University of South Carolina Libraries
**' Escaped Terrors ot Many Winters by "Jsin2 Pcro?na> f , Isaac Fr<Lk, 120 ^fssrs cf Age. , Mr. Isaac Brock, oT McLennan county. To*., is an ardent friend to Peruna and speaks of it in tho following terms: uDr. HaHmnn's remedy, Poruna, I have | found to oe tho best, if not the only relia- | "bio remedy ior CJUUilB. COL'JS. OA- j TAHKH and dia:*rhca. "IVrium /tno be/ u hi y dn inl-ft)/ /1?r | vnufif/ itmik, a nit I attribute my qootl health a ntt vitt cxtreine aye to I'lln reme<11/. J| exactly weeta a'.l my requirements. v "I taavo como to rly upon it almost entirely for tho many Httlo things for h I need medicine. I believe it to bo Mi ?cinlly valuable to old i copb'," , Isaac Brock. Poruna is acltl by by your- local drugist. Buy a bottle today. The foolish man wastes the present thinking about the future. Ihc Favorite. Millions of suffering eyes have tound In Dr. Mitchell s famous salve a real blessthg. Reject the offer of any dealer to sell n drug for your eye. Dr. Mitchell's Fye Salve Is a simple, healthy remedy to be applied to the lids. It eg res without entering the ey. Sold everywhere. Price 25c. The world never Pours upon a man until lie sours on himsilP. For HKADACllR-tllrk** rAPODHR Whether from Colds. Heat. Stomach or h'prvous Troubles. Capudlnc will relieve you. It's liquid - tjlcasnnt lo taVc?acts Immediately. Try It. 10c., 25c. and COc. at druy tore*. AY hen bnc makes' a forecast, it] should he such that, if it comes true, he will be happy. So. 10- 'OS). I Slnpors and Speakers use Brown's Bronchial Troches for Hoarseness ami Throat Troubles. They give Instant relief. In. boxes 25 cents. Samples mailed free. John I. Brown & Bon, Best on, Mass. That man is the most educated that is the most useful. Many Children Are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, Now York, cure Summer Complaint, Feverlshuos*, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At all Druggists', k.V. Sample mailed f>tcr. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Lo Roy, tC. Y. , v / Loaded. .mage w. b. Walls, cf Cody, Wyoming, has a sarcastic lnimor which lias made many culprits squirm, and among tho number was a defendant in a recent cattle-stealing enso who was trying to explain that it would have been quite iaqiossiblc for him to bring into town the beef he was accused of having stolen and butchered, owing to the fact .that his two pack-horses were heavily loaded with other things. One horse, he told the jury, was packed with his fur ovprcoat, mining implements, etc., etc. "And what was on the other horse?" inquitCJl the judge. "Well, there was a gallon of whiskey?there was h gallon of whiskey?" The flustered defendant could think of nothing else. "I knew a gallon of whiskey vns a load for a man," said the judge dryly, "hut 1 didn't know it was a load for a horse."?March IJppineott's. We know of no other medi Cessful ih relieving the suffei tmany genuine testimonials, ? Vegetable Compound, In almost every community | have been restored to health' etablo Compound. Almost < either been benefited by it, 01 In the Pinkham Laboratory taining over one million one r women seeking health, in wl their own signatures that they taking Lydia E. Pinkham's-v Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegc many women from surgical oj Lydia E. Pinkham's Veget clusively from roots and herb: The reason why it is so sua ingredients which act directl' restoring it to healthy and nc Thousands of unsolicited a as the following prove the effi Minneapolis, Minn.: ? '* I wai troubles which caused a weak in of the system. I read so mucti