - & SOI IF YOU Waai | r : A Steak or Roast that is tender, i sweet and juicy, I can furnish it. 11 have Steaks, Roasts, Chops, | Ham and Sausage, the best that money can buy. I also handle | Groceries and all kinds of Canned | Goods. Peas, Beans, Cabbage , and Potatoes on hand at all times. See me, it's niv treat. W. LEE HALL. FARMERS?I am making a specialty of Ceiling for tenant houses at $1.00 per hundred. V. B. Blankenship. WHUBBB Mnmi mnBM o | Beach-Ihrie's I I We huve the most up-to-date lines of Jewelry, Silverware, 9 Cut Glass, | China, | Clocks, I and many other useful and orna- I mental goods to be found in this I , section of the country. | We shall be glad to hear from 9 I you when in need of anything in I our line. 9 Repairing and En- H ^ graving a Specialty I teff' Local Watch Inspectors for , Southern Railway. IBeach-ihrie Jewelry Co., Reliable Jewelers, Rock Hill, - - - S. C. mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm A & EPPS Shoes. Pat. Colt, Pat. Kid, Vici Kid, Button Boots, $3.00 and $4.00. :hool Shoes. *or boys and girls?one of the Price, 75c to $1.50. Our Ameriit $2.50 has no equal for rough Valkover Shoes best shoe made for $3.00, $3.50 y lasts. iery. business we ever had. Selling 'ore. e Sale. :h, no two subjects alike, would ay, October 23, we will sell them A & EPPS. 5FUL . BKnHHHn Money depo: ment draws inte if left three mon BANK ol ( <> .4:4.4; 4:4,.4; 4 *4 ^4:4 .4.4. . Buggies to do business. 1 : anywhere. All an do business w NESSIN Wagons iplete. Come to MS - I 0 V: ' ' v# .Irs?.* ? <> +*+ H 5 & r 81884|| " ' c v Celebrating our Silver A we will present each of o\ buys a hat or suit during O tt Sterling Silvc Those who have alread; ?T please call and get a thimh ^2 the pleasure of giving you i il ; ?' rx ? - - - tf Uur rail itock is now c< > very low. Come see the 1 pare our price. }l ===== 1 L. J. MA J Number 0 J ber 13, Ii In shoos we carry t such width as will happv. FOR LA We have just in an entir< "Irving-Drew" Shoe. Adm I thereof to be the "GOODES' They are pretty, they are ? ers, what more could mortal FOR IV m Ralston and Fellowcrafti you know 'em. Tell the oth< are. Ralston, $4.00; Fellowc Proverb No 1. To stand still is to " E. W. K1ME sited in our Savir rest at the rate of ths or longer. ; f Rock Hil C. L COBB, Cashier. 5 and Wi We sell only the b we ask is that voi ith you. ROCK HILL, C see us early and 7ort Mill _ i#. I ?; : ?$?$?* * < : ?< I -1909.1 = *+ .nniyersary in business, I ir lady customers that ^ ctobcr with a handsome f ? ;r Thimble. ? * y bought from us will if >le. We hope to have tt all one. -il implete and prices are ff New Goods and Com- it *+ == it iSSEY. || ? + +Z+'+<i>+ ? ? !> ? %? to Numlclusive. diose sizes and in make your feet DIES. ely new line, i. c., the itted by every wearer r EVER.'' i sasy, they are good wearask. IEN. >?you have worn 'em, r ir fellow how good they n :rafts, $3.50. crawfish"- push on. ? 1RELL GO. I ttt MM H j^^hiiiii ^^^ ============z ^ igs Depart- ||t ill 4 per cent, i|| ... ? > ? > ??????? + ORMMMMMMMMMHaMM ? ?< ?#?? 11, S. C. Ill 7 + ? ** iH agons. est of every1 look at our ORTLAND often. I-S C-I.