University of South Carolina Libraries
he mi _ f i??ii m?iai mm fv<K?V?V*V?V*Vav#V<*V * VO If LOOK 1J 2j And if you find yo I fit~ >*<wne and have vom g| lutely FREE. If yo I at ;? &re prepared to tit y I If I*16 finest glasses ; I ? charged in cities, or I ???> Years hard stui I X2 Perience enables _us I fz faction in every cas< We can also save > Slj money on Watches ||| Silverware, &c. Hoi j|j penses are light, an ?!| with a small profit j?; j goods only and guara |{j sell. So you take no |j L. J. ' "m I IN THE LOCAL FIELD ?The general assembly of | South Carolina adjourned early Sunday morning. I ? The farmers of this vicinity are very anxious for fair weather, that they may prepare their cotton and corn land for the next crop.. i ?Southbound passenger train No. 35 on Monday dumped off at this place six 20-gallons of cider, j The stulf is said to be non-intoxicating, however. ?The Times has just received an order for the printing of the programme for the annual meeting of the Bethel Presbytery, to be held with Clover church on | April 13. ?The manv friends of Mr ' Sam'l N. Merritt \will regret to know that his health is such that he is unable to get about but lit- i tie. Mr. Merritt is one of the : town's oldest and most highly esteemed citizens, and it is the hope of all that his health will soon be? restored. ?The Times is pleased to see so many of our people talking ( Vand manifesting interest in the matter of a new school building. All agree that improved school facilities is one of the town's greatest needs and there are few who would not lend aid in the matter if given an opportunity. ?Very few bales of cotton have been sold on this market for the past few weeks. There are several Fort Mill farmers who still have a large part of ( last year's crop, but are not inclined to let it go at a price they say is below the cost of production. ? During the past week workr men have razed the old Potts house on Booth street and nothing remains as an .evidence of this old landmark but two chimneys. The property is owned by Mr. Osmond Barber and it is said that he will at no distant date erect a nice two-story dwelling on the lot. ?Although it was reported some weeks ago that preparations had been made to repair Barber's bridge, over Sugar ! Creek, the structure has not so far beeh given attention. This 1 bridge is of great convenience to the people ot tne JBaroersvnie and Harrison sections and should be put in shape at once. PERSONAL MENTION ?Mr. S. A. Epps left Monday j" evening1 for the northern markets to buy spring and summer goods for his firm. ?Mrs. Lois P. Sistare, of Lancaster, is a guest at the home of Mr. J. R. Haile, on Booth street." ?Miss Lillie Massey is visiting relatives in Rock Hill. ? Rev. Edward S. Reaves returned Monday morning from Chester, where on Sunday he delivered two sermons from the Baptist church. At the morning service Mr. Reaves assisted in Ko r\rrtinal inn nf fleacnna. ?Editor Otis Hull, of the Rock Hill Herald, spent Monday here on business. ? Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mills, ! Mrs. E. W. Kimbrell and Miss Virginia Hamilton spent Tuesday in Charlotte. ?Mr. Jno. M. Patterson, who at present is employed as a salesman for Belk Bros., of Charlotte, was a visitor to Fort Mill Sunday. ? Mrs. A. B. Culp, of Columbia, was a visitor Sunday at the home of Mrs. D. G. Thompson on Confederate street. ?Dr. and Mrs. W. S. McMurray left^ here Tuesday morning for a visit to Washington City. V V\\W\%VN\\\\\VS\\\\SNW OUT, j ur eyesight failing, j r eyes tested abso- J u need glasses, we i ou accurately with * at half the prices ? hy peddlers. Our ^ ly and practical ex- J to guarantee satisu ou about half'your ?. Clocks, fewelrv. ft*? Because our e^id we are satisfied 2J . We sell reliable intee everything we > chances here. | ? tSSEY. T* h y ? r>,\rw^*- xvx^x^x^x^xfV^x^ x Graded School Work For February. The attendance and the general work of the school are very good. I hope to see all pupils attend until the last day of school, so that they may be readily, admitted to the next grade. We expect to maintain a standard, and to do this we must have some requirements. One of the strongest is that a pupil do the required work and stand a satisfactory examination for admission to the next grade. Those winning the first places in the several grades are as follows: 10th?Rob Grier 1st. Carey Epps 2nd. Honor roll?Rob Grier. 