University of South Carolina Libraries
IS -PREVAIL LENT AGAIN. A prompt remedy is what V * every one is looking for, I The efficiency of Peruqais so well known that ^ its value as a grip remedy need not be questioned. The grip yields more quickly if xaken in hand promptly. If you feel grippy iget a bottle of Pcruna ^atoncc. Delay is almost teertain to aggravate your case. For a free illustrated booklet entitled "The Truth About Peruna." addre.* The I'eruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. Mailed postpaid. a Peruna is sold by by your local ^rugist. Buy a bottle today. _W. A good name is a rich inheritance. &" / The Farmer Discovers tho 'Phone. ? , It is becoming apparent to tho farmer that the telephone is not an expense as ho has hitherto believed, but a saving, perhaps of a life in illness, perhaps of help when flood or flro comes or something else. Tho great benefits of a telephone % to a farming community can hardly be exaggerated. i*&. It Is ono of tho greatest time savers over Invonted." Modern business methods would Jj become antique without its use. It enlivens social Intercourse and makes neighbors of and cements friendship between families living miles apart. A farmer with a 'phono dees not havo to go to tho nearest markot to find the price of various agricultural products. Neither ts It necessary for him to blindly send his products to market only to And prices at a low level. To tho farmer's wife tho 'phono Is a. friend that docs not fall. The inconvenience of marketing nnd shopping is done away with. To her it 1b an all-round necessity as well as an aid to .social enllvenment. A great reputation is a great charge Noharmfnl drngR in GarflcldTea, Nature's laxative?it is composed wholly of clean, sweet, health-giving H?rl?s! For tion, liver and kidney troubles. Despair never sits in the soul of a brave man. A frnA/l Unnnjf #.? ? Neuralgia. and Sore Throat is Ilamliiis Wiotra Oil. Nothioe will so quickly drive out all pain arid inflammation. A hasty man never wants woe. 'T A Domestic Kyc ltemcdy CoinyuuuuOu by Experienced Fhys|et??n? Con forma to. Pure Voo<l nnd Drugs lviwrs. Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Druggists for Muriue Eye Remedy. Try Murine. Some are atheists only in fair weather.?French. r For Irritation of the Throat, Coughs or Hoarseness, Brown's Bronchial Troches are exceedingly beneficial. In boxes 25 cents. Samples mailed free. John I. Brown & Son, Boston. Mass. Seldom is a smooth tongue without a sting behind.?Irish. Only Ono "Bromo Quinine" That la Laxative Bromo Quinine. Book for the signature of K. W. Grove. I'sod the World over to vJure it Cold in One Day. 25a A good nnd faithful judge prefers the honest to the expedient.?Horace. For COLDS and CHIP. Hick's CxrrDiKX U the best remedy? relieves the aching and frvoMshncs*?cures the Cold ana restores normal conditions. It's lluuld?effects immediately, lite.. 25a aud Ma, at drug stores. Every oue knows best where his l>wn shoe pinches.?German. BACKACHE IS KIDNEVACIIE. tJsiially There Are Other Sypmtonts iu rruvc 11. t Pain In the back Is pain In the kidneys, in most cases, and It points to fastened itself on me. I had awful dizzy spells, headache and urinary irregularities. My back was weak and tstider. I began using Doan's Kid' nay Pills and found quick relief. 1 was soon restored to complete good health." Sold by all dealers. r.O cents a box. Poster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. a 1 - - n ? i j i ? t . ? *? a aog 8 irieiasmp is oeuer mar his hate?Welsh. So-S'Ol) p Old Books Wanted. Cash paid for early American books and other literary property. Entiro libraries or small lots purchased. Describe what yor have. Will cnll if answer is prompt, or or ran go by mail. Address Librarian, P. O Box 446. Staunton, Virginia. I "THE "reason WHY B _ Bheumaride cures rheumatism to stay " cured. Kheumatlsm Is un Internal dls1 easo anil requires an Internal treatment, i