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ALONEAT POLE Peary Accompanied by One Eskimo Made Final Dash Over the Ice. APPEARED AS FROZEN SEA Peary Endeavored to Get Hounding* But at l,ftOO Fathom* Got no Bottom?Correwpondenta May Take Explorer Aboard Steamer to Hurry Home. A dispatch from Battle Harbor, T,?hrarfnr. nava the following details of Commander Peary's Journey to the North Pole have been gleaned from members of the expedition on board the steamer Roosevelt: The only men to reach the Pole were Commander Peary and one Eskimo, Eging Wah, by name. The other white members of the various parties that left Capt Columbia were sent back one by one as Mr. Peary drew nearer daily to his object. Mathew Henson, Mr. Peary's negro attendant, and three Eskimos, the only other members of the reduced party that made the final dash, were left on the march south of the Pole. At 85.38 the party consisted ol Mr. Peary, Capt. Bartlett, Matthew Henson. a negro man, who has been Mr. Peary's personal assistant on so many of his expeditions, the Eskimos, seven sledges and sixty dogs and the journey north was resumed. The ice was perfectly level aa far as the eye could see. Capt. Rartlett took the observation on the 88th parallel on April 3, and then reluctantly returned, leaving Mr. Peary, Henson and the Eskimos with provisions for forty days to make the final dash to the Pole. This reduced party started on April 3. The men walked that day for ten hours and made twenty miles. Then they slept near the 89th parallel. The Pole was reached on April 6, and a series of observations were taken at 90. Mr. Peary deposited his records and hoisted the American flag. The temperature was 3 3 degrees below zero. The Pole appeared as a frozen sea. Mr. Peary tried to take soundings. but got no bottom at 1,500 fathoms. Mr. Peary stayed at thf Pole for thirty-four hours and then started on his return journey on April 7. Hasn't l>r. Cook's Records. A dispatch from New York Bays the following wireless and cable message has been received in thai city: "Rattle Harbor, Labrador, via Cape Ray, N. F., September 12. "I have no knowledge of Dr. Cook's having given Mr. Whitney any records. There are no Cook records on the Roosevelt. (Signed) "Peary." In Copenhagen, Dr. Frederick A. Cook declared that be had given to Harry Whitney, the wealthy young big game hunter, part of the records of his observations on his return from the North Pole to Etah, Greenland. Dr. Cook asserted that Mr. Whitney would bring the irecords to this country. Commander Robert E. Peary on his return from the Pole, a year subsequent to that of Dr. Cook, picked up Mr. Whitney at Etah, and was bringing him south on the Roosevelt when they met the relief ship Jeannle, to which Mr. Whitney was transferred to continue his hunting for a few weeks in Hnflln s bay. It was confldentally expected by Dr. Cook's supporters here that Mr. >\ hltney had turned these records over to Commander Peary, and that the latter would bring them to this country with him. While it is rprluln thul ? 1 _ ...... ?. uuv <uuui Iilrtliucr Peary will receive a notable reception on his arrival in New York City, all plans are merely tentative, as nothing definite is yet known as to when he will reach that city. One report states that the Roosevelt will be able to leavo Rattle Harbor before the end of this week, while another states that it can hardly depart from there before the end of the month. In any event, New York anticipates the livliest few weeks in many years, when the rival explorers do come. Dr. Cook Is due on September 21, and four days later the HudsonFulton celebration begins, and in this, it Is expected, that Polar argument will be forced to a conspicuous position. The illfeeling between the more ardent supporters of Commander Peary and Dr. Cook is characterized by much bitterness and harsh language. Many of them are urging the publication of accusations and recriminations and the fight promises to create much enduring unpleasantness. Yachtsman Prownfrt. By the capsizing of a small yacht, in which he and R. H. Ripley were sailing. Frank Richardson, of Portsmouth. Va? was drowned in the Elizabeth River Sunday. The tragedy was caused, it is said, by swells caused by a passing steamer. I Another Terrible Flood. > 1 Another terrible flood has visited I the Jamillepec district In the State I of Oaxaca, Mexico. Sugar plantaI tions and mills lUTt been destroyed. I hundreds of head of cattle have been I killed and scores of farm laborers I have lost their lives in the water. \ LEAP TO ESCAPE FLAMES J HUNDRED