University of South Carolina Libraries
Miss Ninette Porter. Pnaintree, Vcriiont, writes: "1 hare been cured by 'enina, "I had several hemorrhages of the lungs. Tho doetors did not help me much and Would never have cured mo. "I saw a testimonial in a Peruna almanac of a case similar to mine, and I' commenced using it. I wrote to Dr. Ilnrtmnn for advice. lie kindly gave me free advice. "I was not able to wait on myself when I began using it. I gamed very elowly at first, but 1 cculd 6cc that it was helping me. Aftrr I had taken it n while I commenced to raise up a stringy, bticky, sub tancc from my lungs. This grew lesa and less in quantity as i continued the treatment. "I grow more fleshy thnn I had heen for n long time, and now I call njvself well." A Pal Cou-?h. Wre.^Eminn Mm tin. Odessa. Mo., wites: "1 cannot thank you cno'ugh for curing me. "For two years I doctored my cough, which coat me many dollars, but Btill I seemed to cot worse. My cough was so bad 1 could not sleep. "Finally I purchnsod n bottle of Peruna. 'After the use of cix l>cttlc3 I feel that I am cured." People who object to liquid medicines can now secure Pcruua tablets. For a free illustrated booklet entitled "The Truth About Peruna," address Tbe Pcruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. Mailed postpaid. l'crunn is sold by by your local drngist. liny n hot lie today. i $80 I Wr<t? unit >tt mhul tV\?v*?Uiifu I JYlaco/U. Cf OKGIR y "i ~ftw3tUoo\ oV Experts n WtTlYUrrunurv. _ lui|tnr(lnhrxm, inulKf .?oe>o-? trnuUnT. <C?-AS6!FIED ADVERTISEMENTS} ?A LMM eiTw A X TB P . WANTED?Active, Miergrtl** men to rrprwnt u*. Hrnlllnh c li n>. 11 tint lent nmV c ulg monrjr. l.'o?h w?*>kljr advance-*. Complete niitn* fret-. Wrlie tuimcdtaUf v forour illt-ml o(T>t. \V,T. HuoD A CO. oi.d dominion nurbeuikh. Mention thm l'npor. ItK HMuNO, VA. I . .. _ ilow fading the joys wo dot?, vpon.?News, So. 9-'09. |" Red, Weak, Weary, Wntcry Eyes J Relieve*] by Murine Eye Remedy. t Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Coniorins to Pure rood nn?i Drug i,awj. Murine Doesn't Smart; Soothe* Eyo Pain. Few men have any next: they live from hand to mouth, they ore without plnn, and scoti come to the end of their line.?Emerson. ^ $100 Rework $100. ' The renders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is nt lea?*t one dreaded di*^ esse that science hns been able to cure in nit .its stages.and that isCntarrh. llnH'aCntarrh V)ure in the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Cutarrh licing n constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curntive powers thnt they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to Cure. Bend for list of test imonisls. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, u. t Fold hv Druggists, 7.V. ' Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. That bent portion of a good men's life, Ilia little nameless unremembered acta Of kindness and of love. ?Wordsworth. uiunu o uroucuiai ilucnei are a sim* pie and convenient remedy for Bronchial Affections and Cougba. In boxes 25 cents. Samples mailed free. John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass. A smile makes a deeper impression on the other fellow than a frown. Old Books Wanted. Cash paid for early Ameriean boolts and other liternry property. Entire llbrarios or small lots pnrohased. Describe what yon havo. Will call if answer is prompt, or arrange by mail. Address Librarian, P. 0. Box 440, Stannton, Virginia. A hasty man never wants woe. Tctterine Recommended for Eczema, Ringworm, Old Sores, r Risings, Etc. Morvln, Ala.. August 1, 180|. P. T. Bhuptrln?, Savannah. Oa. Dear Sir:?I received your Tctterine all O. IC. 1 have used It for Eczema and Tetter. Ringworms, old sores and risings and can gladly recommend it as a sure pure, Yours truly, J. IV DoBrlda. Tsttsrins ouraa Eoioma, Tetter, Ring Worm, Oround Itch. Xtohlng Plluii, ir, tint's Pore Head, Pimples, Rolls, nough oaly Patohes on ths Faoo, Old Itching orsi, Dandruff. Cankered Soalp. Bun* >ns, Cams, Chilblains and every form of