Jtheumncld* strikes the root of the disk i noveu Us ce.u?;e llhoumncldo K Liniment stops .he i>;iin wl.lle you are ^ taking tho Internal medicine, ftheuma* M clde Is put up In tablet and liquid form. And Is sold bj .1 i ti ?i Mo. and . ' * . y ' ' THf NEWS IN BRIEf Keflls of Interest Gathered B> Wire and Cable GLEANINGS FROM DAY TO DAY r ' lire Items CoTorlnf Brents of Mors or Lets Interest it Home aid Abroad. A company to manufacture brooms lias been organized in Roanoke, Va., with amjplo. capital to operate success aii? principal stockholders are JVmcs S. Yentman and Charles S. Fox. It wos recently found that soma inmates of khc West Virginia penitentiary had an outfit kit for counterfeiting coins. Some had been pasjed out of the prison. The barkantine Matanzas bound from Philadelphia to Fernondia, Fla., got in distress Thursday night 12 miles south of .Diamond Shoals and signalled by wireless telegraphy. Six ocean-going vossels to her side. Shu has a cargo of lumber and will be towed into port. lion. D. E. Hydriek, of Spartanburg, S. C., was chosen as associate Justice of the Supremo Court df South Carolina, on last Thursday, after 37 ballots wore taken. At Lakeland, Fla., Charlie Crumly, a negro, who was believed to be the criminal who assaulted a white lady, was taken frem jail Wednesday and was on the point of being burned at the stake when officers plead for him and saved him. lie claims an alibi, and was not positively identified. The lost rail was laid Wednesday, connecting Dnnle, Vn., with Rostio. N. C., on the Carolina, Clinchflcld & Ohio, railroad. The sheriff and other officers captured three distilleries in Lincolnton county a few days ago. Mrs. Jlnrrv Samson is to he tried in New York on the charge of murdering her husband, who was a nephew of the late Admiral Sampson. The National Rurcan of Forestry, it is said, will get an army of Angora goats to cat paths three hundred yards through the California forests as chocks to forest fires. Street ears stalled in the streets of Sioux City, Mo.. Tuesday wgiit in snow ir?? "" '?* ......w <?\\ .1, - ICVt'l, I and a fto miles nc l,r>5-? ' Koby A 1 who robbed and then murdered Rev. \Y. V. Hudsen was"lynched nt Houston, Miss., Tuesday. The mob of 300 was not resisted. They calimcd that justice was tco tardy. The Illinois Central's Chicago Fiver plunged into an open switch at Cold Water, Miss., killimr Martin Stanton, of Memphis, and injuring several others. The yeggmnn killed at Laurens, R. C.. last week proves to he "Sheeny Mike," who has been recognized by a former, but now reformed, crook, j who had been in prison with him. Tti Now York recently a baby only lirec days old sifffo-rod a hemorrhage and would hove died, the doctor thought, but for the fact that about a pint of its father's blood was transfused into it. It is now doing well. The Mauritania, Cunnrd Line steamer, has made a new record, crossing the ocean, 2,934 miles in 4 days, 20 hours and 27 minutes. Washington News Notes. C. IT. Martin has been made private secretary to Senator Overman in place of Fred L. Corr, resigned. The House of Representatives hn9 I voted the sum of $12,000 for automobiles for the president's use. It now appears that it was an 1 erroneous story in circulation some time ago to the effect that President 1 Roosevelt struck, with riding whip 1 the horse or horses of lady riders. Admiral Spcrry is regulating tlie speed of his fleet so as to nrrivo in the Chesapeake on the 22nd, when a reception program will be carried out. President Roosevelt will bo on hand. After 50 years iu the present National House of Representatives it is proposed to return to the old plan of arrangement of seats without desks, that members may hear more perfectly. The ehango in the Hall will cost about $35,000. President Roosevelt takes part in the eeremonies at the Lincoln Homestead, at Hodgenville, Ivy., Friday, the 12th, the occasion being the 100th anniversary of the birth of