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IIc o ; || SEE OUR NEW ! || Wc have the r fl Lowest prices, || OUR ME ** Department is esj as wc nave <ui UIUJ Ij! ment whereby we \[ the latest styles al |j usual prices. Come and see fo L. J. M4 IN THE LOCAL FIELD ' ] < ?The Times needs that dollar , you owe it. The date of the r coin is unobjectionable. < ?Don't fail to attend the ^ musical concert at the hall to- j morrow (Friday) evening. Doors ] open at 7:30 o'clock. j ? Mr. Hal. J. Patterson was ^ awarded the contract for the j erection in Sprattville of a nice cottage for Mr. Dallas Stevens. Work on the house began several t days ago. 1 ?Mr. T. N. Lemmonds, form- \ erly with the E. W. Kimbrell c Co., of this place, has accepted a j position with W. G. Reid & Son, r of Rock Hill. r ? Mr. John M. Patterson and sister, Miss Bessie, have moved s to Charlotte, where Mr. Patter- 1 i son has a position with Belk 1 Bros. t ?S. J. Kimball & Sons, the | horsemen, have bought from Mr. j tW. T. Hoagland a lot adjoining . ^ his premises on Academy street i c and in the early summer will 1 ^ erect thereon a large sale stable, j j ?Odd Fellows of this and * other sections of the State who ,s are to attend the grand lodge 3 meeting in May will be interested | to know that the railroads will J ? grant reduced rates to Aiken for j that occasion. t ?Mayor T. M. Hughes, of ^ Lancaster, was here the past [ week and, among other things, stated that it was his purpose to establish in Lancaster an up-to- ^ ice factory, to have a capacity ' of 10 to 20 tons per day. ? Mrs. Robert R. Ray, of the ^ Flint Hill section of Mecklenburg [ county, died Sunday and was in4 M/vn/lntr nf - ? *-' * ^ tuicu luuiiviajr ai uuuii III LI1UL " vicinity. She was about 60 years f old and had been an invalid for 1 a number of years. She is survived by her husband, two sons T and two daughters. 1 ?His many friends here will I be pleased to know that Mr. s James D. Fulp, a Fort Mill boy, r was honored on Monday by f election as a member of the 1 board of aldermen of Winnsboro. t Mr. Fulp is a young man of I excellent judgement and will fill c the position in a worthy manner. * ? Rain, rain, not a great deal? ] but just enough for the last few j days and nights to keep everything wet and sloppy, and much t delay the planting interests; but [ little plowing done for this year's j crops, and the planters are again behind, but not so much from choice as from necessity. ?Hosts of Fort Mill friends will be interested In the following announcement: "Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Orr Flowers request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Lillian to Mr. James M. Connelly on the evening of Wednesday, April 7, 1909 at 8 o'clock, First Presbyterian church, Rock Hill, South Carolina." ? In a suit against the Dover Yarn Mill at Pineville for damages in the sum of $2,500 for re ceiving a flogging at the hands |; of an overseer, T. E. Shurbutt [ was given a verdict in Mecklen-!2 burg court the past week for the J sum of $23. The jury awarded j the defendentan amount to cover 1 the time lost from his work by ! reason of the alleged assault, so it is understood. ? Nothing yet is definitely j settled about it until the war de- i partment is heard from, but General Boyd says that none of the regiments would likely go , out of the State for encampment this summ&V . The third and first will encamp somewhere in ; up-country at Anderson, Spartanbvrg, ojr Greenville, both having expressed this-, desire. Colonel Thompson's second will go to the 1j coast, according to hjs desire. M I ^ ... . . . * - "<| ?$?5SS8ggS55SS$g8m M E;| SPRING GOODS, fii |ji lewest styles and s|< H JLINERY f|] serially attractive, 44 rely new arrange can furnish you $< : about half the || !? r yourself. jjj lSSEY. if I J 5 | ?The following residents of Port Mill township have been drawn as jurors to serve the first week of the spring term of court which convenes Monday April 12: r. A. Mills, T. H. Merritt. S. P. Wilson, R. S. Boyd and S. H. Epps. ? Running bales of cotton numDering 13,408,841, of average j jross weight of 505.8 pounds i was the final report of the cen- ] >us bureau Saturday on the cot- ! :on crop grown in 1908. i ?Our merchants report about 1 ,he average sale of commercial ] 'ertilizers, which means that j ibout the same acreage of cotton ' vill be planted. The lower price , >f cotton which was paid for the ast crop does not seem to have ,; educed the acreage in this com- ; nunity at all. ?It is now about time for the : > ipring trade in dry goods, cloth- . 