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I ? * vfjl\ ; WHAT HE SEES AND HEAR-S ?Col. Leroy Springs of Lancaster, was here' Saturday on business. ? Mr. W. B. Meacham on Friday purchased a handsome Reo touring car, ?Miss Ona Beamgunrd. of Clover, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. D. F. Lee, r on Forest street. ? Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stewart, of Columbia, wore among the .visitors to Port Miil Saturday.?Mrs. J. W. Wiley, of McCalls, was a visitor recently to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMurray, near town. ?Mr. C. S. Link, who has been ill for 10 days at his home on White street, was reported yesterday as considerably improved. ?Mrs. C. H. Klucppelberg, of Macon, Ga., is a visitor at the home of her brother, B. W. Bradford, on Booth street. ?Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Connelly, of ! Statesville, N. C., spent Monday here as guests at the home of Mayor L. A. Harris. ?All roads are leading to Charlotte thiB week. Fort Mill, along with the other towns of this section, is well represented. ?Mr. Ernest'Sims, a young man of the mill village, suffered a broken finger while playing ball on the local diamond Saturday. ?Mr. Tlios. K. Lee and bride, nee Miss Hood, of Sargent, Ga., arrived * Saturday for a visit to the former's relatives here. ? Mr. and Mrs. Al. C. Williamson, formerly residents of Fort Mill, who have been speeding several months in Florida, were visitors here the past week. ? Mr. C. H. Branson, whose health for several months has been very poor, left Saturday evening for Hot Springs, Ark., where he will undergo treatment fr?r his infirmities ? Messrs. W. D. and Harvey Kimbrell, of this township, were in Yorkville Friday, and while there witnessed the execution of Love Robinson, the negn> murderer. ? Members of the local military company will regret to learn that Adjt-CIen. J. C. Boyd suffered a second stroke of paralysis at Aiken last Friday. Col. Boyd's condition is rej>crted as quite critical. ? M. Waddy R. Thompson, Jr., of Cancaster, has been engaged temporarily sh secretary of the Fort Mill Mfg. ' oennpany, which position was vacant on ' account of the illness of Mr. C. S. j Link. ?A special train for the accomodation of those who wish to visit Charlotte will be operated today (Thursday) between Chester and that city. The 1 train will pass Fort Mill at 8 o'elock ' a. m. and returning will leave Charlotte I Kt 9 p. m. ?The closing exercises of the Fort Mill graded school, the program for which appeared in last week's Times, will be held in the town hall this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. The public in general is invited to attend. ? It is reported that Mrs. Turner Harbor and daughter. Miss Anna, who reside on Booth street, will discontinue housekeeping in the near future, and that Mrs. Barber will move to the homo of her son, Mr. Osmond Barber, while Miss Barber will make her home in Rock Jlill. ?Suday night while Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Oldham, of Charlotte, were visiting relatives in thiB - place, burglars attempted to enter their residence on Jackson Terrace, Charlotte, by breaking the transom glass over the front door. The crash of the falling glass , attracted the neighbors and the thieves beat a hasty retreat into the darkness. ?Rev. Edward S. Reaves, pastor Baptist church, returned Tuesday night' from Louisville, Ky., where he went . a week ago to attend the annual sessions of the Southern Baptist Conven- 1 tion. Mr. Reaves will resume his regular every Sunday night services at tho Baptist church next Sunday night and will be glad to have a large hearing, as he purposes discussing a subject of vital importance. ?According to an item in the last issue of tho American Textile Manufacturer, Mr. Jaa. T. McGregor, has resided his position at Walterboro to I accept the superintendeney of the two cotton mills hore. Mr. McGregor was formerly assistant superintendent of the Millfort mill and his many friends here hope the report that he is to return is well grounded. ?A meeting of the graded school board was held Monday afternoon to hear the report of the committee appointed to get