HAVE CLOSE CALL P< WHEN HOTEL BURNED. Entire Ground Floor Is Ablaze When Flames Are Discovered ? None A 1 . Hurt Seriously In Jumping. A dispatch from Edgemere, Long Island. Bays in a fire which destroyed the Holmeshur8t Inn there before daylight Monday morning seventyfive guests and twenty employees experienced exciting and narrow escapes. The fire, which the proprietor said, was of incendiary origin, started in the basement and worked up through the frame structure so rap- t idly that the entire first floor was p ablaze before the guests were given f the alarm. While moet of the guests were ' able to leave by stairways, half a s dozen, among them two women, leap- v ed from a second-story balcony, but 1 were not seriously hurt. The guests were cared for in neighboring cottages. The hotel ( building was valued at $75,000. 1 William Holmes, son of the owner, ran to his mother's room on the j1 i second floor and found his escape cut off by a wall of flames. They 1 . were forced to Jump, but were not hurt. An elevator boy ran his car , until the flames stopped the car. METHOD TO MARKET CROP. ' New Orleans Cotton llealer Has | ' i New Plan. ( A dispatch from New Orleans says v?. r?. i noinjiBon, president of the ' New Orleans cotton exchange and head of the cotton firm of W. It. 1 Thompson & Co., of that city, has ' issued a circular letter to farmers, wherein he offers a new plan for ' the marketing of the cotton crop. 1 He urges farmers to market their ' crops at the rate of 10 per cent a 1 month. According to Mr. Thompson 5 this would create a stable market 1 for both buyer and seller. Mr. Thompson says in part: "Let the producer of cotton mar- * ket 10 per cent of his crop each 1 month for 10 months. An instant ' of reflection will convince any ' thoughtful man that whether the ( crop on the market be large or small s and whether a hundred planters or 1 a hundred thousand employ the method, the result will be better ' than If the crop were sold at once 1 or the attempt made to hold it all. } If the plan is good for one planter. 1 1 It is good for all, and If all or any 1 1 great number of planters adopt it, ' the problem of marketing the crop 1 is solved." l 1 WANTS HIK NECK BROKEN. i _________ A White Fiend Attacks a Young i Xc(fnt (iirl Twice. I A special to The News and Courier ( from Spartanburg says an unknown white man attempted to make a criminal assault on a young colored girl at East Spartanburg Saturday ( afternoon. He was caught by the j father of the girl and given a , severe whipping and then released | and told to leave the country. It is said that this is the second attempt of the kind by the man, and j the white people of the community I regret that the girl's father let him j gel away, claiming that he should ( have been turned over to the au- t thorities. The assault caused the q report to be circulated in the city | that a race riot was on, and the , deputy sheriff and a large crowd of , citizens hurried out to East Spartan ^ burg to prevent trouble. CITY MARSHALL KILLED , By a Blow From Young Man He tl Had Put I'nder Arrest. n At Jesup, Ga., Marshal O. B. Pope, v was killed Saturday afternoon .by >1 a blow over bis heart in a desper- f ate struggle with Edward Tyre, t> Brantly Tyre and James Tyre, proml- t' nent young white men, whom he was attempting to arrest. is It is not known which one of the 11 Tyres inflicted the fatal blow. All tl were arrested as they attempted to II escape, and lodged in Wayne conn- li ty jail. u Intense feeling exists against the t? young men. The officer was attempt- b ing to arrest them on charges of w disorderly conduct. p Brantly Tyre and "James Tyre are n sons of County Commissioner Geo. t( Tyre. Edward Tyre is their cousin, tf m TWO BLACK FIENDS SLAIN. ' .i rt They Entered a Lady's Room and is tl Shot and Killed Her. |l( News of the killing of two negroes, following the staying of a white P( woman, was received from Bellamy, " a lumber ramp 20 miles west of tc Hemopolis. Ala . Two negroes, Robert Gully and John Holly, Sun- {f day night entered the home of a man named Gray. Mrs. Gray was OI awakened, and when she failed to 31 heed the order to stop screaming was rf shot and killed by Gully. Gray brained the negro with an axe, but ^ not before Gully had shot him in '9 the leg. Holly was captured later 'a and was made quirk work of by a n< poi-se of Gray's neighbors. ar gr Puts Ban on Cigarettes. 