Skin Disease. Tot tor Ins BOc; Totterlns Poap ZBn. Your druggist, or by mail from ths manufacturer, The Bhuptrlne Co., Rivinnth fin A pood nnmc is a rich inheritance. If your blood is out of order, you run a risk of taking a germ disease. Rheumatism,LaGrippe, Pneumonia and Typhoid Fever are germ diseases. "Rhcumaci le" is an active blood purifier. It clean3e3 the blood of all impurities. It give3 tone to the entire body. Pure blood prevents germs from taking hold of the vital organs and expels them from the system. <<Rhcurn:cideMispufcup in tablet and liquid f orm, and i3 sold by druggists at 25c, 50c, and $1 per gr Liniment, 25c* j SENATOR WESTON'S BILL enlarging and Defining Commissioner Watson* b Department. .An Important Measure Affecting the Mill InterestsColumbia, Special.?The House of Representatives on Saturday passed >U third reading Senator Weston's rill enlarging and defining Commis- ' doner Watson's department. . It is in brief as follows: "That in addition to the duties already prescribed for tho department )f agriculture, commerce and immigration the following shall be provided for: "1. The commissioner shall collect, issort systematically and present in ? report to the governor on or before he lOtIt day of January of each year, tvho shall transmit to the general assembly statistical details relating to ill departments of labor in this State, uich as the hours of labor, cost of .iving, amount of labor required, estimitcd number of persons depending in rl n i 1 \' InliirM* fnu limit* ?nni\ni*l These statistics are classified ns follows: "1. In agriculture. "2. In manufacturing and mechanical industries. "3. In transportation. "4. In clerical and all other ski 11:-d and unskilled labor not above . numerated. *'3. The amount of capital invested in lands, buildings, machinery, nnterial and means of production and distribution generally. "0. The number, nge. sex and condition of persons employed; the future of flieir employment; the number of hours of labor per day and the wages- received in each of the ndustrics and employments enumerated. "7. The sanitary conditions of faetroies, foundries, machine shops, mercantile establishments and all other places where five or more people are employed as laborers. "8. The number, condition*and nature of employment of the inmates of 'lie state prison, county .jails and reformatory institutions and to what extent their employment conies in competition with the laor of artisans and laborers outside of these institutions. "9. All such other information in relation to labor as may seem advisable to further the object sought to he obtnucd by this act." _ The bill provides for an annual submitting of a schedule to the manager or owner of every manufacturing establishment in the State, embodying inquiries as follows: "1. Name of person, partnership or corporation. "2. Kind of goods manufactured wr un^iiiVM uuiiv. "3. Number of partners or stockholders. ''4. Capital invested. Average number of persons employed, distinguishing as to sex. adults and children. "(i. Total wages, not including salaries of managers, paid during the year, distinguishing as to sex, adults and children." The following exactions upon thr commissioner are placed in the hill: "The owner, operator or manage! ?f every establishment which is engaged in manufacturing shall answei the inquiries thereon for the 111 meat lis. November 1 to October 31 preceding, and return said schedule to t:.c commissioner on or before the 5lli of December following receipt ol said schedule. "It shall he the duty of nil Stnt< and county officials, every employe! cf labor, and every person engaged in any industrial pursuit, to give to the commissioner, or his agents, alt necessary information to enable him to perform the duties herein required ol him, "Every person or corporation whe shall wilfully impede or prevent tin commissioner, his agents or inspectors, in the free and full performance of his duties, shall be guilty of i misdemeanor, and, upon couvictior of the same, shall be fined not