prices on sites for the new school building. This report, it seems, contained nothing definite as to one particularly favored site and action in the matter of a selection was postponed until further investigation could bo made. Mr. II. F. Grior, chairman of the board. was authorized to confer with the owner tri thu particular lot and report to the board in a meeting to be held r.ext Monday. Officer Polls Shoots Usruly Negro, j Saturday night at 10;30 o'clock Jack- y Jackson, colored, was shot and Instant- y ly killed by Chief .of Police V. D. Potts. J I The killing occurred near the home of ] ; Mr. W. B. Hoke on the western edge { of the towii, and was live result of c Jackson's refusal to submit to arrqst \ and subsequent assault upon the officcfc. e Jackson was said to have been cures r ing on the streets and upon reaching! ? the western edge of the town on his t way to Grattan became very boistfcrous. j i Officer Potts overtook the negro at the . t | point mentioned above and told him ho ! s | would have to return to town. The o negro at first objected to being ar- t rested, but finally told the officer he j would go. The two started toward town and had gone about fifteen steps ! when Jackson, who weighed perhaps 1; 200 pounds and was a powerful man, . ji seized Mr. Potts and threw him to the 5 ground. The officer drew a revolver v frnrn hia nnrl tV\ia fKo nnrrm 1. seized und attempted to get posession c of. Mr. Potts had another pistol, a *' 38-calibre Smith & Wesson, in another j pocket and drew it, but Jackson grab- & bed this also and for several moments j 1 the two tussied on the ground for pos- t session of the weapons. Officer Potts J brought his teeth into action and got in [ E some very effective work on Jackson s h arm. This was too painful for the negro, and, still grasping the pistols^ I he arose. In an instant Mr. Potts was \ also on his feet and both men put forth , ; every effort to free the guns. In this 1 the officer finally succeeded and with ,, the Smith & Wesson fired four times, ! lc two of the shots taking effect, one in :r Jackson's heart and the other in his " left shoulder. The negro fell dead In the street. The county coroner was notified early Sunday morning of the killing and rc- quested to come to Fort Mill and hold an inquest over Jackson's body. Coroner Louthian stated to the authorities here that on account of an inquest which he was to conduct at Tirzah it would be impossible to come to Fort Mill,, and authorized Magistrate ^ J. W. McElhaney to act in his stead. The inquest took place about noon Sunday and the verdict of the jury was that of justifiable homicide. h Officer Potts went before Judge .1 Gage at Chester Monday and was j1 granted bail in the sum of $500. Mrs. Anna 0. Parks Dead. Mrs. Ann Oliver Parks died Monday morning just before the noon hour at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. ~ Boyd, or. Confederate street, where she L had made her home for several months. * The funeral took place Tuesday morn- | ( ing from the residence and was con- I ducted by Rev. W. A. Hafner, pastor i of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Parks was in her 83rd year. She was a life-long member of the Providence Presbyterian church, having ! been a communicant there for over half a century. She was born and reared and lived to her advanced age in Providence community. | Mrs. Parks was the widow of the late H. L. Parks, a substantial farmer-of the Providence section. He died about 14 years ago. Surviving Mrs. Parks are her three daughters, Mrs. Lioyd, M rs. L. H. Robinson, of Providence, , and Mrs. R. A. Miller, of Lowell. Up to a short time ago Mrs. Parks jnade j her home with Mrs. Miller at Lowell, i She was a woman of beautiful exem- | plary Christian character. | Reception to Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Lee. About fifty guests were present at a beautiful wedding reception given Monday afternoon by Mrs. James T. Young ' at her home on Cleboum street in honor | of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. K. Lee, of Sargent. Ga. Receivinc in (hp hull worn Misa tlnra Grier, Mrs. J. T. Young, Mrs. Thos. K. Lee and' Misses Mattie Smith and Louise McMurray. Miss