Vegetable Compound had donol sure It would help me,and 1 c fully. Within three months I xv "I want this letter made pu derived from Lydia E. Piakli Mrs. JohnG.Moldun, 2115 Sccoi Women who are suffering peculiar to their sex should or doubt the ability of Lyc Compound to restore their he Baring the Forest?. r, To indicate the actual possibilities of fbrest development, the conditions in North Carolina may be taken as representative. Could a well-defined forest policy have been adopted in this state 25 years ago, not only might more timber have been cut than has been during the past 25 years, but in" j?lace of a yearly de? | creasing cut of 35,000,00% feet, which , is now taking place, there could easily have been secured by this time a | yearly increased cut of more than 70,000,000 feet, with the prospects of producing in a few years more than twice the present annual cut from the existing^forest area. Every year of delay, however, in adoption of such a policy means many years of loss for recuperation. It means the destruction of active capital, represented in ?Oung trees, which no amount of money can possibly replace, for only f ?,wl --- ?? mm** ' <iuu voir villi tl^UAIft t'SIUIJUSIl thcrn. , The South today has an opportunity to actually develop its forest assets without interfering with their exploitation. Further exploitation, however, without development will take place by exacting an enormous discount from the future earnings of its forests. You are just as apt to underrate your competitor as yon are to overrate yourself. ' ! 1 Crirgisis'^^v ,r|?)3. i- 3 I * s w |~8?S ? Proverbs and A stingy man is always poor. A foci uttcreth all his mind. A good woman pleases the heart. lie that hath a trade has an estate ?l-'ranklin. A thread too fine spun will easilj break.?Gorman. Stand with anybody that standi right.?Lincoln. Think twice before you speak, and then talk to yourself. A villian when he seenis most kind is most to be suspected.?Spanish. The man who thinks he knows will not go so far as the one who knowr he knows. The more time a man puts in trying to get even, the less chance h< has of doing so. O? I SI vuz/ru icino which has been so sue? *ing of women, or secured so *s has Lydia E. PinkhanVs / you will find women who by Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegsvcry woman you meet has knows some one who has, ' at Lynn, Mass,, are files con* lundred thousand letters from hich many openly state over have regained their health by Vegetable Compound, itable Compound has sa.ved Derations. :able Compound is made exs, and is perfectly harmless. 111 L/n/N/* 1 ? OV.J.11UI 1D UVLtlUM: 11 (JUlUilinS y upon the female organism, >rmal activity. nd genuine testimonials such iciency of this simple remedy. < n great sufferer from female ess and broken down condition i of what Lvdla ?, Pinkham's for other suffering women, I felt tust say ft did help me wonder* as a perfectly well woman. blic to show the benefits to be am's Vegetable Compound."? ad St.North, Minneapolis,Minn. ; from those distressing ills not lose sight of these facts iia E. Pinkham's Vegetable lalth. ' MR.TAFT MiSQUOTED ga j Makes a Vigorous Protest Against Misrepresentation. REVISION SHOULD NOT DELAY Corrects Newspaper Report?Seta Forth His Views on Plan of Making Tariff Schedule. New York, Special.?Presidentelect Taft made a vigorous protest Friday night against what he said was in absolute misrepresentation in certain New York afternoon papers as to what he had Raid during the da; ... ausncnuK quesuons regarding tariff revision. He had stated, he said, that the present business depression was undoubtedly