9th?Carrie Merritte 1st, Elizabeth Nims 2nd. Honor roll ? Carrie Merritte. fit h?finm I .OP 1 Clt" /Inli-J Pni'/I 2nd. Honor roll Nettie Bradford. 7th?Mamie Jack Massey 1st, Sarah CuliTand Florence Bennett 2nd.' Honor roll Murray Merritte and Florence Bennett. 6th?Ike Yarborough 1st, Joe Belk 2nd. Honor roll ?Ike Yarborough and Olive Harris. 5th?James Gaston and Esther Meacham 1st, Heath Belk, Zenas Grier, Clarend^" Link, Ernest Patterson, Frances Smith and James Young 2nd. 4th ?Willie Sellers 1st, Alice Bradford. Barron Bennett. Ocev Hood, Fair Lee and Marjory Mills 2nd. 3rd ?Honor roll, Alfred Jones. 2nd ?Honor roll, William Grier, Douglass Nims, Fred Oreigfhton, Harvey Wagner, Azile Bass, Beatrice Parks, John Robeit Harris, Ladson Mills, PorteGaston, Johnnie Thrower. Frank Kimbrell. Honor roll?2nd grade, Ruth McLaughlin. \ Average attendance for February, 198. At the regular monthly meeting of the Literary Society of the school, the following officers being duly elected were installed and assumed their respective duties: Pres. Sammie Lee; Vicepres, Carrie Merritt; secretary, Julia Boyd; treasurer, Annie Russell; literary critic. Clarence McMurray; Seargt-at-arms, Austin Kimbrell; page. Parks Boyd. It is gratifying to note how well the members of the Societv can carry on a business session. They are orderly and they seem to delight in carrying out the parliamentary rules to the letter. L. M. Buuknight. The HerJd's Popularity Contest. The Times would invite especial attention to the large advertisement elsewhere in this issue telling of the popularity contest opened by the Rock Hill Herald on March 1. The Herald offers some very valuable prizes to the young ladies of the county and already a number of our young ladies have gone into the contest with the avowed intention of capturing one or more of the premiums. A list of those who have entered the contest, together with the number of votes which each has received, will probably appear in The Times from week to week. As to the manner in which the contest will be conducted, The Times assures each young lady entering the contest a fair and square deal. We. know The Herald and its owners and have the utmost confidence in then integrity and honestv in pvm ? u ' V ? ?? ' respectx The following Fort Mill younp ladies have entered the contest Misses Carrie Gulp, Mary Boyd Frances Harris, Clara Smythe, Lillie Massey, Louise McMurray We say withont hesitation that Do Wilt's Kidney and Bladder 1 ills ar< niMM^naled for weak kidneys, backache intiainmution of the bladder and a) urinary disorders. Tfiev are untis >pii< and act promptly in all casus of buck, backache, rhoumarism uu< i rhenniatic pains. Accept no snhst: tut a. We sell and recommend their,? Arprey's dreg store. 7 Sir - ^ wa.v\wini>iHL i mtmmmrmmmmmmtttt" New Bank For Rock Hill. t . r ? The organization ofs a new, | national hank, with a capital -of! j $100,000 has been completed at! t Rock Hill by the promoters of [ the People's Bank and Trust ; company. The name of the new | ! institution has not been decided, j ! Mr. Thomas L. Johnston will be ; president and Mr. Chas. L. } ? Cobb cashier." The People's 5 Bank ar.d Trait company will K t lose its identity as a bank and S. will become the People's trust I company, capital $30,000, with ? Mr. J. B. JdhPston as. president ^ and Mr. C. B. Cobb cashier. It , will handle all business pertain\ ifig to a trust company. i Columbia Record Sqld. ' r?