Minnie Garrison presided at the punch bowl. Dainty i refreshments were served in the dining i room by Misses Louise Young, of Charlotte, Ona Benmguard, of Clover, and Nannie and Juanita Erwin and Mary ; Epp8. As each guest passed out of the the dining room they were presented with a souvenir of the occasion by little Miss Fairy Lee and Masters James and Arthur Young. Don't Carry Large Sums With You. j J It were well to warn the public that j along with every such vast throng as | that which will visit Charlotte this week one may confidently expect a number of crooks and pickpockets 'I which prey on the populace under the J advantageous circumstances of great gatherings. A man from Georgia, who asked that his name be withheld, com- , m plained at police headquarters yester- j day that he had been robbed by some ; s one in the crowd at the carnival on the t night before, losing a poekethook con- 1 taining $120. There are always anum- ; ber of similar incidents, granting that the fignres given were accurate, on such an occasion. People who have 1 contracted the habit of carrying hun- ' , drcds of dollars around with them are always liable to regret it. ?Charlotte ' Observer. j An Interesting Article. i < ; The Fort Mill Times of Thursday | ' contains a splendid picture of our cs! teemed fellow townsman, Capt. S. E. ' White, and an interesting history and ? description of the monument erected j by him in Fort Mill thirteen years ago to the women of the Confederacy. The article will be reproduced in the next issue of The News, lack of space preventing its publication in to-day's pa- ; per,?Lancaster News. If you expect to get the original Car-; bolized Witch Hazel Salve, you must I bo sure it is DeWitt's Carbolized Witch | Hazel Salve. It is good for cuts, burns |1 J and bruises, and is especially good for piles. Refuse substitutes. Sold by I Ardrey'a drug store. &At a nu tting Monday afternoon 6i 39 trustees of the^Tort Mill grfedec MO 'I the following teachers wen silted for the term of 1909r*10: Miss tfivie Garrison, Miss Kate Ardrey, tfiaa Louise McMurray, Mrs. W. T. Jelfcrs and Miss Mabel Lee Hinshaw, >f Winston, N. C. Miss Mattie Smith vas r< -elected as music instructor. Th? (lectin of a h'gh school teacher die lot take place for the reason that noting definite is yet known as to whethqi .ie State appropriation for maintainag this department- will again bt vailable. Prof. L. M. Bauknight was bmQ^avs ago elected superintendent l the scpocls and will again serve in feat capacity. Resolutions of Respect. (jod, in His all-wise providenc<\ has ii'i His hand heavily upon our Lodge Vrcinoving from our midst our much floved brother, Jonn M. Spratt, who .is one of our charter members. He Is always- true and faithful to his lg<. lie has served Electra Lodge as i uncellor commander; as K. R. AS., i was for many years the able and lr:ent assistant to the late lamented Thornwell, who was the G. 14. R. S. This office he still filled at the no of his death under C. I). Brown. Mr. Spratt's was a beautiful characr, and he always proved himself >rthv to wear the badge of "F. C. " We shall miss him from our ranks, d especially shall we miss his wise tinsel, for ne never feared to do the .1,* ... *i af uc oa? ui?; ri^uu 1st. Resolved?That we tender to his ife and sons our love and deepest nnpathy, and pray God's richest blessg upon them. 2nd. Resolved?That a copy of this emoriam be sent to the family, a copy i sent to The Times for publication, id a cage of our minute book be inribed to his memory. J. B. ELLIOTT, W. B. M EACH AM. L. M. BAUKN'IGllT, Committee. anted?We will pay 15c a pound for choice country Hams. L. A. HARRIS & CO. OR SALE ?Choice Lumber, all kinds. J. J. BAILES. rANTED -The ladies in town to know that we sell Sandals, sizes 5 to 8 at 50e; 8 to 12, at 65c. L. A0 Harris & Co. OR SALE?Egffa for hatching from pure-bred single Comb White Legrhorns. Imported stock, non-sitters. All eggs proving: unfertile replaced at half price. $1.00 per setting: of 15 e^grs. B. M. Lee, Fort Mill, S. C. ry a bottle of Gibson's Hair Invigorator. You wiil buy more. It will do anything any other hair remedy will do and a great deal more than nine out of ten. 50 cts. at