due in-a large measure to the fact that the tariff is to be revised at an extra session of Congress to meet March 15th; that it was of the highest importance that this work of revision should not be delayed, but executed with all possible diligence. Mr. Taft also said he favored tha idea of a permanent tariff commission, the plan for which should be worked out with delibration, the duties of such a commission to be to make a careful study of the operation of the proposed new tariff law, to the end that suggestions-might be made in the "future which would tend to place the whelp question of the tariff on n more certain and scientific basis. THE NEW CABINET. Unofficial But Reliable Annocement Made. New York, Special.?All qnulifications of uncertainty in the prediction that Franklin MncVeagh of Chicago has been selected by Mr. Tnft as his secretary of the treasury, nre hereby removed. Mr. MacVeagh aceptcd the place Wednesday and thereby the Taft cabinet was made complete as heretofore announced by the Associated Press. The cabinet as complete with the selection of Mr. MacVeah is as follows : Secretary of State?Philander C. Knox of Pennsylvania. Secretary of the Treasury?Frank nn MaeVeah of Illinois. Secretary of War?Jacob M. Dickinson of Tcnncsee. Attorney General ? George W, Wickershnm of New York. Pastmaster General?Frank II Hitchcock of Massachusetts. Secretary of the Navy?George Von L. Meyer of Massuchsetts. Secretary of the Interior?Richard ! A. Bollinger of Washington. Secretary of Agriculture?James Wilson of Iowa. Secretary of Commerce and Labor .?Charles Nagcl of Missouri. With his postmaster general, Frank II. Hitchcock. Mr. Taft took a fivemile walk through Central park in ' the biting wind Wednesday. lie saw a number of New York city financier; 5 during the day, hut said the call; were those to express friendship and I had no other significance. There was a genuine reunion of the I Taft family at the Henry W. Taft residence. Hntcljins in Sad Condition. Washington, Special.?Capt. Hamilton Hut chins, who was relieved of ) his command of the battleship Kearsarge by Admiral Sperry just before the fleet left Gibraltar, is to be examined bv a special medical board which will look into his mental and physical condition. His mental condition is said to be most pitiable. II was because of the great nervousness ? ?i ;-i " uuuci which i npi 111ii ilntclims labored that lie was, at bis own request, relieved of his command. Contract L9t For Statue of Columbus. Washington, Special.?The Columbus Memorial Commission has awarded the contract for making a statue of Columbus to be erected in the plaza of the Union Station in this city to Lorando Taft, of Cicngo, a relntive of the President-elpct. Congress has anoropriatcd $100,000 for the Columbus memorial, which, in addition to the statue, will comprise a large architectural fountain. Alabamian Shoots Down Daughter's Asrailant. Birmingham, Ala., Special.?While handcuffed and sitting in the sheriff's office at Bessemer Friday morning, Jim Brown, a negro, was shot and instantly killed by James Robinson, white, father of the gill Brown had attempted to assault on February 13th. The attack occurred without warning, Robinson firing four shots Into the negro before deputies standing near could Interfere. Robinson surrendered. The negro was being taken to Bessemer for preliminary trial. Columbus Has a $600 000 Blase. Columbus, Ohio, Special.?Fire, which started with two explosions inef KO^ava O A 1 j?... u u nocK r no ay morning, destroyed n four-story building here and spread almost instantly to a five-story brick building adjoining, extending