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LOCAL FIELD ?Florence Boyof SparUntoftl. visiting her parents ?Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Downs, of Pinevllle, Bpcnt Sunday with refcitlVe&in Fort Mill. ?Mr. W. A. Roach spent Sunday and Monday at the home of his parents at Hickory Grove. ?We are pleased to note that Mrs. A. O. Jones, who has been I ;ii * a. ?. j_- - - ? i i ?m iur me pasc ten uays, is lm[ proving. U ?Miss Dell Kilgo returned to r| Winthrop Monday evening after \l a short visit to Misses Bertha jV and Estelle Massey of this place. Al ?Mr. N. L. Carothers, the S town's popular tonsorialist, has II been confined to his home for M several days by illness. H ?Mr. S. L. Meacham, assisted M by a large force of helpers, is burily engaged in the erection of j a 'phone system at Pineville. ] ?-The Millfort mill was idle i Saturday, on account of injuries , to the electric motors during the storm Friday night ?Mr. Lester Sharpe, of Pineville, who has been afflicted with insanity for a year or more, has i been committed to the State Insane Asylum at Morganton. I ?Mr. Chas. Hammond has f been promoted to the position of , j boss spinner for the Fort Mill j Mfg. Company, succeeding Mr. 1 W. H. Coy, resigned. I?While the recent rise in the| price of cotton caused much of I (the staple to be rushed to market, ! there are many bales yet in the ' hands of the farmers of this and other sections of the county. ?The statement of the condition of the Savings Bank, pub- j lished in another column, shows j this institution to be in excellent, shape and enjoying its usual run ; ' of public patronage. i ?The school children are look-! forward with the usual anticipa-! tions of pleasure to the summer vacation. The local public school will complete its present term on the 19th instant. ?The many friends of Mrs. Knox Roach will regret to learnthat she is seriously ill at her home in Rock Hill. Mrs. J. M. Spratt went down Tuesday evening to spend a few days with Mrs. Roach. ?The closing exercfees of the Belair school, taught by Mr. Jno. W. Elms, will be held Friday, the 7th. A big picnic will be held in connection with the exercises and the usual large crowd from the surrounding sections is expected to be present. ?A strict enforcement of the ordinance prohibiting the sale Sundays of merchandise is bieng i carried out at present in Fort Mill. The delivery of ice is permitted up to 9. a. m., while the drug stores are allowed to remain open except between the hours of 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. ?Rev. H. J. Mills, who attended the recent Lay mens' Missionary convention in Birmingham, Ala., will make a talk upon this subject in the Presbyterian church Thursday evening, the Cth, at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. ?A rumor is afloat to the effect that Col. Leroy Springs will, in the near future, erect another large cotton mill at Lancaster. From another and seemingly authoritative source comes the gratifying news that the new mill will in all probability be located on one of Colonel Spring's excellent mill sites in Fort Mill. ?Some of our farmers are thinking of replanting the cotton which was damaged by the storm Friday night, and, while discussing the subject yesterday, one of the township's largest and most successful planters was heard to remark that one stalk of old cotton was worth two stalks of young cotton, especially with an early fall such as we have been having in recent years. ?Mr. and Mrs. Edouard D'Oize, urifVi O />naf nf Al> mnra WW ?VII ? vwv v* VI IltVi v VI young people of the town, have been busily engaged for the past weeK in rehearsing the play, "Damon and Pythias," which is to be given in the town hall this (Wednesday) evening. All who have met Mr. and Mrs. D'Oize and seen them on the stage feel confident that the play will be a success, as they are both accomplished artists and the local cast is well selected. ?A meeting of the board of trustees of the Fort Mill graded school was held Thursday evening, at which time a committee, consisting of Messrs. W. B. Meacham, A. 0- Jones and L. J. Massey, was appointed to secure options on site for the new school building to be erected here this snmmer.. The committee his asked for prices on a number of sites and as s x>n as the owners are heard from the committee will report to the board of trustees and a selection will be made. ? Mr. J. J. Ormand, whose illMB8 has been noted in these coli urane, is still confined to his home | near Grattan. j r-Mr, D. B. Dickens, of Ches! ter, was a visitor Sundav at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Chas. Carter, west of town. ?For a consideration of $150 Mrs. C. F. Rodjrers has bought from Capt., S. E. White a nice building lot on Eat Booth street and will probably erect a residence thereon in the near future. - A communication has been received here from the Concord (N. C.) base ba 1 team asking that Fort Mill give them three games here in tne near future. Nothing definite has been given in answer tp Concord's request, but it is not improbable that the :n 1.. ?i j t . v gaiiieg wm ue piayea nere wiuiin the next two weeks. 