'h By the will of W, H. G. Gravel. filed for probate a few days ago, his grandson. Grevel W. E. Arker of In Atlantic Highlands. N. J., is to re- lh ceive an estate valued at $25,000 provided he does not smoke a cigar- In ette from now until he Is 25 years m old. The child Is now 3 years old. .of - / r < * AWFUL DISEASE illagra is Spreading Rapidly Throogh the Sooth and West. EW MENACE TO AMERICA ledk'al SclnuT In Working to l>iv cover the Secret of the Terrible Plague Tlnit Has Invaded the United States and Which is Chuned by Hating Corn. Appearance in the United States ol hat mysterious disease, pellagra, racucauy a new ana nuneno un amiliar kind of leprosy, and which hough introduced but recently, i< preadiug with great rapidity, niaj veil excite alarm, says Rene Bach* a the New York American. It i! l disease,among the most frightfu mown to mankind?which already laims ubout one million victims ?ow surviving, in the Old World. Over there it pursues, in nearl: ill instances, a slow course, klllin! he sufferers very gradually. Bu n this country it becomes uniqui ind is often a swift destroyer, ?h< lymptoms being "telescoped," as otn night, ray, so that the whole cours< >f the malady may be run within i ew weeks, terminating in death. To call it a "new brand of lepro sy" is by no means inappropriate Jut, in truth, it Is worse?mucl vorse. Not only does it transforn he skin of the body in to a yello\ ind parchment-like covering, crack ?d and beset with foul and nlcerou sores, but it directly assails the tern lie of the mind, reducing the patien 0 a condition of insanity or idiocy Until recently the disease. it tamo compounded from two Italiai voids, "pelle," skin, and "agra, ongh?ha* been regarded as pe suliar to the Old World}, thougl 1 few sporadic cases of it have ap leared from time to time in Mexic ind South America. Suddenly am inexpectedly it invaded the Unitei states?the 11 rat sickness of th cind being reported only a few year igo in Georgia. Now quite as sud lenly it has spread throughout nios if the Southern Stales and, wors (till, because of the difference ii llmate, it has attacked the Middl West. Fifty cases have been found a he Peoria, Illinois, State Hospita ilone, and Captain Joseph F. Silet >f the Army Medical Corps, sen here to investigate. has reporter o the government that he beileve he malady has long prevailed, im >nly around Peoria, hut throughou Illinois and the great corn growin, states of the West. For it is in corn tlint the caus if the disease, whatever it may be urka. The malady is neither contagion tor infectious. That is to say, on lerson cannot "catch it" or "tak t" from another. Each Individua ase originates from the moldy cori llrect. In all likelihood, tho mis hief-making fungus starts its worl n the cornfield, where its spones fal tpon the ripening ears and grow Jut even this is not a certainty. It may be asked, why does no rooking kill the fungus germs? Si n all likelihood it does. Hut th loison manufactured by the fungu s what makes the trouble, and ap >arently this is not deprived of it oxic efficiency by high temperatures That boiling does not render it harm ess is shown hv ?h?> <n"t Mentioned, that Hlroliol distillei rom spoiled maize will came tie lisease. The spores of the fungus star ninnies in the intestine, and th< nison they produce is taken up b; ilond and thus carried to all parti if the body. It is in effect a drug articularly injurious to the hraii nd nervous system generally? i*hence the profound effect of th? isease upon the mentality. This ef ect, like the purely physical synip mux, is progressive, and frequently erminates in Idiocy or insanity. When it is said that the disease ? due to something in moldy 01 lusty corn nearly all has been said hat is really known of the cause t is true that at. the Meridian lospital, in Mississippi, a new and nknown bacillus lias 'been Isola id after investigation into a mint er of cases of the disease, bu! bother this is the real microbe ol ellagra, whether there is a mic>be or whether the malady is due > some vegetable growth that enm*? the blood through the corn, is ot actually known. Nor is it likely that an effective >niedy will he found until the cause definitely ascertained. The Italian leory, and the one commonly acjpted, is that it is caused by "a ingus parasitic on maize or l?y a oniaine developed by its putrifac en. ruiiKiis and ptomaine remain ? be discovered. Nobody that has ever handle,1 >rn can have failed to notice that 'casional ears are moldy. Perhaps 11 y a few of the grains are affected, id. as a matter of fact, these are moved in process of preparation >r the table; or, if the grain be lelled by hand, only the good part taken for the bin. This, in the tter case, is a precaution