from the point to Front street and destroyed that and its contents, causing a total loss conservative^* estimated at $500,000. Tillman Astonishes the Senate. Washington, Special?Senator Tillman Friday astonished the Senate by the introduction of a resolution instructing the committee on postoffiees and post roads to inquire whether messages and reports recently sent to Congress by the President should not be excluded from the mails'as obscene literature unfit for circulation. .The resolution was on motion of Mr. Tillman, referred to the committee on postoffiees and post roads, its reading in the Senate and reference causing no discussion. , . ? . . '> -v :-Y* . ';v V. I Stays or Ohio, City or Tolado, I i uit w w mior partner of the firm of F.J.CIusiT 4 Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County apd State aforesaid, and that said first will pay thesum of one huromd douubl for each and every case of oatasbh that cannot be cured by the use of Cataabh Cusk. Fbakk J.- hbitby. gworn to before me and suboeribed in sty presence, this 6th day of December, A. D, MM. A. W. 0LBA8OH, aCAL.) Notary. Pubtee. all's Catarrh Cure is taken internhUy, and acta directly o& the blood and mucods tur1 faces of the system. Send for testimonials, ffee. F. J. Chknby A Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. Hall's Family Fills are the best. If a man is in the cheese business, don't jolw with him about the odor if you expect an order. Mo*f people I take their business seriously. 1 To Cure Ring Worms and Skin Diseases. Varnvillc. S. C.. July 17. IMA Mr. J. T. Shuptrlne. Savannah, Cla. Dear Sir:?My wire used your Tetterlns for Ringworm. also uses It In J.or family i for ail kind of skin diseases, and an* think a it a good medicine* There Is no substitute. . *" i Respectfully. L. R. Dowllns. Tcttorlne cures JScsem*. Tetter, Ring Worm. Qround Itch, Itching Pllos, Infant's Sore Head. Pimples. .Soils, Rough Soaijr Pntchcs on the Face. Old Itching Sores. Dan/lruiT. Cunkered Scalp, Bun1 Ions. Corns. Chilblains and every form of SMn Disease. Tetterlns 60c; Tetterlns Soap 25c. Your druggist, ur by mall from the manufacturer, The Shuptrlne Co.. 8avannah, Qa. Xh? nifin who i? willing to be cob* vinced, usually is _ * . CtiA ?^,1.1 I^AAen't amnnnt t/\ i but mighty disagreeable. how quickly a little Hnmlins M i*ard Oil will lubricate the cords and make you 1 comfortable again. Hunger is the beat sauce.?Dutch. Brooklyn, N. Y. Address the CJnrfield Tea Co. as above when writing for free samples of (Jarhehl Ten. the true remedy for constipation. , He who has all lie wnnis has more ' than he needs. , Piles Cured In 0 to 14 Pays, i I'sro Ointment is guaranteed to cure any , :a-eol Itching, lllind, ISIcedingor I'rolruding 'ilea in 0 to It days or money refunded. SOo. (Classified /Advertisements' WAl.r.WMF.X WAVTKh WAS1 KD-Acll", i nprjrllc men to re?re?ent us. I'rolllsb e t o?ltl< n?, irti make big money. Cash w?ekljr rrivaniov Complete utili free. Wrlfe lu.mediate ? fnrour .IherM offer. W.T. HOOD A CO. OLD DOMiNlON NUB St HIES. Ilenll n this l'?|>er. IIIUIMOND. VA. This Book Sent Free i something to have a telephone t\ The Rural Telephone pay reach of every farmer. Present panics are now organizing so a WEST SaotXtra Ciller ? ' rT^i'fVu' Atlanta Kinrn VH Cinci?o?ll Portsmi Pallaa - Saint L ' ^2feV^ri?2r\i Indianapolis Sarann. ! PUTNAM Color more itood* brighter on 1 faater color* tluvn an. COu dy u any gurtnem without I Ipplng apart, \\ ri There are more fortunes made than > are enjoyed. Only One "llromo Quinine" I'hal ia Laxative Promo Quinine. h?nk for the aignuture of hi. \V. Grove. Uaed the V\ orld over to v'urf u Gold in One Day. too. , The faith that pays is the faith | that stajs. t For COLDS and GRIP. Rirk's CAruqixx la the beat remedy? relieves the arr.lng and feverlshneis?cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's llyutil?effect* 1 re mediately. 