1 The closing exercises of Kell's . school, in Providence township, , took place last Friday and was 3 attenued by a large crowd from the surrounding country. Among the entertaining features or the occasion was a big picnic dinner and a base ball game in the afternoon between the Providence and Fort Mill teams. Providence won the game by a score of 11 to 10. ?The seasoti for home-raised vegetables is fast approaching. In fact, some people have already been favored with new vegetables. Green peas, onions and i cabbage are beginning to get plentiful and in the course of a few days the. tables of all will be laden with all kinds of garden produce. Strawberries are also plentiful and before long May cherries will ripen. ?The examinations for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop college and the admission of new students will be held at York courthouse on Friday, July 2, at 9 a. m. Applicants must be not less than 15 years of age. When scholarships are vacant after July 2 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conrtih'nno nrniiarninf. M4..VI.U tfVfBiuiig wc airaiUi ?Rev. W. A. Cleveland, of Cartersville, Ga., has accepted a call to the pastorate of Steele Creek Presbyterian church, succeeding Rev. Geo. F. Robertson, resigned. With his family, consisting of a wife and three children, Rev. Mr. Robertson will arrive to enter upon his new duties the first Sunday in June. The Steel Creek church is one of the largest rural churches in the Southern General Assembly. ?This is the proper time of the year to begin war on mosquito^. Old tin cans, broken bottl# and every sort of vessel that holds water should be gathered up and carted off the premises. Old barrels, tubs and jars should not be allowed to lie about the yard and garden. Look after your flower pit, cellar, and in fact, every place that is calculated to breed mosquitoes. ?Two new cotton oil mills will probablably be erected in this county during the summer?one at Clover and the other at Sharon. Such an enterprise for Clover is assured, the desired capital having been subscribed, the site selected and application! made for certificate of incorporation. The movement for an oil mill at Sharon is being pushed vigorously and little fear is entertained but that it will meet with Qll^PPQQ OUauM ?11 i wv>^ww/u? jl v/i v xuiii ohuuiu uy an ' means get busy and put in operation such an enterprise. ?The most severe rain and hail storm in this section for a number of years occurred Friday night about 11 o'clock, lasting an hour or more. It was thought that crops would be badly injured but reports do not justify the thought The hail-stones were of small size and consequently did little damages. In a number of places in the township the roads were badly washed and the small streams that overflowed did considerable damage to the land by washing. Catawba river was reported to have been higher on Sunday than at any time since the big freshet last year. Mr. Branson Resigns. Mr. C. H. Branson, who for the oast several vpnrs VioM i | the position of superintendent of the two cotton mills in this place, on Monday notified his employers of his desire to be relieved of the position and asked that his successor be named at as early a date as the mills could find a suitable man. Just what Mr. Branson's plans for the future are has not been stated, but it is not likely that he will retire from mill work. During his residence here Mr. Branson has been closely identified with the I affairs of the town and on ac-! count of the high esteem in whjch he is held by the people' of Fort Mill, all will ^egret to learn of his probable' removal from the town. Mr. u. M. Chance, assistant supt. of the Millfort mill, has ! also tendered his resignation, we are told. 