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?" ? ..... IN THE LOCAL FIELD 1 B.'"" ?Mrs. E. P. Gatling, of Hallsboro, N. C., was hefe the past .week visiting relatives. ?The beatiful weather of the past ten days has enabled the farmers and gardener? to make; much progress. ? Mrs. Lizzie -Withers has recently made some marked improvements to her home on Booth ( street j j ?The Pleasant Velley school, ' of which prof. J. J. Bailes is , principal, will close its present j] session in about ten days. j j s-Mr. Frank Hunter, of Lan caster, was-a welcomed visitor to { Fort Mill Monday. < ?Mr. Chas. Berry, who is con necled with the electric light < plant of Yorkville, was a visitor to Fort Mill Monday. ?Miss Robbie Snratt. who has i been teaching a school in trover, i N. C.. for the past term, re- x turned home today. t ?The Times is requested to ] say that Presiding Elder Stack- J house of the Rock Hill district, will preach at Philadelphia, in upper Fort Mill, on next Sunday , evening. : j ?Mr. Julius A. Coley and Miss j. Rosa S. Moore were married at \ the Methodist parsonage on Sun- j day, April 4, by Rev. S. J. Bethea. The parties were from , Charlotte. ( ?There was a light frost in * this section Friday morning, hut, 1 from what we have been able to c learn, the fruit and vegetables r were not injured thereby. j \ ? Mr. John Merritt, a young ( farmer of Gold Hili, and Miss j J Bessie Lindsey, daughter of Mr. j' David Lindsey, of the Point sec- js tion of the county, were happily '. married Sunday night at the 1 Methodist parsonage, Rev. S. J. 11 Bethea performing the ceremony. J ?The second quarterly confer- j once of the Fort Mill circuit will ^ be held with the Pleasant Hill ( Methodist church on next Satur- \ d -y and Sunday. The Rev. Mr. < Mills, of Rock Hill, will preach t on Saturdav. : t I 1 ? Dr. H. F. Alexander and i wife, of Elizabethton, Tenn., 1 were guests several days the 1 past week at the home of Mr. i L. A. Harris. Dr. Alexander ] was a resident of Fort Mill i some years ago and his many j 1 friends here were pleased to j have him pay the town a visit. ;" ?State and county officials ( seem determined this year to en. force the income tax law. Blanks have been printed and sent out , by the comptroller general to ] the various county auditors, and , it is said that they are in turn mailing the blanks to those they ( suppose liable to the tax. ?The employes of the South- 1 ern Power company at Rocky ; Creek, several of whom went from this section, have received notice that their services will, not be needed after April 15th, j this being the date on which the power plant is to be completed. > The annual inspection of the Fort Mill Lipht Infantry will be held this (Thurday) afternoon at : 4 o'clock on the ball ground. 1 The inspection for the government will be conducted by Col. ! Ghas. H. Cabiniss, while the State will be represented by Col. W. T. Brock. The public is invited out to view the inspection. ! For a New School Building. The board of trustees of the Fort Mill Graded and hiirh sohonl met in special session Tuesday afternoon in response to a pe-' tition from citizens calling- upon that board to order an election upon the question of issuing coupon bonds to the amount of $10/000 for the purpose of erecting and furnishing a school i building adequate to the needs of this, the 28th, school district. All of the members of the board were present. The petition was canvassed and found to contain a sufficient number of signatures, as well as meeting with the other requirements, and the election asked for, as will be seen by notice elsewhere, was ordered for Tuesday, April 27. The subject of a new school building has been the chief topic j of conversation along the line of improvements for several months, and as everyone seems ! enthusiastic and eager for the building, it is believed that the proposition will be given almost1 unanimous endorsement in the' election on the 27th. It is too