1WC-, 26c. and Mc.. at drug a tore*. Pay as you go if you want to be welcomed back. A IkJmvHtlc Rfc Ittmcdj Compounded l>y Experienced Physicians Conforms to Pure Food nnd Dru^p Laws Wins Friends W'herexer Used. Ask Drug pints for Murine Eve Remedy. Try Murine. A man'i vices get more free advertising than his virtues. Mrt.Winslow's Soothing Syrup tot Children teething, softens the guni*. reduces tpiUmrae Ivu.sliayipAtp. cures wind colic. 23c a bottle In order to make trouble for other people, yon have ajep tp rapke it {p? i yonnelf. Itch cured in SUnitsry lotion Never fails. At druggists. Only the pauper con afford to risk ill h6 has upon a single venture. MUST BELIEVE IT. Every Reader Will Concede the Truth of This Statement. One who Buffers with backache or any form of Kidney trouble wanTa a sr*. cure, not merely tem fporary benefit. Rev. Maxwell S. Rowland, of Toms River, N. J., makes n statement in this connection that is worth attention. Says he: "I was suddenly taken with an attack of kidney trouble, had severe pains in my back and loins and was generally run down. Doctors were not helping me, so I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. They brought me prompt relief, and as I continued tak-tng them the pains In my back disappeared and the kidneys were restored to normal condition. Bold by all dealers. SO cents a box. Foatsr-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. * I T his t H "I am your friend," I of Dorsey, IU., "and s< I I Oardui has done for me years. I suffered drea I headache and fainting 9 n have used Cardui, I am 1 cannot say enough ii Ej This famous medic year, and when you h 95 stand why its sales are |U Is CI W% | It Will fi?j - gfi Cardui is a good id 9 the work. Itjs pleasi H seems to go to the sic S it back to health. pi Headache, bac&acl hundreds of other 8] |1 male trouble?have i |3 away by the use of Ca Wirnt a I If you do you can get it. touch with your friends, with th post office, or with the cotton at hand. If you want to mak< want to protect your home, yc If you will cut out this ; address on the margin and r wc will send you at once a cc "How to Build R This bulletin explains clearly and operated, and it also cont: In a Farmer's Mutual Coi investment of about $25. per and build an absolutely standi A Rural Telephone is an telephone which enables you to pound more than the traveling tire cost. If you have some hs ith which to call on Neighbor Smit s for itself each year and wc hi prices are especially favorable and s to build their lines this Spring. FERN EsLJE COMPANY Cltv The world'* oldr*t and ]?rfe?? tele>u'" phone manufacturer. Tlirre are over ouia 4.0C0.000 WeMern Flertric Telephone* ,tl in uae in the United Statti to-day. Rural Telephonte a apeclalty ~~?'A'nKL\ f otho.- Uvo. Ono I)?, iiaeltagn colon Ji flbura. u- lor freo bcokloi? '.lax* to i^ye. I loao i un.l 111 CABBAGE PL We are situated on the > line with four expresses d plants from us will have o gett and Young's Island te press a day. Our plants ? climate. Lots 1,000 to 5,00 Lots of 6,000 to 2 Varieties: Charleston W and Flat Dutch. Satisfacti Bend cash with order. Giv GREEN POND GREEN POND, ' 1 adies Ti Nothing Nevy pr R5&MCS Mytteriom. aBaSagjg "ASK ijS YOUR ORANDMOTHER." FlufflTn For many generation* Qooea ha. I raoognlied aa a wonderful reiaa 1UI mil la treating and curing Pneumonia. Ori Rhetunatlem and Neuralgia. KICK'S OO QOff A Off T fa?f a?w ?