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I .r,.- -**? . 9 '1 ' * 1 LOOK $| And if you tind yo ?I come and have vou || Uitely free, if yo &| are prepared to tit y v$ the finest glasses ^ .charged in cities, or vi 26 Years hard stui iS perience enables us ||| faction in every cas< L |j| We can also save j Si; money on Watches 5; | Silverware, &c. Ho^ 1 utilises are lii*lit nr J ?JUV I U VVIillllUUO 1 to grow stronger and stronger. ! ?Mr. George Simpson and a 1 Miss Spinks, daughter of Mr. ( N. C. Spinks, formerly of Fort Mill, were happily married here Saturday afternoon by 'Squire Jno. W. McElhaney. The parties were from Charlotte. -If a pink label is attached to ( the upper corner of the opposite ' page of this paper it is an indica- 1 tion that your paoer will be dis- 1 continued unless settlement for the paper is made on or before ' the date appearing on the label. ?Mr. B. M. Lee, who has a poultry yard on his plantation 2 miles south of town, sent to this office Saturday a hen egg, the < size of which exceeds anything in its line we have seen lately. The egg weighed one pound and < three ounces and was laid by a medium-sized white leghorn hen. i ?Many of our ladies are already beginning to beautify their yards by putting out ornamental shubbery and other plants. In a few weeks, when the grass and : plants have taken root, we expect to see a number of yards ( which for beauty will not be surpassed anywhere in the country. - The Walterboro Press and Standard says that 4'a few days ago while rolling his automobile out from under its shed, J. T. i ii* * ? * ? i\icoregor naa nis ngnt nand caught between a spoke and the steering gear and badly mashed. It was also lacerated so that it was necessary to take some stitches. This wound is painful but not serious." ? Bob Springs, a negro man who grew up in this township and who is known to a majority of the older negroes of this vicinity, was convicted Friday by a Mecklenburg jury at Charlotte of murder in the second de- ; gree and sentenced to 20 years in the State penitentiary. Springs shot and killed another negro at a dance in the country several months ago. ?One of the town's oldest residents stated to the reporter a few days ago that those who are building hopes tor a fruit crop this year are doomed to j disappointment. As a reason for this assertion citizen says that January 1st was a fair day and ; that the fruit tress were perfectly dry. He has never known a J fruit crop to follow a dry New Year's day. ?Mr. S. L. Meacham will serve the town as alderman from Ward 4 for the remainder of the term of Mr. W. M. Culp, who moved out fcf thfc ward and sub-1 sequently resigned. It will he remembered that at the recent! election for the place a tie vote was cast for Mr. Meacham and Mr. D. N. Gaston. Since the election,; however, Mr. Gaston has notified the authorities of his withdrawal and Mr. Meacham h&s been declared fleeted. 1 * ?j! with a small profit | goods only and guars g!| sell. So you take no || _j M'jj ? 1 - I JI IN THE LOCAL FIELD ?Many of the peach trees about town are in bloom. The best price for cotton on this market yesterday was 9 3-8 ' cents. , ?Next Saturday is the last day to pay taxes with the 2 per cent penalty. ? ?Some of our citizens are already devoting- their spare moments to the preparation of ? their gardens for early spring vegetables. ?The Southern Railway Com* pany has issued a very attractive bill advertising low rates to (Washington on the occasion of the inauguration ceremonies , which take place on March 4th. ?The Woodmen of the World r lodge here is having quite a large 1 number of accessions to its ranks. It is already a large and , inflllPnHfll lnrlo-n hill' if flnnfinnno KSStf.