'S . . - - ^ M.i,g :? ':'-'v Xs '* *iCMg ."'V it it J ?UL!i? '.?. '"i/L. I ."u.r". _ You should not delay udder any eirruinstances in oases of Kidney and Bladder trouble. You should fake something promptly that yon know la reliable, something like DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are un equaled for weak hack. backache, infiauimatiou of the bladder, rheumatic Edna etc. Wheu yon ask for DeWitt's idney and Bladder Pills, be sore yon get them. They are antiseptic. Accept no substitutes, insist npou getting the' right kind. Sold by Ardrey'a drug store. WANTED?The ladies in town tO know that, wp kpII Sondola sizes 5 to 8 at 50c; 8 to 12, at 65c? L. A. Harris & Co. FOR SALE?Eggs for hatching: from pure-bred 3ingle Comb White Leghorns. Imported stock, non-sitters. All eggs G roving unfertile replaced at alf price. $1.00 per petting of 15 eggs. B. M. Lee, Fort Mill, S. C. . BARGAINS in Three Specialties.. Here ?re three good things we will sell at greatly reduced prices partly to introduce and partly to get rid of. Little Sunshine Table Lamps. Burns gasoline. Will furnish more light than all the kerosene lamps in your house put together and costs no more to run than one of them. The regular price is $4.00. We have three of them to sell at $2.50 and they are handsome little tricks. You can see one in operation in our store any night. Safety Razors. We have the newest and best thing in this line, superior to anything on the market. The regular price is $5.00. We have a few to sell at $3.50. We will put a lamp or a razor in your home on a week's trial and if not satisfactory your money will be refunded. Bicycles. Two "bicycles that are bargains at $16.00, at? Ardrey's. "In the good old summer time" Go to Haile's Fountain for Delicious and Refreshing Cold Drinks. We serve Pure Ice Cream every day. Headquarters for Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes and Pipes. Our stock of Drugs and Patent Medicines is complete. Fans and Almanacs free for the asking. Come to see us. Fort Hill Drug Comp'y J. R, HAILE, Mgr. BANK STATEMENT. Statement of the condition of the Savings Bank, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at the close of business April 28 th, 1909. resources. Loans and Discoants $30104 21 Demand Loaus 26 44691 Overdrafts 849 14 Bonds and Stocks owned by Bank 7 COO 00 Faruitare and Fixtures 1 236 50 Due from hauks and Trust < o's 12 994 69 Currency 8 400 00 Silver, Nickols and Pennies... 166161 Total $88692 96 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid ip $20 000 00 Surplus Fund 6 660 66 Undivided Profits, less Cnr- j rout Expenses and Taxes Paid 80500 Individual Deposits Subject to Check 58 717 24 Time Certificates of Deposit... 2325 00 1 Cashier's Checks 119 06 Total $88 092 90 State or south Carolina > County or York. ( Before me came W. B. Meacham, cashier of tho Savings Bunk of Fort Mill, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in Raid bank. W. B. Meacham, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3rd day of May, 1909. J. W. McElhany, Notary Public An VUI1UV/W /lbl/UOV T. 8. KlHKPATRlCR ) A. O. Jones [ Directors. J. L. Spkatt ) Winlhrop College SCHOLARSHIP and ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The examination lor the award of vacant Scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission.of new students will be held at the. Cqr.nty Court House on FKIDAY. JULY 3. at 9 A. M. Applicants must be i^ot le?s than fifteen years of age. When Scholarships are vacant after July 2 they will be awardad to those making the highest average at this examination, provided tbey moot the conditions governing the award. Applicant* for scholarship! should write to President Johnson before the examination for Scholarship examination blacks. Scholarships are worth giJO and free tuition. The next session will open September 1*? IW9 For further in formation and cataloguo. address Pres. D. B. JOHF9QN, Rook Hill. 8 O* ? Oil Stoves at 88 50. ^ | U ? !i ,4 IJarrisburg Oxfords at ?1.50 to ?3 *|| cz n if aa n r> 1ca-wi1p??j? kart ^-of* i5 |,| V?UCOU V^UQlIty VAIVIU8 i/Uf Oil* ]j? f'j! And the prettiest line of ;I5 ^ Millinery at half the usual prices, \\i I ? r lit I! MASSEY'S iif * M EACH AM & EPPS. Rompers for Children. Made of heavy Blue Chambray?the best garment made for s child. Sizes, 1 to 6 years, at 50c. Colgate's Goods. A full line of Soaps, Powders, Extracts, Vaseline, Toilet Watei and Tooth Paste. Cashmere Boquet and Violet Talcum Powderssold everywhere at 25c?at 16c. Dress Skirts. Cream, all wool Serge, at $5.00. A new line of Black Voile* and Panamas. See our $6.50 Skirt for $5.50. The very best Silk Underskirt, worth $6, at $5. White Goods. Big line, all kinds to select from, 71 2 to 50c. Linen. Vflrv nrotfv anrl cliaaar ? 9<I Jr?/.Vi of OtI*. T ;??? T ....... o/? :-.i ? - J (/.VUVJ UIIU UUWU1 OU lltbli Ob iAA.. LJ1I1CU UUWI1, OO 1I1U at 50c. Batcher's Linen. 36 inch, at 50c. Millinery. Doing a fine business. New goods every week. Let us sav< you money on your hats. Summer Style Book. Just in; one of the best Style Books published. Free with i 20c pattern. M EACH AM & EPPS. I For 10 Days I We will make a 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT on all Matting. This is a good I time to put down that new floor covering you have been thinking B about. 