- ? - "' " "I-1? i? miai i.-om pur* ?< ffrraae. with other valuable e.iratlvt in dlenta added Try It. ? A* ?" r?rn?(jlat? *?<t Daalore?Sf 8003E GREASE COMPANT, PI | 4^ #ampl# treatn wm rkdcrom pil? Heee Kaa <^9 Fietula Cm* Book nrnt I y free. we* CO . nrpT. B A MINNEAPOLIS. M! SBISSaSfl I Keep It on Hand! E BH Coudht and cold* may arrza a ay HM member et the family any time. |?R Km Many a had eeld hat t-en aretlad HkJ Kl and much ackaoa and aufcrine l#ll sj baa born saved bylhe pmropr um BfiM HAI o( PWo'e Cure. There is nothme II#] Ske il to break npcou?Li and colds. ||fl Ml ' hrra is no bronrfiial of .i<<n* Ml Rouble thai fe Wul not relieve. mI * rrc. 'rotn ojialas or harmful id- Ijfljt '_ >| iredienla. Fine frt children. SV] eH drogtUu', 25 eta. Bp ad) Says I writes Miss W. M. Wjesman, 8 md you my thanks, for what 8 i. My health was bad for^two 8 dful pain in my left side and 8 spells every month. Sinco 18 -N__ t on the road to Wellville and i favor c? Cardui." I ine grows more popular every B ave tried it, you will under-B constantly increasing. g| tDVlllll ihuuii O H 14511 t Help you | ledicine?for womon. It does B mt and harmless to take and B k spot and coax B all been driven j@ elephone ? If you arc anxious to get into closer c family doctor, with the store, with the buyer, you can do it with a telephone : the farm a more livable place, if you iu can do it by installing a telephone. advertisement, write your name nnd nail it to-day to our nearest house, >py of our Free Bulletin ISo. 101 on ural Telephone Lines" how a rural telephone system i?*bui!t tins full information as to costs. npany a few day's labor and n cash subscriber, will purchase all material srd system. investment, not an expense. The sell ten bales of cotton at cent per buyer offers you, has paid for its cniy down all ready to go in,-"*it is worth h~*'for a lift" before the storm breaks, ivc brought the initial cost within the i it,. -j.. r ^ ... ? i kiiuusuuus oi rarnicrs mutual V.omWrite us to-day. SCTR1C Nortbtro and Western Offices /ifr Rnaton Philadelphia (S( 'A Chicago Piltafcurg 1 I i f Uenver Saint Paul y_\ ci I.oa Angeles Salt I-akeCily , New York San Francisco Omaha Seattla ?'ST~D yes fho; Cyo lit colli wntcr Walter than itnv other djro. Yotj ' >x Colors. lUO^IUUIi UUl'fi CO.. Onlncy. Illinois. ANTS FOR SALE. itlantic Coast Line Railroad main 1 aily. Any one buying cabbage ne day's advantage over the Meg- I rritory, as they have only one exire frost proof and will stand any c >0 $1.25 per thousand. f 0,000 90c per thousand. 'akefield, Early Jersey Wakeffeld i \ on and count guaranteed. Always e U3 aq order and sea for yourself. PLANT COMPANY, SOUTH CAROLINA. J ^TriD CAIF! cabbage idlrUltdAUI plants H a Of 1 lip IJe.^t Strnhia fur ti|o Ne^t 00 H 1 iWi at ijio ivilcmluif Prlcpsi ' Jj ' 1.000 to 4,000 at II.M per 1.000: 6.000 \0 10.000 ftt I 11.00 pgr 1.C00: 10.000 to 50.000 At tSc pnr 91.000, bm Having reduced t!io prices have (}roWlrd not to mt ; do ' nv C. o. r>. 1'UHlnB.H. hut ask that money I K accompany all order*, an a few lota ct plants r n uncalled for tak a i pall the profits. ^ ! Correspondence)solicited. Satisfaction guar- 1 ( anterd. Address ml 3. L. ' ?' Box O, - ETHEL, S.C. p gr+ r ||/E WANT AGENTS to 1 If sell our new awl valuable book entitled 8 M| Italy Earthquake Horrors C > j I We pay n good liberal commission. Send a j f f ten cents for nuents outfit and begin anfj ' " work at once. I m*il C. H. Robinson Co, J No. 900 N. Trron St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. j fTHfTEMGllliELl j| RICHMOND, VIIIU INI A. | I !ji Close to the Depots. Post Office, Caplt <!' ? mi A f-quare. Wliolesale and Retail sections. 