early, however, to sa^ anything as to the probable style ! and location of the new school, i but it is safe to assume that it | will be as conveniently located as possible and of a design suitable to the needs of the school for a score or more of years to come. Contractor j\ A. Jones, of Charlotte, has been awarded the contract to build a new mill for Col. Leroy Springs at Chester, work to begin at once. The contract calls for the enlargmcnt. of one of Col. Springs' mills at that point and the building of an-, other and amounts to J ? r ' vVST?John R. Hart, Esq., mayor of Yorkville, was in the city on business for a few hours MondayT Mr. Hart stated that it is true that there have been seven deaths from smallpox in the village' of the York cotton mill, outside the incorporate limits of Yorkville, but as the city officials are maintaining a strict quarantine against the mill village no uneasiness is felt about the disease entering the town. ?We have before us a copy of* the Fort Mill "Clarion" of April 25th, 1889, of which J. S. Drakeford was the publisher. The sheet is just 20 years old this month, and cantains a very interesting sketch entitled "Fort; Mill?some of her first settlers, v.) u; ? >> T* zai ly uioiuijr, civ. n 10 uur in- , tention to publish at least a part 3f this sketch at an early date, is it would no doubt be of interest to the younger generation. Flint Hill. Editor Times:?Our community vas saddened last Thursday by :he death of Mrs. Hack Osborne, ,vho leaves 4 small children and i husband. Our community ex- I .ends its sympathy to the be- I eaved ones. Mrs. Osborne was comparatively a young woman, i Our sick friends don't seem ;o improve. Mr. Barnes Glover ! ind the little son of Mr. Catoe j x>th seem to be seriously sick at ;his writing. We farmers are wanting some ain, and if it doesn't come soon >ur interests will be very much effected. The ground is dry and lard and a very great per cent i >f the land in this section has! lot been broken. The cold, -vindy weather of the last few lays has effected all manner of vegetation. We had considerate ice three mornings in succession. The Flint Hill school closed ast Friday with the usual piclic and games for the kids, with dorado Bailes as teacher, and so , ar as I know all the patrons ! md children have been pleased ! vith her as teacher. The school closings in our day seem funny j r? onn nf mv niro WVnan T m.iu I ,w WW V4. .4.J ?T UVII X WUO i bov and went to school to Mr. losiah Coltharp. who was a good teacher, I never heard of a picric at school closings. We just vent and learned all we could in ;he short space of time and had io time for picnics. Then, tor, ve spent more time in study than s done in our schools of today. But I suppose such is' progress. Misses Rosic and Mattie Bailes spent some days lately in Char- [ otte and Concord visiting rela- j .ives and friends. Well, I am still in a reminis-j lent frame of mind. Forty-four I ^ears ago today we were in the j Bull Pen at Appomattox, and fery much reduced by hunger. We started from Richmond on the first night of April and fought: some every dav and night except the 8th, which was on Saturday, j and had not drawn one day's rations. Some one might say that would make one feel hungry | and tired. None but those who actually did this kind of service ?an tell anything of the feelings or sensations it produced. Well, 1 think it was 44 years ago today that J. II. Coltharp and myself x i.I- ? ! J ll 1 4 1 I gut, trie i?ea tnai tne Dest way out of our trouble was to be social with the Yankees, so we made them a visit late in the evening and when we got to the Yankee army some of them invited us to take supper. This was the second day after the surrender. By this time we had gotten over the excitement of the former trouble, but the Yankees did not have much to eat. Some of our cavalry had destroyed Grant's supply train. I see you have in Fort Mill a committee to raise funds to supply one room in the