tho murdered president. The nomination of Dr. Crum to be collector of the port at Charleston, has met with such opposition in the U. S. Senate, that it is thought tho matter will go over for the consideration of Mr, Taft. A story has just como to light that President Lincoln narrowly escaped death from a bomb in Rnltimore, when on his way to Washington to be inaugurated. Foreign Affairs. The American Red Cross has given $250,000 to Queen Helena to found an orphanage for the parentlcss children, the victims of the earthquake. Death has just recently claimed two cr tnc best-known men in France, Catii.llo-Ahrn^am Mencles, the poet and novelist, and Ernest Alexander Hcnoro Coquelin,.known familinry as roqtielin Cadet, one of the last of France's celebrated actors. Germany and France have settled by amicable treaty, their differences in relation to Morroeco and mutual respect now seems better than since the war of 1870. Capt. Roald Amrindsen has received $1S,500 appropriation from his government and will set out from Norway in the spring to be gone Ave or six years in search of the North Pole. He will sail in the Fram with about 1Q inen. lie will secure American dogs. His hope is to find currents which he believes exist that will biing him well on bis way. ffwppc.:1 V-.'/ Hex* and Thers. It is not always May,-?Longfellow. Politeness is the essence of refined thought. Better a master be feared than despised.?Dutch. Succss consecrates the foulest crimes.?Seneca. A fellow-feeling makes us wondrous kind.?Garrick. Man is the only animal that can talk and the only one that wastes speech telling about himseif. WHEN THE SOHOOLBELL RINGS. Leonard Randolph. Wen the schoolbell rings on the op'n ins; day, When it calls the boys and the girls from play,. And the,' gel llieir books and march along To its ding, dong ding! and its ding, dong, deng! What a sad sweet song does the old bell sing, With its ding, dong, dong! and its ding, dong, ding! Yet, we must not shirk and we must not shrink From its steru tingle, ling, and its cruel tinkle,' link! But we hop and skip and we laugh and sing To its jolly tinkle, link! and its merry tingle ling! When the school boll taps on tlio closing day. And the boys and girls scamper back to play, O, the endless fun its tap foretells! They could all but dance to the sound of the bell! What a sad sweet joy on a closing day, At tho last soft tap, just to steal away From restraint and rule, from -the chart and book To the woods and fields, to the winding brook, For a full three months, even more perhaps, Who knows, who cares, when the scln olbell taps! When the schoolbell rings with it? ding, dong, ding! To its ding, dong, dong! fond mem'ries cling; And I scarce can work, I can only think nr :t? i:?1- ?:? ? J 1 vl im mm 11ml:iv, uug: ami us sweei tinkle, link! 'Twero n sad sweet joy once again to sin}? To its jolly tinkle, link! and its merry tingle, ling! Wlio tires of the ways of grown up men ? Who wishes that lie were a boy again, For a month or n day, just an hour perhapsf (We know, who sigh, when the schcolbell taps!) The Beagle a Rabbbit Dog. The beagle is the rabbit dog. He is best adapted by size, pace, no** and tongue lor this work. Large hounds, or even those of the harrier type, cannot do the work so well and are mere at a loss on quick turns and doublings, to say nothing of their seeming something radically wrong in pursuing bunny with dogs adoaptod to larger and stronger game. The beagle and the rabbit were made one for the other, and properly done, there is no better day to be had ajleld than one with a good pack of these little dogs. It is a pack yon must have. One dog or two or three are not the same thing at all. Take seven or eigld of the little fellows, well matched, and go n field on foot and get your game. Then Molly Oottontall will take on a new value in your eyes. To see a pack once, running swiftly, tonguing merrily, picking up the turns, at a loss for a moment, scattering, catching the trial, packing again on the re-discovered and finally running thlr game to the death in the open, will convert you, first into a beagle lover, and second, into an advocate of bard condition in the field.?Todd Russell in The Outing Magazine for February. So.