0 ' q 0 everything f1r8t-cla38 I j coB ?| 11 [-L-J?^ I FwumE FAT FOLKS Most grateful and comforting is a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle anointings with Cuticura. This pure, sweet, economical treatment brings immediate relief and refreshing sle.cp to skintortured and disfigured little ones and rest to tired, fretted mothers. For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irritations and chafings, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are worth their weight in gold. . Bold throughout the world. Drpottt: London. 17. Clnirtrrhou?r Ho.; Part.' 6. line dr la Pali; Amira. lla. It Towns \ Co.. Sydney; India. H K Paul, Cnlrutta; China, llonu Koiir Drug Co.; Japan, Marujra. Ltd.. ToKto: Husala. Ferreln. Moboow; Bo Afrlra. I.ennon. Ltd.. Cape Town, etc.; I' M. A., rotter Units A Chem. Corp.. Sole Pnui* . Kontoa yBOYsSHMSV \ y J ? The Reason I Make and Sell More Men's $3.00 &/ $3.50 Shoes Than Any Other rfanufacturor li bK&UM I give the wearer the let tilt of the iroit complete organisation of trained ejjcite ax.d skilled shoemakers in the our.try. The eelectlon of the Fathers for each fart cf the shoo, and t *ery detail of the making In erery department. U looked after by the best shoemakers In the shoe industry. If I could show yru how csreltlly W L. Douglas shore are made, you wonla then urc'eistard why thevhold thefr shape, fit bettr-, and wrsar longer than any ctLcr make. , Uu Method of Tanning iIn Soles ir.nhrs them More Flexible nr. J longer Wearing than any others, f Rltiir* tor F.irry Mrnibrr of the Kitmlly, M en, llii)"i, >Voiurn, M loi'a tiltd Children. l'< r ? !-hy alioe dralrm rTerywliore. t / PIIITIPiM ! N?n* e mime without tV. I. Omitt'oS UnJ I lUll . ime nu t prlee aialii|xd on liottoiiu flit Cr!,i U?e<l Kxcluilvrly C.t.ilof fn*. W. L. OUt'OLAS, 167 Spark St., Brockton, Mata. POTATOES 9S9BSSEB I'M Salr.or'a calitlng, pair 12U. HE flNH B I.argrst grower* of * el imtatnei anil early H 3 veg, I allien In the ivurll 111k entaloff free; or, B yen I ltir. In stamp* uml receive catalog anii B 10U0 kernel* ca-h of umniK, rnrrula, celery, K g nrluha , 1M0 lettuce. ruMliafia, turnip*. H I 100 parsicy, 1 ? tomatt ?*, too melons, lloo B I charming flower ?> c'd*. In nil IO.khi kernel*, 3 easily worth ? I .OO of any man'* money. Or, H H ycn l 'illr. an I we add one package of Knrilcst B J; Peep O'l ay Sweet Corn. 3 SAtZER SEED CO., Box A. C., La Crossa. Wis. XANTHINE hair iteatorpiTTrra^tl^rrl^iir^ Color. Renovca Dandruff and Scurf Invigorate* ant prevents the llatr fn m falling off For sals J.v Rlchmdnd. I.vnrlihurg Va . and i:nltlmor?, lid.. Druggists or sent direct l?y HANTHI NF COMPANY. KlfHMOND.VA l per bottle. * ample bo'tie OSc by matt. Cirriii'ort Jirnl un It uue?l TOOLE C0S1I f Ginned on l'rlvnte Gin. 5 Buahsls at $1.00 per bushel; lOBuahIt at 90c per buahel; 20 Buahela, at 80c ler buahel, f. o. b., Langley, S. C. W. H. FRANKLIN, Augusta, Ga., R. 4. Thompson's EyeWater BELTS LUW3AKU IKUfl WONKS. f.UUUSIA. b'JL ao,10:'09r WE SHIP BEST QUALITY FIELD LKD GARDEN SEEDS DIRECT TO FARMERS AT LOWEST WHOLESALE TRICES. WE SELL CLOVERS, GRASSES, IE ED OATS. SEED CORN, CANE IE ED, MILLET, COW PEAS, SO.IA JEANS, PEANUTS, SEED POTATOES, CABBAGE PLANTS, POTATO ml TOMATO SLIPS, ONION SETS, 1ARDEN BEANS, GARDEN PEAS, lLL KINDS GARDEN, FIELD AND SLOWER SEEDS, LAND PLASTER LND FERTILIZERS. WRITE US I'OR PRICES AND SAMPLES. STATE WHAT YOU WANT. NASHVILLESEtD CO. 215 Second Avenue, North, ft as hv tile. Tenrt.