~i?li- * ? i auc vuiu ii una rvecora nn-^ nounces the purchase by James" A. Iloyt and associates of it; I controlling stock held by George R. Koester and associates, the transfer of management and control taking place lastfMonday. This marks the end of the fast j and furious afternoon newspaper war that was about to begin between The Record and a new , paper Mr. Hoyt and associates were about to launch. : * , Ex-Lieut. Governor Sioan Dead. While enrtnite to his home from the,'German hospital in Philadelphia Sunday night. ExLieut. Governor John T. Sloan died on a traiTi near Grceesboro, N. C. Col. Sloan had been in ' the hospital for several weeks | for treatment for - liver trouble, f lie had apparently improved fi . while in Philadelphia and it was I thought safe to bring him home. | Col. Sloan's death marks the j ' passing of one of* South Caro- i iina's most widely known meir. / He was in public life for many , years, and was in the thick of j the fight in the War Between the Slates and the following dark day&of Radical rule. | SPECIAL, NOTICES. ] One Cent a Word. Minimum charge 2'v ' j FOR SALE?Early Jersey Wake- j field Cabbage Plants, home I grown. Also Providence Yam ' Sweet Potatoes, at reasonable j prices. B. M. FARIS, R. F. 1 D. No. 1. WANTED?At once. 2,000 Cigar- ] rette Coupon?. E. S. PARKS, jj WANTED ?At once, a good, ^ r?i l *i i ? ? ruiRT DiacKhmun. "Apply at r. The Times Office. ; FOR^SALE -First-Class Mileh Cow, with young' calf. Appl? to T. A. Mills. i FOR SALE?Eggs for hatching from pure-bred, single Comb White Leghorrt s. Imported stock, non-sitters. All eggs proving unfertile replaced ;;t 5 half price. $1.00 per setting ! of 15 eggs. I>. M. Lee, Fort j Mill, S. C. . > j I WANTED - Butter, Chickens and j Eggs. We also want you to j ! know that we sell on time. Make your lien with us. * L. A. HARRIS & Co. i-~ ' i vBOX PAPERS We have even fifty different j styles of Eaton-Hurbut's pop- | | ular Cloth-Finished Paper in one show case, 25c to 50c. 1 Also a fine selecsicn of other v kinds ot Stationery. MAGAZINES Give us your orders and re- i newals for magazines and club off* ??, We give you as low prices as any agency in j the country and Save you I, the trouble and risk of t I \ ordering. ' ( Ardrcy's, . ( TH AN K^sj i I . (; - < We thank our friends for the j liberal patronage given us since j .! opening our drug business. We { take this as a mark of apprecia- j , tion from tlie public for our ef- ( forts please them, and to lis it , i is a strong incentive to strive | ' even harder to merit the good ( will and patronage of alb j ; Our line of Drugs', Medicines, | ? Perfumery, Toilet Articles, and < * the like, is first-class and con - j r plete, but is being replenished i t every day. ' , 1] Especially do we call your ri- i r tention to our line of I ii es and i , Tobaccos, Cigars and t igarettcs. , Our place is the smokers' head- i quarters., - i i \ Call at our fountain for a cool, !, . refreshing drink; it's good when ! you get it here. ; Fort Mill Drug Comp'y " i ']. R. HAILE, Mgr. ' f t }' -v\s ^ NT jA " >4; - ... Jji '? ?1 Si- i This Is t ho most ilau^roxi time of thai ypnV to uatoQ col?l, un<) it is tlio ha -dest lium t?? cum. it. ;f yoa sliviljl take ? cold, u few dbwtof Kennedy n Uxh livo * oujj(ii Syjrnp wiil not very prompt- j ly Its' laxative principle cures Ub?"} erfM by ir from t !io system b . , a gentle but uuroiHl action of the bowels. Children specially liUoiteiij uedy's iv*> Cough Syrup," his es so jkknI, nrttrly lice maple s jgnr. It ts sold by Arilrey'a drug s'ure. - ^ hi i? irnifni ?rraw??r ? itt? n i ? M EACH AM G E NT L EM If you i / I \ tcr SJtoes, K ^ ant^ boys* |\r?^ "EOSTO j? new : ^||- ^ f I * *a tent HIackViii, ^^0 Prices, Meacham * You will need a 11 and you want to get 1 for every dollar. Let us protect yo investments. We do ing to,you every gai it doesn't suit you, it Our motto is "Please the C / With this as oui 11 to give you sterling This season we a of the famous McElwaine-Ki Clothing, and it come an teed., We will be please line at any time. Keep Komin' 1 ies-jily ".-a a ^PB^a>j?ga-^<?sanagrCT L u\ja Kills I |23S0v!5SO02?00 I Iv? XT I 50 i i Mv Wf still have < lot or Nice, Young be pleased to luiv-o land s Stable and i ^ Prices and term | S. J. Kimb fr f- ^ j- * ^ For fudigsstion. ! ** '-? ? v, ^ a j^siiovi * sour stomach, pui pi tattoo oi Uic heat t,D igct>ts v hat you eat tea-v* > -"CSS * . _ i ? Everything That's Good ft JEat- $ IKE PARLOR RESTAURANT, .