lest than $10 nov more than $50, or In imprisoned not less than 10 nor mon than 30 days. "The commissioner shall have pow er to send for persons or papers whenever in his opinion it is neccs sary, and he may examine witness under oath, being duly qualified t< administer the same in the performance of his duty, and the testimony so taken must he filed and preserver in the office of the commissioner. II< and his agents and inspectors shnl have free access to all places when five or more people are employed ai laborers. "No uso shall be made in the re ports of the commissioner cf tin names of individuals, firms or eorpor ntiont supplying the information call ed for by this act, such infnrmatiot being deemed confidential and not foj the purpose of discloaing any per son's affairs; and any Agent, inspsotoi or employe of said commission?: violating this provision shall bi deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be pun islied by a fine not to exceed $201 or imprisonment in the' county jai not to exceed six months. "Said commissioner may employ elerir-n I ? ? ^ ....? ? V) (M (I VUC"1 I1U1 If exceed $1,200 per annum and twi inspectors who shall bo appointed b? the commissioner, at a salary of $1, 000 each por annum and noeossnr travilinjj expenses not to exceed -301 in one year." The method of protection from ae eidents, the means of ventilation, am investigations ink the employment ochildren are made a part of the com missioncr's duties. There are some requirements in tin bill as to the need for fresh and pur? drinking water for the employes o factories and for punishment for Vio lation of any section of the bill. Section 10 of the bill provide: against a child under 14 years o age cleaning any pr-rt of the machin cry in a factory. The most import rnt feature of th? bill is the requiring of keeping o vital statistics by tbe firm employ ing children. . . _ jffXrPER! jwl r (/fil PertowJ knqwlct \JJf this competitive age a possessor in the (root > rtn A vast fund of personal highest excellence in any fielc jM A Knowledge of F jy edge of Products arc al fj when a true and wholesome nj of Figs and Elixir of Senna R ethical product which has mc rj &va universal satisfaction, be ^ Known Quality, B Parts and has won the valu Vj wcrld, who know of their owr and best of family laxatives, f oj This valuable remedy 1 vl under the name of?Syrup* \ \ wide acceptance cs the Vra laxative principles, obtained fr and the Well Informed adopted the more elab Elixir of Senna ? ^ut doubtlets h v name of ? Syrup | LOUISVILLE, KY. Sin beginnelh pleasantly.-?Bible. Mrs. Winston-'* Soothing Syrup for CbiMreu teething,softens thegums, reduces lnflamm viou. allays pain, cures wind colic.25c a bottJf Evil conies by talking of it.?Irish. Onlv One "Mronio Quinine** i'hnt is Lnxntive Hrotno Quinine. I-ook for ihe signature of 1?. \V. Drove. Used the S\ orld over to v."ore n Cold in Oue Day. 25c. Fcols grow without watering. ?Italian. KorCOIiDS mid OltlP. . nirU's rxrrvtsr. Is the lx>st remedy? roltrvi h tlir n< t.liur and fe*trl?hneM?cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It'a Ihjuld?cfTects Immediately. 10c., 26c. aud tCc.,atdras stores. A fool it forty will never be wise. Try the Natural InzatiVe, Unrflold Yen! It overcome* constipation and regulates liver and kidneys. Rumples wnt npon request. Qarfleld Ton Pa. llrooklyri- N. Y. l'.enefits turn poison in bad minds. Horo lltront leads io Tonsilitis, Quinsy and Diphtheria. Ilnmlins Wixard Oil used as a gargle uj'oii the lirst symptoms of a sore throat will invariable prevent nil three of tkese dread diseases. Hole in Fence, C-irl Gene. A Rood joke is told on one of our over-tlie-river neighbors, who several years ago had a family of good looking daughters, who were smart and good workers. Thcv, of course, grew up and 1 lie boys, as is natural, took u fancy for them and wanted to marry them, but the old gentleman fulsome reason (perhaps best known to himself) objected and used every precaution to prevent any of them from marrying, and cspecialy