-8-'09. Don't brag to your competitor about how good your goods are and how yon are selling. Let them think ycur business is bad and your goods are bnd, if it pleases them. They may lose sight of you when you are "sawing wood." When you've got every man in your employ grounded in the belief that you are dealing fairly with him, yon've got an organization that will bring success for your plans?-if they are good plans?and you can go away safe in the knowledge that nothing will go wrong. GOOD CIIANGH Coffee to Foetum. The large army of persona who have *ound relief from many chronic ailments by changing from coffee to Postum as a dally beverage, la grow* log each duy. It Is only a simple question of trying it for oneself in order to know the joy of returning health as realized bv an Ills, young lady. Sbe writes: "1 hod been a coffeo drinker nearly all my life and It nffected my stomach ? caused Insomnia, and I was seldom without a hendnahe. I had heard about Postum and how bonefldal .It was, so concluded to quit cofTcc and try It. "I was delighted with the change. I can now sleep well and seldom ever have headache. My stomach has gotten strong, and 1 can cat without suffering afterwards. I think my whole system greatly benefited by Postum. "My brother nlso suffered from stomach trouble whllo lie drank coffee. but now. since using Postum ho feels so much better he would not go back to coffeo for anything." Name given by Po3tum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Read, "Tho Rond to Wellvlllo," in pkgs. "Thero's a Reason." Krcr rend the above letter? A now ono Appears from lime to time. Thejr are geuninc, true, and fall of human interest, ???' \ How*? This? I Wf off* Qm Hudnd Dollar* Kownff hr any cm* of Catarrh that cannot N cored by Hall'a Catarrh Cor*. ?. J. Cimnrr 4 Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, bar* known r. J. Chatter for the lait It 7cere, and belicr* < him perfectly honorable in all businee* transactions and financially able to carry oat any obligations made by hi* firm. W albino* kjxhan ft MAitvix, Wholesale Druggiete, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure ie taken internally, actingdirectly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Testimonials aent fret, fries, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Drug?>?U. fake Hall'a Familr frlla for i onstipation. I Shrewd buyer* sire up proposition by studying the man who puts it. The first thing they have to be sure of is: Does he believe this himself? The Exceptional Equipment of tho California Fig Syrup Co. and the scientific attainments of its chemists have rendered possible the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, in all of its excellence, by obtaining the pure medicinal principles of plants known to act most beneficially and combining them most skillfully, in the right proportions, with its wholesomo and refreshing Syrup of California Figs. As there is only one genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna and as the genuine is manufactured by an original ' method known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, it is always necessary to buy tho genuine to get its beneficial effects. A knowledge of the above facts enables one to decline imitations or to return them if, upon viewing the package, the full name cf the California Fig Syrup Co. is not found printed on the front thereof. - ? A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.?Spanish. The Human Kye. A marvelously constructed instrument, delicate In tho extreme, responding to the slightest Influence. What n crime ngMust nature to drug tho oye. Everyday eye troubles ore speedily cured by applying externally Dr. Mitchell's pure, hnrmless.soothing Eye Salve. 