obviously ycessary, inasmuch as a small nount of moldy corn may do a eat deal of damage in the bin, rough the spreading of the funis. It is in the Southern States ami the Middle West that the bulk of e cornmeal output Is consumed, iniparativly little of it is eaten other parts of this country. Porerly. in both sections, the supply corn meal came entirely from / small local mills, the grain for which was "shucked" by hand. For this reason none of it was moldy; and consequently the flour made from It was wholesome, containing no disease germs. Those who ate it were safe from "pellagra." Today, however, there is a very different state of affairs. The South has giveo up growing corn on any extensive scale, and is planting cot. ton instead. Hut the people of that section are still eating as much corn meal as ever, obtaining the product from the North, where it is made in great mills in Chicago. St. Louis. 1 Cincinnati and other cities, by machinery. Tho ears are "shucked" by machinery, which pays no attention to bad ones, and throws the moldy grain In with the rest, to be afterwards ground. ; Formerly the corn used for making meal in the South was never kept in big bulks. Today, on the other hand, it is customarily handled > in enormous bulks?600 bushels to 5 a car, and thousands of bushels in r one bin. Under such conditions, esj pecially if any moisture be present, i the mass is liable to "heat," and 1 the fungus from the moldy grain / spreads with great rapidity. Thus , is may be taken for granted that the cornmeal whloh comes to market f nowadays is more or less liable to ? be infected with fungus. No wonder t then, that in the States where corn8 meal is a large item of the daily 8 diet a disease positively known to b arise from the eatinc of moldy corn r should have made its appearance. * It is by no means to be supposed that the fugi which attack corn are - all of them, or even most of then*, i. dangerous. Presumably, they are, ti as a rule, quite harmless. But a among them there must be some v species of a "pathogenic" character. - which produces the disease known s as pellagra. When sufferers from - the malady in its early stages are t deprived of corn, and fed on other '. grain, the symptoms disappear. s Summed up, the symptoms comprise progress! -e emaciation, brittleness of the bones, fatty degeneration " of the internal organs (especially the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and lungs), inflammation of the brain ? and spinal cord, nervous troubles * and the frightful affection of the ^ skin already mentioned. These conditions become progress sively worse. There are evidences of ~ mental weakness, with great depression of spirit. Children are sad of I> ~ face and look like old men or wo11 men. Young women rapidly take on 0 the aspect of ancients. Emaciation sets in. with increased physical 1 weakness. The skin becomes red, l' with sensations of burning and itch ing. and usually some pufflness. ltlisters appear, scattered over the '' surface; the spidermis dries and s falls In grayish scales. Eater on tin 1 skin becomes thickened and of a dir1 ty yellow or yellowish-green color, B hard and rough, with painful crackr and crusts, or even ulcerations. e Finally, it becomes parchment-like, '? with entire loss of elastictiy. The condition, in a word, so far s as this feature of the complaint is concerned, is what a layman would describe as leprous. It is not leprosy, however. A suggestion has been made to the effect that the leprosy described in the Bible was actually I pellagra, but there is no reason for such a theory. Undoubtedly pe'.lngra is a modern disease, corn having t been unknown in ancient times. Maize, of course, is of American ^ origin, and it is safe to say that the Indians, who were large users of corn meal long before the days of Columbus did not uso moldy grain in its manufacture. In the later stages of the malady, v sufferers become either partly imj becile or deranged. Sometimes they R entertain delusions of persecution or of religion. Melancholia leads to t dementia, and they try to commit 9 suicide, or in some instances exhibit a homicidal tendency. Not infres fluently they refuse food. Their heads tremble and their gait is paraj lytic. East scene of ail is a combination of starvation, helplessness, , heart weakness, dronsv and Heiiri..