one young l'ellow, who was distasteful to the eld man. As time passed on this young fellow and his giil went on with their courting unbeknowing to old man. Ho had the house surrounded with a strong paling fence and there was no means of ingress >?r agress, except through the gate, which he kept pretty well guarded both night and day. They knew they would have to run away if they got married. So one mourning he awoke to find a he lo in nn unguarded part of the fence and~his girl was gone? gone to get married against his will or wish. lie was at his wit's end. Noner of the family claimed any knowledge of the elopement, but the old man thought differently. Turning to his other gills, whom he suspected would soon follow suit, ho said: "If you want to go, go now while the way is open."?GulTney (S..C.) Lodger. PRIZE FOOD Palatable, Economical, Nourishing. A Ncbr. woman has outlined the prize food In a few words, ami that from personal experience. Sho writes: "After our Ion? experience with Grape-Nuts, I cannot eny enough in Its favor. Wo have uaed this food nlmcst continually for seven years. "We sometimes tried other advertised breakfast foods, but we Invariably returned to Grape-Nuts as the most palatnblo, economical and nourishing of nit. "When I quit tea and coffee and began to use Posrtum and Grape-Nuts, I was a nervous wreck. I was so Irritablo I could not sleep nights, had no interest ^ life. "After using Grape-Nuts n short time I began to Improve and all these ailments have disappeared, and now I ntn n wen woman. My two children have been almost raised on GrapcNnts, which they eat thrco times a (lav. "They are pictures oC health and have never had the least symptom of stomach trouble, evcu through the most severe siege of whooping cough they could retain Grnpc-Kuts when all else failed. "Grape-Nuts food bus raved doctor bills, and has been, therefore, almost economical food for us." Name given by Postum Co., Pat tie Creek, Mich. Read. "The Road to V.Vllvllle," In pkgs. "There"? a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one upjKNiis from time to time, Thejr are genuine, true, and full of Jtuiuau interest* r ' 'i, sonalKnow Ige ? the winning factor in the enhnmatinc nd when of ample character it places ii ranks of rell Informed of the World. knowledge is really essential to die achieve I of human effort -- V ? ? w* - uuiu, rvnowieage or r unctions an 1 of the utmost value and in questions of life renledy is desired it should be remembered , manufactured by the California Pig Syruj t with the approval of the most eminent ph cause it is a remedy of , Unown Excellence and Known Ct lable patronage of millions of the Well Infoi i personal knowledge end from actual use that or which no extravagant or unreasonable claim has been long and favorably known cf Figs?and has attained to worldexcellent family laxative. As its pure om Senna, are well known to ph"sicianu cf the world to be the best we have ' orate name of?Syrup of Figs and /, as more "fully descriptive of the remedy, ^ rill always be called for by the shorter *| of Figs?and to get its beneficial i ways note, when purchasing the full h the Company?California Fig Syrup L rintcd on the front of every package, JW, whether you call for ? Syrup of Figs ml ? or by the fuQ name ? Syrup of It Figs and Elixir of Senna. / i i O-S.A. LONDON,ENGLAND. A wise man should not .trust himself too near the precipice.?Cicero. A LIFE SAVEI). A Pnm nf T.