Soldiers' Home in Columbia. If some one of that committee will tell me how much would be a reasonable amount for me to give, 1 will be glad to send it to them. I want to help some in furnishing the room. Then, too, I see in several papers articles in regard to a monument to the women of the Confederacv. Let. us build one at Fort Mill. Our woman deserve to be honored. Let us build it before they all die. It isn't best to wait till one dies to do honor to their faithfulness. Let us do sometuing to commemorate their good deeds while they live. Z. T. Bailes. April 12th. The Ardrey-Stewart Marriage. Mr. George B. Stewart and Miss Mabel White Ardrey, second daughter of Capt. J. W. Ardrey,.were married here Saturday night at the home of the bride. The Ardrey home was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The groom, attended by his best man, Mr. W. A. Watson, of Charlotte, met the bride at the altar attended by the dame of honor, her sister, Mrs. J. M. Oldham, of Charlotte. The contracting partly stood under an arch decorated with white wistaria, while the bride's pastor, Rev. W. A. Hatfner, pronounced the solemn vet beautiful words which united their lives for the future. The wedding march , was skillfully rendered by Miss L, .V ^ v r > ' l F ".. -' ii ' Out?, of Johnson, T3. C. A large company of friends,' many from Charlotte, Rock Hill and elsewhere, had gathered to extend their best wishes to the happy pair. Tne groom is a popular and successful traveling man with headquatrers at Charlotte. He is, however, a native of Louisw ana. The bride is a tall, slender, attractive brunette of many accomplishments, who has a large circle of admiring friends. The bridal party left on the midnight train for Charlotte, whence the bride and groom started on the early morning i train to Florida, where the ; honeymoon will be spent. On ! their return they will make their home in Charlotte. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ono Couta Word. Minimum charge 25c FOR SALE ?A good. fresh Milch Cow.* Apply to J. L. Kimbrell. FOR SALE?Lumber of all kinds both dressed and rough. OSMOND BARBER. : DONT?Worry about fire. Get a Fire Insurance Policy that protects. Insure your furniture, insure your dwelling, insure your farm property and livestock. The cost is very small. J. L. Spratt, Agent * FOR SALE?The Sellers house and lot on Forest street in Fort Mill. For terms see or write John R. Hart, Yorkville, S. C., or J. A. Weinberg, Manning, S. C. BARGAINS in Three .Specialties, Here are three good things we will sell at ? reatly reduced prices partly to introduce and partly to get rid of. Little Sunshine Table Lamps. Burns gasoline. Will furnish more light than all the kerosene lamps in your house put together and costs no. more to run than one of them. The regular price is $4.00. We.have 4 _ j- 4.1 4 _ ?l _ a * r/v uuetj ui uiem ui sen HI. $Z.OU and they are handsome little tricks. You can see one in operation in our store any night. Safety Razors. We have the newest and bbst thing in this line, superior to anything on the market. The regular price is $5.00. We have a few to sell at $3.50. We will put a lamp or a razor in your home on a week's trial and if not satisfactory your money will be refunded. Bicycles* Two bicycles that are bargains at $16.00, at? Ar drey's. NOTICE, i i When you buy tt'Machine alwns buy a Singer. Wo are not dealers. When you buy one from our salentneu. yon I got it direct from the factory. Whou | you buy from storekeepers you buy from dealer*. You can buy a Singer | Machine and pay as little as $M.OO uud move the machine any whore in the United States, only lot us know where you go. Not so with dealer.. Yours truly, Singer Sewing Machine Co , J. E. JONES, Mgr , I hnoln ? Si ' AN ORDINANCE, Bo it ordained by tho town eonnril now Hitting in open conn, il, ami by tbo authority of the sumo. reo. 1. That all able bodied men botween tho ages of IB and 55 years, not exempt by tho Mate law, shall p.