1 ng, shoes, hats, notions, etc., to i 1 >egin opening up. Therefore if j t he readers of this paper want to ; ] enow where they can buy what i hey want to the best advantage < t 11*11 1 1. ? J ^ _ 1 - _ i- - * W mil yio-y Liicill IliUlUtjUIIlCMV lO I 1 vatch the advertising columns 1 >f this paper for the next few ? veeks. Our advertisers have aid in large stocks of spring ? foods in all lines, and will have ?' iomething of interest to say to t rou each week. 11 M ?After 35 years without in- j ( iurance, a pair of fine mules, a 1 ( >arn of feed and many farming ? ools and implements the property s >f Mr. Cook Graham, in Sharon j r ownship, were destroyed by fire ,, n the early part of last Wednes- t lay night, supposed to have been j >f incendiary origin. The fire is , upposed to have caught in the ' oughness in the rear of the ( >arn and when discovered about,. 1 o'clock, had gained such a ] apid headway that it could not r >e stopped. The alarm was given j. ind many neighbors and friends j esponded and did all they could n rendering assistance. i < ?The local chapter of the j J. D. C. has received from the , resident of the South Carolina Division U. D. C. an appeal to . lid in raising a sufficient sum of i i noney to furnish the State In- j? irmary for Confederate Veterans ocated at Columbia. It appears j [ T i. xL - T l . iuil me legislature made an ap- ] >ropriation for the maintenance >f the Home but no provision : vas made for furnishings. The ] state U. D. C. has taken the 1 natter in hand and every chapter n South Carolina is asked to aid. rhose of our citizens who desire 0 help the cause are asked to i land their donations to Mrs. I J. F. Grier or Mrs. J. M. Spratt. ! Muiical Entertainment Friday Night. j The music class of the Fort VIill graded school, assisted by a lumber of other pupils, will give 1 musical entertainment in tfcie .own hall Friday evening, tne performance beginning prpmptly it 8 o'clock. The proceeds from the enter-1 ;ain?nent are to be used in furlishing a new piano for the' jchool room, and the friends of :he institution are invited to be present. Much time and effort have peen spent in training students md preparing for this occasion iixl it will be one of the most enjoyable musical events of the /ear for the people of this vicinity. Many selections will be rendered and they are adapted to music lovers of every taste. The price of admission is 15 and 10 cents. 'Phone Exchange For Pineville. Mr. S. L. Meacham, proprietor of the local telephone exchange, was in Pineville Thursday conferring with the people as to the advisability of establishing a 'phone system in that place. The l^ople of Pineville some time ago expressed themselves as desirous of 'phone service, but for some reason would not promise l. <4><hh JB 3i j # sufficient patronage to justify the establishment there of a system. On Thursday, however, Mr. Meacham's offer to furnish Pinevflle with an up-to-date 'phone service met with the approval of a majority of the citizens and already application has been made to council of the town for a franchise to erect the polls, string the wireS, etc., along the streets. There is thought to ' be little liklihood of the council refusing to grant the franchise, and thus it would seem that; Pineville's wish for a 'phone sys- j tern is soon to be realized. Special Services at Baptist Church. Announcement is made, upon cards distributed among the peo- , pie, that Rev. Edw. S. Reaves, pastor of the local Baptist church, will on next Sunday evening def Li- i-.v .1- - " 1 nvci Hum ins puipii me nrst 01 a series of Sunday evening services. The subjects of the services thus far announced are as follows: Sunday. March . 