- T 1.1- n " v/mow vr* jhuii* j a itiuuiu i. FAT Advanced. Mrs. Henry Rapine, CD E. LnfayI ctte 8t., Norrlstown, Pa., Bays: "Donn's Kidney Fills Raved my life. Headkj ache, dizzy spells and blurring eyesight VP Jr came on me four ^ years ngo, and began ' i to '5? FO ^ad I would < Vmi fall to the floor. *j Piercing pains caught mo in the back. I loBt weight Htcadily. My hair actually turned gray from my t.uuering. After practically giving up hope, I used Dean's Kidney | Pills and began to mend very soon. 1 ; put on weight, gained strength, and after using llireo boxes was entirely cured." Gold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Iluffalo, N. Y. Sucess consecrates the foulest crimes.?Seneca. y Always Keeps a liulu?Tli?tho llouso. "About ten days beforurChristmas I got my hand hurt so badly that 1 had to stop work right In the busy time of the year," says Mr. Mijton Wheeler, | 2100 Morris Ave., Birmingham, Ala. I "At first 1 thought I would have to have my hand taken otf4 but some- | one told mo to get u bottle, of Sloan's Liniment and that would do the work. Tho Liniment cured my hand- and 1 gladly recommend itMo everyone." Mr. J. E. Matthews, proprietor of St. James Hotel, Corning, Ark., Bays: ?-"My finger was greatly iuflanied from a fish sting and doctors pronounced it blood poisoning. 1 used several applications of Sloan's Liniment and It cured me all right. 1 will always keep a bottle of Sloan's Liniment in mv hrtuap " Mr. J. P. Evans of Mt. Airy, Ga.p says?"Alter being afflicted for three years with rheumatism, 1 used Sloan's Liniment, and was cured sound and well, and am glad to say I haven't been troubled with rheumatism since. My leg was badly swollen from xny hip to my knee. One-half u bottle took the pain and swelling out." The beginning of excellence is to be free from error.?Quintillian. I HAD SEVERE WEEPING ECZEMA. Face nnd Neck Were Raw?Terrlblo Itching, Inflammation nnd Soreness?A'l Treatments Failed? Outlrura a Great Success. "Eczema began over the top cf my ear. It cracked and then began to spread. 1 had threa different doctor# and tried sevoral things, but thoy did :no no good. At Sail cno aido of my faco and my neck were i raw. The water ran out of it to that 1 ked to wear medicated cotton, nnd it wu o and tore that I had to put a piece of cloth over my pillow to keep the water from it, and it would atain the cloth a sort of yellow. The eczema itchod so that it ace.nod ns though 1 could tear my fuce all to pieces. Then 1 began to use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, nnd it was net more than three months before it was all healed up. Miss Ann Pearsons, Nort-hlield, Vt., Dec. 19. 1997." Potter Drug & ( hem. Corp., Solo Props. of Cuticura Remedies. Ronton. Mass. The crook in the old stick is ill to take out.?Irish. Piles Cured In (I to 14 Days. I'bto Ointment ta etiaranteed to cure any ea^cot Itching, Blind, llleedingor Protruding 1'ilra in 6 to 1 i dav? or money refunded. 60c. Every one knows host where his own shoe pinches.?(Jertnnn. For IIKADAf llK?Illrka' CAVVDING Whether from Colds. Heat. Stomach or Nervous Trouble#, Capndlno vlll relieve you. It's lluijld?pleasant to take?acts Immediately. T17 It. 10c., i3c. and fiOc. at drug tores. If ft man is in the cheese business, don't joke with him about the odor if you expect on order. Most people ! take their business seriously. To Break In New Shoes. Always shako in Allen's Foot-Ease, a 1 powder. It cures hot, sweating, aching. swollen feet, corns, ingrowing nails and i bunions. All druggists and shoe stores, 86c. I Don't accept any substitute. Sample muled i rui. Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. . ><; iy? Nothing New or GRAND- fedj^ja j MOTHER." PjTTrafll For many feneration* Oikmi* <ir??a<e lia^ beca reooRnlrod a* a w mderful remedial medium le treating and curing Pneumonia, Urlppo, Rheumatism and Neuralgia . KICK'S UO )SD QKKASK LINIMEMT U made from pare itoose , frra*e, with other valuable ouratlv* ltigre* i dlenta added Try It. I IS*?At all roruiTKtate and Dealers?83o. 80Q3E QBEAb'E COaPAMY, j j The descent to hell is easy.?Virgil. Itch cured in 3) minute* l>v WnnlfnnlV | Sanitary Cotinn. Never fn'la. At ilwijituts. Scdium Ber.zoato Harmless. "Washington, Special.?Thut benzunte of soda used as u food preservative is not injurious to health is the judgment of the referee beard of consulting experts, of which l)r. Ira | lfcmtcn, president of Johns Hopkins j University, is chairman. This conelusion, which has been approved by Secretary Wilson, reverses the findings of Dr. II. \V. Wiley, chief of the bureau of chemistry. Three separate investigations