\y onto the town treasurer $J.OO or work five da.VH upon tho streets of tho town <>f Fort Mill, ft. O r'oe. 2. On and after the 15th day of Mnv, 11K)9, all delinqnauts will bo liab o to a line of $5.00. Done and ratified in open council this the 12th day of April, h?0t>. L. A. HARRIS Attest. Max or. A. R. MoELTIANEY, lerlt NOTICE OF ELECTION. We hereby order an election to be held in Hood's Shop, in Fort Mill, in School District No. 28, on Tuesday, April 1.7., betweeu tho hours of ;8 a. in. and 4 p. m. on tho question of j whether or not Ton Thousand ($10,000) Dollars worth of coopou bonds for the erection and equipping of a new school building slicl) )>o issued. In this oloctiou only qualified voters residing in >*chool District No. 2B shhll be allowed to vote. I>. A. Leu, R. M. Ilood and T. A. Mills aro appointed managers of .this . election. i By order of .board this April 13, 1P0S. " \i? r? uptDii' *i R. F jfilUKH, SbcreUr y. Chairman. (Or.) I I_L ^ CJHJitJg vyor^jr 1 vnwr., I. KIULthsCOUOH I *Na CURE THB tUMGS r- Or. King's I to OisGGrorc I*-#.* ONSUMPTION Price ^lhQR 3 OllCliSand 50c & $1.00 ]| WOtOS Fred Trial. ; ;iu"re t^iirtTi ilr."cfceei Care fg all ? I | XHBOAT imaMA WT^SaO iJ-.- I V^->#V>4V-?V?V<rV^WNN?V*V*V?V I Just Arrival |v Three more If ' MILL /J -r }? Have sold more ! weeks than we eve I fore The styles a | Several customers | us because we sell i pay for one at othc We have some /% Art Squares, Rugs Don't fail to s 1^1 Cookers and Novt Water Cooler coml 11| 3VE./k-SE3? <#-5<w-a<5 $ *. ;r_ | M EACH AN VAL. Val. Laces in Match Sets, sev( 10 cenfe, selling at 5 cents the y Better goods in Match Sets at HOSII 1 Fifty dozer. Ladies 1st second plenty of them perfect goods, at RED RAVENHHose for Men a pair guaranteed to giye satisfacl on the market today for 25c. SINGLE STR i A shipment just in by express dress Slipper. Biggest seller of Big line of Oxfords, tans and $2.50 and $3. Cheaper Oxfords V A v.*. .. LACt L A special this week of a new < them. Curtain Swisses at 8 1-3, i M EACHAh I Expressed For Another lot of La in Voiles and Panax ty at t^e most mod with the lot we ree< sortiurent of Lingei trimmed in dainty 1 are regular $1.50 I for $1.00. TUB They come in w suiting stripes, pi $0,50 to $6.00. Fresh assortment "Plisse 24 in. Emb. Flouncing, 3 25c White Waist Goods a Elastic Beits in all colors Serpentine Crepe?new v "Maude Adams" Collars Silk Gloves, 17 button le Light blue Mercerized L "Linenne"?white waisti YOU Come and see our Collars. You read the big weeklies, i Collar made. Cuet in. Put one around } FOOT TvJflTF!- Put v?m and you'll stay in a Rood h fc "li ALSTONS win WV HUfffljlglSIiSliM!!? I 1 JOB PRir j I NEATLY t: I || THE TIMEi ftll f otte hoads, Notoheads Billhcn Circulars, Kuvelopon, Kte. at t fi ; ^ work. Send us your orders and i 'X*] 1 i?- siar^jgj^iiatgigfDi a K9R99??ft V * * S\N^.V\\%\\\\\NVV\\\\\NNSNN **4 d By Express || j shipments of ii INERY, II ?5 ?2 Ilats in the last two ?*y * "i r sold in a month he- /X Ci 6. nd prices are right. H bought two hats from it two for the price you ? J :r places. ? U special bargains in and Matting. ^ if ;ee our new Steam JJ iltv Refrigerator and lined all for $3.50. SZElTST'S If VMJKCv RsmaMM n0B9 a %i 5 ' ? VS>.SP xr\r>\>Xi- NJ- \.A & i & Epps. LACES. ?ral Thousand yards, worth up to ard. 10, 121-2, 15 and 20c. RY. s in black, a strictly 25c Ilose, 10 cents. nd Women in black and Tan, every ;ory service. This is the best hose AP SANDALS, , blacks and tans. This is your I J L . _ _ i_ rt.-* ?"