28?4 'Refining a crude nature." Sunday, April 4?"Saving a Publican." Sunday, April?"GivingLight and Life." Sunday, April 18?"Suffering but saving still." Sunday, April 25?"Saving a jailer." The services begin at the usual hour and will hist not over an hour. The public is cordially invited to each service. The Editor's Troubles. There is not a newspaper man in the land who will not testify to the truthfulness of the fol-; lowing from the Lancaster News; There is probably nothing more annoying to a* proof reader than to have errors that he had carefully noted on the proof sheets stare him in the face after the paper is printed. It is not worth while ordinarily to call attention to such errors, for the purpose of explanation or other- 1 wise, in the next issue of the1 paper-better allow the readers X) forget them, if possible?but low and then it is necessary, especially when figures are involved, to do so in order to "keep ;he record straight." A -case in xrint occurred in last Saturday's ssue of The News. In a local | irtiele headed "Pension Mat- 1 ;ers," the number of names on .l:- t- " .ins year s pension roi. appears j is 197, when it should be 187. i rhe mistake was first made in 1 setting the matter up in type, j ind it was allowed to remain here by the printer who under- ! ;ook to correct the proof, not- 1 withstanding the fact that the i ;rror was noted on the margin j )f the proof sheet. But probibly it is well, after all, that ;uch things happen to worry a lewspaper man?otherwise, he: night be deluded into the belief [ hat a printshop is an annex to i Paradise. Senator Smith received his ; committee assignments Monday ind is exceedingly well pleased, i de is on the agricultural com- J nittee, upon which he. was most mxious to get. He goes on the j lewly created committee on "conservation of natural resources." His other committees ire immigration, patents, geo- j ogical survey and examination > 'or several branches of civil service. SPECIAL NOTICES. J )ne Cont a Word. Minimum charge 25c | FOR SALE ?Lumber of all kinds ( both dressed and rough. ( OSMOND BARBER. < TTAO CATP 1CA l " I i~ v/iv oxiULi JLU\J DUSIltlS OI ' choice Providence Yam Sweet ( Potatoes. Apply to- Jack L. ( Kimbrell. , WANTED?To buy land in Fort | Mill township or in the Pleas- . ant Valley section of Lancaster county. A. R. McELHANEY. ( FOR SALE- 50 bushels of Won- I derful Peas and 200 bushels good Corn. T. H. MERRITT. ( WANTED-To exchange fifty ' bushels of Whipporwill Peas 1 for good, sound peas of the < Wonderful variety. Kenneth I Nims. i( FOR SALE?Eggs for Hatching I from pure-bred, single Comb | White Leghorns. Imported ( stock, non-sitters. All eggs proving unfertile replaced at 1 half price. $1.00 per setting ;1 of 15 eggs. B. M. Lee, Fort I Mill, S. C. 11 I I IF ' Yoa apply our 1 Bed Bug Poison , NOW, we guarantee that with ordinary precau- | tions, you will not be i troubled throughout the year. # ( Ardrey's, &&?&& ' ii iiiliiilMl Our Millinery Opening For spring and summer will be held Thursday, April 1st.' " Wiithout a.doubt this will be our banner Opening. More than One Hundred Hats will'be displayed. * Miss Hinshaw spent three weeks in Baltimore and New York studying the styles and fashions, and she promises us to surpass all previous efforts. The styles are very pretty this season. So, you be one of the first to see them. As a further inducement for you to attend our opening we will place on sale that day 1,500 yards of Embroidery in Bands, 36 inch Flouncing and 16 and 18 inch Flouncing, not a piece worth less than 15c to $1.00, the very shearest of Swisses and Nainsook Bands, 15, 20 and 25?. Flouncing, 25, 35, 50c. SPECIAL SALE, FRIDAY MARCH 26. ! Our annual Spring Sale of 5c, 10c and k5? Kitchen Ware Fridav mornintr at O r?Vlnnlr Vrm Ifrnw liot fl.t. v 0 - W vavvrAk* A Wl H 11UI tllio lllVcUIO. See our east window. M EACH AM & EPPS. . Iq* | Ralston Shoes i i J are non-wriiikling 4\\ | Rawton CuiHto Ton" Mttnco Bj As you have probably noticed, most | ! shoes have a tendency to wrinkle and "bunch up" across the toes