-/ "r." OUT, | ur eyesight failing, y r eyes tested absou need glasses, we JJ ou accurately with at half the prices by peddlers. Our jy and practical exto guarantee satis- *' 2. \\f ^ou abont half^your Clocks, Jewelry, ?< kV? Because our exid we are satislied 7.t . We sell reliable mtee everything we > chances here. iSSEY. If ? The Masonic supper which was to have been held tonight has been postponed for a week on account of the inability of the j principle speaker to be present. ?Mr. R. P. Harris will begin in a few weeks on a handsome ' nine room concrete block residence. The bnilding will be erected on the lot adjoining his , present residence. ?Congressman Finley has named Mr. Fred Adams, of | Lancaster county, for appointment to West Point, and Win. E. | Bell, Jr., of Cherokee, for appointment to the naval academy at Annapolis. ?The "California Girl Musical Co." has given several performances in the town hall this week and all who have seen the show pronounce it as above the average which visits Fort Mill. The company was fairly well patronized while here. ?Mr. Will Kimbrell on Tuesday sold what was conceded to have been the finest, largest and highest-priced pair of mules ever j soia on this market. This pair of mules* bought by Messrs. Edgar and Walter Hoover, weighed 3,050 pounds and sold for $800. --We are pleased to note that council in conjunction with the civic society is preparing to clean off and in the future properly care for the town cemetery. Council, is now seeking a good man to straighten the walks, clean off the lots, etc., and this work will begin as soon as a suitable person can bo secured for the job. Once cleaned a keeper on a monthly salary will be employed to give the cemetery constant attention. ? Mr. Sam Giles had quite an exciting adventure with a mad dog at his home near the Catawba dam a few evenings ago. The young man was seated on the front piazza when the dog came up and attacked him. Mr. Giles fought the dog off for several minutes until his father appeared and with a shotgun killed the brute. The young man es-! caped injury other than the tearing of his clothes in several places as a result of the snappings of the rabid animal. The Railroad Mileage Bill. The section of the railroad rate bill referring to mileage being accepted 011 trains was, when ordered to third reading in the senate, as follows: "That in case any railroad i company or companies shail put j on sale any form of mileage, book at a rate not exceeding 21-2 cents a mile the presenta- ' tion of the current number of miles by the short route, out of | the said book to the conductor or other officers authorized to take up tickets on trains, shall entitle the person holding said miloncrc f a f .%? ? * U.. * KU wavti vil II1C LI CU Ilv of the railroad company selling said mileage and on the trains of all other railroad companies on which by agreement the said mileage book is receivable in exchange for transportation. And upon presentation of his mileage to any agent of said company or companies to have his baggage checked as now provided for by law." [From yesterday's papers it is learned that the senate Tuesday night killed the above bill.] NOTICE We Exchange MEAL FOR CORN, Toll same as that charged By Grist Mills. Bring us your corn. - . - - - The Cotton Mill Store, L. A. HARRIS & CO. * J/ # ?.?...? ^ .r/? | PERSONAL MENTION J ?Mrs. Laura Lariey came down from Charlotte Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. V. D. Potts. ?Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Oldham, of Charlotte were visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. Jno. W. Ardrey. ?Miss Frances Thornwell, of Rock Rill, was here the pastweek visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Elliott. ?Miss May PenfieU and Miss Margaret Horton, two charming young ladies of Charlotte, were guests Friday and Saturday of Miss Dora Grler, on White street, j ?Miss Susan Bradford re-1 turned hope Thursday evening ; from a visit to her sister, Mrs. j W. E. Taylor, of Lancaster.' . j ?Mrs. Leila Patterson, of j Huntersville, N. C., spent several days here the past week, j visiting relatives and friends. ?Prof. L. M. Bauknight at-1 ; tended the meeting at Rock Hill [ FriH.1V ninrlif flio Pn/il' I-Till i _ VV .I>a?v VI LIIV 11UV.IV 11111 , District Laymen's Movement of j the Southern Methodist church. ? Mi*s Bessie Rankin returned | to her home at Mt. Holly, N. C., ' Saturday, after a visit to rela- ^ tives in'this township. I ? Miss Mannie Culii spent I Thursday with relatives in Charlotte. ?Mrs. D. G. Kimbrell, c\f this township, is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. Frank Kimbrell, in Charlotte. I ?Miss Louise Parks returned Snnday evening from a visit to j her sister, Mrs. W. M. Phillips, ' of Rock Hill. ' ? Misses Helen Heath and Mary Harris, of Charlotte, were guests i Sunday of Miss Aileen Harris. ? Miss Dora Grier, of thePres-1 byterian college, Charlotte, spent from Friday to Monday evening at her home in this place. ?Miss Amy Garrison, of Steel ; Creek, was the .guest Thursday of Miss Clara Culp, at the Central Hotel. ? Mr. Fred Harris, proprietor of the Palmetto Hotel, has been confined to his room for a week by iilness. His condition yestcr- j day was much improved. ? Misses Linnie and Anna Dell Hamilton and Miss Daisy | Whitney, of Winthrop, were j guests. Sunday and Monday of Miss Virginia Hamilton. ? Mr. R. W. Hamilton returned Monday to his home at Union, after a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Osmond Barber, at Barbersviile. ?Misses Ray and Isabellej Fewell, of Rock Hill were guests) Sunday at the home of Mr. B. F. Massey in lower Fort Mill. ?Mr and Mrs. James Home, of Jacksonville, spent several days with relatives in Fort Mill the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Home were enroute to Washing- j ton City, where they will reside in the future. * ?Mr. Allison Thorn well, of Atlanta, arrived Monday to visit relatives in this place. SPECIAL NOTICES.! Ono Cent a Wor?l. Minimum charge 2 c FOR SALE?Eggs for hatching from pure-bred, single Comb White Leghorns. Imported stock, non-sitters. All eggs proving unfertile replaced at half price. $1.00 per setting of 15 eggs. B. M. Lee," Fort Mill, S. C. ? FOR SALE ?Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage Plants, hoifie raised, at reasonable prices. B. M. FAR1S, R. P. I). No. 1. FOR SALE 100 Bushels Sound Corn, in shuck, $1.00 per bush- . el; 25 cords pine wood, $2.50 per cord, delivered; one disk harrow, good as new, $16.00; a few other farming implements at half price. T. S. K1RKPATRICK. WANTFD Butter,Chickens and Eggs. We also w^nt you to i know that we sell on time. Make your lien wifh us. i . L. A. HARRIS & Co. FOR SALE- Good second-hand j Guitar and practically new Violinccllo at The Times office. A bargain. Anyone aemltnj} a ale etch niul description may quickly ascertain our opinion froo whether on Indention is probably patentable. Communlea. ' tiou* strictly oonfldeittlW. HANDBOOK on Patents out froo. oldest apcncy for patent*. 1'ateiita token through Hunii & Co. reootvq tpf. notice, without charge. In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. J an:ret elrf cnlotton of any rteullfln Journal. Tonne, 14 a yttir: four month*. fl. Sold by all nowedeater*. MUNN & Co.381^^- New York l k Branch Office. ffii V 8t? Washington, D. C. ^ !u^ tj. f 1 i. *? - ' ' .