/\ 1 tUtl AA me season at *z.ou ana $>o.uu. blacks, heavy or light soles, at $2. at $1.50. URTAINS. :urtain at $1.50 per pair. Call for 10, and 12 l-2e. 4 & EPPS. | Expressly j You | dies' Tailored Skirts nas of the best qualierate prices. Along sived a beautiful as*ie Waists tastefully aces. These waists values, selling now SUITS. | bite, blue, tan and 'ices ranging from dress patterns, only 15c ;oc; bands to match at jcc. t 20c the yard, at 25 and 50 cts. -aist goods?at 15 cts. at 15 and 25c. ngth, 65 crs. % te .awn, 40 inches, 20 cts. ng? at 1 2 1 -2 cts. F MEN! [ line of "Anon brand" I about them in all Best lSc, two for 25c, :t-Peabody Shirts just itou, you'll feel better. Foot into a ' ItALSTON" | umor. B ARE RIGHT." p vJTING I s vrci Ti n tr k a ?.4'xrr%m. M p 11 i. J j Ol FlCK. X ^ ft ids, Statements, Handbills, Posters, fpc. ie lowast prices consistent with good we will please you 3 txo Times. M sssfg^jniiipg?. \ V>v *" V. *?&&*** ?Pv BMBHB M r ai] '' ' i I T~* 1 : w.kT and r mi 5 \]g Every H< 1 Ll(^)r This is the time to fresh* j# the odd jobs of painting you s the buggy, the furniture, for / " for every paint purpose, \vc have tli '* PeUNTS. ENAMELS. ST JP ? ^arc each and every one scientific I ^Remember?if it's a surfac* ^ I ^stained, varnished or finish* \Acme Quality Kind to fi [ \tcll you what to use, ! ^S^thc cost. Ask us. )S^' \ SEE OCR JVINL u| I It Doesn What you wai g so its in the ?? m o can serve ; ceptably. ()i all guarantee lutely pure. ^ <111/1 fV/\/\/l OA1M' ?? """ oci > ^ pome to sec? 1 JONES Better I Dysp If you can help it Kod effectually helping Natui But don't trifle with Indi? A groat mnny people who have trifled with Indigestion, have been sorry for it?when nervous or chronic dyspepsia resulted, and they have not bopn able to cure if. Use Kodol and prevent Laving Dyspepsia. Everyone is subject to indigestion. Stomach derangement follows stomach abuse, just as naturally and just as surely as a sound and healthy stomach results upon the taking -?f Kodol. Whou you experience son moss of stomach, belching of gas and nauseating fluid, bloated sensation, gnawing pain iu tho pit of the stomach, heart burn (so-called >, diarrhoea, headaches, dullness 01 chronic tired feeling?von need I(o <So1. And then tho quicker yon tnk< Kodol?tho better. Eat what yoi want, let Kodol digest it. Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tnb lets," physics, etc., aro not llkol) to be of much benefit to you, Ir L digestive ailments. Pepsin is onlj |s Sold by Ardre; I ky*v. CLOTHiNCB To make a longH story short, we wilfH ask you to conic ancll see what we are <>C- fl faring in B MENS' and BOYS' I CLOTHING. I Wo will abide by I your judgment. KgELHANEY & COMP Y I n up the home by doing ySal Bj have been planning. For 5 H the floors and woodwork, ^3 ^ Bp ie right Finish. ?jj Pp VALITY I 1 INS AND VARNISIIES 2 || f I ally prepared for specific uses.y g H 2 to be painted, enameled, XI J ^ led in any way, there's an^r I ? H t the purpose. We can / I 5 |9 hew much to use ancU???*J |j| >ow dispz+ay r I ? 1! y 1 ? 't Matter f it to buy just g grocery line, f. i you most ac- $ ir goods are & d and abso- 5 I For quality jo ice, 'phone or g r* 4 THE GROCER, PHONE "NO. 1-4 I & Not Get ;epsia lol prevents Dyspepsia, by re to Relieve Indigestion* jestion. ! a partial dlRcstor?and physics are 5 not dlnostera at all. Kodol is a perfect digester. If -.j you could sec Kodol digesting every particle of food, of all kinds, in the ; p!ft3s test-tubes In our laboratories, j{ you would know this just aa well as we do. ; Nature and Kodol will always euro a sick stomach?but in ordcf 1 to be cured, tbo stomach must rest. , That Is what Kndol does?rusts the stomach, while the stomuch Rcijj , well. Just as simple as A, 13, C. * Our Guarantee J Go to your drnpjrlat today and (*ct a dot lar Initio. Thou after ion hare iim'J tliq entire contents of the untile If you cart - Ii.mostly say, that it ha* u<>t done you uny food, return the bottle to the drtiKlflat and ' ho will refund your money wl'hotit qur*? 3 tlon or delay. V?'c will th%-? pur the ?lru;riri?t for tho bottle. Iton't hoajtule, elf ? 1 (IrtiRKHta hf..iw that onr ffnarantee Id Rood', 'i'hUorter applies to the lnrtrc bottle onty uid u> but one in a family. Tlie l.n )>> tie contains tlutea aa tnucb as tho Uliy ' t cent buttle. i Kodol is prepared at the labora* r toiii'sof E. C. lX'Witt & Co.,<jUicj*j;o.' y's Drug Store. \