after they I ' have been worn a few times. This is I ? the fault of the lasting, the process of I ( pulling and stretching the leather over | j the wooden last. I \ The-RALSTON method has remedied this fault. Ralston vamps are first : crimped?see illustration then lasted. | j There are no bunches, no wrinkles, be- | < cause every part of the vamp tits the E j last perfectly without straining the I ! leather at any point. This adds to the wear of the shoe. It* also explains the I|i reason why Ralstons retain their smart j appearance until worn out. There are other unusual features of RALSTON Shoe construction which will ,< appeal to you. Come in and look over \ our new styles * S _ I |9?0?0?S?0?0? ????G?0? 00?? j j Come and See Our!! I Horses and Mules. | o) 1 " ? g Our latest shipment of nice, young @ | Hoi *scs and Mules have arrived and g ? are being shown at Hoaglaml's ? g Stable and we would be pleased to ? ? havg you call and see them. We can g ? suit you in an animal and will make ? ^ the terms satisfactory to you. g We want to do business with you. g Sr " * | S. J. Kimball & Sons 1 ?@@?S)??????0 fcfar- . - \ I C* f\ nilir* /^W rw * * m T /-? I | 5KKINU CLU I tlllNU. We have just received a part of our Spring line of Clothing for Men and Boys, and will be pleased to show you through our stock before you buy your Spring suit. You will find clothing considerably cheaper and of a better quality than that of last spring. We will compare quality and prices with anybody. MENS' and LADIES' OXFORDS. Never before have we shown such an excellent line of Oxfords?especially Ladies' Oxfords. We have . not catered to this trade in the past, but this season we will make it to the interest of the ladies to see our line before they buy. M'ELHANEY CO. x 9 >>, H ll Why Not Paint. $ $x 2? ^ . * x x V ? v v ii That floor of yours and x' * $2 have it look good. We 5; C< ZZ zz i ^i - * * ** nave uir popular snades, $5 if . 25 at reasonable prices. %\ \\ Our Paints will dry as ^ hard as a bone and will || ?5 not track. Call to see us. J$ :l IS <f ll Parks Drug Go. ? * * >/ ? Nahisro Wfifors. S X ; , 3 g Saratoga Flakes, ^ Peanut Wafers, $ R Fig Newtons, 5r $ Butter Thins, g $ Zwieback, ^ g Vanilla Wafers, $ * Cheese Sandwich, ^ R Social Tea Biscuits, $ After-Dinner Mints. ? g llaisins and Currants for Fruit g A Cake, all fresh at 2 i /"*n (w i % the g fr o o ei f?, j ly i >j i o phone: no. ? $ 100 Fat Hens Wanted. ? g - ? 1 1 J 1 I Your Cotton Crop Can Be Increased It costs no more to cultivate an acre that produces two bales of cotton than an acre which produces only one-quarter of a bale. Why net seo what you can do with Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers Other men have been ablo to double and more than double their yield per acre with a liberal application of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. Messrs. Lucas & Jackson of Kvlsey County, Tenn., used Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer on about f>5 acres planted with cotton, ;.i ! say: "We have the finest crop of cotton wo ever saw, and all thj people around here think the same. We actually counted 147 holla on one stalk. Another stalk had by actual count. 409 bolls, forms, snuares and blossoms. On about 8 acres we expect to make about 2 bales to the acre, and an estimate of adjoining farms not so fertilized and under other cultural methods, will yield only 1 bale to five acres." An interesting picture of tho cotton plants referred to will bo found in the new 1909 Virginia-Carolina Farmers' Year Hook, copy of which may be bad from your fertilizer dealer, or will be Bent free, if you write our nearest sales office. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Salts Offices ^Sales Offices CaLi-i.'. o /- Charlt .ton, S. C. slv?nnzb*cl' Col^fcn'.'^^ [UgMjggJl] MS1?? SfSS'SSlMS [ragjarey 1 JOB PRINTING ? H NEATLY EXECUTED AT ? THE TIMES OFFICE, X ? ffi fti Lotto:heads, Noot heads Billheads, Stutementa, Handbills, l'o;tors, ffl Circulars, Euvelopos, Etc. at tho lowest prices consistent with tfeod g* work. Soud us your orders and w,o will pleaso you Sj I The Times. ? ' .