30o Ghina Matting at 24o. 25o " " 20o. 20c " " " 160. I All these pieces come in clear, neat patterns, and if you want to be economical NOW certainly is the time to make your matting purchases. 1 E. W. Kimbrell Co. T r I jEsw MfluflHIfe' % 1 JOB PRINTING 1 E J fe ?1 NRATIT FXFr.ITTF.n AT Ira [?, THE TIMES OFFICE. ? IH! ffll f[til Letterheads. Noteheada Billheads. Statements, Handbills, Posters, (SJ I fill Circulars, Envolopes^Etc. at the lowest prices consistent with good iwo#U. Send us your orders ajirt we will please you r=j]j Tli? Times, g ?SiBi8agSS3|ajMS^!I)*^^ E" - IFW" $ Lv- 45- r-i - ""tTfri i , J nui?that feeling of life wasicd j of dissatisfaction?discontent j 1 New Spring Suit, | 1 Shirt with Novelty Stripes, 1 pair half Hose, with oolers. 51 1 Tie that will mix well? j but pronounced effect t Take AT ONCE and we will stake our rrnni-a . tion on the good results. + t We k now wherc'of wo speak? ; They cost no more than the ord , tionably the best investment yo\ ! $15 and upwards here bring } not obtain elsewhere for double t j now here for y I Furnishings also i < McELHANEY A ; "Wc fit the $ pa] - $I Fin J JJ^Every H * fe! ttT This is the time to fresh a l^c ra^nt'n" y?u /I j the buggy, the furniture, for | for every paint purpose, wc have tl ; ? | PAINTS, ENAMELS, ST y |^irc cac*1 ana every one 9 U \^cmcmber?if it's a 'surfac l $ S ^^tained, varnished or finish ^VAcme Quality Kind to f j^tcll you what to use, |^^^he cost. Ask us. I 1^^ |! &3VXXMXXW 3(3 | DON'T 5 Be talked on that you can $ Groceries foi than you car i . | IT'S NOT S | JONES I - - ?n BBS I Better 1 Dysp If you can help it Kod effectually helping Natui But don't trifle with Indig A groat many people who have I trifled with Indigestion, hnvo been sorry for it?when nervous or chronic dyspepsia resulted, and Iuiey nave not been able to cure it. Us? Kodol and prevent having Dyspepsia. 1 Everyone la subject to indices tion. Stouiaeh derangement follows stomach abuse. Just as naturally and Just as surely as a sound and healthy stomach results upon the taking of Kodol. "When you experience sourness of stomach, belching of gas and nauseating fluid, bloated sensation, gnawing pain in tho pit of the stomach, heart burn (so-called), dlarrhooa, headaches, dullness 01 chrouic tired feeling?you need Ko dol. And then tho quicker you take Kodol?the bettor. Eat what yot want, let Kodol digest It. Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tab lets," physics, etc., are not llkels to be of much benefit to you. It digestive ailments. Pepsin la onlj Sold by Ardrc; iherc arc no dot Iks like inary kind; they are unques-j dan make. s you results that you could the price. our inspection. n endless variety, wn 7m A nn/i i IJL/ Vivyivn i vm i ? hard to fit/' ome Use*^W?| I cn lip the home by tloine J i have been planning- For ? the floors and woodwoik, ^ ? ic right Finish. ? UALITY 1 A INS AND VARNISHES ' rally prepared for specific uses. ? e to be painteds enameled,/ 1 ? cd in any way, there's an/ i * it tlie purpose. We can / | ? how much to use andfi*J\ ? ?! /2k i ?OTT DISPLAY / ,S V rug Co jQjjjgS its /^Pf $ J /(TIJ 5 / ) I *. KJrrtCa* ^K^viULJrCUB'XXr^ 7.X - r 1*3 4 - . I I t of the fact ^ buy better g less money ^ JONES' ? | O! ? S THE GROCER, $ RHONE! NO. 14 $ F " lJ 1 - 1 f " . 1 Not Get iepsia iol prevents Dyspepsia, e to Relieve Indigestion* festion. | a partial digester?and pltyslea an; not dlgcste^, at all. Kodol is a perfect, digester. If you could sgo Kodol dlgostlngevery particle of food, o? nil kinds, In tlifc glass test-tubes In our laboratorfc?, you would kuow this juot as well aa wo do. Nature nod Kodol v ill alwa7f? wuib ?, ificiv smmacn?dui in ortirr to bo-cured, ?hn stomach musf r? U "* That is wbaf Kodol dous?res a I!io stomach, while tho stomach i ' :j well. Juat as simple rs A, B, C. Our Guarantee Oo to your drn^irtAt today and ?< * o dnl? lar bottle. Then ..fur jnu have u-wvl ti>4 mMre. content* of tlio V>tile If yon t .a h(fn????t!y .say, thnl It lijm nut dune you n t: ,* . ?'xvl. return the ho'.tle to tba dviurciut ft;, t no will refund your motify without nufe turn or iltJ.iy. Vl'c will then j.r.y the 'fritz' (rt <t for tho Kittle. Iv?n't honltnio, Ml arn||lMii know thai our (Cianttitcc is tp "I. Thla offer rtpiilica to Uic Itrye bottle only mid to hntouo In a family. Tin* l.trjc* U? tie. contolna ^<4 tiineu lu u tich aa tho lii'Jf cent InttU Kodol is prepared at tha labor*' torieaof E.C.DoWiti &. Co.. c ihic*?9V y'$ Drug Store. " ' M