* B.n Davit!, Frcprletcr, J ^ Nor.! to Sky.cs apor, Columbia, S. C. d & i E N: ire ready for Low Quarsee our line of mens' NIAN" OXFORDS, j styles and the best ever. [' . leather, (Sua Metal, 1 V % t Tan Vici, Russia Calf. J X $3.00 to $1.00. I * & Epps. ii 1 L0TH8NG ; I lew suit "this Spring, full value received } I \ * u in vour Clothing 5 v " j ./ this by guarantee- i ! *ment we sell. "If ? doesn't siiii us." i I Customer/f ? lotto, we arc bound ? Jj value*. I J re carrying a line | ? 11 i s to you fully guar- J . I ? :d to show vou our | 9 !* o Kimbreli's. j jj _ ; I ri2? ; 4 I; ?C0?S@S??<3 ?<S ' ~CIp *?' I ? ?J mJmwibmm S m ^ @*3^ x I >n hand a choice || Mules, and would @ you eall at lloag- ^ see them. ga s will please you. ail & Sons | StWffTS CARR0L17ED WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Piles, Burns, Soros* # v ~ j. SHOE DRESSINGS. We have just received a shipment of all the best I j grades of Shoe Dressings from Whittemore Bros. & Co. I T and will be pleased to show you the polish best suited to the leather in your shoes. / Gilt Edge Dressing fcr the Ladies and Children at 25c. / "Starr" Russet combination for tan shoes at 10c. Oxblood Dressing for the latest fad in shoes at 10c. ^ Baby Elite Combination for all kinds of shoes at 10c.. Oil cream for patent leather shoes at 25c. We call special attention to the Oil Cream polish as it will prolong the life of a patent leather shoe for a considerable length of time. (A trial of the merits of the Oil Cream will convince the most skeptical man or woman.) N As always we are here with the latest styles of Oxfords in all leathers. We will appreciate a look before . you buy elsewhere. . M'ELHANEY CO ** ' I ? ^?>VN>\*VNr\^\>\r\^\^vr, r:\^N>v\r^^\PViM' \^\^%r *> V < ? 1 / \y '9 * ? ;> 4 * j Stationery. I > V ' y % :< r- = S3 :? , 3? if \Y e liavc a lot of Station- ?j erv -with the boxes soiled 4 *7 # V V j which will be sold at cost ? while they last, fall at once Z and get. choice. The paper ?v $ is all right, just the boxes :S slightly damaged. H '? 1 ? V /? J ? yy I Parks Drug Co | / >/ r?>T? 1 The Best Things To Eat 1 i Are Always Found Here. *1 ^ = , ? 5 _ _ *~i\ 5 When you ask us what to have ?? * Vi ^ for breakfast, dinner or supper, we ^ never fail to tempt your fastidious $ $ " * <j appetite when we enumerate the &j $ good things to eat which we* carry. <g Just for a change, try Vail Camp's p i Pork and Beans. & | i /*"*\ fv i i- ^ the: grocer, & U W 1N1 i CD phone: no. 1 -+ jn No Land So Rich That Fertilizer i Cannot Make It Better You use fertilizers for the profit you pet out of them?and the better the land the more profitably a good fertilizer ? an be used on i\ / Do not imagine becau-c land *.v I produce a fair crop without Virginia-Carolina I Fertilizers ' * ^ tliat these fertilizers cannot be profitably used on it, cr that they were made only for land too poor to produce without them. If poor lan 1 will show a normal increase when fertilizer is used, good land wid show at least double the increase. Use Virginia'Carolina FVi ili/ei ; to increase the quality, as well as the quantity of the crop? and you will increase the proiits fiom jour land. ''I have been usintr your fertilizers for n ruinbrr of year^" s.;\s Mr. William Fraiser, of (ilasburg, l.a ."ami fi>ut that it tint only pay s to fertilize% but to do plenty cf it, ami use /he best fertilisers to is had,such as your brands 1 have used a number of them anil found them to bi as recommended and to give better results than any other fertilizers that 1 have ever used." j jj Every planter and farmer should have a copy of the new 1000 Virginia-Carolina Farmers' Year-book, (lit a lice copy from jour 1 fertilizer dealer, or wiite our nearest sales oiiiCc. ! . .JSj&i Virginia-Carolina. Chemical Co. Columbia, S. C. Haulmo*-, am. Atlanta, (ia ChvmO^^Tj folumbu*. (. t Savannah. < .a. \V Co' MontROmcry.AIa. M jm; h.s, Tc-nn. KIHiy: ifjtMnSqia Slirevcport, La Trf'J r3 . | JOB PRINTING I M NEATLY EXECUTED AT S THE TIMES OFFICE. A ? [?3j [rri T ette heads. Noethea<ls Billheads, Statements, Handbills, Posters, |ffi| Circulars, Envelopes, Etc. at the lowest prices consistent with good jjq work, fcond us your orders aud wo will please you =^| | The Times, i J