Ardrey's. In the good old summer time" Go to Haile's Fountain for Delicious and Refreshing Cold Drinks. We serve Pure Ice Cream every day. Headquarters for Cigars. Tobacco, Cigarettes and Pipes. Our stock of Drugs and Patent Medicines is complete. Fans and Almanacs free for the asking. Come to see us. 7ort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R. HAILE, Mgr. REDUCED RATES. O ASHEVILLE, N. C., AND RETURN, AC COUNT TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEETINf NATIONAL TRAVELERS PROTECT1VI ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. The Southern Railway announce! rery low round trip rates from al >oints to Asheville, N. C. and reJUin or the above occasion. Tickets will b< old May 28th, 29th and "Oth, and foi rains arriving Asheville before 3.CM ). m. May 31st, limited good toTeturi 10 days front date of sale. . 11 YOtr WANT \ Steak or Roast that is tender tweet and juicy, I can furnish it [ have Steaks, Roasts, Chops Li.. O . L V . 1 11a111 ciiiu oausage, me ncsr ma money can buy. I also bandit 'iroccries and all kinds of Canne< joods. Peas, Beans, Cabbagt md Potatoes on band at al :imes. See me, it's niv treat. VV. LEE HALL, | * 'Phone 29. notici;. We Exchange MEAIi folt corn Toll same as that charged by grist mills. Bring us your corn. -----The Cotton. Mill Store l. a. uaruis & co. I ' y* / B I have bought the black- 1 . I smith shop of Mr. W. R. 1 | 3 Carothere and will appre- E 9 ciate you^ pa^onage. Hav- S [ B *n8 served my trade, I can B I fully guarantee all work 9 I turned out. Give me a trial. 8 Fred, Kimbrell. 1 DeWITT'S CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL ! SALVE For Piles, Burns, Soros. fl 3 If ADOLLA ill ? ill A DOLU Uj r-v - *__] ? . When 3'on buy fro <2 get lowest cash pric from a credit store, Jj| prices, even if you d yy almost impossible ti (t every article, and tl have time prices. CASH STORE in Fc ?? trade here you don'1 dead-beat's account, and see how much 3 ing with w casli stor I jVL^SS ?? ..... -? -J ?? ? .J a MEACHA1 New Waists?By express at $ ; Muslin Underwear?Just r Skirts, Drawers, Corset Covert j for $1.00. Drawers at 25 and E Covers, 25e, Childrens' Drawi : Laces?Our 71-2 and 10c Laces making our Laces famous. Ne White Dresses?Now is yo See our beautiful line of Flounc to match. Wider Flouncing ai | goods are worth 7 1-2 .to 10c m< Millinery? Are you thinking o ! see Miss rfinshaw. I MEACHAIV 1, | This is a white I our stock is in go I great demand for muslins and batisi Special assortm at attractive nric# 127 inch Sheer White L? 40 inch Sheer White Lc 40 inch Sheer White 40 inch Mercerized Wh . 30 inch snow white Po 36 inch snow white Poj 40 inch woven stripe b< "Kimonc A hot weathei good for kimonos Special Bargaii *| lins at 1 Oc per ya I E. W. Ki PHONE NO. 7. ? * The -examination for the award of* vacant Scholarships in W'iuthrop Co -| >. lege nud fo? the admission of new stu louts will be held at the I omitv Court ! Heujw on FK1DAY\ JULY 2. atO A.M.? Applicants uiust Iks not lo.-s than ftfteou j ears of age. When Scholarships are j vnenut after July 2 they will bo awardj ed to t hose malting the highest aver-aye > at this examination, provided they meet tho conditions governing the award, j Applicants for scholarships shon'ri j ; write to 1'reshleut Johnson beforo -tin| examination for Scholarship exaniina I' tion blanks. 11 Scholarships are worth $100 and free, tuition. Tho next scesion wtli oja-n ' September lf"?, 1909. For further in-' formation and catalogue, address J'res. D. B. JOHNSON. Kock Bill. S. C. \V\W<\\X%\\VN%\\\N\N\\V\V I R SAVED III r~~~ ' IS; kR MADE, til >|l m a Cash store, you ?j! cs. When you buy JJj'L you have to pay time JJ;[. 0 pay cash, for it is $4 * have two prices on le credit store must We have the only 55 j >rt Mill. When you t have to pay some '!> Compare our prices ' ! ou will save hv deale. - * Iii 3Ei"Z"'S !'