*' I ! We absolutely guarantee i Cooper's Cold Cure | to satisfy you as a. remedy for t i La Grippe and Colds, which are prevalent through out the town nojfr. We hav t so many voluntary testimonial that wc feel amply justified ii strongly endorsing it The little chocolate coated tablets are pleasant to take, d< not nauseate and are wonder fully effective. They contain a mild purgative. For sale by Ardrev's Drug Store, * _M EACHAM Long Kic In Black and Brown, worth $2.7 Pillow 42x36 inches, nice goods, at 10 ? Sheets, 72x90, at 48c. Sheets, 72x90, without seams, n liuavy Wall We have 25 or 30 of these Skirts $3.00, will close out at half price, house wear. Sheet 1500 yards 36 inch Sheeting, spe One bale of good Sea Island, 36 Millin All trimmed Hats gone?not a < untrimmed shapes. Take your ch< M EACH AM | n ui Lurr The Embroidery se; we are prepared to g very special offerings bur.g trimmings 6f all One bi^ asst. Hamburg: 7 1-2 cents. One big assortment Har 15 cents, sale price, 10 cent I One big "assortment Ha 25 cents, sale price, 20 cent: Several pieces Corset Cc from }Q 'o 40c the yard, sa New lor 27 inch Kiouncii 6 inch Insertions to mati sale price 35 ctn's. Beautiful designs in eyeh will surprise you. I 00 numerous to mentic ups" you can get at cui j Saturday. I "Went A^G That first lot of lac had another larse ; at once. They are n I.adics white Tailored \\ 4 . 4 1 I 4 ? broidered front, special a Keep Komin' t - . BEiUSaLi 84T?S TO PRcSlD SOUTHERN Account Presidential Inaugurati round trip tickets to Washington, reduced rates. Tickets to be oi 2nd and 3rd, 1909, good to leave 1 than midnight of March 8, 1909. points follow: Abbevillo $13.2"? Anderson... 1(5.25 BlacUsburtf PI 75 I uradon 14.05 Charleston 10 40 Co'umbia 15 05 Onsen vi lie 15 55 For dolnilcd in format ion, sleeping car special trains, apply to?oath?rn Ruilwiv I A. G. 1'. A., Atlanta, Ga, or.!, C. I.tJSb / ' ? 1 i '? ' ' I Announcement! We have bought out and Neatly enlarged the drug business of the late Dr. T. B. Meacham, at [ che corner of Main and ConfedI jrate streets, and it is our pur>ose to conduct at this stand a [ irst-class drug store in every L >ense that the word implies. As stated, we have added a large lot of new drugs, medicines, toilet articles, etc., and, together with the stock bought in, we are now prepared to furbish you first-class goods in anything you may desire in our line. We solicit your patronage and promise you in return honest goods, courteous attention and rk?*I/iAO caii \jl iv.w. Come in and see us. Fort Mill Drug Comp'y J. R, HAILE, Mgr. & Epps " I Gloves. 5, we will close at .$1.50. Cases. md 12 l-2c. icely hemmed, good goods at 75c. ting Skirts. > on hand worth from $1.00 to These are elegant skirts for' :ing. cial at the price, 5c. inch, worth 8 l-3c, at 6 l-2c tery. one to carry over?only a few oice at 25c. & Epps. ?. ' I |L ofll. E I Saturday. " | ii?uu is now 011, ana ive customers some i in .Swiss and Ilaml kinds. s worth ioc, sale price nburg and Swiss, worth mburg and Swiss, worth ner F.mbroidery, worth Je price, 20c. ig, $i kind, sale price 75c ch Flouncing woith 50c, | :t all-over at a price that . ! m are the special ''pick |: r Special Sale Friday and limrnerin'" lies' waists and we issortment shipped [ ow here. raist very, special at 50c. ' sheer Lawn, emt Si.00. i - ? ? to Kimbreil's, | man smGymioa m mslvw. on the Southern Railway will sell D. C., from all points at greatly n sale February 28th, March 1st, Washington returning not later Round trip .ales frofn principal (Iroenwood $1.">.80 Lancaster 18,75 ? Orangeburg. 15.85 lirn-k Hill. 18.05 Spartanburg 14.65 Sumter 1150 Yorkville '. 