~. ending in (loath. Occasionally blood poisoning, or even galloping ronsumption of the lungs, sots in at the close. Pictures have been sent to Dr. - Kile Metchnikoff, the famous RusI sian scientist who is now studying . it. It in also under investigation i at .lohn Hopkins University in HalI tiniore. Such is pellagra?certainly one of the most frightful physical . afflictions known to mankind. LITTLE GIRL IS MURDERED. Two Other Chldren Hadly Wound1 cd?No duo to the Crime. i A dispatch from Utlca, N. Y., i says a crime for which there, at present, appears to be no explanation, was committed against three Italian children there a few nights ago. Tl.r... ? ...... om urreHH rroeipo. seven years old. who is dead, shot through the heart; Fannie fnfusino. six years oid. badly wounded in the arm. and Freddy Infusino. two and a half years old. shot through the bowels ami will die. There appears to be absolutely no explanation as to whv the children were shot. The children had been missing since 7 oYlock Sunday evening, when they were seen talking with an unknown man. Head in His Huggy. Mr. .1 Warren Blakely, one of the most substantial citizens of Laurens county, was found dead in his buggy late Tuesday afternoon, the news of which spread rapidly over the city and county and caused many expressions of regret. Death was in all probability due to heart failure, as he was well when he left home. He was 73 years of age. I GOOKJEIZED Peary's Boatswain Confirms Cook's Statement of the Looting of His Stores. PEARY BADLY EQUIPPED I>r. (book's and Franke's Cullrrtinn of Hrltcti Were Taken by PearyAdmiral Scliley Endorses I>r. Conk as I lot's Capt- Osborn, Secretary ol the Artie Club. A dispatch from St. John's, N. F., says Alan Whitten, who was boatswain of the Peary auxialiary steamer Erik in 1905 aud again in 1908, adds his quota to the polar controversy. On his expeditions he saw much of Peary and knew of Peary's plaas. lie was also on the Erik in the summer of 1907 when she laj for a week in Sydney alongside th? schooned J no. R. Bradley, in whlcl Dr. Cook was starting for the pole Whitten says that the Bradley was abundantly equipped for Cook's ex podition. having supplies for at leas1 three years. He confirms the chargei made by l)r. Cook at Copenhaget that Peary's people took Dr. Cook'i provisions, adding that not only die the crew of the ship take Cook'i stores at Etah, but that boats wen sent to Annatok. thirty miles distant to remove Cook's provisions whicl were stored there. Whitten admitted however that hi did not know if this removal was b; arrangement between Fratike, wh< was left in charge of the provision and Peary or Peary's representatives The boatswain also made th? statement that both Franke's am Cook's collections of ivory and skins some of them very valuable, likewis were taken. He said that the trou hie with Peary's previous expedition had been the lack of supplies. In stead of remaining away for thre years, Commander Peary was com pelled to return after about flfteei months, the real reason, Whitten de clared, that he did not have enougl supplies to remain longer. Naval Officers Endorse Cook. A dispatch from New York say previous assumption that Comman der Peary would have the Unitei States Navy solidly behind him wa not borne out in a letter from Rea Admiral Schley, made public by Cap! It. S. Osborn. secretary of the Arti Club of America, of which Dr. Cool is a member. The letter under dat of September 11 from Pocono Manoi Pa., runs in part as follows: "I like Cook's attitude immensel in this unfortunate, unnecessary am unwise controversy. He certainly ha been dignified and manly in th stand lie has taken in this matter. Capt. Osborn followed up his let (nr frnnt od -??? - tvi Iiuau iiif <11111111 <11 Willi it Il'l'UU on "Who Discovered the Nortl Pole?" "Dr. Frederick A. Cook," he said "was for two years my wife's phy slciun. I saw him two or thre< times a week and we chatted man; hours. If 1 have ever known a mai of integrity, probity, sincerity am modesty, it is Cook. "I have known also the other mai ?known him to depart from trutl by large margins." It is now admitted by Peary him self, that only one Rsqulno was a the pole with him. Cook had threi with hi in. Killed liy Lightning. The Sumter Watchman and South ron says: "Simon Mickena am another negro man were killed b; lightning Friday afternnoon whih riding on a wagon load of cotton which was being carried from th< field to the gin house on the farn of Mr. T. H. Clarke, near Mechanics ville. Another negro who was lylnf between the two, who were killed, was shocked and burned but escaped serious Injury. Two white hoys, tn< sons of Mr. Bradley, who were riding on the wagon escaped unhurt." Criticises Peary. The Paris Temps severely criticises Commander Peary's "broadcast accusations" against