25 cents. Ask the druggist. A man is not lo be known till he takes a wife.?French. Every Woman Will He Interested. If vou have rains ui the t art. ITrinarv ! Bladder or KSdnoy trouble, and want n pleasant herb euro for woman's ills, try Mother tJray's Australian Leaf. It is a re liable ragnlntor. All Druggist* W> ct*. Sam pie free. Tho Mother Orny Co., LeRoy.N.Y. One ninv come scon enough to an 1 ill market.?German. F??r HKAD.K IIF? lllrko' I'A PVDHK Whether from Colds, Heat. Stomach or Nervous Troubles. Coputllr.o will relieve yon. ' It's liquid? pleasant to tnke?aots Immfilitoly. Tiy it. 10c., 25o. and ."SOc. at drug stores. ; A flattering speech is honeyed poison.?French. Mrs.lVinlnw'i Sooliting Syrup lot Children tool hing.softens ilicpinns, reduces tnflnmtn ? tioii. allays pun. cure* wind colic. 25c a bottle j A foci nt forty will never be wise. ; riles Cured In t) to 14 Days. j *i??o Ointtyent ib gunrauin-d to cure an; n.-eol lit lung. Blind, Bleeding or i'lol nulinf 'dee in 0 to 14 day* or money refunded. fil)o. Sin boginncth pleasantly.?Bible. Ilch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'e Sanitary lx>tion Never fa;l*. At druggist*. A feast is worth nothing without it* conversation.?Irish. IN AGONY WITH ECZEMA. Whole Body a Mass of Rair, Bleeding, Torturing Humor ? Hoped Dentil V'ould End Fearful Suffering?In Despair: Cured by Cuticurn. "Word* cannot describe tbe terrible co? xema I Buffered with It broke out on my head and kept spreading until it covered my whole body. 1 v. e almost a solid mass vi Burvs irum ucau 10 1001. l looue.l more like a pie^c of raw* beef than a human being. The pain and agony I endured acemed jhofe than I could bc&r. Iilood and pus ooz<*i from the great sore on my scalp, from under in.v linger nuiU, nnd nearly all over iny body. My emu were so crusted nnd swollen I was afraid they would break off. Every hnir in my head fell out. I could not sit down, for my clothes would alick to the raw nhd bleeding Hesli, making me cry out from the puin. My family doctor did all he could, but I got worse nnd worse. My condition wns awful. I did not think 1 could live, nnd wanted death to come nnd end my frightful sufferings. "In this condition my mother-in-law begged me to try the Cuticura Remedies. 1 said 1 would, but bad no hope of recovery. Rut oh, wlmt blessed relief I experienced after applying t'uticura Ointment. It cooled the bleeding and itching flesh and brought me the first real sleep 1 hnd hnd in weeks. It was as grateful us ice to a burning tongue. 1 would bathe with warm water and Cuticura Soap, then apply the Ointment freely. I also took Cuticura Rosolvent for the blood. In a short time tho sores slopped running, the flesh began to heal, and I knew 1 was to get well again. Then the hair on my head began to grow, ond in a short time 1 wns completely cured, I wish I could tell everybody who hns eer.eina to use Cuticura. Mrs. \Vm. Hunt, 133 Thomas St., Newark, N. J., Sept. 28, 1903." Totter Drug & Chcm. Corp., Solo I'ropg. of Cuticura Remedies. Roaton, Maws. A drop of fortune is worth a cask of wisdom.?Latin, An Bxtromo Cast of Ecsoma Cured. Wlnston-Palem. V. C.. July 11, 1501. Mr. J. T. SlMttfrins, Pnvannah, Go. Dear Sir;?Nothing gives mo greater pleasure than when I am singing the praise of Tetterlne. I consider It beyonC doubt one of the best sk In preparation ever offered the suffering ones. Some ten yoars ago no mortal eoula havo been In a worse state from eczema than myself. I hod tried eveiy remedy, blood purlPer. skin salve, yet I seemod worse, until t wax ono man of ttchlnft sores. T.lfe slmplv a bnrdan, I could not siren. Could do no work. Tho physicians could not help me. 1 wnt simply desperate. Glancing over a newspaper 1 received f'nm n ladv in Tcxns who wrote you telllr.g her condition and what Tettcrlno had done for hrr; her rase was so much like mine thnt 1 concluded that 1 would try It. feeling thet If she could receive so great a beneflt It might help me. After two or threo applications 1 never saw such a sudden change. I am h^ppv to pay that I am Rell "gain. My case being so had It toox a lot of It. l hove never known It to fall to cure every case yet. I make a sncctal otter to any one suffering with Tetter. Ringworms and Fczema, e?c.. that If It Is used properly snd falls to cure. I will refund their money. 