> ; M & EPFS. * 1 nn nn,t 01 ten itW anu tpi.tiv;. cceived our second shipment in ; and Gowns. See our $1.50 Skirt >0c. Gowns, 75c to$1.50. Corset; srs, 2 to 6 years, at 10c. we are selling at 5c. This is iw lot j?st In. ur time for your white dresses. ;ing at 25, 35 and 40c, with bands t 75 and 90c. Positively these ire. per yard. f buying a Ilat? If so, call and * r'-' -i ? - : A 1 & EPFS. i \ i ^ I 4 -? ? - ^ -u li^ ijoodls* |jjj goods season and |ij| iod shape for the | ^ sheer white lawns, I j ? ies. 1 j tent of India lawns ^ >s < <3 iwn, 5c to 25c per yard, iwn at 12 l-2c per yard. Batiste at 15c per yard. J t j lite Mull at 20c per yard. R rilinotto a f wt uv jaiu. dinette at 10c per yard. r 5rder, Muslin, 20c per yd. ) Krepe." | r fabric, especially i and resting robes, i is in Figured - Mus- | ird. mbrell Co. | - FORT MILL, S. C.# "If $3.60 is wort an expenditure of $; do as I say and do a Trade at McElhai Pvery H |gr This is the to frcshi the odd jobs of painting you the buggy, the furniture, for ! for every paint purpose, \vc have tl r>A rvrt rivm n*ztt a c~r> jkare each and every one scientific R \Remcmbcr?if it's a surfac ^stained, varnished or finish \Acme Quality Kind to f jVtcll you what to use, cost. Ask us. \ see or r i r/4v; % To Increi I Bank A & ' $ Buy your Oroc j* get the best qua ^ money. Our good A | and pure; our pri( $ cheapest, and we |; ^ your pat rona&e, 1>< tJONES K at D d. 1 E?eiter J Dysp If you can help it. Kod effectually helping Natui But don't trifle with Indig A groat many people who have trilled with indication, have been Bcry for it?when nervous or chronic dyspepsia resulted, and they have not been able to euro it. I'se Kodol and prevent Laving Dyspepsia. Everyone Is subject to Indigestion. Stomach derangement follows stomaeh abuse, just as naturally and just as surely as a sound and healthy stomach results upon the taking of Kodol. When you experience sourness of stomach, belching of gas and nauseating fluid, bloated sensation, gnawing pain in tho pit of the stomach, heart burn (r.o-called), diarrhoea, headaches, dullness 01 chronic tired feeling?you need Ko dol. And then the quicker you tukt Kodol?the better. Eat what yoi wnnt. let Kodol digest It. Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tuh lets," physics, etc., are not likelj to be of much benefit to you, ir digestive ailments. Pepsin is onl] Sold by Ardre hhh^pk|?</ j;. 1 ? . 'Do as I Say.and IS^'^pj^p Ua4 the balance of the speaker* Re- vlu: 'Tm a McElhany man?GO fat' is outside adornment is c<m* erned. Jt went shopping at ticElhany's with rhjs result: -J \ ' * ' Hat sol J elsewhere n*. $2.50, Paid McKlh.^py $2.00 Shirt boU efcecrhcre at $1.^. Paid MeElhmj^ 90c Suit sold el^swhere at $15.00, I Paid McElhany $l-2^V| Pr. Shoes sold elsewhere at $4. * Paid McElhany $o?-rwM Figure it Up ? Saved $3.60. ' h saving on 22.50, then ome Use^sMI ?n-up the home by doing have been planning. For the floors and woodwork, ^ ic right Finish. A INS AND VARNISIIES rally prepared for specific uscs.y | e to be painted, enameled, f B ed in any way, there's an it the purpose. We can how much to use nndsf,,,^ Sy-TJ-\ H &se Your | & 4 account ijj erios where you a lily for tho least Is are always fresh g es are below the jn always appreciate a 1 it much or liltle0 % 7^ THE: QROOE1R, f. rhone: no. 1 t 8 ? ....... ,.,. '. j.' % Not Get lepsia lol prevents Dyspepsia, by *e to Relieve Indigestion, jestion. 1 a partial dlposter?and physics are | not disasters at all. Kodol is a perfect digester. If you could see Kodol digestingevery p irtiole of food, of all kluds, 1U th* glass test-tubes 1u our laboratories, you would know tJils Just as wall Nature nod Kodol will alway? euro a sick stomach?hut in onleif ;<> ho cujvd, th?? stomach u -ibt rest. 'j . That !b what Kodol doofi?rests tbq stomach, while the stomach Rat* well. Just us bill)pie u? A, B, 0. Our Guarantee On 1n your ririifTkl Unlay ?h<1 pet r\t.otlitr bottle. Then after you hare unod flit Ire contemn of the Dottle If you carf honestly may, that It ha* tint (lone you any flood, return the hot tie to the driifTKlxt en I ho wllf refund yamy money without que** ; lion or delay, V. will then pay the drutfK'tt for the bottle. Don't he-dtnte, ait <lrti(rfri->tu Know that, onr guarantee In Kua*t: O'lila otter upplh'M U> the larue bottle only arid to but on- In a laiully. The Imv* b>?:? tie eontalnM tlVi timua m tnucii iim thu Oft* t cent bottle. i Kutlol 1s prepared at the lat)or%r toriCBof E.C. Do Witt & Co-Oblc^ v's Drug Store,