l>r. Cook. as well as his "general grandiloquent attitude," saying of it: "Peary's patriotic declaration about taking possession of the pole in the name of the President of the Pnited States contrasts strongly with the commercial spirit he displayed in copyrighting the story." Negro Proves a Hero. At Atlanta, Ga., the home of S. W. Bailey, with its contents, was destroyed by tire Saturday, the roof falling when tho fire was first discovered, The family of Mr. Hailey barely escaped in their night robes. After flie roof began crumbling, Mary, the six-jcar-old daughter, was rescued by the daring bravery of Weldon Wray, colored. Even the color blind girl thinks she can tell when her love t? true blue. It was in this very cotti from Birmingham, Ala., died of Fever. They had son's Tonic cured them < The two phy.Irian. here had 3 very ob?tl were Italian, and lived on a creek 60 ya month, .tending, their temperature rangln thing In vain. I perauaded them to let me ed matter and let the medicine go out In a j feet In all thrre rase, wu Immediate and p< wa. no recurrence of the I'ever. Write to THE JOHNSON'S OHILL . Southern States _f\. but fb MjssJilssrs plumwng^ ool.ume PELLAGRA DISEASE SAID TO BE CAUSED BY THE USE OF WESTERN GROWN CORN It is Claimed That This Corn Has Not Time to Mature Well Before! it is Ground. , The dread new disease which flrBt i made its appearance in the South i Beveral years ago, has Invaded sevf eral parts of the North. Fifty cas) es are now under treatment in Pei oria, 111. It hac probably existed . undetected in the North many years, i Dr. Laviudar of the United States - marine hospital service, has proved t that pellagra caused the death of 3 two patients who were supposed to ? have been scalded to death in the 3 Bartonville. Illinois, insane asylum 1 In 1904 and 1 907. 3 They died in bath tubs and their 3 bodies looked like they had been , boiled and the nurse who was in i charge of the last case was dismissed for supposed criminal carelessness, e Dr. Lavlndur says the appearance of V being boiled alive is typical of the i disease of pellagra and that death s in the bath tubs was a mere conci>. dence. The result is that the nurse b has been reinstated. Dr. Uavindar i found forty cases in this asylum on i, his arrival there. e The Knoxville Sentinel, referring - te the theory that musty corn causes s pellagra, expressed the belief some - time ago that the spread of the diso ease was due to the use of care lessly selected corn ground by steam a rolling mills instead of the coarse - ground corn meal of water mills of h the South. The view has been growing in strength. Dr. William T. Wood ley. of Charlotte, N. C., has s written The Observer on this sub ject. lie blames the use of shock d cured corn which, he says, is not s given time enough to dry thoroughr ly before it is husked and markot ed. He says that sixty days longer c should be allowed to corn in the k shock than to corn standing in tho o field. The season In tho West is much shorter than in the South and the y farmers push their work so as to d get through with cleaning (their s fields before winter. I?r. Woodley c jirupoKea, mererore, that mills he required to use only corn that has - been cured under supervision. Corn e for the table should be cured withh out stripping the fodder in order to give the ears all the nutriment posit sible. The amount of corn ground - for human food is small compared e with the total grown and it would y be no great hardship to require the i mills to be careful in selecting it. 1 In commenting on the rapid spread of the disease, the Farmers' i Union Sun says here in the South, i whose people have always been addicted to the use of corn-bread in - some form or other, pellagra was t unknown until comparatively recent b years. Before the war and loug afterwards, we never knew or heard of a case that indicated any of the symptoms of pellagra. It is as now known and described a very modern disease so far as it relates to the ' South, and Us present prevalence. If ' due to the. use of corn, may be attributed wholly to the South's ahan donment of the cultivation of corn, ! turning its attention to the single 1 crop of cotton, and depending exclusively for its corn supply on the ' West, where the methods of harvesting and caring for corn crops ' are such as to make corn an unfit 1 article of food for man. We read the other day that it is not an unusual thing for some Western farmers to turn thetr hers into fields of corn which was regarded aa of inferior quality. We are confident that much of this kind of J corn or the