were made by the board, which, it is said, were in close agreement jn a|j essential features. The conclusion reached by the referee boaid declare that the admixtmc of sodium benzonto with food in small of large doses has not been found to injure, affect or impair the quality or nutritive value of such food. OWES f HER | " LIFE TO Lvdia E. PinkhanVs Vegetable Compound Vienna, W. Va. ?I feel that I owe the last ten years of my life to I .yd la E. Pinkham'a'v egotablo Compound. Eleven years ago I SlT' % WRS walking | shadow. I had been Sk under the doctor's 'off- V- zW*% carebut got no relief. -2 ; My husband persuaded mo to try i yiliii K. J'inkiuim'a vegetablo Com. poundflndltworkcd 'licc ft It ro. llevcd all m> pain* and mlaary. I advise all suffering women to tako Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound."? Mrs. Emma Whkatox, Vienna, W. Va. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest, number of actual cures of female diseasesof any similar medicine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on tile in the Pink ham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, Inflammation, ulceration,displacements,fibroid tumors, irregularities, ]>eriodlc pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special ndvleo about your case write a confidential letter to Mrs. Pinkimm, at Lynn, Mass. Her ndvico is free, and always helpful. PUTNAM Color mora goods brlghte. i?nd faster colors tliau any eon dye any garment without ripping apart. WriU I * Nervous H ^For nervous, tired won dui Cardui is a woman's n cally on the female organs i effect on the whole system. ingredients, being a pure v< 9 suffer from some form of fe 9 at once and give it a fair tri I It Will B p-j Mra. 17. W. Gardner, of Partner m uI think Cardui is just grand. I ha I arti 48 years old and feel like a dif H taking it. I used to suffer from b g|i and sleeplessness, but now the pain I highly recommend Cardui for yc |? AT ALL DR1 The Right W In All Cases of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA, COLD3, ETC., Of All llorscs. Brood Mares, Colts, Stallions, is to "SPOHN THEIYl" ( On their touguc* or In the feed put't Liquid ij Compound- OItp the remedy to all of them. It acU h' on the b!oo>l Mil glnndt. It routs tLo dlnxasc by ox- ft pillliix tho disease Koriu*. It ward* off the trouble, 1} uo inciter how they ate "expoje I." Absolutely free J. from anything Injurious. A chlhl ran safely take It. jfl 40 ct.?. and $1.00; $5.<x) and $10.00 the dot en. Sol 1 by jgj druggists, barnaaj dealers, or sont, express paid, by ?? the manufacturers. Ejj Special Agents Wttr.ted. SPOIIN MEDICAL CO., | Clieinlsl* (ind RnClerloloirlHta, g GOSHEN.1ND., I'.H. A. Q CABBAGE PLAlv We are situated on the Atlan line with four expresses daily, plants from us will have one da gett and Young's Island territo: press a day. Our plants are fi climate. Lots 1,000 to 5,000 $1 Lots of 6,000 to 20,00 Varieties: Charleston Wakef and Flat Dutch. Satisfaction ai send cash with order. Give us; GREEH POITD PL GREEN POND, jj p?tash IJ ro0' I; .; 'tl,v ' XANTHINE hair color, u?-1 & ..novoa rienrinifT and Scnif. Invigorates ar.d . F prevents the Hair from falling oft. For sale | l nr Richmond. Lynchburir. V?.. and Baltimore, > I Md.. Dniriflitii or sent direct by XANTHINE COMPANY. UCKMOND VI I I prr liotllr. ? iimiilp boillr GAc 1>T nil). f O r??? t | I Dropsy II i v" 4/fcai Restove* <11 swelling In 8 to zj J \ irV^ day*; eflcct* a permanent citt? . /*t\. aft. injoto 6odara. Trial treatment i ; N"thh?g'*n be fniret ' . Bw Write Or. M. H. Graen'8 Sow, I : ?W&3UT ti3?8D*c!a!lat?. Baa B Atlanta. 0* | TOOLE C0S1I2Hj Uliiued nu J'rlvuta Ol?. 6 Buahala at $1.00 par buahei; 10 Bush* -I all at 90c per buahei; 20 Buahala, at 60c per buahei, f. o. b., Larglay, S. C. W. H. FRANKLIN, Auguato, Ga., R. 4. ? iOHfTWHilt&DU. I LOUISVILLE, KY. )' rjT'KiiHio t**t V^;, ' Rl^Hest price naldj^g^ '' find niDES FOR SALE rSMMff; B Of the Heat Strains for the Noxt 80 1U.M .?4 ll.~ L' .! ? l? ? r ? wnjit hi iiiv niiiuHiiig rnros: | r 1,000 to <.000 a! *1.2.5 per 1.000; 5 000 to 10,000 at k <1.