1 have yet to repay any one. Wherever I see any one here suffering from Tetter. Ringworm, etc.. I prevail on them to get a box, stating to them that If It falls, come to me and get their money back. I have had the pleasure cf curing many with It. Sincerely yours. P. S. Early. Tetterlne cures Eczema. Tetter. ning Worm. Oround Itch. Itching Piles, tnfnnt'e Sore Head. Plmnles. Dolls, Rough Scaly Patches on tho Face, Old Itching Sores, Dandruff Cankered Scalp Bunions. Come. Chllhlglns and every fbrm of Skin Disease. Tetterlne SOc; Tetterlne Soap Jfco. Tour druggist, or by mall from aYaamt&,f"(H,1 r"r' 'Fh* Bhuptrlnt Ca., A bors less tha j s*sMg<iflr*36rfC 0f wheat ea< fiv^i* 4.ono nni ' ? ?wvr-^J W are in use in the United States the most?in fact, we have ma We have brought the rural tt Bullet ins before him a boy can ir Cut out this advertisement, wrii i Free Bulletins, which describe the en j -g. WSSTI SOUTHERN OFFICES i Atlanta KuiuQty oJv nils' Cincinnati Portsmouth j ? Dallaa Saint Louis I * " Indianapolis Savaxxiah ' j 101 pTTT N A M Color more Roo<la brluhtor ami factor colorr, than any ot euu dye ?nr icarmprit without rtpptUE apart. Write f ^^LAiBSIFIED ^V^^SCMENTsj | BA1.1WMEN WASTED WANTED? Actlrp, i-nrrftetlc men to rrprfirnt u?. Profllati p i iirltli nn. lino] li-m nmlrllg money, l-apli ?vt i-kly Mlvntit'c* CnmuleCo outfit free. Write lit mediate y for our liberal offer. \v. t. HOOD & CO. 1 OLD DOMINION M'HKEItlKS. ' Mcntl >n thl* Paper. HICIIMOND. VA. ^ THE HitEA1 EST TOOK OK?IR RTRR KENT OUT . by him pub l?lilnx lienor. A niaimMcent pIkIiI I rolutne pi i lib >u i.f "JUiteii Irce* of I hp U orlil'* Uca Lllpr.'iture." In IihIIuk l<H>knck, i *prr k- pip| nI I 1 ami a tears subscription to "i uripi I ) lteniti r?J't'i Wiltaf rrtt m iii lb n w, i> r, i P.O. I.OX. N.. It.. SEW 111 H\.N. C. ' Pn m Bn sample treatment k,M3 tPtv Km Caowt Pile and c-^3 Fiatula Cuia and Rook sent Ljr mall NT FREE. REA CO.. DEPT. B. 4 MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Making Good (?) t A bashful dentist upon being presented to a fashionable bud eouM think of nothing to say. At length the situation beenmo decidedly embarrassing, and, swallowing the lump in his throat with a desperate gulp, he ventured timidly: Miss Smith, I l,nnn T :.i~- 11...1 ? --c iv|?v 1 tuuj lininiuil IUUI ?C UIC Illilf entirely unacquainted?I pulled a tooth i'or jour father Inst Monday." The bud faded away, and the dentist is still wondering why his' fraternity friends made him settle for "four rounds."?Bohemian Magazine for February. ! Don't leave your .stork thrown * around "any c.ld way." It may look J is though you had been busy, but you lore the benefits of "llrst im- ( rrossions." AFTER i FOURYEARS OF MISERY 1 t< Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md. ? " For four years , my life was a misery to rao. I suffered v rei from irregular!- ' ties, terrible dragraTdtfping sensations, > ? extreme nervoust ^ ness, and that all ] ^ gone feeling in my ] Br * stomach. I baa . E?t'<riveu j^P. bope of 1 J V." when I began to I Bjpy take Lydia E. Pink- ' HP lam's Vegetable [ Compound. Then I L felt as though ' 1 ' new life had been given me, and I am recommending it ? to all my friends."