meal from it is shipped to the South and made Into bread and eaten by the poorer class of our people among whome, espeo- ; ially those in mill districts, pellagra has appeared. We don't believe that Southern raised corn, harvested only * l when fully ripe, as was done in antebellum times, and properly ground Into meal, will produce pellagra. If the disease is caused from corn, it is this Western corn and its products on which our people have been feeding ever since they got the cotton craze. Pellagra, then, which is I said to be spreading rapidly through- I out the South, is going to compel "lit! ige in Brookside, 15 miles that three Italians nearly been sick 3 months. JohnquickPy?read letter below: RrookMda. Ala., May 4, 190.1. nata cases of continued Malarial Fever. AM rd* from my utore. These cases were of three g from 100 to KM. The doctors had tried everyi try Johnson's Tonic. I removed all the prlnt>latn bottle aa a regular prescription. The efsrmanent. They recovered rapidly and there 8. R. 8H1KLETT. & FEVER TONIC CO., Savannah, Ga. Supply Company Supplies VH -Supglle^^^W 3 I A. S. O. riCLASSIFIED COLUMN Game Bantams?Thre9 varieties, also Sebright'^. Carlisle Cobb, Athens, Ga. Farms for 8al??530 acres 16 miles from Columbia. Ask for particulars and list. R. E. Prince, Raleigh, N. C. A good worm powder for horses and mules. Safe and et'ectlv#. Bent postpaid oa receipt of 26c. T. 11. Wannamaker, Cheraw, S. 0. Falrview House, Clyde, N. C.?Fin# view, icood water, good tabl#. Rates $6 and up per week. N? consumptives. Dr. F- M. Davis. For Sale, chea|>?One 31-2 h. p. Krie Mot#r Cycle, 1909 model. I For particulars write B No. 1, R. F. D. No. 6. Honea Path, S. C. i Wedding Invitations and announcements. Finest quality. Correct styles. Sampled free. James H. DeDooff, Dept. <1, Oraad Rapids, j Mich. Pout Cards?We will Bend you 10 beautiful post cards for only ten cents or ten tinseled In gold for 15 cents. Send two cent stamp for sample. The Anspooner Co., Dept. K., 6249 Elizabeth street, Chicago. A Rare Chance for lovers of the artistic. Wo have a limited number of pictures, reproduced from famous paintings, mounted and suitable for home decoration. Six for fifty cents, postpaid. Delaware s'ley Printing Company Dep't L, Deposit, N Y. Make Yonr Own Will?-Without th# aid of a lawyer. You don't need one. A will Is necessary to protect your family and relatives. Forms and book of instruction, any State, one dollars. Send for free literature telling you all about It. Moffetts* Will Forms. Dept. 40, 894 Broadway, Brooklyn, New York City. wood. iron and stoki. Belting. r.cVIng, Lacing. Lombard company, august a. ga. Announcement. This being our twenty-Ofth y#ar of uninterrupted success, we wish It to be our "Banner year." Our thousands of satisfied customers, and fair dealing. Is bringing us new customers dally. | If you are contemplating the purchase of a piano or organ, write at once for catalogues, and for oar special proposition. MALONK'S MIT8I0 HOUSR, Columbia, 8. C. A collector for the Central of Georgia Railway Company was tird and worn out. Felt wretchedly and unfit for work. Two bottles of Johnson's Tonic made him gain 20 pounds in 60 days. Are you under weight? Get Johnson's Tonic and use it. It. does the work. | our people to go back to first principles, In other words, force them to cut out Western corn and raise their corn supply at home. It seems that, something just like this was required to bring Southern farmers to their , senses. Some people can be con| vlnced only by knock-down arguments, and pellagra is one that seems to be of that kind. The Sun Is right. Corn has been I the staple food of the South too long to allow any room for condemning it wholesale as has been done by hasty thinkers. Hut it was home-grown corn that was eaten and home-ground, too. until a few years ago when the markets of the South WO TO 1'" *u - .,..<>Uvu ii.y me products or the steam rolling mill. The housekeepers who insist on getting the coarse meal of the local mill will probably make no mistake and may rest assured that they are eating one of the finest food-stuffs given by Clod. In the meantime there is no subject more urgent for the attention pf the pure tfooil experts than the corn meal on the market. The steeple elimher says he seems to be a sort of bellboy. le Giant" Screw Plates ortments. Each assortment is put up t wood case, as shown in cut. Each as?t has adJmUMe tap wreathes for hold ing all taps contained in assortment. Threads rod from 7-64 in. up to 1 1-2 in> "BEST EST PUCES "CstMiMaSipplyCs.CslMibU^.C ' ** -' AM *