48.50 reservations, sc hedules of regular ami 7 ticket ag.uits, or address, ?T. L. MEEK, v, D. P. A , Charles'011, S* C. V % SHOE DRE We have just received a t grades of Shoe Dressings fro< and will be pleased to show y "to the leather in your shoes. Gilt Kdge Dressing for the ] "Starr" Russet combinatio Oxhlood T)rrf?sftiricr iY?r tlio Baby Elite Combination foi Oil cream for patent leathe We call special attention to will prolong- the life of a pate siderable length of time. (J Oil Cream wili convince the woman.) As always we are here witl fords in all leathers. We wi you buy elsewhere. M'ELHANE : Iff // m R it Statio \ <* {. , J t*. . V * Wo have a lo cry with the wiiioli will be jjj while they last. ii and get choieo. |f is all light, jui if slightly damage ft B %f | Parks 0 v V // ff-, &xix&%<xx*6*? ssss * _ | Sweets to 1 s g W e have just rce< ^ of best ltibbon Ca ? a large South Ca lion. This is the & have ever offered g Special price 6(1 1 JONES $ How to Increase th Increased fruit crops are more of ment than of good luck. Fruit trees supply of Virginia-( The trees absorb plant foods?th and potash ?from the soil just the sat once has shown this over and over ng well recognized that " return to the lai would expect the best results " lias b growers. Apple, pear, peach, orange and o careful fertilization. Hut be sure to i " I made a test with other compm I.owry, of Manatee County, Ma., ''an The yield where I u.-.ed Virginia-Care much as where the other two co Hundreds of users say Virginia-Ca because of their good qualities?give results. Many facts of great interest and lished in the new 1909 Farmers' Year sent free on application to any of our Virginia-Carolina Suit t Offices ITCTyT* Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. pV'^ar Fet djizl Atlanta GS' KT .v-iicimt Sav.innnh. Ga. Cp. Memphis, Tenn. ?-< IF YOU WANT-A Steak or ^ Roast that is tender, sweet and juicy, I can furnish it. I have Steak, Roasts, Chops, Ham and Sausage, the best that money can buy. I also handle Heavy Groceries and all kinds of canned goods. See me before you i buy. Peas, Beans, Cabbage; and Potatoes on hand at all _ times. See me, it's my tn at. T W. L. HALL. jj Phone No. 29. 1- < ESS IN <3?. i i i i !* i y shipment of all the heat it Whittemore Eflns. & 0>/ ou the polish best suited Ladies and Children at 25c. n for tan shoes at! 10c. itest fad in shoes at 10c. J all lands of shoes at 10c, } r shoes at 25c. L * the Oil Cream polish a.-^ u int leather shoe for a conUna! of the merits of th* 2 most skeptical man v*v I the latest styles of OxII appreciate a look before :Y Sc OO. X?*XrX?A?*X?>X?>N?>X*\?\*>X^\ff X I nery. 1 . v' ? is 1 ol Station- v* y boxes soiled sold at cost v$ 1 V Call at onee . 3* The paper at the boxes p I 'rug Co | ?SPSP?a^^ Dived a barrel me Syrup from P rolina planta- 8 best syrup we $ 1 is you. 3 k* per gallon. the: qrooeir, phone: no. ^ %GVXMX9e909SG&S& e Yield of Fruit ten the result of pood manageand fruit plants need a liberal Carolina Izers at is, nitrogen, phosphoric acid tie as nnu other i ron ! vwii ain. This truth has become r.o ml what the tree removes if you cconic an axiom with the best thcr fruit trees soon respond to ise the best fertilizers, lies' fertilizers," says Mr. II O. d yours proved to he the hist, ilina FertiMzer, was just twice as mpanies' fertilizer was used." rolina Fertilizers are cheapest hotter satisfaction and quicker value to fruit growers are t>ub* book, a copy ol which will he sales offices. Chemical Co. Sa l ; Officii P'.rhim, N.C. Charleston, S.C. LOindU^ Baltimore, M.I. :i Columbus. Ca. ijiWfflr MontKom.-ry.Ala. ' SlUSInffi Shrive. ort, La ABB AG 10 PLANTS-The best frost proof, sure head plantfe that can be produced at t, following prices: 1,000 to l.OOOlB $1.25; 5,.100 to 8,000, $1.00?^^ 9,000 to 20,000, 90c. Varieties: Early Jersey Wakeileid, i.nariesion \vak< hold, bucceflaion, Flat Dutch. Cash with order, F R HULL. - !i!ii, s. c. ,. :ioeioi