(0 |>or 1.000; 10.000 lO 50,000 nt 7'>c per 91.000, I llnv 11iot reduced the prlct have derided not to F, do n.v (?. Ii. I ii tineas. loii ash that money r accompany all orders, as a fo-v lots of plant* L uncalled fur tali si. pall tho profits. Correspondeneesolicited. Satisfaction guar- E anltitil. Address 3. L. COX, Box O, - ETHEL, S.C. I FAD E L El othor dyo. Ono 1 >o. packago colors all fiber*. Tho;- . i for freu booklot?How to uyo, t ie voo and His Colon I inirc I-rl Ji send yu FKF.K > r.o-tVnt I flUlLO Hon ?r VITA NANA. ? Houi* Trcnitnrnl for Frmiilt IMaruara. IViltn Iion. EDWIN M Liter K CO., Prpt s. PBTKOir MlCH . ? . __ < Every bill bas it:i valley.?French. J I I u Women I ien, we recommend Car-B aedicine. It acta specifi- B xnd has a tonic, building B It contains no harmful B 2getable extract. If youB male trouble, [;ci CarduiH "VrfYBfl M J B. ^ KKfij ih, Ky., tried Cardui and vrritcg: |ftj j vo bora usir.jr it fpr eleven years. S9 Terent woman, since 1 l ave been s?] earing down ains. nervousness bas s are all gone and I sleep good. 08 ning and old." Try it. JG STORES w j fsllii jf k its for sale; tic Coast Line Railroad main f Any one buying cabbage 1 y's advantage over the Megry, as they have only one ex:ost proof and will stand any .25 per thousand. 0 90c per thousand. ield, Early jersey Wakeffeld id count guaranteed. Always 1 an order and see for yourself. ' a nryni' */ i SOUTH CAROLINA, . E is now successful]/ raised in most sections of the count rv and heavy yields arc obtai.v.d by the use of POTASH gives vigor to the plant ami i: errs a ted, well set stand that produces large Ail who have used Potash, say : Potash is Profit No fertiliser in complete far tlfalfa w tlnmt nt least In i r cent, of t'otasli rr i1) pound- . f 1'ctr. h p-r HXt pour.:- <f I] fertili/.T. If yon canna k-t mi. h j] n fertilizer from j ar de i. r von || rhotil-4 r. inforco tho 1 w tirade M >' IT.ftflt with 7 nAl'il'do At Vliiri-.?.I U J'otash to the hundred ior each per i cent, of l'otath needed. j Yr instruct If pcmp'tcts prrtatr.tny to i.U fertilisation c/uU, ets. til Works, 122-4 Candler Bide., Atlar.fa J Kama St. CHISAOO?Mesadnxk C k. ABSBSaaHBSSB9ZHBilKl k Wa Buy FURS ! Hides and Woo J ^ Vj ; Fenlhera, Ta'!o\/, Becivax, Ginseng, vf_H Goldnn Scat,! Yelli.wFtoot), Mr.y Ap;.!f, 2 Wild Ginger, etc. We are dealer!; j eit.Uiihrd in 1856?"Over half a crntury in Fj LoesjviHe"?and can d.> bettor f yea ti 3 as'nti or commi>?'?:i Ht'tan::, I > any Dank in Loui. viBe. Write for weekly 9 j price lilt and iliif.tiiy tay?. M. Sabol ?& Sons, p urTcp Wt%?z i IF! ELD k^* j Hero cro lite bMt flvo effort of thft y I pe?*OU. littVO bttm Jii b;ls!nr-.X Ji V year* and know dtxnl seeds; .'hip only y, i Iho best l . y t neat Northern Clover, bittkel dK'y i |!cxt raney Timothy, bai.l i 1 - J.SOy i Heat Kentucky Blue (ir.tM. ii.iihel MOy, Beat KrntUi'ky On h\rtl Grcs.v bushel 2.2d/. i Host Kincy Itml Tip lb. - - - - * .idy, Cotton hnir*. 2'V t a-.h with order. Vi Writo for Catalog and prices on Gardenv Seeds and Onion Sets. y, UM? y"\cim >i YTIYI. V./10H.IV, SJ 118 Scrotiil St. LOU IS VII.I.E. KY. (J So. 9-'00. BiPliosi S Grass Co^ls COe CCs. rcr?'r fcrrcert. l>' 1 ..In.I n-on Icrful nr. nf !l < o>-<111>r> . yli'lrt.i.^ H ? from S to 10 ion * of Iwy per firm hiiu lot* of PI (Mature tmilil..*. fI HIITI]>1 v RT ? Krii.v:i,i'rn ?' PI Cut It loiluy nii'l In I \ ''s II !.- k . fur II,r H inowor ni; tin, nii'1 ?.i ku. : lira nnt ilisiirHhr" cvfii i whom, ..I. . up ta<1lrt; In jyj 1111 ul :ii ?>,< ]*.n< 11 nitl. . .f I'Vjrpl. H Hlg mum! i?lrl<ir frtr 1 r mul I Or. In Ktiunp* M . .ami receive 1 . . r.vrf il Kress, [.1 R *IkoofHp?ir*,fhcier. 1 v 1 i'-1, 1 , I'll*. 1 CUo verm.(Ira ?11. p|<-., < sr. ...! . I. k fri . or, frj m-iv! I Iriin I wo will n I I .1 j.'. f.iri i o ? ! W ! SAi/rw'srro' co. c i?"v c. i? cr SS DYES '.yo In cold sr-itcr tiMtcr than unit nther dyo. YoO 1. MOlillOC UlttO I'D., O'llncf. Illinois. SHAFTING, PULLEVS, BELTS .GMBARD IRCW WORKS. AUGUSTA. SA.