?Mrs. W. S. Ford, f 1938 Lansdowne St, Baltimore, Md. The most successful remedy in this - country tor the euro of all forms of femalo complaints is Lydia E. lMnk- I ham's Vegetable Compound. It has stood the test of years and to-day is more widely and successfully used than f any other female remedy. It has cured o thousands of women who have been C troubled with displacements, intlam- I X mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir. j] regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, llatulenoy, indigestion, and nervous prostration, J after all other means had failed. If you are suffering from liny of those ? ailments, don't givo up hopo until you J have given Lydia E. Pinkham'B Voge? I J table Compound a trial, If you would like special advice j write to Mrs. IMnkham, Lynn, fl Ma?.| for It. She bus guided (i thousands to health, freo of charge. IV 5F^m |0[2 Kt ?|i .1 Cures the nick am liftvV 1 --on JP i irl pi veil on tho tongue. \?V? llnw *JQZl ?i<Jney remedy; CO cei \K\ Afft?vO/ hy all (lruggietH \/LC*^ Q/ P? d, by the mnnufac SPOHN MEDICAL i M before the constant hacking tears ih lungs, exposing them to the ravage f>5? goes straight to the seat of the txoi pja* the lungs, and quickly relieves unh JtJ pleasant taste nnd freedom from di fgs remedy for children. At the first B the little ones you will save sorr< fSB GIVE THEM 1 il Telephoi realize that rural telephones, mc ?e, tend to increase the earnfn; rm and farmer ? Do you real i material needed to build the v one line?exactly the same as its up?will cost you and you in half a bale of cotton or twenty :h ? 5 Western Electr o i to-day. We made the first tele de more than all other manufact slephone within the reach of ever istall and operate the system. Ou re your name, and address on the marj tire plan in detail, may be sent you im s LEC>* OOMPWNT NOBTHEftl Manufacturers and Supp'iers ?, | of all Apparatus and Equip- 1 ? tntnt used In the Consiruc- ' Chicago tion. Operation and Mainte- l?aver uc. of T.l.nhou Hint. Angel ?, Nrw Yotl( Omaha FADELE! her djro. One 10c. packnt? color* all fiber*. The" i or free booklet?Uow to liro, Illeaoh an>i Mix Color* CABBAGE PLAl We are situated on the Atlan line with four expresses daily, plants from us will have one da ajett and Young's Island territo: press a day. Our plants are fi climate. Lots 1,000 to 5,000 $1 Lots of 6,000 to 20,00 Varieties: Charleston Wakef and Flat Dutch. Satisfaction ai send cash with order. Give us; green pond pl green pond, Nothing New or KSJSrrrSSJ Mysterious. "ask j your grandmother." For many generation! Ono.r Greave ha. beei reoogntxed a* a wonderful remedial mi lium ic Jreatlng and curing I'neumin!>. Grippe, EtheumatUin and Neuralgia. IUCK'8 QOOSH 3K849 K LI NI MKNT le mule from pure jfoose jrca*e, with ?>ther valuable ouratlvr Inftrollenta added. Try It. i S4e-At all brnxKlit) and Draler|-t1a, 3003e gheab'e c0hpan7, XANTHINE hair I l!rMorfii Gray Hair to Natural Color, Honovr* Dandruff and Scurf. Invigorate* and irevrnts the Hair from falling off. For sala >v Richmond. Lynchburg. V?? and Baltimore, Id.. Druggists or sent direct by IANTHIN6 COMPANY, fICRMOND VA SI per lislllr. t ample bo'tle 85c by malt. Ci >culo it Sent un Kyucit^Sllio^sDn's EyeWater SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA. OA. I00LE cos!ir tilum-d ou 1'rlvHle (tin. S Buahel* at $1.00 per buahel; lOBuehla at 90c per buahel; 20 Buthela, at 80c ?er buahel, f. o. b., Langley, S. C. W. H. FRANKLIN, Auguata, Ga., R. 4. I AfllFC Ie? ua T'"1 F H.E K M SO-l'pnl rtUILO H?x of VITA ?A\A. n Horn, L Treatment for I'rnnlr IMaru?r?. IVrll* low. EOlViX UKhCKH Ui'.. Prpl * l'*Ti:oiT MICH ipure ctrpi^cs 1FIELD 3EC.yO IHero aro the best 11 vo offer* of the w season. Have been In business 23 v ypara and knpw gopd seeds; slily only Q thcliest: C Best Northern Cloyer. lnislicl - - - fc.2j? I Best Fancy Tlffiothy. busl rl - - - l.OOvf I Beat Kentucky Bbu- <ira>s. bushel - MO* ) Beat Kentucky Or? hard Grass. bushel 2.2.* (c I Beat Fancy Red Tcp lb. - - - - r .10* I Cotton bags. 20c. t ash fflt-h order. * n rite for Catalog and prjees ou Gordon* I Prrua and Onion !>*t*. V ! WM. CASLER, |! ! 118 Socond St. LOUISVILLE, KY. ? r |F?f p DISTEMPER L VL CATARRHAL FEVER i d B S_ AkD ALL K0SE * " AND THROAT DISEASES il art* as a preventive for others. Liquid 8afo for brood mures and all others. Ij.^t ntn and tl ft bottle; f5 and f 10 the dozen and boras goods houses, or sent, express turers. CO., Chemist3, GOSHEW. INDIANA e delicate membrane of throat and Ri * of deadly disease. Piso's Cure MM able, (tops the cough, strengthens Lil eahhy conditions. Because of its tngerous ingredients it is the ideal B3 - * * fci tes bushels ic Telephones I iphones and we have made r ;urers combined. ' y farmer, and with our Free [ r telephones arc gu.irantccd. I jin and mail it to-day so that the mediately. '* ? FRIO J * AND WESTERN OFFICES (if \j\ g Saint Paul f| ~ fcjr.,27 u Seattle " 5 S DYES Ivo lit coWl wrntcr better than any other djro. You L aion mm UltUO CO.. (Miller. tlUnotH. ITS FOR SALE. tic Coast Line Railroad main Any one buying cabbage y's advantage over the Megry, as they have only one ex"ost proof and will stand any .25 per thousand. 0 90c per thousand. ield, Early Jersey Wakeffeld id count guaranteed. Always an order and see for yourself. ANT COMPANY, SOUTH CAROLINA. WE SHIP BEST QUALITY FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS DIRECT TO FARMERS AT LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. WE SELL CLOVERS. GRASSES, SEED OATS, SEED ( ORN, FANE SEED, MILLET. COW PEAS. SOJA BEANS, PEANUTS, SEED POTATOES, CABBAGE PLANTS. POTATO Butl TOMATO SLIPS, ONION SETS, GARDEN BEANS. GARDEN PEAS, ALL KINDS GARDEN. FIELD AND rtiu\\r,iv IjAiM' fijAfsriMV AND FERTILIZERS. WRITE US FOR PRICES AND SAMPLES. j STATE W1IAT YOU WANT. NASHVILLESEED CO. 215 Second Avenue, North, . ashville. Tcnn. f For I6cJ Everybodylores enrl!e?t vegetables [}i5d&BP anil brilliant <. r.i, " ro. WC 1 gnlaycu un cur: A t3C0 Fma Onion Seed. +& -, iooo " Rl:h Carrot Seed. fts* 1000 " Cclory. UO r.-.rslcy. jQ& B 1^"^ j< 1000 " Juicy Radish Seed. B -f'U I 1C0D " Buttery Lettuce Seed. /Sli nt is) 1500 " TcriierTurnlp Seed. FT III 1500 " Sweet Rutabaga S'd. Cgg Kii- L/1 ICO " Melon-,. 1C0 Tomato. *8 I j y liiM CdlUact Hoty trite Aaaoali J|l[ L.. '! 'In ctt 10,000 kernels of onmntal H tA northern crown ?ei-,ts. well worth JS| H In 81.00 .Tr.ny inauhs money (Includlnc VK 3 U i'.lg Catalog) all postpaid f^r but 18o Pft 3 gff And l^you scad SOo vroiul.l a paek finB ? Rl Moot Karilc?treo;?<>'Iv.y'i?(>ot< rn. wQlff A Km Dig Plant, Tool and Qjsd Catalog \ 'n>? '"tending buyers. V.'rltcfor CrjL f/miUWT"e JOHN A SALZER SEED CO, fl I FURS Hides and Fcitheri, Tallow, Becitru, Ginseng, Golden Scal.t Yellow Root), May Apple, ^ Wild linger, etc. We are dealers; 9 established in 1856?"Over half n century in M La;,;.villa '?and con do better for you than rs Stents c/ s-.h?ni?oon merchants. Reference, J auy Bank ia Leuisvtlc, Wril: for weekly H ffiea list and slapping Ucs ffl, $abo! 4k. Sena, 117 E. Market pi, I.CUI5V.LLS, HV. W RINTINQ ray I OUTFITS fa format or. wrttj W. A. FOWtEH, MA Hurt Hn?? ?. itlniiti, ?><i. " So. 8- '03. ~ ~~ The ReKAon I IdonlMlXon Men's $3.00 So $3.50 3hoos Than Any Other iflanufacturtr la Iikuu I (flva tha wtar.r th? t?r#f t ol the ir<"?t complete organisation of trained esfetti aid skilled shoemakers la the country The selection of the leathers for each part of the shoe, and evenr detail of the mak'.s^ In every dfi>e.rt;r : t, is looked alter bY the beet shoeir.eFe- ? in tl r ?h( i.duetry. If I could show you how carefully W L Tooele* shoes are made, you would then uxdcrrtar.d why ti.?\ j?<ld their shape, ftt better, and wear longer than nny ether make. Uy Method of Tanning the Soles nakes thee. Mors Flexible a; d Longer Wearing than ang others. / Nhora For Evrry Rlr.ohcr of the" rmnlly, M?n, lluyi, \Viiairi., .11 Itact nii.l t hlldr.-n. For ?*J? hy *ln? dealer* crery wliere. PMITinW f f?"" I-'' U'K. nit t \V. I. WnU I lull I MIIUo *U<l I ! finll.l ' 1 OU linttcuu (ut Calor Byalata Uaad XicU.lraly. CtUIay frvh W. U DWOUS, 167 Spark St., Dmktoa, Hsu.^